Weather Continued cold and some snow flurries today. LL Aar alit; Editorial Father Coughlin Takes His Stand... w VOL. . No 87-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1940 t PRICE FIVE CENTS Jury Convicts Earl rowder Fo Pr asspor t Law Violations Communist Leader Free On Bail Pending Appeal Of Fine, Prison Term Party Head Enters Race For Congress NEW YORK, Jan. 22.-()-EarI Russell Browder, the Kansas-born American Communist leader, was convicted of passport fraud in Fed- eral Court today and sentenced to for years in prison and fined $2,- 000. The jury of 11 men and a young woman deliberated only .45' minutes on the verdict after hearing Browder himself in a singular summation plead for his freedom for more than an hour. No other defense was of- fered. Brushing aside his attorney, George Gordon Battle, Browder took the floor with the statement that he was a correspondence school lawyer. 1Kotin For Delay The sentence was pronounced im- mediately after the jury was polled and a defense motion for delay was denied. It specified that 2-year sen- tences on each of two counts must be served consecutively. The maxi- mum prison sentence would have been 10 years. Browder, a perennial candidate for political office, was the Communist candidate for president in 1936 and is now a candidate for the seat in Congress vacated by the recent death of Rep. Sirovich, (Dem., N.Y.). Tonight, standing before some 20,- 000 persons in a Communist demon- stration in Madison Square Garden, the 48-year-old convicted party head made it clear that this congressional candidacy would go on, and asserted that he considered his sentence "a great honor." "Today," he added, "I received in your behalf a sentence against our movement. At the same time, carry- ing our appeal from the court of the ruling class of Americahto the people of America, the verdict is but one movement in the drive toward war." Case Was Defenseless "In this court today, I was pro- hibited from speaking except within the limits laid down by the judge." This apparently was in reference to the fact that, in presenting a case that was defenseless save for his appeal to the jury, he was several times admonished by the court to discuss only the evidence. He was accused specifically of bor- rowing the names of three other men and affixing them to passport visas. This was done, his attorney ex- plained, because as a widely known agent of the Soviet Union Browder's travels through Europe would be be- set by danger if his true identity be- came known. Browder's convictio in Federal Court came only several weeks after Fritz Kuhn was found guilty in a state court and sent to prion for stealing funds from the German- American Bund which he headed. Pupils Routed . In School Fire Four Blazes At Ypsilanti Laid To Arsonist YPSILANTI, Jan. 22.-Despite the1 fact that the fire-bug who has set their school building afire four times since Thursday is still at large, 350 Woodruff Elementary School pupils were to return to their classes. The students, who range from pre- school children ro sixth graders, were forced to flee the building twice yes- terday. Once, in the morning, 20 third grade pupils filed by a blazing store-room without panic. In the afternoon fire broke out again, andt although firemen succeeded in con- fining it to a single store-room, school had to be closed. Police said they wet e questioning at 15-year-old sixth-grader who admits a hate for school. The youngster will be sixteen March 31 and police theorize he may have set fire to the building to escape further classes. He has not yet confessed, however, and other suspects are also being ques- tioned. n, r nb . , Progress Of Swedes And Finns Praised By Former Daily Editor C. Hart Schaaf Says Soviet Democracy Is 'Idealism' Spent Two Years Abroad By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN A Michigan graduate, editorial director of The Daily in 1933-34, re- turned to Ann Arbor yesterday fresh from a two-year stay in what is now Europe's most critical war sector- the northern Baltic area. Spending most of his time in Stock- holm as a University of Michigan Horace H. Rackham pre-doctoral fel- low in political science, C. Hart Schaaf, '35, also visited parts of Fin- land and Russia during his stay in. Europe. "These two thoughts dominate my impressions of the area I visited," he declared: "1) The small and comparatively poor countries of Sweden and Finland have been able to make tremendous strides in the direction of real social justice thanks to their basic and sin- cere adherence to the principles of democracy; while 2) the totalitarian government of Russia appears to have achieved nothing of real worth in spite of the paper idealism which the Soviet has produced and to which it professes to adhere." To back up these statements, Schaaf told of his observations in Russia, Finland, and Sweden. "I can honestly say that I entered Russia, not even with merely an open, but with a sympathetic mind," Schaaf related, "as was the case with the 18 Swedish labor leaders with whom I travelled. All of us, how- ever, were forced very drastically to alter our opinions by the things we saw in the country." The people live in a drab, shabby, and poverty stricken way, he said, which the guides explain is partially the result of giving the best of every- thing to the army, in order to build an "invincible" machine for the pro- tection of the Russian workers! How invincible that machine is, Schaaf pointed out, we have lately had occa- sion to observe. The Soviet building program, harl Schenck Will Lecture On South Seas' Schaaf declared, appears to be un- sound. "The Moscow Hotel, to take one example,' he said, "was opened in 1939 and is the building at pres- ent most-talked of in Moscow; it looks on the inside like it's falling apart." Schaaf also told of a display of un- usually large and lucious-looking to- matoes at the 1939 All-Soviet agri- cultural exhibit. These were praised at length by the guide as products of Soviet scientific genius. When the guide passed ong however, Schaaf leaned across the guard rope and picked up what appeared to be an es- pecially fine specimen. He found it to be made of wax. The guide, turn- ing around at exclamations from Schaaf's Swedish friends, brusquely snatched the "tomato" from him be- fore further examination could be made. Russian bystanders who quickly gathered at the incident were immediately scattered by attendants, Schaaf pointed out. Before he entered Russia, Schaaf had purchased (on the Finnish side of the border) a post-card picture of the Russo-Finnish' border bridge at the point. On his return a pompous Russian customs official confiscated the picture (on the grounds of mili- tary strategy), disregarding the American 's plea that such pictures could be purchased in unlimited (Continued on Page 2) Pastors Hear Yoder Discuss Mental Halth Seniors Pick New Officers Four Schools Participate In '40 Campus Election, To BeginAt 11 A.M. Architects' Polling PostponedOne Day Seniors of the literary college, the College of Pharmacy, the School of Education and the School of Music will elect class officers from 30 can- didates today, under the supervision of Peter Brown, '41E, Carl Wheeler, '40E, president of the Men's Judiciary Council, and Betty Slee. '40, presi- dent of the Women's Judiciary Coun- cil, announced yesterday. The election of officers by seniors of the College of Architecture and Design has been postponed until to- morrow, Wheeler said. Time, place and candidates for this election will be announced in The Daily tomor- row. Petitions will be received from prospective candidates in this college until 5:30 p.m. today. Eligibilty cards must accompany petitions, which should be left at the main desk of the Union. The election for the literary col- lege will be held from 2 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 231 of Angell Hall. Don Nixon, N. Stewart Robson and Dye Hogan are candidates for president; Gwendolyn Dunlop, Jane Jewitt and Zenovia Skoratko will run for vice- president; candidates for secretary Speaker To Show Movie On Tahiti After Address Here Tomorrow Night An Ohio State student who made good in the South Seas will be pre- sented here tomorrow in the Univer- sity's Oratorical Series. He is Earl Schenck, explorer, ethnologist and artist, who will show his colored mo- tion picture, "Polynesia, A Tale of Tahiti," at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Schenck will tell of his ad- ventures in the South Seas before presenting the film, which is the first ill-color motion picture of feature length ever made entirely in the southern Pacific Islands. Single tick- ets for his lecture will go on sale to- day in the Hill Auditorium box- office. Mr. Schenck's career is as varied as the islands in which he has lived. He was formerly a Broadway actor,, then went into the movies where he1 played opposite Norma Talmadge and Nazimova. Attacks of "Kleig eyes" cut short his Hollywood stay and sent him to the South Seas. For 14 years he has been a roving representative of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, the world's leading mu- seum of Polynesian lore. The film opens with scenes from Papeete, the chief port and "Paris" of the South Seas. Included are views of Bounty Bay,-where the cele- brated mutiny occurred-and of na- tive peoples and their customs. Na- tive music recorded on the spot ac- companies many of the scenes. Pappas' Paintings Shown In Exhibit At Memorial Hall' Outstanding among the paintings of John Pappas being exhibited by the Detroit Art Institute this week in Alumni Memorial Hall is a large still life in oil depicting a vase of calla lilies, fox glove and jonquils. Other features of the exhibit in- clude both oils and water colors by Pappas and a series of German prints. are Herbert Lev, Howard J. Luxan, Conference Will Continue J. Leonard Brandt, John M. Thorn- Today With Meetings hill and Dorothy Nichols; Peter Gos- sard, Larry Gubow, Jack M. Laro In Rackhain Building and Margaret Alice Neafie are can- didates for treasurer. If man is to be a successful ex- Seniors of the School of Educa- periment in nature he must have tion will vote from 3 to 4 p.m. in some conception of God to cushion Room 243 of the Elementary School. the impact of worldly problems, ac- The following are candidates: presi- cording to Dr. O. R. Yoder, medical dent, William MacIntosh and Tom superintendent of the Ypsilanti State McKinley; vice - president, Leona Hospital, who gave the feature lecture Ruth Gallow. Because of a lack of yesterday at the first Michigan an- opposition, Sally Orr and Jeanne nual Pastors' Conference in the Rack- Judson Prentice were automatically ham Building. (Continued on Page 2) Speaking in the role of the psychi -________________ atrist, Dr. Yoder stressed the import- ance of mental health to physical Sink Pre icts well-being, and asked his audience of 140 pastors to be sympathetic in their dealings with the mentally sick. Crowd The confessional of some religions, a he asserted, is an important psycho- For Concert logical factor in attempts to aid the spiritual man. Citing biblical cases, Dr. Yoder Exams or no exams, Hill Auidtor- analyzed the psychiatric aspccts of un will be jammed Thursda night religious movements which sprang vhen Robert Virovai, 18-year-old from the desire of men to project lungarian violinist, stops in Ann their personalities on others. Father u'bor on his first transcontinental Divine is a modern example of the our to give the eighth Choral Union old technique, he believes. recital, Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi- The Conference, which continues ,dent of the University Musical Soci- until tomorrow, will present today the 3ty, predicted yesterday. discussion of several problems of Tickets for the concert may still modern religion. Groups meeting at be obtained at thecSchool of Music 9 a.m. will discuss "The Church and office or at Hill Auditorium box Our Town," "Delinquency Preven- office, he added, tion" and "The Pastor as Counselor"' Virovai made his American debut in the Rackham Building, exactly one year ago, but he has al- Sready been acclaimed as "a born fiddler, a young man of the most Students Fi d genuine talent and sensibility." Even the late Lawrence Gilman, former Silver Dollars music critic of the New York Herald S lvrsTribune, lost his critical calm at Virovai's debut with the New York Seven Are SuCcessfUi Philharmonic, and went so far as to say: "Virovai is entitled to that sweet In Following Clues word 'genius'." Following his debut the young The generosity of the "Silver King," violinist was engaged as soloist with fictitious and now "almost legendary" vhoiag ed ymphonyiand with financial "angel" of the forthcoming the Chicago Symphony and with the UMontreal and Dallas Orchestra. Blaze At Sea Sinks Italian luxury Liner Governments Make Study Of Strange Explosion; Nazis Charge Sabotage French Diplomats Deny Accusations MARSEILLES, France, Jan. 22.- (IP)-Survivors of the burning Italian liner Orazio told tales of escape in borrowed lifeboats on a stormy sea when 48 were landed here today. The ship was a gigantic torch on the Mediterranean 38 miles off here yesterday morning after a myster- ious pre-dawn explosion. The fire burned all but two of the vessel's life- boats. But rescue vessels which speedily answered distress calls sent over their own lifeboats and Italian officals said all 412 passengers were believed saved and most of the crew of 231. The Orazio, it was disclosed, was shaken by an explosion in the en- gine room at 5 a.m., and then almost instantly was in flames from bow to stern. Enginemen Dead Enginemen who best might have helped explain whether the explosion was due to engine trouble or possibly to sabotage were reported dead- killed instantly by the initial blast. "I think about four or five were trapped in the engine room," said Second Officer Giorello. In Paris, an official statement in- dignantly denied what was termed a German insinuation that a French contraband control party which boarded the Orazio before the fire, was responsible for sabotage. The stAement was issued in response to a dispatch by DNB, official German news agency. Eight rescue ships had worked in seas whipped by a gale and lighted by the burning ship and searchlights of the rescuers. Most of the survivors were being taken to Italian pUrts. Reason Unknown "We still don't know the reason for the explosion," said Second Of- ficer Giorello, , whose left eye was badly burned and whose uniform was tattered and blackened by smoke. The 48 survivors reaching Mar- seille, including 25 women and three children, were rescued by a French warship. They suffered from burns and exposure from their all-day fight to escape the burning sea trap, and were hurried to two hotels which were converted into emergency hos- pitals. Although Italian Line officials said they believed all passengers had been saved, Giorello said he was not cer- tain concerning the fate of a life- boat which the French warship was unable to save and which was re- ported to have carried the Italian minister to Panama, Renato Firenze. Ohio State Schedules Purdue For Football COLUMBUS, Jan. 22.-(AP)-Ohio State University completed its 1940 football schedule tonight, announcing a game with Purdue here Oct. 5. The contest was arranged follow- ing rejection by the Texas A. and M. board of athletics on an invitation to play the Buckeyes in Columbus on that date. Ohio State and Purdue had open dates on their schedules as a result of the University of Chicago's with- drawal from Western Conference football competition. Film Of Arctic Will Be Shown By Bob Bartlett Capt. Robert A. "Bob" Bartlett, the Arctic's first citizen, will show "The Arctic In Color," a motion picture taken on his most recent Northern expedition, at 8 p.m. today in Rack- ham Auditorium. Captain Bartlett's visit here is an illustrated University Lecture spon- sored by the geology department. It is part of a lecture tour being made between his annual trips to the Far North in his schooner, "Effie M. Mor- rissey." Admission will be free. Captain Bartlett is said to have shot more than 150,000 feet of film, only to choose the best scenes later for "The Arctic In Color." The pic- ture has been described by an offi- cial of the American Museum of Natural History as "a superb revela- tion of a vivid and beautiful north- land, rich in human interest." Captain Bartlett, as commander of the ship "Roosevelt" took an active part in Peary's 1905 expedition to the North Pole. Previously, he had been shipwrecked a dozen times and had led numerous hunting trips to Hudson's Bay. He was the captain of the Canad- ian ship "Karluk" which was crushed by ice in Jan. 1914. Stranded, he and 17 other persons reached Wrangel Island. He left 15 persons there and with an Eskimo crossed to Siberia, returning with a rescue party in Sept. 1914. He is the winner of 13 medals for his explorations and belongs to as many geographical and travel soci- eties. BoraliFuneral Brings Tears To any Eyes National Leaders Mourn Passing Of Statesman At Services In Senate WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. -(RP)- President Roosevelt and other na- tionalleaders bowed in grief today at a state funeral for the revered elder statesman, Senator William E. Borah of Idaho. Senator Glass (Dem.-Va.) and many others brushed tears from their eyes in the hushed half-gloom of the Senate chamber as congressional chaplains prayed over the slate gray, steel casket containing the remains of the man who came out of the West 33 years ago to win fame in some of history's most momentous debates. After the ceremony the doors were locked, and the body lay in solitude, except for an honor guard of police- men, until the time came to start the long journey back to Idaho, where burial will take place Thursday in Boise. Aside from the solemn grandeur of the scene-floor and galleries packed with black-clad diplomats, legislators, judges a n d Bor-ah's friends from private life-the cere- mony itself was simple. Throughout the ceremony, Senator Borah's desk, near the rear of the chamber, stood empty, with a spray of brilliant red roses cascading over its top. ies' Methods Are Approved House Committee Places New Bill On Calendar WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. -(IP)- A resolution to reestablish the House Committee on Unamerican Activities cleared its first' legislative hurdle to- day despite fresh criticism of the Committee's methods and a charge that its chairman, Representative Dies (Dem.-Tex.) had "actively asso- ciated" with a "fellow traveler" of the Christian Front. The House Rules Committee unani- mously approved the resolution and put it on the calendar for House con- sideration tomorrow. Leaders said its approval by the House was virtu- ally certain. The Dies Committee's authority expired Jan. 3. Representative Hook (Dem.-Mich.) linked Dies' name with the Christian Front, 17 of whose members have been arrested in New York and charged with plotting to overthrow the government. Hook appeared before the Rules German Army Sent To Russia To Safeguard Railway Line Meanwhile U.S. Protests To Britain Over Method Used To Detain Steamers Moscow Approves New Nazi Measure (By The Associated Press) Germany scored an important point on the economic front yester- day with the aid of her pact partner, Soviet Russia, while official indigna- tion at British acts on the high seas was expressed in Washington and Tokyo. Determined to weld tighter her railway link with Rumania's oil and wheat fields, the Reich sent armed forces into Russia's part of conquered Poland to police more than 200 miles of railway from Cernauti, Rumania frontier point, to German Silesia. Moscow was reported to have granted permission for the. police force, to be augmented by technical experts, after Germany complained that the flow of wheat and oil was impeded and shipments were delayed or lost. Germany especially needs oil, for her mechanized army. 'Serious Concern' The "serious concern" of the Unit- ed States over treatment British au- thorities are giving American ship- ping in the Mediterranean area was expressed in an aide memorie made public in Washington by the State Department. The United States recently protest- ed British search of mail destined for Germany as well as neutral coun- tries. Britain has rejected that pro- test. The latest protest from the United States cited nine American ships de- tained at Gibraltar between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15 and asserted American ships were being kept'three times as long as Italian vessels. Japan vigorously accused Britain of "a serious unfriendly act" in seiz- ing 21 German seamen from the Jap- anese liner Asama Maru Saturday and demanded a "full, valid explana- tion." Japan also reserved the right to demand delivery of the detained Ger- mans, who face internment in the British crown colony at Hongkong. The economic maneuvers, notes and protests overshadowed military activity in Europe's wars but Finland reported fresh victories over the Rus- sian invaders. 900 Are Lost Finnish dispatches said Russia lost 900 troopers in a vain attempt to pierce the Mannerheim Line on the Karelian Isthmus and heavy fight- ing north of Lake Ladoga. The Russians resorted to loud speakers to attack the morale of Fin- nish defenders on the Karelian front, the Finnish communique said. Rus- sians exhorted the Finns to surrender and threatened that the Germans were coming to help them and "would kill all Finns." Promptly from Berlin came a dec- laration that Germany remained "friendly" to the Russian cause but was strictly an observer. Extreme cold held activities on the Western Front almost to a standstill but there was no let-up on the seas after one of shipping's most disas- trous weekends. The British Admiralty reported the loss of the trawler Valdora, 250 tons, and her nine men on naval duty. Lloyd's reported in London, that the world's shipping losses since the start of the war were pushed over the million-ton mark to a total of 1,003,651 tons by the heavy weekend toll. The rescue of 412 passengers and most of the crew of 231 on the Italian liner Orazio, which burned in the Mediterranean, vas 'followed by fn indignant French denial of what Paris said was a German implication that French sabotage had started the fire. Visiting Air Sha Will Demonstrate A ir flinwrinciples Fundamentals of aerodynamics will be dramatized by means of a large model wind tunnel in the travelling air show which .opens here at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Under the snnnnrshin nf Riuma universay o mcnigan ace arinvai, has already been proved to seven stu- dents who were successful in follow- ing the clues listed on posters ap- pearing about the campus during the past days, Charles Heinen, 41E, pub- licity chairman of the Carnival, said yesterday. Gail Smith, Grad., found one of the; hidden silver dollars, and Harper Hull, '42E, found two of them, he added. F. A. Wainer, '41; George Johnson, '41E; William Glasgow, '42E; Elton Garner, '42E, and Albert Ludy, '42, have followed the trails successfully to win minor prizes, Heinen said. Jacksov Fire Calls Out All Equipment JACKSO, Jan. 22--(1P)-Loss of $30,000 was estimated in a business hbnlk fire which nnight callerd nut Campus Will Aid National Drive Against Paralysis With Tag Sale Launching the Washtenaw County National Foundation for Infantile campaign for the national fight Paralysis, Inc., and the county. against infantile paralysis, the Coun- The funds going to the national ty Committee for the Celebration of treasury are to be used for further re- the President's Birthday announced search in -the causes, diagnosis and a $2,000 goal for the six-day drive, cure of the disease. The county treas- beginning yesterday. ury will use its share to help pay Campus participation in the cam- for transporting afflicted children to paign will be a tag day Saturday and hospitals and schools, to pay for the the filling of 1,000 dime cards dis- treatment of afflicted children whose tributed by Tom Adams, '40, presi- parents are unable to afford it and dent of the Interfraternity Council to permit some research in the dis- and the only student member on the ease itself. committee, to fraternities, sororities< Students missed by the tag day can- and dormitories. vassers and dime cards may contri- The dime-card campaign will sub- bute any amount they wish through stitute for the President's Birthday collection boxes in all public build-. Ball which has been held here in for- ings, banks and stores. Lapel pins