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January 24, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-24

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WEDNtSDA, S;. 24, 190

TUT CrI i' 1 A - tEY

Bill Sawyer's Union Band Will Play For 'Hi-Fallutin



Entire Musical
Show's Score
To Be Written
All Junior Women Eligible
For Castin When Cards
Are Checked And Signed
Bill Sawyer and his regular Union'
band have been engaged to play for
"Hi-Fallutin'!" the 1940 Junior Girls
Play, to be held March 13, 14, 15 and
16 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it
was announced yesterday by Jane
Grove, '41, general chairman.
This year for the first time a com-
plete score and overture will be com-
posed, Miss Grove said, arid outstand-
ing songs - which are written for the
production will, be submitted to sev-
eral publishers who have shown in-
terest in the project.
To Sign Eligibility Cards
Last year Charles Zwick played for
JGP, with Richard McKelvey direct-
ing and Dorothy Sh'ipman as general
chairman. "Pig in a Poke" was the
title of the play, and its success gave
promise of an even greater one this
Annabel Van Winkle, '41, chairman
of patrons, will have office hours from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today, tomorrow,
and Friday in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League to receive Health
Service cards from those who have
had re-checks and to sign eligibility
cards for all junior women who wish
to work on the JGP committees. This
must be done by the end of the week
or no one will receive credit for any
work done.,
Casting To Begin Soon
Casting will begin the first week of
the second semester, Miss Grove said,
and any junior woman will be eligible
when she has had her re-check and
eligibility card signed.
Other members of the central com-
mittee for the play include Lee Hardy,
chairman of publicity; Ann Vedder,
tickets; Betty Ann Chaufty, music;
Ruth Fitzpatrick, make-up; Barbara
Fischer, Finance; Jane Krause, pro-
grams; Virginia Osgood, dance; Betty
Lombard, costumes; Grace Helen
Barton, assistant make-up; Betty
Hoag, assistant dance; Helen Bar-
nett, book-holder; Virginia Breterton,

Pastel Shades Of Green And Wine To e J .op Colors

J-Hop Tribulations Dwarfed By Woes
Of Smith "Runners' ; Transfer Says

J-Hop Theme
To Be Modern
Formal Design
End Panels Will Achieve
New Sunburst Effect
By Revolving Spotlights.
Decorations for the 1941 J-Hop
will carry out the central theme of
a modern formal, employing a sun-
burst motif in pastel shades of green
and wine, William Harrison, '41,
decorations chairman ,announced yes-
The design as a whole is formal
anc modern with relief supplied by
the end panels. These panels will
create the sunburst effect by using re-
volving spotlights which will play on
pastel shades of wine. The center-
piece has also been designed to simu-
late a sunburst when spotlights will
be thrown on its sparkling surface.
Large figures will be thereby thrown
into silhouette on the walls.
The ceiling treatment consists of
a center panel which will be illum-
inated by cove lighting producing an
indirect glow. This panel will be
flanked by draped green sateen ex-
tending out to a valance and con-
nebting with the ceiling of the fra-
ternity booths.
The booths will be draped with
bands of horizontal and varying
shades of pastel green satin. The
columns which separate each booth
have been worked out in a modern-
istic design. Behind the grill work
lights have been placed. The band
stands will be placed diagonally from
each other on either side of the floor.
Programs will also be carried out
in the same color scheme, their being
green and gold with the coat of arms
printed on them. Favors will be
given to both the men and the women.
For the women there will be dull
gold pins shaped like the University
of Michigan coat of arms. The pins
will be the large type that can be
worn at the necklines of sweaters and
shirts, Janet ibley, favors chairman,
explained. The men will receive gold
key rings with the coat of arms on
one side and "1941 J-Hop" on the
other. The committee is using the
school coat of arms on the program
and favor schene this year

Combination initiation and install-
ation ceremonies will be held for
Sigma Eta Chi; Congregational stu-
dents' sorority, Feb. 18
At this time the organization's offi-
cers elected to serve for the second
semester will assume their duties.
New leaders include Margaret Wood-
ruff, '41, president; Helen Ayres, '42,
vice-president; Marjorie Miller, '42,
recording secretary; Charlotte Tuite,
'42, corresponding secretary; Char-
lotte LaRue, '42, treasurer; Carolyn
Fowle, '42, custodian, and Mary Edith
Riner, '43, chaplain.
The seven new pledges to be ini-
tiated at this same time are: Jane
Bird, '43; Amy Stevenson, '41; Betty
Alice Brown, '43; Audrey Johnson,
'43; Roberta Holland, '43.


Fshion, Like
World History
Rep eats lItselff
So you say your dress is the new-
est thing! There's the saying that
there is nothing new under the sun'
and by a comparison of our styles
and those of the 1920's, we must agree
with the soothsayers.
Our pencil slim skirts were "just
the thing" froi 1920 till about 1928.
The small, modified bustle of today
could easily be found on those dresses
in the attic. .So could the gold em-
broidered gowns seen so'often at the
important affairs of today. At pres-
ent we are enlphasizing the smartness
of the low waist line, but the genera-
tion before -us wore this, style and dis-
carded 'tib6tit 15 years ago.
Now for skirts and blouses. We
certainly think we have something
new there but "Ah,"-peek at those
1920 style books. What do you see?
That's what we thought-skirts and
blouses were "the thing." Coat dress-
es were as good then as now as was
the princess style dress.
Muffs for formal then were favor-
ites and ribbon and net for formals
stood in the spotlight as they do to-
In only one way can we claim to
"have it over" our earlier sisters-our
clothes encourage feminine figures
while theirs emphasized only the boy-
ish silhouette.
Thes are only -a few of the numer-
ous ways in which our clothes com-
pare with theirs, but the next time
you buy a new creation try tiptoeing
up to the attic.
Marriage Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis of Ann
Arbor announce the marriage of their
daughter, Mary Jane, to Robert 0.
Thomas, '39L, son of Mr. and Mrs.
David 0. Thomas, of Detroit. Mr.
Thomas was president of Sigma Chi
during his senior year in the literary
school, and also business manager
of the Michiganensian.
Order your

Michigan students may huddle in
sorrowful groups and wail over their
difficulties in getting tickets to J-
Hop, but, according to Eleanor Hana-
van, '41, underclassmen at Smith
College must go through an even more
punitive procedure to attend Junior-
Senior Prom, Sniith's big social event
of the year.
Technically, only junior and senior
women are allowed to attend that
dance, but any freshman or sopho-
more asked by an upperclassman to
serve as a "runner" for the weekend
may also attend-but without a date,
Miss Hanavan, who is a transfer to
the University from Smith, explained.
At the Prom, "runners" are a priv-
ileged lot, Miss Hanavan said, for they
may "cut in" as often and as many
times as they like. Before the dance,
however, "runners" must attend to
all the tiresome details that the
junior or senior would rather not
do. Duties include pressing clothes,
making beds, .running errands and
a variety of other miscellaneous tasks,
Miss Hanavan stated.
Smith women date Amherst men
more than any others, but mostly
because Amherst is only seven miles
fron th college, Miss Hanavan de-
clared. At the big dances, however,
she continued, Dartmouth men are
most in prominence, with the Yale
representation coming in second.
Dating for the big dances is an ex-
ChapterHo use
Preexam activities among the fra-
ternities and sororities this week con-
sist of elections and initiatons.
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Sigma Phi announces the
elections of Daniel J. Shaw, '40, presi-
dent; Hilton P. Hornadoy, '40, house
manager and William B. ,Chase, '41,
assistant house manager. Newton C.
Hogar, '40E, was chosen vice-presi-
dent and Charles W. Aldridge, '40E,
marshal. Keith R. Bronson, '40E, is
corresponding secretary and John B.
Wilkie, '42E, is secretary. Orville
F. Roeglin, '42, has been elected cus-
Phi Sigma Sigma
Phi Sigma Sigma announces the
recent initiation of Anita Newblatt,
'41, and Shirley Sapperstein, '42.

Sunday Night
Supp ers Begin.Frm
The first in the annual series of
Sunday Night Suppers; open to all
students on campus and sponsored
by the social committee of the League,
assisted by Congress, will be held at
5:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18, in the Rus-
sian Tearoom of the League, Betty
Lombard, '40, general chairman of
the Sunday Night Supper Committee
announced yesterday.
Students attending the function
will get a cafeteria supper in the
Grill Room and will gather in the tea
room to eat. After supper the entire
second, floor of the League will be
open to the group where the enter-
tainment facilities will include ping-
pong, cards and swing music.
A special project has also -been
planned for the first meeting of the
group, the details of which will be
revealed later.
Men and women are urged by the
committee to come 'stag.'
Miss Lombard's committee in-
cludes Richard Shuey, Richard Coe,
'42E, Margaret Healy, '42, Altira
Sata, '42, Joan Whiting, '41, Margery
Dahlstrom, '41, Janet Hiatt, '42, Wan-
da Thompson, '41, Jean Luxon, '41,
and Betty Lyman, '41.

sium. The final score was Alpha
Delta Pi, 12, and Jordan, 11.
The players for Alpha Delta Pi
were Marion Weiss, '42Ed, Joanne
Taylor, '42, Madelaine Westendor,
'40, Gloria Carll, '43, Annette Der-
riek, D., Hazel Halpin, '40, and Lois
Gish, '42.
Playing for Jordan were Patricia
Stelle, '43, Esther Stevens, '43, Mary
Jo Whitman, '43, Jean Doron, '43,
Nancy Bercaw, '43Ed, Helen Clarke,
'43Ed, Jean Dilly, '43, and Betty
Merrill, '43.
Miss Weiss scored the most points
in the game. Her score was 9 points,
and Miss Stelle scored the most
points for Jordan with a score of 6.
Miss Clarke scored 3 points for Jor-
dan, and Miss Westendor 3 for Alpha
Delta Pi.
.congress T0Give
Reservations for the special Con-
gress J-Hop breakfast which will be
served from 3 to 5 a.m. at the Wol-
verine will be accepted until Feb. 6.
Because there is a limit to the
number of reservations which will
be accepted members are urged to
make theirs now, Winston H. Cox,
'42, social chairman of Congress, said.
The public address system, music
for dancing and other facilities of
the Wolverine will be turned over to
the independent men and their
guests. Table decorations will har-
monize with the color scheme of the
Wolverine which has been newly re-

pensive proposition, the Smith trans- ically minded than Michigan women,
fer revealed, for it is the custom for Miss ,11anavan believes. She points
women to pay not only for the ticket, out that the most popular extra-cur-
but also for their dates' lodging and ricular activities at Smith include
meals. riding, hockey, bicycling and boat-
Hours at Smith are more strict than ing. One of the biggest weekends of,
at Michigan, Miss Hanavan said. the year-"Float Night Weekend"-
Every night except Saturday, women is primarily an athletic event, she
must be in at 10:15 p.m., but may said.
be out until midnight on Saturday,
she stated. Special 12:30 a.m. per-Al
mission is granted for class dances.
Spieh Students Conservative
Smith students dress a little more BJ
conservatively than is the custom at
some of the other Eastern women's
schools, Miss Hanavan said, but added Sorority Wins In Group Al
that "if a girl came to class with her
hair up in bobby pins and no make- Basketball Tournament
up on, she would not attract any at-
tention." Some freak styles, how- The finals of the A tournament in
ever, such as last year's vogue for Intramural Basketball were played
wooden shoes, are initiated at Smith, off yesterday between Jordon and
Miss Hanavan declared.
Women at Smith are more athlet- Alpha Delta Pi at Barbour Gymna-

Santa Rosa Marbles
Resemble Cold Beef
Most history students are so en-
grossed in their books that they do
not realize they can get a much bet-
ter perspective of the past by visiting
the Archeology Museum, which,. for
your information is across the street
from Angell Hall and right next door
to Helen Newberry Residence.
In the foyer a case of various kinds
of marble will give one an idea of
what the Romans made their bath.
One Santa Rosa marble, which can
be easily recognized by its- unfailing
likeness to cold roast beef, must have
been chosen to give the gluttonous
Romans an appetite to resume their
pastime of eating.

Chase away those exam jitters with these



Pic tuCres.

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