'rrrr MTi-~TrrI!Ai~r WLcttV WITh1'bTT1~T~aW TAT~T 4M lOAIb THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE EDITOR G ET S T OLD . . . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The A-sociated. Press is exclusively entitled .to the use for repulcation of lltews disatches credited to rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Seubscriptios daurngegular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. AOVER,,SING .BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative C?+IAG I3OsT LSANGELE E SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1 939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maranis Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan Ann icayan Mel Fineberg . Business Manager Editorial Staffj Busines Staf Managing Editor Editoria Director *. ssCiaty Editor .Associate Editor . Associate. Editor . Asscae Edtor . Sports Editor .Paul B. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko .Jane Mowers .Harriet S. Levy Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Manager . . . NIGHT EDITOR: HERVIE HAUFLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily itaff and represent the views of the writers only. '1 Ameriean Youth And Crimes ... I ALARMING IS THE REALIZATION that, in spite of the fact that youth today is accomplishing more than the youth of any other generation, the 16-20 year age group is responsible for more serious crimes in the United States than any other four-year age grouping. Information to this effect was made public last week in a research report by Dr. William Draper Lewis, director of the American Law In- stitute. Not only did the report reveal that the young- er generation participated in a large proportion of the serious crimes, but that the same age group is responsible for a comparatively small proportion of the minor offenses against the law. Put together, these two revelations do much to disprove the generally accepted doc- trince that people of this age, of both sexes, are usually tried for minor violations of the law and only tend to become serious offenders later in life. Do these facts mean that youth has lost its faith in life? In society? In the democratic principles for which this nation stands? Should the nation, because of this report, lose its faith in youth? How are we to explain the results found in this study? Analyzing the underlying conditions which might be responsible for the breakdown of youth's character, we find in society's changing atmosphere many degrading factors. Coupled with the increasingly complicated structure of our dynamic society, the economic and social pressure exerted by the depression has produced its effects on the lives of the nation's children. Science and invention have opened the door to the highest living standard in the world for th e people of the United States. The ability to use the tools of these inventions has trailed their adoption, however, and we cannot create enough jobs to keep our entire populace at work and thus distribute the fruits of production. The resulting depressions, or widespread increased unemployment, may be blamed, directly or in- directly, for practically all of the more serious crimes among the 16 to 20 age group. It is the sudden lowering of the living standard that causes such crimes as robbery, auto-theft, lar- ceny, receiving stolen property, burglary, and the carrying of dangerous weapons. Unemployment presents the leisure time prob- lem and lack of knowledge on the use of leisure timne marks the path to crime and its disasters. Tb the necessity of latter marriages caused by lack of emiloyment and the chance to become established in life may be attributed the serious sexual crimes of youth. Just how serious is this percentage of youth- ful offenders? Statistically, according to the report, although the population in this age group is- only slightly more than 13 per cent of the total population, 15 years old, or above, the group is responsible for- from one-third to one-half of the crimes listed above. Tabulations of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation show that while youth was responsible for only about 12 per cent of the murder cases in the United States, male youth figured in 27.9 per cent of the robberies and female youth in 20.3 per cent. For burglary their respective per- centages were 39.5 and 27.4; for larceny 20.6 and To The Editor: There have been frequent expressions of opin- ion in The Daily as to the pending contest be- tween Russia and Finland. Perhaps you will find space in your columns for a clipping from the Baltimore Sun, setting forth a point of the Young Communist League of the United States which, if it is not convincing, is at least illumin- ating. And while we are on the subject of Finland, a great many of your readers would have their curiosity satisfied if The -Daily could inform them who the delegates were from the University of Michigan at the recent meeting of the Ameri- can Student Union and what position they took UPOfl the resolution considered in that conven- tion on the subject of- Finland. The excerpt from the Baltimore Sun is ap- pended. Very truly yours, . -JeseS.Revs Tfiree hundred votes for the Soviet Union were voiced last night after the president of the Young C ommunist League of the United States ex- plained away Russias, "self-defense" attack of "gangster" Finland. The speaker, Gil Green, of New York, sprinkled a talk on "America and the Soviet Union"' which criticism of President Roosevelt-"wel have de- cided to make war against him"--warned that th spectre of Communism" was haunting the dictators of Europe, and declared that Russia wvas the only country conscientiously maintain-- ng a peace policy. In "terms that can be understood by every cne," Mr. Green composed an "explanatory" il- lustration about "gangster Finland" which might have had a background of old Chicago insteadt of 1he snowy fastnesses of the far north. "Suppose," said Mr. Green, "that a gunman had been hired by a gang of cutthroats to attack - you." "He approached you and stood there, loading hs gun, buletaby bullet eyn ou and sizing "You pleaded with him. You offered conces- ~ions and told him it would be worth while to drop that gun. And you shouted at him 'For God sake, drop that gun, whatever you do.' You offered all sorts of inducements and they were refused. "Then you struck the gun out of his hand. Would you be the aggressor? "No! Absolutely not," declared Mr. Green. striving to be heard over a rising gale of ap- nroval as the simile struck home in the .audience. "That is acting ill self-defense. And that is ex- actly what Sovict Russia did." - Baltimore Sun, Jan. 15, 1940. Editors' Note: Names of delegates from the local ASU chapter to the national conventions in Madison were printed in The Daily for Dec. 14. The local chapter has not as yet met to discuss the convention. When it does, The Daily will carry a report of the proceedings. -To The Editor: An open letter to Professor Dumond. Just to get the record straight, let us assume for the moment that some of us who may take exception to your letter appearing in the Michi- gan Daily, Jan. 23, are not Reds. I, for example, am a member of a church with a certain ideo- logical quarrel with Communism. Like your- self I am disgusted with the capricious cavort- *ings of Communist leadership following the little incident in which Hitler and Stalin plighted their beautful friendship. Still I fnd it hard to stom- ach the followng tidbit: "I want you to know there is one World War veteran who still knows he went to war to stop the sort of ruthless German imperialism that trampled on the rights of American citizens in its will to conquer; who knows that we achieved what we set out to do and did it without losing our souls and our precious liberties, either; and who knows that if democracy means anything to us, if we are really sincere about our love for freedom and decency in human relationships, then we can not remain aloof with a holier-than- thou attitude and leave to some one else the dirty work of exterminating the criminals. Not all the decent people of this country, Mr. Editor, think the United States should remain out of this war. When ideals become a matter of in- difference, life loses its meaning. There are some -things worth -fighting for, and there are worse things than laying downs one's life for one's brother or for the happiness of one's chil- dren." I think you've got something there, Professor. When you say that there are worse things than laying down one's life for one's brother and for the happiness of one's children, few of us will take issue. But it seems a trifle premature to go whooping it up, hell-bent for war. A lot of us who may have to do thle dying you speak of may be skeptical of any "1asting"~ peace arranged by the Chamberlain of Munich and the Daladier ruling by decree, If we have to die for that kind of "peace," some of us will be very mad about it., As an historian of considerable note, you shouldn't object if we look at Phe record. I hope you will not think I am scoffing at the idealism of Wilson or the young men of your generation who were ready to die for it. But history does not indicate with any certainty that their great gesture brought us any closer to the Wilsonian ideal they fought for. You may have stopped a "ruthless German imperialism," but you left in the saddle a British and French imperialism differing only in degree. Mohammedan tribes- men in the Riff and the millions of Indians under Of ALL Things... ....Rytort-Q.... SiTTING IN THE SOUTH LOUNGE of the Union last Saturday was a small, slight man', gray hair, ruddy face and a sharp way of talk- ing, sometimes out of the side of his mouth. He smiled with his whole face, and, when he laughed, .it was hearty and warm. This was a friendly man. Seated on the lounge, on his left was Dave Zeitlin and on chairs in front of him were MVel Fineberg and Mr. Q. The conver- sation went from birds to boxing to football to racing, to government in business to colleges in general, and the little gray-haired man talked and explained and his listeners followed every word closely. Zeitlin and Fineberg and Mr. Q. concurred in the opinion that John Kieran was as well-informed a man as one could want. . The little group was soon joined by Franklin P. Adams who came up with Carl Petersen and Elliott Maraniss. Now there was much joking and by-play as Adams asked questions about the campus and Kieran continued to talk with Carl and Dave. Adams told of his young son, Tim, a devoted football fan who had picked Tom Harmon and Forest Evashevski' on his own All- American. When here last October, Adams had requested a picture of Tom which Mel mailed and now he said the young grid enthusiast want- ed a photo of the One-Man Gang. Kieran and Adams then decided they would like a game of pool so Dave and Mel and Mr. Q. offered to give them a few pointers. On the way up, the "Information, Please" brain-men stopped to talk to Coach Fritz Crisler and Coach Yost, who knew them from way back. While talking in the lobby, Clifton Fadiman, quiz-mas- 1-er of the program, came up and was given a few needles by Adams and Kieran, ever on the watch for a little horsing around. For two hours, Kieran and Adams teamed against the other three, who played alternately, two at a time, and Mr. Q. shamefully admits that his side lost. But the men from the east tresting experence, ad the fine show they put -on later in the evening in Hill Auditorium wasn't at all out of keeping with their conduct off the stage. * * * * NTHE NEW YORK HERALD-TRIBUNE a Sfew days ago, appeared the following story. Anyone reading this and not getting at least 11 good laughs ought to run not walk to the near- est psychoanalyst. (Special To The Herald Tr'ibune). MILLBURN, N.J., Jan. 16.-Departmental charges were brought today against Patrol- man Philip G. Piernian, ir., of the Miliburn police force, on the grounds that he drove with a young woman in a radio patrol ear to a secluded spot in the early morning of last Dec. 14 and carried on a conversation related neither to the line of duty nor to public safety. The conversation is a matter of record, since Patrolman Pierman left on the trans- mitter of his two-way radio, thus inadvert- ently allowing his headquarters radio room to listen in, as well as any one else who could pick up police calls. Two policemen In police headquarters and five others in radio cars were Patrolman Pierman's known audience, and because of the freakish nature of short-wave broadcasts Patrolman Pierman's remarks might have been picked up far away. At any rate, eyebrows were raised at Mill- burn police headquarters, and Police Chief /C. Norbert Wade filed charges today with the Miliburn Township Conmmittee, detailing 'Patr'olman Pierman's offense decorously but specifically. In the first place, according. to Chief Wade's complaint, Patrolman Piernian strayed from the path of duty by inviting into his patrol car a young woman who did not fall into the category of persons to whom the services of police cars are available; . to wit, she "neither required information, nor was aged, infirm, blind, suddenly taken ill, injured, or otherwise temporarily unable to care for herself." Moreover, the police chief charged, the pa- trolman left the transmitter switch open, which revealed that lie held a conversation "not in the line of duty or relating to public, police or safety matters." Thei details of the conversation were not setforth by Chief Wade Who further charged that by keeping the switch of the transmitter open Patrolman Pierman had made it im- possible for his radio to receive messages fromt police headquarters or other police cars. Both the microphone and the switch that opn tare convenientsto the steering wheel of the radio pato r. Patrolman Pieranan, who is married, will answer the charges on a date to be set by the townipit commitfe at its meeting on Monday. the moderate and liberal Weimar republic. With these facts in mind, the rise of the Nazi mnon- strosity,- which we both hate, became under- standable. We may pause here to speculate whether in thus denying Germany the political complement to her achievements in technology, science and art, we set up a barrier to one of the greatest cultures the world has known. Like yourself, members of our generation cry out against the Finnish invasion and the de- I'd Rather Be. RIGH T! -By Samuel Grafton - TTURNS out that there is too much money in Germany. There is also too much money in France and too much money in England. This sounds mad, but is quite true. It is a result marching with perfect logic from the daffy premise of war. Start with war, and you can get any- thing, C C.C.* A German may buy only six pairs of socks a year and one cake of soap a month. Naturally, this leaves him with extra pocket-money. An Eng- lishman is permitted to purchase only 10 gallons of gasoline per month. He 'ised to buy 50. He, too, finds his wallet fatter than it was. The butch- ars of France are barred from selling beef, veal or mutton on Mondays and Tuesdays. Their customers can't spend the money they used to spend. This "extra -m o n e y" floating around represents a dreaful social janger. It may wreck the three coun- tries involve. ( know this sounds arazy, but I disown responsibility). rhe danger lies in the fact that money which can't be spent loses its value in an odd and characteristic way. The people who .have it toss it around as they never used to be- "ore. Since they can't buy what they want, they buy anything. Prices go ip. Instantly there is a start toward vild inflation. We had it in America n- 19 18--the $8 silk shirt period. - ** * * So the problem becomes. how to -ake the money away from the peo- ple. C * :a * One of the fascinating behavior- natterns of this war is the contrast among the three national solutions which are being worked out. All Ger- man workers will henceforth receive Thy anotspenth scrip. Bu Der Fuehrer says it is the same as money because it will be redeemed somtime, ad that sttle it. In Prance thie solution (announcedl two days before the German plan) is of another sort. The free workers of France will receive their wages in full. They will then pay a flat tax of 15 per cent, amid oratory about na- tional sacrifice. * * * * The British are still in the "Haw!" or meditative stage. But they are discussing Mr. John Maynard Keynes' p-lan. Under his scheme all work- ers earning more thant $750 a year, or $15 per -week, will be obliged to buy a certain amount of government >onds, not redeemable until after the war. Thus it is hoped to tie up $2,-' 000,000,000 and prevent inflation. But there are 1,40-0,000 unemployed in Great Britain. Some of the Brit that if these 1,400,000 were put to work producing consumers' goods, their output would use up that pern- bous extra money now jingling in the national pocket and threatening to undermine civilization. The British Government growls when this pro- posal is advanced. It is patient with the liberals, who cannot seem to stop talking about the unemployed. But its patience is the tight-lipped mikind a bounder.e To mention the unegm- ployed in government circles in Eng- land today is as bad as mentioning leg-s a generation ago. They know such things exist, but don't believe they should be talked about. Thus we are likely to see the spec- tacle of a lot of people out of work in a country which is faced with the danger of having too many customers clamoring to buy goods.' These are the surrealist economics of war, which picks a worker's pocket in order to punish hi for doing with and then takes away his money, be- cause money without goods becomes economic low-comedy and . destroys assumptions about thc value of hard cash. Ther whole process is ir~ritating to an extreme. The governments in- volved are aware of the irritation, be- cause they are sensitive to social un- rest. So far their only answer is "Haw!" a questioning monosyllable, equally effective on the cricket field and in the Commons. Edwards S peaks Before lola Alha Colonel Basil Edwards addressed the Graduate Engineering Honorary Society of Iota Alpha at their in- itiation dinner at the Michigan Union yesterday on the "Unity of Command." The Colonel pointed out that in all wars since the Revolution in which American forces were involved, suc- cess only followed where there was as siableto coordinate the several fforces and campaigns. Prof. Hugh Keeler was toastmas- (Continued from Page 2) School by Jan. 12, 1940. Later re- qts will, ocourse, be considered etwrd the cls fte second sem- vious requests whether nw r ei- ing support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed o can be obtained at Secretary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham Building. Tele- phone 331. C, S. Yoakum. Education D99, no rdi cus dealing with practical-roems cof extracurricular matters: Studet in terested in this course for the second semester are reminded that it must be regularly entered on the election card. It is scheduled fo Stra mornings, 10 to 12 o'clockatU.H.y. Aud. Further information regardin it may be secured from the School of Education office. Teaching Departments wishing to recommend February graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Edu-' cation for Departmnental Honors should send suh aestthRg-- trar's Office, Roomn 4, U. Hal begore February 9, 1940.-,ber Seniors expecting to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German, Spanish, and Italian will be given' here on February 17. Those expect- ing to take this examination will have to notify this office immediately so that we can inform the "Diviino Examinations" by Februr 1.iin f Depart n fRomance Lagaes Automobile Regulation: Permission to drive for social purposes during the weekend of the J-Hop from Fri- day noon, Feb. 9, until Monday morn- ing, Feb. 12, at 8 a.m., may be ob- tained at Room 2, University Hall, through the following procedure: 1. Parent signature cards should be secured at this office and sent home for the written approval of the parents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed card together with accurate infor- mation with regard to the make, type, and license number of the car to be used, a temporary permit will be granted. It Is especially important to designate the year of the. license plates which will be on the car -dur- ing the weekend of Feb. 9. 3. Out of town cars used for the weekend must not be brought into Ann Arbor before 12 noon on Friday, Feb. 9, and must be taken out before 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 12. The foregoing will not apply to those students who possess regular driving permits. The above permis- sion will automatically be granted to this group. Ofieof the Dean of Students Actuarial Students with applica- tions to be signed should see Dr. Greville as soon as possible. February Graduates in Marine En- gineering planning to apply for Com- mission in the Construction Corps, United States Naval Reserve, will pre- sent themselves at the Health Service after 10:00 a.m. today, for physical examination by Dr. Jackson. Applications for Fellowships and (Continued on Page 8) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS Jan. 27 to Feb. '7, 1940 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the 'Time of Exercise is thle time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exami- nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami- nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W. McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 24. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period of January 27 to February 7. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be changed without the consents of the Classification Committee. Time Of Exercise Time of Examination (at 8 Monday, Feb. 5 8-12 S (at 9 Friday, Feb. 2 8-12 (at 10 Wednesday, Jan. 31 8-12 MONDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 29 8-12 (at 1 Tuesday, Feb. 6 2-6 (at 2 Monday, Jan. 29 2-6 (at 3 -Tuesday, Feb. -6 8-12 TUESDAY (at ,(at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 -3 Monday, Feb. 5 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Jan. 31 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Feb. 7 Friday, Feb. 2 Thursday, Feb. 1 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 8-12 E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; German; Spanish *Saturday, Feb. 3 Surv. 1, 2, 4; French *Saturday, Jan. 27 M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2 *Thursday, Feb. 1 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 *Saturday, Feb. 3 Economics *Thursday, Feb. 1 Drawing 3 *Friday, Feb. 2 E.E. 2a; Physics 46 *Tuesday, Feb. 6 "This may be used as an irregular period provided there flict with the regular printed schedule above. 8-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 8 -812 2-6 8-12 is no con- FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE First Semester, 1939-1940-Colleec of Literature, Science and the Arts REGULAR EXAMINATIONS Time of Exercise Time of Examination Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 9-12 Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 2, 9-12 Mon. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 29, 9-12 Mon. at I Tues., Feb. 6, 2-5 Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 29, 2-5 Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 6, 9-12 Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 2-5 Tues. at 9 Tues., Jan. 30, 2-5 Tues. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 2-5 Tues. at 11 Tues., Jan. 30, 9-12 Tutes, at 1 Wed., Feb. 7, 9-12 Tues, at 2 Fri., Feb. 2, 2-5 Tues; at ;l Thurs., Feb. 1, 9-12 SPEC IAL Special Period No. Tine of Exainiatian Courses 1 Sat,, Feb. 3, 9-12 II Sat., Feb. 3, 2-5 III Sat., Jan. 27, 2-5 IV Thurs., Feb. 1, 2-5 EXAMINATIONS German 1, 2, 31, 32. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32. Music 31. SZoology 1. Botany 1. Psychology 31. Music 1. French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 71, 111, 112, 153. Speech 31, 32. Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52. IRREGULAR EXAMINATIONS English I shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2-5.