I, aa c xy-rNagggK ro m.romn er..'vom nanaged by students of the University of r the authority of the Board in Control of except Monday during the Session. nd Member of the Associated Press kssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republication of all other matters herein also d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as lass m ail matter. riptiolis.du~ring regular school year by carrier, AS OTHERS SEE IT.... To the Editor: The Daily editorial of Sept. 26 on the interna- tional crisis seems to me not to have been com- pletely thought through to logical conclusions; indeed to be in some' ways confused and contra- dictory. On the one hand, "for decent, demo- cratic folk there is no living on this earth with the barbaric credo of Naziism." On the other hand, we must have "non-intercourse with any of the belligerents: no trade of any sort under any conditions" (which, taken literally, would mean not a single Ford car to be shipped across the line to Canada!), and "the United States must concentrate its entire energy to the task of developing a self-contained economy" (which is Fascist Autarchy with a vengeance!); all this regardless of the fact that every economic and military expert agrees that such a general American embargo would be the greatest boon to Hitler and the greatest aid to his triumph that could possibly take place. I fear you are indulging in wishful thinking. You are either wishing Ends without taking account of Means, or wishing Means without see- ing to what Ends they would lead. Over and above that, your isolationist paci- fism will not lead to peace because it divides the world instead of uniting it. We want free ti'ade, not autarchy; collective security, not iso- lation; more concern with liberty abroad as well as at home, not less; more wor.k for the coming World State and less of the smug, self-compla- cent Phariseeism which says "what concern have WE with Europe?" To condemn Chamberlain (very rightly in my opinion) for indifference to the fate of Spain, Ethiopia -and Czechoslovakia, and couple it with a like declaration of indiffer-, ence on our part to the fate of Britain, France and Poland, or of the decent Germans them- selves now groaning under Nazi tyranny, is hard- ly consistent, or even honorable. -Preston Slosson NATIONAL ADVEFiING BY. rtising Service, Inc. 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO "BOSTOR *- LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff PetiwM-i . . Managing. Editor Editorial Director \ City Editor . . Associate Editor . . Associate. Eclitor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Edtor . . Sports Editor Business Stdff . Business Mgr., Credit Manager men's Business Manager men's Advertising Manager lications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia ..Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan daily are written by members of The Daily :aff and represent the views of the writers nly. 'oor Richard's E CONOMISTS have offered patented explanations of our national debt, ig the fears of hard-headed Americans ill think in terms of Poor Richard's apologists for debt (" a balanced budget unbalanced lives") tell us that our cre- ng deficit is not a threat to America, i anger to democracy, does not "mortgage censors.",They say that the money paid tiring bonds goes not to the improvidences stors but back to the citizens of the pay- eration.' ps so, but there are those of us, econom- ld-fashioned as we may be, who find planations a trifle hard to swallow. Un- is we are in the paradoxical rationaliza- the experts, we suspect that we are being formed we -can eat our cake and have it We become alarmed at facts that do not seem to faze the economic gymnasts in the least. Wes ee a debt of more than 40 billion dollars on th books. We realize that this is nearly twice the amount of monetary gold in the entire world. We see an annual interest fee that, used other- wise, would pay pensions of $30 a month to two and three quarter millions of persons, that would send half the children of the United States to school. All these facts the modern economist explains away with a wave of the hand. He tells us that the 40'billions do not constitute an actual debt in the traditional sense of the word. It is, in- stead, like the capital outlay of a commercial enterprise. There will be no dire consequences of our piling up a higher mountain every year. Do not think we number among us the eco- nomy-minded few who would carve national spending to a shadow of its present self, who would lop off the WPA and the relief bills. We realize that this is a time of depression, of national emergency, and that the government must pay to be humanitarian. The bone we have to pick is with the receiv- ing end of the government. Taxation is tough and we wail against it, but we would rather have our pocketbooks hit a little harder than to see the bills relayed to our "mortgaged" successors, if you will. Debt, to us, is not the perpetual-motion machine that the econbmists think it is. In postponing payment, America seems to us to be waiting for a millennium that may never arrive. America is just about as capable of paying today as she will be for many a year to ,come. We of the Ben Franklin school of economics think that America should do a better job of paying as the bills come due. -Hervie Haufler Cold Shoulder For Mooney Tom Mooney is on the outside looking in these, days. Not looking in at the prison scenes he knew for more than 20 years as a bombing con- vict, but at labor meetings which will not invite him to speak. Last week the Illinois Federation of Labor met in the State Armory at Spring- field. On the walk in front, the little man with gray hair and deep-set eyes, late of San Quentin, Cal., and since January a free man by Governor Olson's pardon, paced up and down, waiting for the bid that did not come. Now he has had the same treatment by the Indiana State Federation Heywood Broun "Senator Borah," says an editorial in the Hearst papers, "reveals his own strict neutrality, both as an eminent member of the Senate and as the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, by not mention- ing by name the combatants in the European war." This, I agree, is the ulti- mate in isolation. Indeed, it goes all the way back to an ancient tribal taboo under which even the names of in- dividuals were -'secret lest they fall into the clutches of evil spirits. But no hart, could come to Tom or Dick or Harry if the demons had no identifying tag around which thby might weave a spell. If there were safety in such a retreat from reality, it would, without question, constitute a imagnificent way of life. Death itself could not prevail if its existence might be obliterated by never mentioning it even in whispers. And here would be the sure way to abolish poverty, disease, fear and every other misery known to mai. In passing a graveyard the practitioner of this magic would either refer to .the place as a conservatory or keep silent. And possibly even the pauper would feel no belly pains if he could only stuff his ears against the sound of words such as "breakfast," "dinner"d( "a crust of bread." We might even pretend that Hitler and the gins and bombers over Europe are all part of some nightmare not worth discussion among the wakeful. Keep a stiff upper lip and pinch your- self and Fascism will fly out the window. To be sure, this theory was given quite a work- out for a number of years in the matter of ven- ereal disease. Nice people never mentioned the maladies. Newspapers cooperated in cutting out all shocking words and gave no space to any stories of the situation in hospitals and homes. Unfortunately, syphilis and gonorrea did not disappear when sent to coventry. And I very much fear that the canker of con- flict cannot be cured by the device of pretending that here in America its echoes are quite in- audible. Only the other day I was rereading Lost Hori- zon, and one episode in Mr. Hilton's book had a prophetic quality. I can't remember whether it was included in the motion picture version. You may remember that the head of the monastery was an ancient who'had managed to add cen- turies to his life by an ability to withdraw not only from the world but actually from conscious- ness during transelike periods in which there came to his muted senses not even so much as the ticking of a clock. And he urged the hero to follow in his steps. His argument was based upon the fact that the world outside was about to destroy itself and that there should be a small corner of the earth where civilization might be preserved as if in a vacuum. Ideals might be kept alive within that small valley pro- tected by its giant mountains and in a kingdom whose existence wps unknown. It was a romantic conceit. It is a story; there' really -is no such land and no such valley. The author quite frankly put his tale forward as a fantasy. It would be nice, and all of us, I imagine, rmight like it very well to dwell with Senator Borah in a big apartment at No. 277 Lin- den Ave., Shangrila, somewhere in Tibet. But Of ALL Things!. ... _o ylYMorty-Q ,.. . HE BIGGEST question that had to be settled before the pony of champagne could be doused on Mr. Q.'s inaugural address was one in- volving punctuation of the title. Was it to be: "Of All Things!" (with an exclamation point connoting surprise and amazement); or was it to read: "Of All Things . . ." (with the three-dot technique adding a touch of dignity and a prom- ise of a varied assortment of things to come). A serious problem, in fact a conflict, since Mr. Q. inwardly preferred the sophistication of three-dots, while the panicky way his friends uttered "of all things!! !"' when they learned he was going to attempt a column, offered substan- tial opposition. So it was the semi-suave three- dots versus the hallelujahish exclamation-point. The effected compromise was, of course, inevit- able. Mr. Q. sat down with his ego-centricity and muniched it into a settlement, knowing full well the exclamation-point would never be sat- isfied with a mere concession and would some- day attempt to apostrophyze the dots. But, for the moment, the appeasement holds and the head, as it now appears, will keep both the fac- tions quiet for a while. S* * * TUST A WORD more concerning the nature of d this space, which will alternate with Young Guliver and his cavils. And, while on the sub- ject, Mr. Q. would like to state emphatically that he likes Young Gulliver. He thinks Y.G. is a nice fellow. A man among mice. Or even men. Mr. Q. will NOT feud with Y.G. That takes care of that. This space will try to live up to a literal inter- pretation of its name, endeavoring to speak of all things. /And should you chance upon some partcularly interesting bit, or feel the urge for a few lines of unrestrained linotyped expression or wish to argue something Mr. Q. has said, your contributions will be accepted gladly and appreciated. Nobel Peace Troupe A N Associated Press report from Copenhagen furnishes the main theme for today's pro- gram. The story says:'. . . it was unlikely any Nobel Peace prizes would be awarded during the war. . ." Apparently the Nobel Peace Commit- tee thinks a peace prize in a war-world is too great a paradox. They are obviously drawing fine lines and are restraining themselves too much by refusing to recognize the ceaseless efforts of some of our outstanding leaders to promote peace. Realizing this, Mr. Q. and Young, Gulliver have formed a committee, re- questing permission to pick peace-promotel's and to award a hand-grenaded olive-and-nut branch to their ultimate choice. As the new auxiliary committee of the Nobel Peace Board looks about for suitable candidates, five world-famed figures immediately stand out as the most logical for consideration. The first has constantly stated he and his people merely want peace and wish to get along with every- body. And look at his record: didn't he bring peace to the oppressed minorities in Czechoslo- vakia, and Danzig, and Austria, and Poland? Didn't he save those poor defensely people from a horrible fate? And, now, even though Eng- land and France insist on fighting, isn't he offering them peace and friendship? Surely this great peace-maker deserves the most care- ful consideration for the coveted prize. Next, the new committee suggests as a prom- inent proponent of amicability that little man in the East, who has brought contentment to so many millions of Chinese. How gracious and thoughtful of him to offer his help to his racial brethren across the bay. Weren't they being oppressed and exploited by those western for- eigners? So he sent a few picked troops to help his orientallies preserve peace. A real pacific action that deserves the most careful scrutiny by the committee. The Maodet Pacifist Third, a man who, by pleading with the pres- ent belligerents to stop the war now, showed himself to be one of our most eminent pacifiers. And look at his record, which is indeed consistent with his present attitude: Didn't he send his men over at his own expense to relieve the tor- tured Ethiopians and to bring them content- ment? And didn't he help to settle the horrible revolution in Spain? And look how modest he was about this great gesture; he even denied it, insisting he did no such thing even though the whole world knew of his magnificent aid. Surely this lamb-hearted leader must rank high in the new search. The committee, in appraising the fourth and fifth men whom they think worthy of mention,. suggests an unprecedented action: that the prize be given jointly since these men have acted as one in the interest of the same cause. The greatest evidence in their behalf, of course, revolves around that hot-bed of peace and good- will: Munich. Didn't these two heads of Eur- ope's stalwart democracies insist upon sitting quietly around a conference table to settle the existent problems peacefully, with .no war or bloodshed? And didn't one of them himself say he had brought about "peace in our time?" What more can the committee want? There are others just as worthy of investiga-. tion as these five,, but they are the standouts and will receive the most detailed analysis. The new committee, in fact ,has even considered the possibility of giving the prize to all five, then organizing them into an international speaking troupe, to preach peace throughout the world. In this connection, the committee has already been approached by Grover Whalen, who, in attempting to make peace with the World's Fair stockholders, thinks the Nobel Peace Troupe would be a natural for the Pavilion of Peace. Mr. Q. will keen you nosted on further de- Drew Persoi ad Vt. WASHINGTON-Behind the closed doors of various isolationist Sena- tors, all is not harmonious in their fight against the President and his lifting of the arms embargo. Only 24 hours after their first strategy meeting, four Republican Senators-Vandenberg of Michigan, Danaher of Connecticut, Gurney of South Dakota, and Bridges of New Hampshire were up in arms against the attempts of the LaFollette broth- ers (Senator Bob and ex-Governor Phil) to dominate the isolationist fight. Vandenberg and Bridges, assidu- ously nursing presidential booms, were particularly peeved. To senatorial friends they com- plained that they had no intention of becoming the tail on the Progres- sive kite. If the LaFollette boys thought they could dominate the neu- trality fight, Vandenberg and Bridges made clear, they had another think coming. Senator Bridges even went sb far as to indicate that he would quit the isolationist bloc if the La- Follette campaign continued. Third Party Again what Republican Senators cannot get out of their minds is that Phil LaFollette may be using the neutral- ity fight to stage a comeback for himself and his Third Party move- ment. Nothing in recent political history fell flatter than the LaFollette Third Party, except possibly the sub- sequent campaign of its main author to be Governor of Wisconsin. So you can't blame the Vanden- berg-Bridges group for being sus- picious when Phil and Bobrpropose to set up a nationwide neutrality organ- ization, with branches in every -city, national headquarters in Washing- ton and with Phil doing all the directing. An organization of this kind can all too easily be turned into the nuc- leus of a third party after the neu- trality fight is over, and the Republi- can group is not blind to that fact. Phil's Vigilantes s Phil has given them enthusiastici assurances that he will have no trouble financing the campaign, and it looks as, if the aid of Henry Ford may be enlisted (even though Brother Bob LaFollette's Civil Liberties Com-i mittee has, been casting an eye on some of Ford's labor policies.) . Phil's organization is even being called tentatively "The Vigilantes", despite Brother Bob's vigorous inves- tigation of vigilante organizations.- So far this undercover dissensiont has caused no serious or open rift ini the isolationist ranks, but one thing is certain. The GOP boys do not intend to be pushed out of the lime- light by any renegade Progressives divorced from the Republican Party. NO'TE-With 600,000 Poles in Michigan and a reelection campaigni next year, Vandenberg is taking ai big chance in fighting embargo re-i peal. This, plus his motley associ- ates in the isolationist bloc-Pro- gressives,. Farmer-Laborites, Demo- crats-makes Vandenberg a most un- happy man.x Hitler And LaGuardia t The President had a hard time suppressing his mirth when Mayor LaGuardia read him the resolution of the Conference of Mayors, pledg-t ing their silence on international af- fairs during the European war. La- Guardia headed the Mayors' delega-1 tion which went to the White House, where Roosevelt read the resolution with great solemnity. Then, shaking with suppressed laughter, the President said, "Of course, Fiorello, that resolution ap- plies to you, too."t LaGuardia 'flushed, then grinned1 broadly and replied, "Yep, and I'm taking the pledge right now. No more dirty cracks at Hitler." Jewish Doctors _.__ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI! Publicatlow in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Univers Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.i. Satur (Continued from Page 2) on probation .or the warned list Are forbidden to participate in any public activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year. No fresh- man in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eli- gibility. A freshman, during his second se- mester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2% times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0).. Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Cer- tificate of Eligibility if he was ad- mitted to the University in good standing. V. Eligibility, General. In order to re- ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- dent must have earned at least 11 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding ;,um- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpret'ed as E until removed in accordance with University regulations. If in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot be removed promptly, the parenthetically report- ed grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are ineligible under Rule V may participate only after having received special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. VI. Special Students. Special students are prohibited from participating in any -pubic activity except by special permission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. VII., Extramural Activities. Students who are ineligible to participate. in public activities within the Univer- sity are prohibited from taking part in other activities of a similar nature, except by special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. VIII. Physical Disability. Students ex- cused from gymnasium work on ac- count of physical incapacity are. for- bidden to take part in any public activity, except by ,special permission Qf the Committee on Student Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, aj student may in any case be required to present a written recommendation from the University Health Service. IX. Gen'eral. Whenever in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs, or in the opinion of the Dean of the School or College in which the stu- dent is enrolled, participation in a public activity may be detrimentalr to his college work, the committee may decline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such ac- tivity. x. Special Permission. The special permission to participate in public ac- tivities in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Committee on Student Affairs only1 upon the positive recommendation of the Dean of the School or College to which the student belongs. XI Discipline. Cases of violation of these rules will be reported to the proper disciplinary authority for ac- tion. XII Officers, Chairmen and Managers. Officers, chairmen and managers of committees and projects who violatef the Rules Governing Participation inl Public Activities may be directed to appear before the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs to explain their negli- gence. Notice' to Freshmen: Make-up ex- , aminations for those students who, missed the tests required of all be- ginning freshmen will be given as follows: Psychological examination on Thursday, Sept. 28, in Room 05 Mason Hall at 3 o'clock, English ex- these examinations are requested to consult with the Chairman of .the Graduate hommitteein nChemistry not later than Sept. 30, 1939.. C.A.A. Vocational Flight Tfralnng: Any student who is interested in this training and who has not already filed an application should do so 'im- mediately. Application blanks iay be obtained in the Departmient of Aeronautical Engineering Office, B-47 East Engineerin1g Building. ~ Psychology 37 and 137: All stu- dents in these. courses wil' meet for a pieliminary laboratory discussion on Thursday, Sept. 28, at 4:45 P.m in Roorp 3126 Natural Science. The only laboratory section which will meet this Week is the -Thursday ee- tion, from 1 to 4:45 p.m. in 3126 N.S. Other laboratory sections will iiiee( for the first time next week. All dis- cussion sections will meet this week; that of 37 today at 11 a.m. in 412 N.S., and those of 137 today at 1,p.m and Saturday at 11 p.m. in Room 1139 Natural Science. Psychology 203, Advanced Syte- matic, will meet today at 5 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Sience for organ- ization and introductory statements. Speech 25; scheduled to meet in the Speech Olinic, 1007 E. Huron St., will meet hereafter in 212 Angell Hall. English 297: Stud nts in my sec- tion. who have not already made ar- rangements for a consultation period are to report to me with manuscript Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon of this afternoon. The Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden. English 197. Members of the Eng- lish Honors Course will meet in 3223 A.H. today at 4 o'clock . . W. 0. Rice. Eiglish 87. The class will ieet in 3212 A.H. MWF at 9. Allan Seager. Eniglish n, Sec. 3 will meet in 302 S.W. instead of in 2219 A.H. H. V. S. Ogden. English 144 will meet in 3217 A.H. instead of 3209 A.H. P ail Muescike English 211g, Pro-seminar in Amer- ican Literature, meets Thursday af- ternoon, Sept. 28, .2-4, in 3217 A.H. Basic text is Miller and Johnson's "The Puritans." 3. L. Davis.. English 230, Studes in Spenser and His Age. A meeting at 4 Sept. 28 in 2213 A.H, will be held to decide upon the class hours of English ,30. M. P. Tilley. English 297: Students for my. sec- tion will meet in Room 3216 Angell Hall, this afternoon, at 4 p.m. E. A. Wafter. English 300H. The class will rmeet Thursday at 4 p.m. in 3217 A.H. M. L. Williams. English 45, See. 2 will meet in 2219 A.H. instead of 302 S.W. M. L. Williams. Honors 101, Industrialization of New England, S. D. Dodge, will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 209 Angell Hall. German 11: Will meet from 5-6 in Room 225 'Angell Hall beginning to- day. Frank X. Braun. German 167: Will meet in 301 U.H. from 4-6 on Friday, Sept. 29 J. W. Eaton. Mathematics 235, Differential Ge- 'ometry. Will meet Tuesday, Thirs- day, and Saturday at 11 o'clock. sext meeting on Thursday, Sept. 28, in Room 3010 A.H. G. Y. Rainich. Classes in Speech Correction: Stu- dents interested in obtaining . the services of the Speech Clinic for the correction of speech defects are ,re- quested to call at the Clinic, 100' East Huron Street, sometime during this week for the purpose of leaving class schedules. Announcement of time of classes will follow later. i Students Interested in Actuarial Examinations: There will be a meet- ing Thursday at 4 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H. Those who cannot come are re- quested to see Dr. Greville before the meeting. Concerts Carillon Recitals. Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, Will provide recitals on the Charles Baird carillon in the Burton Memndrial Tower, until further notice, at the following hours: Daily, at 12 o'clock-short noon- day recitals. 'Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. Sunday afternoons at 4:15 o'clock, On Sundays when faculty concerts are given in Hill Auditorium, carillon Cordell Hull has clamped down on passports for 360 Jewish medical stu- dents, all American born, who have been studying in Scotland. Although most people probably don't realize it, most, American medi- cal schools quietly limit their Jewish students to a relatively small num- ber, with the result that many American Jews go to Scotland each year for their training. The 360 embryo doctors whose passports are now held up have fin- ished part of their training in vari- ous Scotch medical universities, and will have theirecareers cut short un- less Mr. Hull relents. Press-Shy Stettinius With the War Resources Board a new type of official has- come to Washington, a type which has made Washington newsmen wonder what kind of censorship might be clamped down in case of war. Head of the board is Edward R. Stetinius, Jr.,. wonder-boy of the in- dustrial world. Working with him on the board is John L. Pratt, vice-presi- amination on Friday, Sept. 29, in Room 205 Mason Hall at 3 o'clock. These examinations take prece- dence over all other appointments in- cluding classes. Be on time. The Hillel Foundation is offering a scholarship of $150. Application blanks and information may be se- cured at the Foundation. Only mem-. bers of the Foundation are eligible for the scholarship. Rooms With Pianos. Residents of Ann Arbor who have pianos available for student practice, are respectfully requested to list such rooms at the office of the School of Music. Please call. Mrs. Farkas, phone 7513. A I omt b t7 eC