"La Maison Fran
As Home For
Madame Lindsay Creates
Foreign Environment
With French Customs
The youngest drama pupil of the
immortal Sarah Bernhardt has un-
dertaken to transplant a bit of French
culture to Ann Arbor recently. She
is Madame Sadi Lindsay who at the
suggestion of a friend, has opened
"La Maison Francaise," a French
house for University women.
Madame Lindsay hopes to create an
old world atmosphere and give her
roomers an appreciation of French
customs and culture. Her background
is a life of many and varied interests
centered mostly around that coun-
try. .Mme. Lindsay, who was born in
raise' Opens V Rushing Lists Name
.ichigan n SororityProspects
With the closing of the Panhellenic
Registration Booth on Monday, 502
Paris, graduated from the Sorbonne. women had signed up for rushing,
Acts As Red Cross Nurse . said Stephanie Parfet, '40, Panhellen-
Her experiences include being in ic Rushing Chairman.
29 air raids while serving as red cross Complete rushing lists for the va-
nurse during the World War, and rious sororities are now available,
traveling around the world twice. continued Miss Parfet.
Before coming to Ann Arbor she ap- Miss Parfet will be in Miss Mac-
peared as a dramatic actress with Cormick's office in the Michigan
NBC, Columbia, and the Canadian ILeague from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m., and 1
broadcasting system under the pseu- ip.m. to 5 p.m. every day until Oct. 1,
donym of Claudine Leduc. to lend assistance to any person desir-
"La Maison Francaise" is limited to ing information concerning rushing.
only 12 women. Of these only two
are French students, but French will
be spoken almost entirely. "French .
dinners with French atmosphere," C.'L. PETTI BONE
says Madame Lindsay, who hopes to
make her house a campus center. I *
Guests Are Welcome Students s
Guests will be welcomed any eve-
ning, and on Sundays there will be 11 1 South L
special entertainment. Later on she
plans to start afternoon teas pre-
sented in the French style. Enaineers tnd Ar
ice fours during this time, so that Art¢
y women interested in working on eatre Arts
ommnittee may come in and discuss
e gkwith them, and ask any Bo r N a e
estons they may have. sBoard d
Office Hours Announced
M[iss Leete's office hours will be~ By Chairman
)m 4 till 5 p.m. every day, Monday
ough Friday, for the three weeks.
ury Frances Reek, '40, president of Members of the executive council
sembly, will be in the office from of the Theatre Arts Committee were
0 till 5 p.m. Mondays, and from announced today by Zelda Davis, '40,
ill 5 p.m. every other day of the chairman of the committee.
ek except Saturday. Betty Kepler, '41, is manager of
Ulary Minor, '40, chairman of the the costume committee; Jane Nuss-
ial committee, will be in the of- baum, '40 is adviser, and Jane Baits,
e from 4:30 till 5 p.m. Monday '42 and Doris Brown, '42 are assis-
ough Friday, and Beth O'Roke, tants.
, vice-president of the League in The publicity committee is corn-
irge of the ballroom, will be there posed of Norma Kaphan, '41, man-
m 4 till 4:30 p.m. Monday, from ager; Shirley Fishman, '40, adviser;
o 5 p.m. Tuesday, and Thursday Jane Sapp, '41, assistant, and Mar-
m 4 to 5 p.m. garet Whittemore,. '41 assistant in
ours For Theatre Arts Committee charge of art work.
?elda Davis, '40, is chairman of the Other Managers Named
eatre Arts committee, and will Betty Bricker, '40, is manager of
re as her hours from 3 to 4:30 p.m. the scenery committee, while Anne
nday, from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Kleiner, '40, is in charge of lighting.
Lrsday, and Friday, and from 3:30 Mary Helen Davis, '41 is manager of
4:30 p.m. Wednesday. the box office, and Ann Vetters, '41
;lla Stowe, '40, vice-president in is the assistant. Constance Berry,
rge of dancing classes, will be in '41, is the manager of the commit-
office from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Mon- tee which will contact Ann Arbor
T, and from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday schools and civic clubs; while Betty
I Friday. Hall, '41 and Marion Conde, '41 are
a Suzanne Potter Has Hours her assistants.
uzanne Potter, '40, head of the The usher committee is composed
licity committee, will be in the of Betty Lombard, '41, manager; Mar-
ce from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, garet Cornelius, '41, in charge of Arts-
n 4:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wed- Cinema production, and Janet Schley,
day and Thursday, and from 2 to '41, assistant. Norma Vint, '40, is
0 p.m. Friday. manager of the make-up committee;
'hyllis McGeachy, '40, vice-presi- Jean Van Raalte, '40, is adviser, with
it in charge of the candy-booth Ruth Fitzpatrick, '41, and Veitch
imittee, will be there from 4 till 5 Purdom, '42 as assistants.
. Monday through Friday. Committee Heads Chosen
The properties committee is made
3 to go to. That always squelches up of Helen Barnett, '41, manager,
m. and Maya Gruhzit, '41, assistant.
nd then homesickness can descend Patricia Walpole, '41 is manager of
any moment. They go to their the program committee and Peggy
ims after a hot and new bull ses- Pollenbaum, '42 is her assistant. Mary
'. Look at their favorite picture Ellen Wheeler, '41, heads the dance
Johnny Gone-to-another-school committee; Jean Burt, '40, is adviser,
I Daddy and the dog. And then and Frances Aaronson, '42 is assis-
o cares if crying gives one a head- tafit.
ie and makes one's eyes puffy. Betty Ferris, '41, is manager of the
they say blind dates are fun but committee in charge of contacting
o hasn't met the cousin of a friend sororities, league houses and dormi-
i friend of your roommate's. tories; Janet Clark, '40, is adviser,
and Betty Shipman, '42 is assistant.
sooth Workers Needed Mary Lou Mills, '41 is in charge of
everyone interested in working at The council was chosen by Miss
igue candy booths are urged to re- Davis, Dorothy Nichols, '40, and
t to Phyllis McGeachy, '40, during Richard McKelvey after interview-
office hours Friday at the League, ing all applicants.
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