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January 25, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-25

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TffY$lA ; JAN 25 1940


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.4
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively . entitled to the.
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in- this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
M6l Fineberg

Editorial Staff
Business -Staf f

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
SAssociate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
*Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
P1_ . Park
Ganson P Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
IOarriet S. Levy

Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager .

of. the "un-American activities of this commit-
tee being carried on for another year.
That the threat of the Dies Committee to
American education is well-recognized is in-
dicated by the activities of the American Com-
mittee for Democracy and Intelectual Freedom,
an organization made of prominent educators,
writers and public figures.
Declaring that the Committee has consistently
resorted to undemocratic procedures through the
use of witnesses without inquiring into their
record and credibility and the publication of
hearsay testimony, offered without supporting
evidence and without opportunity for rebuttal
on the part of those attacked, a petition signed
by 12 college presidents, six deans and hundreds
of prominent educators, and distributed by the
Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Free-
dom, urged last week that the request of the
Committee to Investigate un-American Activi-
ties for an extension of its life and a further
appropriation be denied.
Dies has won the first round of the battle. But
there are friends of democracy and .lovers of
freedom who will not cease their fight to outlaw
it as undemocratic; who will not sit idly by and
watch Representative Dies push truth aside as
an un-American alien.
- Carl Petersen.
Chinese Students
Need Help .-,
I TIS THE MOST heroic work in the
field of education that mankind has
yet witnessed." This is the praise that Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, director of the International
Center, gives to the efforts and determination
of Chinese students to continue their education
in a country; where nearly all the schools and
universities are devastated.
Before the war began in the summer of 1937
there were in China 45,000 students in 82 col-
leges training to serve the, needs of 450;000,000
Chinese people. These students were studying
to become the leaders in the immense task of
bringing to China's millions a standard of living
and education complimentary to building a true
Christian democracy.
Besides the devastation of factories, country-
sides, cities and hospitals the war has destroyed
or closed 93 per cent of China's schools and col-
leges. Eight colleges are now left on pre-war
campuses in China.
But undaunted, Chinese students are deter-
mined to continue their preparation and to give
reality to the statement of their national leader,
Chiang Kai Shek; "Students can best serve
their country by completing their education."
Although the physical plants of China's uni-
versities. are destroyed, these educational in-
stitutions are still living entities, maintained in
^aves, dugouts, hostels; and barracks that the
students have constructed throughout China.
But these brave students need food, shelter
olothing, and medical care if they are to con-
tinue their noble work. More hostels and bar-
racks are needed to house the now transient
5niversities of China.
tern Student Service Fund has pledged its
support to the building of Chinese democracy
by raising money for those prime requisites of
the Chinese students today-food, clothing, shel-
ter, and medical care. The Service Fund is or-
ganized and supported by student, church, peace,
9,nd progressive groups throughout America.
?t is not attempting to create antagonism to-
ward Japan, for two per cent of the money it re-
^eives goes for the future reconciliation between
Chinese and Japanese students. Today it needs
money for the great task of helping Chinese stu-
ents to receive training for the rehabilitation
of their devastated country.
NOW THINK THIS OVER-five cents means
a coke OR one week's shelter for a Chinese
student-15 cents means a chocolate milkshake
OR meals for one week-one dollar means cig-
arettes and movies for you and the girl friend
OR medical care for six students for one year-
the address of the Service Fund is 347 Madison
Avenue, New York City.
- Robert Speckhard.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Is Truth
Un-American? ...
THE THREAT that the Dies Commit-
tee represents to intellectual free-
dom. in America is one which cannot be ignored,
especially following the action of the House of
Representatives in assuring its continuation for
one more year.
Today, in this age of conflict, freedom is more
than ever essential to the intellectual life. The
example of Europe has shown that education
is the first victim of suppression, and as stu-
dents and believes in democracy we feel we must
speak out against the Dies Committee and
against those 345 Congressmen who supported
The Dies Committee constitutes, it is true, a
najgr menace to organized labor, to progressive
movements throughout the country-in short, it
theatens all civil liberties. It is more than
slightly reminiscent of the witch-hunts of At-
torney-General Palmer during the World War
period. But as students in a university com-
munity we are primarily interested in the Dies
Committee as a threat to our academic freedom.
The resolution introduced into the House by
Representative Dies assigned to his committee
the task of "conducting an investigation of the
extent character and objects of un-American
propaganda activities in the United States; the
diffusion within the United States of subversive
and un-American propaganda that is instigated
from foreign countries or of a domestic origin
and attacks the principle of the form of govern-
ment as guaranteed by our Constitution."
With the vague, undefined aim of investigat-
ing un-American activities, and admitting as
evidence "surmise, conjecture, unfounded opin-
ion, unsupported conclusions and unwarranted
deductions, without any attempt at verification
or confirmation," the Dies Committee has at-
tacked freedom of teaching and investigation
in leading colleges and universities throughout
the country, hitting recognized scholars and
professional associations of educators. When
academic freedom in this country means that
our uuniversities and educators must mould
their views to conform to those held by a Con-
gressional committee or be crucified by vicious,
unfounded publicity and threatened with legis-
lative interference, an analogy is drawn alto-
gether too sharply between the status of educa-
tion in this country and under the totalitarian,
regimes of Europe.
tacked freedom of association and debate
among students. The free mind of the youth of
America is a guarantee of the continued healthy
functioning of our democracy, but this freedom
is endangered critically when the Dies Comnit-
tee promulgates such testimony as the follow-
ing of George Edward Sullivan, Washington,
D.C., lawyer :
"It is well known, of, cturse., that during the
formative or adolescent period there is an in-
clination on the part of youth, anxious to escape
curbs essential to their welfare, to accept from
teachers in whom they have confidence false
teaching directly opposed to unchanging and un-
changeable fundamental principles governing
human conduct which past generations have
found to be essential to the welfare and well-
being of everyone.
11rafr~ c rbi to did much, nrenaratorv

he trudged through rainy streets to listen
to Al Smith lecture, in his own peculiar way, on
the benefits the Democratic Party could bring
to America. And the day when he dutifully
trudged to the Ball Park to hear Alf Landon of
Kansas explain what he was going to do for the
populace. And the day when he dutifully trudged
to the Stadium to hear Earl Browder of Kansas
explain why Communism Was 20th Century
Americanism. And all those nights spent hang-
ing around street corners listening to the ora-
tors explain why the Proletarian Party, or the
Technocrats, or the Townsendites, or the So-
cialists, or the Vegetarians had the answer to a
nation's prayer. Gulliver has never been one
to refuse the loan of his ear to an orator.
Accordingly, Gulliver trudged over to the
Union last Tueday to have lunch with a group
which calls iself New America and to hear Mr.
Tom Wright, the National Director of New
America explain what his organization has to
offer. Mr. Wright (who used to be a college
professor) is a very fat and jovial little man;
but his appearance is deceiving. Far from being
the easy-going type, he-is a regular little dynamo.
Gulliver got together with him after lunch and
spent the afternoon talking over everything from
Russia to radio-there's no question about it,,
this Wright man knows his stuff. In case you're
interested in New America, here's the angle:
A group of nine men got together in 193 and
decided that, since the American people didn't
seem to be getting any place, maybe they (the
nine) ought to sit down and do some research
and figure out some pragmatic answers. Pre-
umably included among the original group were
Tom Wright and Richard Storrs Childs, the two
top men in the organization right now. Mr.
Childs you may recognize as the publisher of
Modern Age Books.
ANYWAY, THEY KEPT their organization
pretty quiet, primarily because they thought
that as yet they didn't have anything much to
offer people. They weren't interested in form-
ing a political party, or in wrangling with other
left wing groups. But people in various sections
of the country became interested, and pretty
soon they were putting out a bi-monthly bulle-
tin called New America-Explaining Events.
This bulletin consisted mainly of analyses of
world and domestic events. By July of last year
they decided that they knew fairly well what
kind of a program they could present to the
people. They feel that they have an indigenous
answer to an indigenous problem, the problem of
monopoly capitalism. Their entire analysis of
the war menace and the future of this country
hinges upon their attitude to this problem.
They want government ownership of all large-
scale enterprise, and they want to do it demo-
cratically. They look upon the present war as
analogous to the first world war-a struggle es-
sentially for world domination, and therefore
oppose American aid to England, France or Fin-
land; but they feel that America will be dragged
into the war, not through the machinations of
the British and American imperialists, but be-
cause the masses in this country will sooner or
later come to look upon war as a way out.
America will be dragged in only. if our domestic
problems of unemployment, insecurity and ac-
tual starvation are not solved. These problems
can only be solved through breaking the strangle-
hold of monopoly capitalism, reopening the free
market, and thus releasing the productive forces
which are potentially capable of taking care of
everybody. The New Americans want to turn
the trick without calling upon any group to as-
sume a political dictatorship and without allow-
ing bureaucratic management to develop.

To The Editor:
We are enclosing a copy of a telegram sent
to the U.S. Attorney General:
Mr. Robert H. Jackson,
Attorney General,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir,
We deem it dangerous for the Government to
use technicalities which would admittedly be
otherwise waived in order to accomplish politi-
cal ends. We recognize that such practices
against a minority group represent a precedent
which threatens the rights and freedom of oth-
er groups and indeed of the whole of the Ameri-
can people. We oppose any actions which in
effect if not in statement curtail civil liberties.
This principle is especially significafit because
free speech and free discussion are more than
ever precious in a country facing the threat of
war. In view of these facts we feel compelled,
. wholly apart from the merits or demerits of Mr.
Earl Browder's political views, to protest against
and oppose Browder's prosecution and convic-
tion by the Government on charges of passport
Robert V. Rosa, President
Mary J. Cummins, Secretary
For the Executive Committee,
University of Michigan Chapter,
American Student Union.

Drew Person
WASHINGTON-Beginning tomor-
row, a big question mark hangs
over Japanese-American relations.
For tomorrow ends the commercial
treaty between Japan and the United
States, leaving this country free to
embargo the entry of Japanese pro-
ducts into the U.S.A.
Since the U.S. buys about 30 per
cent of all Japan's products, includ-
ing 90 per cent of her silk, this coun-
try is in a position to deal Japan a
terrific economic blow.
However, the secret strategy of the
State Department is to keep Japan
guessing. They want to continue to
drape the question-mark over Japan-
ese-American relations.
The last thing they want is the
Pittman bill, which would embargo
Japanese products. The.Senatr from
Nevada is all ready to push this legis-
lation through Congress and prob-
ably has the ability to do so The
State Department fears this will only
bring a crisis in the Far East and
win the United States nothing.
If, on the other hand, the fear of
such an embargo is kept dangling
over Japan's head; our Far Eastern
experts figure they may eventually
squeeze the Japanese military, and
help the more moderate Uivilian and
naval factions in Japan to form a
government which will bring peace
-in China.
9etroit Clean-Up
The next big city clean-up to be
tarted by the Justice Department
vill be in Detroit. It will get under
way shortly after the Christian Front
trials are finished in New York.
Behind-the-scenes fact is that
'rank Murphy, while Attorney Gen-
?ral, hesitated about turning the
'rime spotlight on his old city be-
;ause such a move might be inter-
reted as a backslap at some of the
'ity bosses who helped defeat him
"or Governor of Michigan.
However, when a Detroit woman
giled herself and her child in the
,Jetroit underworld, Murphy finally
lecided to move in. He had the G-
nen in Detroit several months before
ie steppedi out of the Justice D-
>artment, and Bob Jackson, his suc-
essor, is carrying on the clean-up
'7apifal Chaff
Wedding bells are expected to ring
oon for Colonal "Pink" Harrington,
vVPA Administrator, and a brunette
vidow, Mrs. Frances Pearsons Rust
. Frank Hook, the scrappy Michi-
-an Congressman who pointed to
lartin Dies' affiliation with a fel-
ow-traveler of the Christian Front,
s a World War veteran and member
>f the American Legion. He is also
U former Michigan municipal judge
Most interesting Birthday Ball to
>e held on Jan. 30 will be the "Birth-
lay Bawl" given by one-year-old
slice Birney Robert, daughter of Chip
4obert, Secretary of the Democratic
iational Committee. She was born
n the same day as the President .. .
star feature of the President's Birth-
'ay Ball will be a song by Walter
O'Keefe on the third term. It is
alled "I Just Can't Smile for Four
Years More."
t's Different Here
American farsers against pro-

jucing too much food, They have to
keep raising the bin boards higher
and higher in that ever normal gran-
ary. There are surpluses of all good
hings -lmeat and potatoes and
ireadstuffs and vegetables and fruits.
Be careful, now, and don't get too
nuch of these good things!
And the factories are turning out
millions of new cars, although we al-
ready have the big bulk of all the au-
tomobiles in the world. And people,
;he common people, are buying them
and using them and having no
trouble to get all the gasoline they
And so all along the line luxuries
are being produced and new' inven-
tions are introducing more luxuries
for eager home markets. Radios in
millions of homes a-nd no hush-hush
'ron any authority about listening to
Wouldn't it be a good plan for the
g illions of American home folks who
have their boys safe at home and are
looking forward to bigger and better
opportunities for them, to contrast
these conditions with those in the
warring countries overseas?
Over there food is distributed by
card. The card tells how many lumps
of sugar may be had; how many
ounces of meat; how much flour
There is not much need for private
automobiles over there; the govern-
mnents have grabbed up the gasoline
to run the tanks and army trucks
The boys are sent out to fight. N(


(Continued from Page 2)
equivalent Hygiene 101, should also
enroll for these lectures, at the time
of regular classification at Water-
man Gymnasium. Any women who
did not complete the lecture series in
a previous year are urged to attend
the lectures so that they may pass
the final examinaton, thereby com-
pleting the requirement.
Students should enroll for one of
the two following sections. Each
section will meet at the same hour
and day each week for seven weeks.
Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15,
February 19, Natural Science Aud.
Section No. 2, Tuesday, 4:15-5:15,
February 20, Natural Science Aud.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend February graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for Departmental 'Honors
shouldsend such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before
February 9, 1940.
The Fifth Lecture of the Navy De-
partment Series, being given for the.
senior students in Naval Architec-
ture and Marine Engineering, will be
held this afternoon in Room 336 West'
Engineering Building at 4 o'clock.
Lecturer: Lt. Commander Leslie A.
Kniskern. Subject: . "Naval Archi-
tecture in the Navy."
Choral Union Members in good,
standing will be issued pass tickets
for the Virovai concert tonight be-
tween the hours of 9 and 12 and 1
and 5. At the same time, copies of.
Vardell's "Inimitable Lovers" will be
issued; and those who have not al-
ready picked up their "Samson and
Delilah" copies, may do so.
Mechanical Engineers: All students
using lockers in Rooms 325, 381 and
335 West Engineering Buildihg, must
vacate them before January 31.
Actuarial Students with applica-{
tions to be signed should - see Dr.
Greville as soon as possible.
Summer Employment: All students
who wish to register with the Bureau,
of Appointments for summer jobs are
notified that registration forms may
be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason9
Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. Several
calls have already been received and
we will recommend candidates as soon
as possible.
The University Bureau of Appoint-,
ments and Occupational Informa-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
ha sreceived an announcement from
the California Institute of Technol-
ogy of a number of Teaching Fellow-
ships and Graduate Assistantships
in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical
Engineering, and Aeronaultics, for
the year 1940-41. Application should
be made before February 15.
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, Office
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Open Badminton on Monday and
Friday evenings in Barbour Gymna-
sium will be discontinued during the
examination period beginning Mon-
day, Jan. 29.
The bowling alleys at the Women's
Athletic Building are closed for re-
pairs until further notice.
Academic Notices
Room Assignment for Final Ex-
amination in German 1, 2, 31, and 32.
Saturday, February 3, 1940, 9-12 a.m.
German 1
1025 A.H., Philippson, Diamond,
Gaiss, Eaton, Graf.

25 A.H., Braun, Broadbent, Ed-
231 A.H., Striedieck, Norbury, Pott.
German 2
B H.. All sections.
German 31
35 A.H., Reichart, Van Duren, Pptt.
B H.H., Gaiss.
C H.H., Schachtsiek, Philippson,
1035 A.H., Graf, Ryder.
301 UH., Wahr.
German 32
D H. All sections.
Tabulating Machine Practice Busi-
ness Administration No. 3 All stun
dents in the 2, 3 and 4 o'clock sections
of this course will meet at 4:00 to-
day on the Mezzanine Floor of the
East Wing of the Rackham Building.
Room Assignments for -FinalExam-
inations in Mathematics. (L.S. & A.)
The regular classrooms will be used
except for the following classes:
Math. 1, Sec. 2, 301 South Wing,
Math. 1, Sec. 6, 2231 Angell Hall,
Math 1, Sec. 7, 2231 Angell Hall
a Rehnec~pbnirLopi

Math. 7, Sec. 4, 201 Univ. Hall,
Math. 51, Sec. 1, 3011 Angell Hall,
Math. 51, Sec. 2, 3011 Angell Hall
Math. 111, 208 Univ. Hall, Nesbitt.
Math. 195, 405 South Wing, Wil-
der. I
Math, 213, 3201 Angell Hall, Rain-
Room Assignments for the English
I Final Examination, Tues., Jan. 30,
2-5 p.m.
Arthos, 35 A.H.; Baum, 35 A.H.;
Bertram, 1035 A.H.; Boys, W. Lect.
Phys.; Calver, 1035 A.H.; Eisinger,
W. Lect. Phys.; Engel, W. Lect. Phys.;
Giovannini, 2029 A.H.; Green, 2203
A.H.; Greenhut, 2235 A.H.; Halliday,
4003 A.H.; Hanna, 4203 A.H.; Hart,
203 U.H.; Hathaway, 229 A.H.; Helm,
18 A.H.; Helmers, 205 M.H.
Martin, 205 M.H.; McCormick, 208
U.H.; O'Neill, 103 R.L.; Peake, 103
R.L.; Peterson, 25 A.H.; Rettger, 305
S.W.; Robertson, 2054 N.S.; Schroed-
er, 2003 N.S.; Stocking, 202 W. Phys.;
Taylor, 102 Ec.; Walker, 202 Ec. Wei-
mer, 103 R.L.; Weisinger, 302 .H.;
Wells, 25 A.H.; Woodbridge, 25 A.H.
Graduate Students: Ph.D. Exam-
inations in Chemistry. Preliminary
and qualifying examinations will be
held in Room 151, Chemistry Build-
ing, at one o'clock p.m., as follows
Analytical Chemistry, February 16.
Organic Chemistry, February 20.
Physical Chemistry, February 23.
Those planning to take any of
these examinations are requested to
consult Professor Bartell not later
than January 26.
History 49: Final examination,
Wednesday, January 31, 2-5 p.m.:
Sections 1, 2, in 2003 A.H.; sections
3, 4, 5, in Room C, Haven Hall.
Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo-
nometry will be offered aecond sem-
ester, once a week, one hour credit.
T. N. E. Greville.
Education D99, non-credit course
dealing with practical problems of
extracurricular matters: Students in-
terested in this course for the second
semester are reminded that it mush
be regularly entered on the election
card. It is scheduled for Saturday
mornings, 10 to 12 o'clock, U.H.S.
Aud. Further information regarding
it may be secured from the School of
Education office.
French 212. Old French. Hours of
meeting for the second semester have
been tentatively fixed for Tuesday
and Thursday at 2, with the third
hour to be arranged. It will be ap-
preciated if prospective students will
inform me personally off their in-
tention to enroll in the course not
later than January 31.
C. A. Knudson
C.A.A. Ground School: Classes will
not meet until the week of Feb. 12.
Choral Union Concert: Robert Viro-
vai, violinist, will give the eighth con-
cert in the Choral r Union Series
this evening at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Student Recital: John Schwarz-
walder, baritone, accompanied by
Paul Jones, pianist, will give a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, Friday evening, January 26,
at 8:30 o'clock, in the School qf Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street. Open
to the public.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: A series of 14 fine in-
teriors rendered in color represent-

ing work of the New York School of
Fine-and Applied Art is being shown
in the first floor exhibition cases,
January 13 to January 27. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5. The
public is invited.

#, 4


Editor's Note-With this column, The Daily in-
troduces its new music critic, John Schwarzwalder.
Mr. Bennett has left Ann Arbor to enter the New
School for Social Research in New York City.
A PROGRAM WHICH should make an appeal
to all sorts and conditions of music lovers
will be presented tonight by Robert Virovai,
young Serbian violinist, at Hill Auditorium, as
the eighth concert in this season's Choral Union
Series. Only the absence of any noted contem-
porary work prevents the program from being1
a working outline of the history of music written
for the violin. And, considering the quality of
a great deal of contemporary violin music, per-
haps this omission will find favor, rather than
otherwise with Mr. Viovai's Ann Arbor auditors.
The program opens with the florid La Folia,
of Corelli, a show piece of about the same general
period when Stradivarius was-making his famous
!nstruments. This is followed by the "Prelude"
from Bach's "Sixth Sonata for Violin alone."
Many great virtuosi have been content to rest
the greater portion of their fame on their
facility with, and interpretation of these works.
Mr. Virovai's approach to the difficult prelude
will be observed with keen interest. The first
half of the program closes with the much heard
and greatly beloved "Concerto in E Minor" of
Mendellssohn. This work, possibly the meatiest
on the program, has found favor for years with.

Today's Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 today in the Observatory
lecture room. Dr. Robley C. Williams
Will speak on "Internal Comparison
of Standard Lamps." Tea at 4:00
Flight training: There will be an
explanation of the Link Trainer Ex-
perimental Program at a meeting to-
night at 7:00 in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building. Everyone includ-
ing alternates invited.
Skiing Movies From Sun Valley
will be shown tonight at 7:30 at the
Rackham Amphitheatre under the
sponsorship of the Graduate Outing
Club. Mr. Edwards of Sun Valley
will be the lecturer.
Women's Fencing Club: There will
be no meeting this week.


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