TARMc=,9&- 11i1[ TUESDAY, JAN., 19 lo __________________________________________________I _______________________________________________.__......___...___...__............--- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it' or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as s'e66nd class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEH,.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishcrs Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCIScO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl petersen Ellott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor *Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor . Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy Business Manager . . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager . . NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM NEWTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Father Coughlin Takes His Stand .. . THE REV. CHARLES E. COUGHLIN in his weekly broadcast Sunday an- nounced that he "freely chooses to be identi- fied as a friend" of the 17 members of the Chris- tian Front arrested last week in New York City by the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of plotting to overthrow the government. The Royal Oak "radio priest" said in part: "I appear before you today to record the fact that while I do not belong to any unit of the Christian Front, I do not dissociate myself from that movement. "I reaffirm every word I have said in advocat- ing its formation. Insofar as the public press has placed the Christian Front on trial,-I take my stand beside the Christian Fronters. I free- ly choose to be identified as a friend of the ac- cused. "It matters not whether they are guilty or in- nocent, be they ardent followers of the prin- ciples of Christianity or the betrayers of them, my place is by their side until they are released or convicted and there I take my stand. "The major charges against these prisoners is that of sedition, plotting to overthrow the gov- ernment of the United States. "This address is not designed by me to wash my hands of the Christian Front and its mem- bers, be they in jail or out. It is not designed to attempt to exonerate John Cassidy axd his companions, or to find them guilty. That is the business of the federal courts. "It is designed to notify those responsible for Mr. Hoover's descent upon a group of Christian young men-among whom, possibly, there was a borer from within-that the real Christians of this nation will not beat a retreat. "They will not beat a retreat because the Christians of America are asking, 'Why did not Attorney-General Murphy and Mr. Hoover swoop down months ago upon the Communist organi- zations whose leaders proposed to overthrow this government?"'.- SO IT IS THAT FATHER COUGHLIN takes his stand in regard to the Christian Fronters- "by their side, until they are released or con- victed." He admits that he has in the past called for the organization of a "Christian Front" to militantly fight Communism, that he agrees with the ideologies of these men although not with their methods and reveals that these 17 men are members of his Christian Front, a fact which the authorities did not know previous- ly. As his program's announcer concluded, "He (Father Coughlin) has taken his stand fearlessly and without attempting to shield himself." We are to believe that Father Coughlin has chosen to rise or fall with the alleged plotters: if they are proven guilty, he too will be guilty of lead- ing them astray., If they are declared innocent, he and the Christian Front can justly claim to have been the victims of powerful forces in control in Washington. A Reply To Professor Dumond. fN THE ADJOINING COLUMN The INDaily prints a letter from Professor Dumond which we take the liberty of answering in brief here since we feel, in view of its sinister implications, we cannot allow its appearance to go unchallenged. We think it hardly necessary to call to the campus' attention The Daily's consistent con- cern for human rights, but in view of Professor Dumond's deprecation of its humanitarianism we cite, from among the many expressions of our sympathy for the unfortunate, the following editorials: It Costs Less, But What About Health, Nov. 2; The Red Cross: Unselfish Charity, Nov. 17; Soviet Bombing Can't Be Justified, Dec. 3; NYA Establishes Home-Making Project, Dec. 5; Government Should Help Underpaid Two-Thirds of Nation, Dec. 8; Human Blood and Cash Sav- ings, Jan.21. We could go on at length citing in- stances of our editorial concern for those in need, but we wish merely to point out that our ob- jection to the Finnish loan did not arise out of a lack of human feeling, but out of our conviction that it is an anomaly in the face of the needs of the American people and that it might lead to our eventual involvement in war. We have at all times been sincere in our de- sire to keep the United States out of war, and to keep American youth busy in the normal pur- suits of our democracy, not in the bloody business of making the world safe for the dubious de- mocracy of the present-day Dual Entente. It is just our love for the institutions of our fathers which strengthens us in our determination to keep them intact at this time when they are threatened from without by the propaganda bu- reaus of London, Berlin, Moscow, Paris and Helsinki, and from within by the subversive ac- tivities of those who disguise their war-monger- ing in the cloak of patriotic idealism. We resent deeply the implication that the edi- torial expressions of The Daily have their root in the biased observations of the Daily Worker and the New Masses. We do not, and probably never will, agree with the arguments advanced by these two publications, but we will fight till we drop to maintain their democratic right to advance them. It is our considered opinion that those who, like Professor Dumond, would sup- press as dangerous the free expressions of opin- ion of any member of our democracy are to be strongly rebuked as lacking in respect for the inherent democratic institutions of our country. It is our determination that the United States shall remain aloof from the present wars in Eu- rope in which it has no stake, and we point to the words of Randolph Bourne, written during the World War, as peculiarly applicable to the pres- ent war: "There is work to be done to prevent this war of ours from passing into popular myth- ology as a holy crusade." It is such work we are now doing. - Carl Petersen. Sincere Greetings To Chase S. Osborn C'HASE S. OSBORN, now 80 years old, is a man whose love for the University of Michigan has never been subordinated to the usually-im- portant detail of a full and brilliant life.- While a Regent of the University, while Gover- nor of Michigan, and as one of this State's most dynamic citizens, Mr. Osborn has faithfully con- tributed his wealth and energy so that other generations may realize real education and all that it means. His physical contributions to the University resources are many: one of them be- ing a rich contribution of forest land in the heart of the Upper Peninsula. More valuable than these gifts, however, have been the rarer subscriptions of time and judgment ofthM r.rOs- born as a talented administrator. Yesterday Mr. Osborn celebrated his 80th birthday. He received the tributes of thousands of American citizens, among them President Roos'evelt. Most of the messages, however, were from little known citizens all over the world who expressed their gratitude for a kindness silently bestowed upon them sometime in the past. Today the Michigan Daily joins with the University of Michigan and thousands of its alumni in sending a sincere birthday greeting to Chase S. Osborn.- - Paul M. Chandler. I THE EDITOR GETS TOLD .. . Prof. Dumond Views The War To The Editor: Professor Slosson's letter, which was printed under the caption "The Editor Gets Told," prompts me, also, to say a few words. I have come to the conclusion, Mr. Slosson, from daily perusal of the paper's editorial clumns, that one might as well look for sap in last year's fence post as to look for evidence of humanitari- anism in those columns; but what grieves me more is the evident tendency of the Daily to follow the lead of that portion of our press which seeks to prostitute the sincere desire of Ameri- cans for peace to the lust for social revolution. A man's hatred for the institutions of his fathers must indeed be great for him to under- take a defense of the sort of murder, rapine and barbarity that has characterized the rise of Communism and National Socialism in Rus- sia and Germany. It must be a consuming fire when it leads to condemnation of the European Democracies for attempting, at long last, to preserve what is left of decency and respect for law in international relationships, to free them- selves and the smaller nations of Europe from the constant threat of force, and to save at least a part of the world for men who have learned how to use the state to -free the individual from economic, cultural and religious restraints. I have no quarrel with the man who believes that American Democracy is so priceless that it must be saved to posterity even though demo- cratic institutions perish in Europe, though I marvel at his complacency. I have no quarrel with the man who fears our entry into the war would lead to regimentation and permanent impairment of civil liberties, though I believe that economic and political isolationism will take us by a more devious path to the same destina- tion. I have no quarrel with the honest pacifist who believes that there is nothing so precious in all the world as to justify the use of physical force for its preservation, though I doubt his sanity. The man I do quarrel with, and would sup- press as dangerous, is the man whose ignorance is so colossal that, in the midst of the greatest library facilities in the middle-west, he must go to the New Masses and the Daily Worker for his ideas; whose sense of justice is so perverted that he would allow the two greatest international criminals in a century to stalk through the world unmolested because the Treaty of Versailles was less generous to the vanquished than present-day liberalism would justify; whose feelings of hu- manity are so shriveled by dry-rot that he would sit in the midst of the most abundant life ever achieved by a people and lift his voice against relief for suffering humanity elsewhere; whose conceit is so over-powering that he does not hesi- tate to sit in judgment on the motives (not the actions, but the motives!) of Herbert Hoover, Austin Chamberlain and Franklin D. Roosevelt. I am saying these things to those who direct the editorial policies of the Michigan Daily, not in the sorrowful mood of Professor Slosson, but with the feeling that it is no longer possible to remain silent and keep my self-respect. I want you to know there is one world war veteran who still knows that he went to war to stop the sort of ruthless German imperialism that trampled on the rights of American citizens in its will to conquer; who knows that we achieved what we set out to do and did it without losing our souls or our precious liberties, either; and who knows that if democracy means anything to us, if we are really sincere about our love for freedom and decency in human relationships, then we can not long remain aloof with a holier-than- thou attitude and leave to someone else the dirty work of exterminating the criminals. Not all the decent people of this country, Mr. Editor, think the United States should remain out of this war. When ideals become a matter of in- difference, life loses its meaning. There are some things worth fighting for, and there are worse things than laying down one's life for one's brother or for the happiness of one's children. -Dwight L. Dumond. An Unborn Child Speaks Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt has expressed ap- proval of the "planning of children," otherwise known as birth control. One critic opposing her writes that "birth control is a crime against the law of biology and a sin against the law of God. Though the efforts of birth control propagan- dists, approximately 10,000,000 persons have re- mained unborn." AM A STILLED VOICE, I have not yet been heard, but I am speaking. I am a germ plasm that failed of growth. I am one of the 10,000,- 000 unborn. Through the artful mechanics of man, pro- creation was evaded, and I shall never see the sun. The 10,000,000 of us unborn shall never walk the earth, and much has been denied us. We have been denied the right of fruition, the right of birth, the right of fulfilling our destiny. We have been destroyed by a sin against biology. So say the prophets, and we listen, and in the eternal darkness where we abide we indulge in a faint, protoplasmic laugh. For there are other rights that have been de- nied us, and the thought of them sends a chill down our nuclei. We have been denied the right to add our millions of unborn souls to the millions of born souls and thus increase by our numbers the mil- GULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young Guli'iver THE Student Publications Building is located on Maynard Street. It is really a very remarkable place. Those of you who have always planned on visiting every University building be- fore you left town should really drop in. The Outer Office is the hot spot. Here you will find Maraniss, that well-known Brooklyncher, Morty Q, Stanley ((Self-Made Man) Swinton, and our animated broomstick, Carl Petersen. This latter is in the habit of writing odd notes like the follow- ing, which we stole: Cam: (Cam is presumably a Daily delivery boy) Miss Blank, at Blank Hill Street asked me to tell you that she wants her paper folded like it used to be so that it won't blow away. Petersen. We also have, in addition to people, a lot of mail. The mail is often fun- nier than the people.. The other day a pamphlet came in entitled The Ac- tivities of the Dies Committee, An Analysis. It's put out by the Ameri- can Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. It has a very serious purpose; but it also has some very funny stuff. It makes four charges against the Dies Committee and backs them up with documenta- tion. Here is a sample: MR. STARNES. You are quoting from-this Marlowe. Is he a Con- munjist? MRS. FLANAGAN. I am very sorry. I was quoting from Christopher Mar- lowe. MR. STARNES. TELL US WHO MARLOWE IS, SO WE CAN GETJ THE PROPER REFERENCE, BE- CAUSE THAT IS ALL WE WANT' TO DO. MRS. FLANAGAN. PUT IT IN THE RECORD THAT HE WAS THE GREATEST DRAMATIST IN THE PERIOD OF SHAKESPEARE. MR. THOMAS. THEN YOU WILL+ ADMIT THAT WE SHOULD USE THE FEDERAL THEATER PROJ- ECT, THROUGH THEIR PLAYS, TO ENCOURAGE MASS MOVE- MENTS? THAT IS PRACTICALLY WHAT YOU JUST SAID. DO YOU ADMIT IT OR DON'T YOU?J So there is no more Federal The- atre ...+ WHEN THE DIES COMMITTEE went to work on education, they had a gent named George Edward Sullivan, "a lawyer and anti-subver- sive writer." His qualifications, as the pamphlet puts it, "were estab- lished by affirmative answers to the following leading questions by Mr. Dies. "HAVE YOU GIVEN CONSID- ERABLE STUDY AND THOUGHT TO SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES IN THE UNITED STATES?" and "YOU HAVE GIVEN MANY YEARS OF WORK AND STUDY TO THIS QUESTION?" This Sullivan joe gets off a couple of nifties such as: "Trai- torous educators did much prepara- tory work in France among the youth there, before the French Revolution of Terrorism of 1789." So the American Association of University Professors is referred to as a collection of "Communists, So- cialists, ex-I.W..W.'s, atheists, and many who are on the firing line in cooperating movements . .." AFTER HAVING said nuts to Mar- tin Dies, Gulliver wants to know how many of you have gone through life with this repressed desire: when Gulliver was in grammar school, he looked forward to the day when he could walk into the -Principal's office and really tell her off. But Good. When Gulliver was in high school, he used to dream about the day of grad- uation, when he could walk into the Vice-Principal's office and spit in his eye. But now that Gulliver is practically on the verge of graduating from col- lege, he finds that he has no over- whelming desire to walk up to Presi- dent Ruthven or Dean Bursley and blast them with a few choice Anglo- Saxonisms. In fact, he hasn't got a thing against either the Pres. or the Dean. Come June, the only person in Ann Arbor whose pants Gulliver will feel like dusting is Gulliver him- self. College does something to a man. (Continued from Page 2) and to grant permission.to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum tudents and Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The attention of students and faculty is called to the following regulations of the College: 8 Students are in no case examined at any other time than that set for the examination of the class in which the work has been done. When an entire class is affected by a conflict in the examination schedule, a special examination during the examinaton period may be arranged by the in- structor, with the consent of the Ex- amination Schedule Committee. It should be notea that a report of X (Absent from Examination) does not guarantee a make-up exam- ination. An instructor must, in fair- ness to those who take the final ex- amination at the time announced for it, give make-up examinations only to students who have a legitimate reason for absence. E. A. Walter February Graduates in Marine En- gineering planning to apply for Com- mission in the Construction Corps, United States Naval Reserve, will pre- sent themselves at the Health Service after 10:00 a.m. Wddnesday, January 24, for physical examination by Dr. Jackson. Mechanical Engineers: All students using lockers in Rooms 325, 331 and 335 West Engineering Building, must vacate them before January 31. Room Assignments for the English I Final Examination, Tues., Jan. 30, 2-5 p.m. Arthos, 35 A.H.; Baum, 35 A.H.; Bei'tram, 1035 A.H.; Boys, W. Lect. Phys.; Calver, 1035 A.H.; Eisinger, W. Lect. Phys.; Engel, W. Lect. Phys.; Giovannini, 2029 A.H.; Green, 2203 A.H.; Greenhut, 2235 A.H.; Halliday, 4003 A.H.; Hanna, 4203 A.H.; Hart, 203 U.H.; Hathaway, 229 A.H.; Helm, 18 A.H.; Helmers, 205 M.H. Martin, 205 M.H.; McCormick, 208 U.H.; O'Neill, 103 R.L.; Peake, 103 R.L.; Peterson, 25 A.H.; Rettger, 305 S.W.; Robertson, 2054 N.S.; Schroed- er; 2003 N.S.; Stocking, 202 W. Phys.; Taylor, 102 Ec.; Walker, 202 Ec. Wei- ner, 103 R.L.; Weisinger, 302 M.H.; Wells, 25 A.H.; Woodbridge, 25 A.H. All Students, Registration for second semester: Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registration by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Registration Maaterial, Colleges of L.S.&A., Education, and Music: Stu- dents should call for second semester registration material at Room 4 Uni- versity Hall as soon as possible. Please see your advisor and secure all nec- essary signatures. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, College of Architecture: Students should call for second semester material at Room 4, University Hall, at once. The College of Architecture will post an announicement in the near future giving the time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. School of Music Students will please consult the following advisors be- fore making out their elections for the second semester. Procure regis- tration blanks from Room 4, Uni- versity Hall, before calling on your advisor. Schedule of hours from Jan. 22 to Feb. 3: Music Education (general super- vision) Mr. Mattern, 'BMT, by ap- pointment; see schedule on door. Music Education (instrumental supervision) Mr. Revelli, Morris Hall, daily 2-4. Musicology and Music Literature, Mr. McGeoch, BMT, TuTh., 10-12. All other students: ,Miss Cuyler, SM, Mon., Jan. 22, 2-4; Tues. Jan. 23, 2-4. Mrs. Case, SM, TuTh., 2-4. Mr. Filkins, BMT, M Tu W Th F, Jan. 29-30-31 and Feb. 1-2, 10-12. All applied music teachers will be glad to make suggestions if asked. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of an announce- ment by the Editors of VOGUE of a photographic contest for college seniors. Open to men and women. Entrance blanks must be mailed be- fore Feb. 20, 1940. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Recreational Leadership. Women students planning to take this course in the Women's Physical Education Department during the second sem- ester should file an application with the Department by February 7. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Academic Notices Room Assignment for Final Ex- amination in German 1, 2, 31, and 32. Saturday, February 3, 1940, 9-12 a.m. German 1 1025 A.H., Philippson, Diamond, Gaiss, Eaton, Graf. 25 A.H., Braun, Broadbent, Ed- wards. 231 A.H., Striedieck, Norbury, Pott. German 2 B H.H. All sections. German 31 35 A.H., Reichart, Van Duren, Pott. B H.H., Gaiss. C H.H., Schachtsiek, Philippson, Diamond. 1035 A.H., Graf, Ryder. 301 U.H., Wahr. German 32 D H.H. All sections. Graduate Students: Ph.D. Exam- inations in Chemistry. Preliminary and qualifying examinations will be held in Room 151, Chemistry Build- ing, at one o'clock p.m., as follows: Analytical Chemistry, February 16. Organic Chemistry, February 20. Physical Chemistry, February 23. Those planning to take any of these examinations are requested to consult Professor Bartell not later than January 26. Mathematics 58, Spherical Trigo- nometry will be offered second sem- ester, once a week, one hour credit. T. N. E. Greville. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will have its final examination on Mon- day, Jan. 29, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., Room 246 West Engineering Building. Room Assignments for Final Exam- inations in Mathematics. (L.S. & A.) The regular classrooms will be used except for the following classes: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Math. 1, Sec. 2, Elder. Math. 1, Sec. 6, Myers. Math 1, Sec. 7, Schneckenburger. Math 2, Sec. 1, Nesbitt. 301 South Wing, 2231 Angell Hall, 2231 Angell Hall, 403 South Wing, (Continued on Page 6) to "get" the Front by their employers, and the Red-and-banker-controlled press did the rest. Third, Father Coughlin knows well that 'the Federal government will find it hard to convict all 17 men on charges of sedition. A few will be released either as misguided, uneducated and overzealous youths or because of insufficient evidence. Their freedom could be used by Father Coughlin as evidence of persecution by the gov- ernment and the newspapers; persecution, which however, was discredited by an impartial Ameri- can jury. Those defendants who are convicted will be disowned by Father Coughlin-for in Sunday's talk he said that among the group "possibly, there was a borer from within." Be- fore this, he had mentioned that a "Nazi Bun- dist" might have joined the Front covertly. The Fronters proved innocent can be presented as martyrs, while those proved guilty will 1e simply Nazis who persuaded a few head-strong members of the Front to plot fantastic murders and bombings and to cache dynamite and rifles. YES, FATHER COUGHLIN has taken his stand. He has reassured his followers that he will not retreat; he has been willing to stake his repu- tation as a leader of "awakened American Chris- tianity" on the outcome of the Christian Front's trial. He is willing to abide by the decision of the American people, as transmitted through their courts and representatives. But he wants -,to be able to set the terms. It will be a difficult task to beat Father Cough- FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE First Semester, 1939-1940-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts REGULAR EXAMINATIONS Time of Exercise Time of Examination Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 9-12 Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 2, 9-12 Mon. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 29, 9-12 Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb. 6, 2-5 Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 29, 2-5 Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 6, 9-12 Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 2-5 Tues. at 9 Tues., Jan. 30, 2-5 Tues. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 2-5 Tues. at 11 Tues., Jan. 30, 9-12 Tues. at 1 - Wed., Feb. 7, 9-12 Tues. at 2 Fri., Feb. 2, 2-5 Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 1, 9-12 SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS war, or of dying of malnutrition in the unmilitary holocaust called a de- pression. Forgive us, the 10,000,000 inborn, that in our twilight abode we renounce with a sweet gesture of po- liteness the privilege of meeting you, the born. It might have been different, had you willed it. We might have wept, we might have -raillied to high heav- en against your denial of our inheri- tance of a good life, had you only provided the means to a good life. Prepare the way for us. Look to the soil before you plant the seed. In the world you have made for us we would find scant nourishment. We would be stunted, blasted, whipped by the winds and uprooted by stupid or hateful hands. Prepare the xway for us. Look to No. 21 II Special Period Time of Examination Courses Sat., Feb. 3, 9-12 Sat., Feb. 3, 2-5 German 1, 2, 31, 32. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32. Music 31. Zoology 1. Botany 1. Psychology 31. Music 1. French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 71, 111, 112, 153. Speech 31, 32. Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52. FAIR ENOUGH, we should say, if it were all. But Father Coughlin in his broadcast added so many qualifications and conditions that there is little likelihood that he will lose this battle. First, he has accused Attorney-General Mur- phy and FBI Director Hoover of ignoring the Communists and singling out the Christian Front for assault. To his followers this is additional III Sat., Jan. 27, 2-5 IV Thurs., Feb. 1, 2-5 IRREGULAR EXAMINATIONS English I shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2-5. English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 2, 9-12." Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall be examined on Thursday,