sir X; y~JAN! :-2',-194th _._. .._ _ ._ , , . , THE MICHIGAN DAILY s- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Asaociated . Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of. all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEI SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISeN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CNICAGO * BOSTOR -LOS +N''E SAN FTRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schor Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Business Manager Editorialstaff. husiness Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate 'Editor Women's Editor . Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S.'Levy Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT f The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Lion Of Idaho: A Loss To The Nation . . W ITH THE PASSING of Senator Borah yesterday, the Senate lost one of the most venerable and colorful expon- &its of rugged individualism and isolation who alternately held floor and galleries spellbound with. rapturous oratory or puntured his op- ponents with poignant and curt accusations. Unique in his position was the "Lion of Idaho"; as one of the few Senators of this century who was assured of reelection in advance to any elec- tiori, and he was,, therefore, one of the few of our national legislators able to vote or take a lead in any issue as his conscience bade. When necessary, he was unafraid to stand alone and attack any block formidable enough to com- mand the rest of the chamber. For more than 30 years, covering several crucial periods in American history, he had stuck to liis guns and jealously guarded the underlying principles of the now famous Borah philosophy. Since his first trip to the Senate chambers in 1907, he has crusaded relentlessly against all monopolies and combinations of wealth and in- dustrial control, making light of all party or regional barriers when controversies on any issue arose on the Senate floor. Through his courageous and colorful charac- ter, he has succeeded in putting his western mountainous. district on the map as the state famous for Borah and potatoes. IN POINT OF SERVICE, William E. Borah has been the senior member of the Senate and has been recognized as its foremost authority on constitutional law. He has been chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee since 1924, and has in that capacity led many a stirring battle for isolation, and his stand has become known and respected in both national and international circles as the multitudinous letters and telegrams of sympathy received this week testify. Last of his great battles was waged last year in opposition to the proposed changes in the controversial neutrality legislation. Standing alone with Senators Nye and Vandenberg, his opposition commanded a flood of sympathetic letters and telegrams from all sections of the country, which nearly resulted in a defeat of the change. No less colorful have been other fights which he has lead in ,his 30 years as a Senate leader. After the first World War he strongly opposed the United State's entrance into the League of Nations, and it was largely due to his brilliant isolationist oratory that the United States car- ried on her policy of professed aloofness to Eu- ropean diplmacy. Whether his stand on the issue was best or not is conjectural, but the fact re- mains that he carried his convictions to the end. AGAIN IN 1937 as a member of the Senate Ju- diciary Committee he was instrumental in bringing about defeat of the President's plan for reorganizing the Supreme Court. He pre- pared what might have been one of the most brilliant speeches of his career, but in the swift turn of events that killed the measure his at- tack was never delivered. In spite of severe criticism from members of his own party, Borah championed the United States' recognition of the Soviet Union arnd was vigorous in his denunciation of governments which he termed "dictatorshin" many of his ideals and actions have been fre- quently criticized, he nevertheless remains a leading figure in national politics, a man of definite convictions and ideals who never lacked courage to advocate and defend those ideals.' - Karl Kessler. Political Footballs And Public Needs --- THE PRESENT session of Congress is perhaps the most important in the country's history, certainly the most important in our lifetime. But this is an election year and there is sure to be side-tracking of any important issue which might arouse controversy, and legis- lators will consider only the political aspects of any measure that may be presented. A case in point which aptly illustrates the danger of allowing, political considerations to hold sway is the attitude of the Southern Sena- tors toward the Anti-Lynching Bill which has recently been passed by the House. The de- bate there began with discussion of the ques- tions, surrounding its social need,: but quickly developed to hot charges that the bill was de- rned as a vote-baiting measure by the Re- publicans. Last year, which was a quiet year compared to this, a bill similar to the present measure, was introduced on the Senate floor and then began a filibuster by a groupof Senators from the land of cotton which effectively blocked any "onsideration of certain important measures on 'he calendar. But this year presents to neutral America a very acute situation. Not only is the foreign picture far more forbidding; but our home problems are still unsolved, the national debt joyfully climbs to astronomical heights, the ranks of the unemployed are no smaller and many other urgent needs still press upon the legislators. BUT HERE IS A MEASURE which for' more than a decade has been filibusteredout of' the Senate by these same Southern Senators. Here is a measure that has been sorely-needed for much longer than a decade< Yet stubbornness is not only going to prevent the logical solution to the lynching problem from being realized; but other pressing plans on the Administration's urogram will be stagnated until the: gentlemen from the South have completed their filibuster. Election year or no, the welfare of 'a sizable number of America neitizens is at stake inthe. present session and the political consequences of a bill should be the last thing to be considered. -- William B. Elmer. Human Blood Vs. Cash Savings ... HE UNIVERSITY'S conference on industrial hygiene here last week might well have dis- cussed the case of 8,000 Illinois miners who are threatening to go on strike unless their em- ployers end the practice of blasting with dyna- mite while the workers are in the pits. It is a stirring example of an American in- dustry which is willing to balance human blood for decreased costs of production. The mines in question are operated by the Bell and Zoeller Coal Co., and other associated firms. Working through the organization of the United Mine Workers of America, these employes have protested on several occasions against this' "on-shift blasting"-a practice which has been outlawed by almost every mining code drafted in the United States during the last 10 years. The Illinois mine owners have consistently avoided any action in the matter, however, and the coal workers will undoubtedly be forced to strike, their only weapon in a bid for humane laboring conditions. This- Illinois incident follows only a few days the tragic explosion in Bartley, W.Va, where 9 men were. killed when they' drilled into a dangerous gas chamber. No actual evidence of negligence on the part of the Bartley Coal Company has been discovered, but an official inquiry has been ordered, and a report is ex- pected soon. "On-shift dynamite blasting" did not cause the disaster, however, because blasting of new veins is forbidden by State laws. Coal mining is a risky business-even with the most modern safety devices and with the careful cooperation of employers. Every yedr many men lose their lives while laboring below ground. Sometimes there is a mass slaughter like the Bartley explosion. Without doubt, one of the most serious problems confronting industrial hygienists is found in the occupation of mining. The reason, of course, is that mine owners are not keeping pace with modern methods. The best solution can come from within the employer group itself. Through labor experts. and hygenists, mine owners can easily apply proper working hour laws and 20th century safety measures. Too many of them, however, are not willing to sacrifice immediate profits,' event to observe the fundamental laws of hu- mane treatment of men. In this cause, the only alternatives are strikes by the workers, as in Illinois, or a more rigid regulation by the Government on behalf of employ.s. -Paul M. Chandler. AReply TOMr.S1Sosson... WE READ with some dismay Professor Slos- son's letter yesterday deploring the -"base- ness" of our editorial attitude toward the pro- posed Finnish loan. While we can fully appreciate the humanitari- an motives that lie behind Professor Slosson's de- precation of our sentiments, and while we are well aware that had there been more such staunch internationalists as he during the 'past two decades we might not today be faced with a world at war, we cannot alter our original thesis that for the government to lend millions of dol- lars to Finland in the face of suffering and want among the American people is anomalous. We want it understood that our objection to the loan does not arise out of a lack of sym- pathy for the Finns. We can and do sympathize with the plight of Finnish women and children. We are not cold-blooded. But we see in the formation of Finnish relief societies and agita- tion for government credit to Finland a deadly parallel to the relief "for starving Belgians" in 1914 and America's subsequent entrance into the World : War. There is no compromising with our determination to keep out of this war, and it seems tous that the extension of credit to either belligerent, no matter how worthy its cause, is apt to lead- to eventual involvement. We have been burned once too often. We should like to make one statement in re- ,ard to Professor Slosson's statement that the man in the pew who grumbles most against wast- ing money on foreign missions is not the one who contributes most liberally to the establishment of home missions or payment of the pastor's sal- ary. An examination of Congressional debate in the past year on relief will show that just those men who are hearty supporters of the loan to Finland at the present time are those who are staunch advocates of governmental economy at the expense of public works and work relief programs. Finally, The Daily emphatically does not en- dorse the attitude of many metropolitan papers which attack the admission of refugees into the country on the basis of our having unemploy- ment. It has on many occasions advocated aid to refugees and' we invite Professor Slosson's attention specifically to an editorial entitled F America and the Refugees appearing in The daily for Nov. 15, 1938 and a reprint from the NewYork Times entitled Children in the Dark appearing in The Daily for Feb. 26, 1939. - Carl Petersen. Safety-Bands THE ALL-AMERICAN "safety-band" is simi- lar in some respects to early developments in international law surrounding neutrality. The right to be neutral was not always a recognized right, as small States well know. But as more powerful nations saw in it advantages to t'em- selves, they found common ground among them- selves and with these neighbors on which to found the now universally recognized right of neutrality. In the development of this concept one im- portant factor is that of consent. This consent has developed into a code whose restraining force may be seen today operating as a sort of safety-band around many neutral countries of Europe. For belligerents do not blithely accept the responsibility for violating the safety-bands of legallneutrality. That the American safety-band announced in the Declaration of Panama may lead to an extension of international law on neutrality is more than a possibility, despite present obstacles to making it effective. The British note just issued on this subject opens rather than closes the door to further discussion of it. Britain has indicated that its consent might not be withheld if certain conditions favorable to British in- terests could be complied with, such as preven- tion by the Americas of all German shipping between their ports. But it is possible British consent could be obtained if the Americas simply could guaran- tee that the millions of square miles of ocean in the safety-band would not become a hideout for German raiders and their auxiliaries. It is doubtful whether this guarantee would be con- sidered as watertight unless the Americas asl sumed actual and vigorous policing of the zone; it is unlikely any mere verbal consent by German authorities would convince the Allies that the zone did not provide a haven for German sea fighters. In policing the zone, however, Ameri- can observers see the very likelihood of involve- ment in war which the safety-band is designed to avoid'. Apparently diplomatic circles in the Western Hemisphere are agreeably surprised by the Brit- ish note.. For it does not say that the British wish to hear no more about the safety-band but that they are willing to hear much more about it, if its proponents have something more to say. What that something may be is a question now before the American republics. - Christian Science Monitor. King's Troubles E ITORS of the University- of South Carolina yearbook, confronted by the problem of choosing pictures of the seven prettiest girl stu- dents for the beauty section, decided to let King George do it. But now, through Ambassador Kennedy at London, they have received this mes- sage: "Isam sorry that His aajesty will be unable to select the beauties for your annual. The King is very busy conferring with his ministers on the war situation and has no time for the lighter, if finer, things of life." Smart man, King George. He knows when he lia rl~th -nna h n hlu hMHnA uithnnt va++inp, Che Drew Person cda RobertS.Allen WASHINGTON-Of the many and diverse agencies spawned by the New Deal, you can count on the fingers of one hand those which have remained unscathed by criticism. And foremost among these is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., whose chairman, Leo T. Crowley, soon will retire to private life. The public has heard very little about Crowley. But neither has it heard very much in the last few years about long queues of frantic de- positors standing outside of closed banks. That once quite common tragedy has disappeared completely from the American scene. Today, when a bank shuts its doors, it does so as part of an orderly, regu- lated process of liquidation. There are no runs, no distraught depositors, no distressing personal and economic aftermath. Depositors get their money immediately and in full up to. $5,000. Those with accounts above that figure have to wait for the bal- ance, but in the end they get their cash. Unquestionably the FDIC is the most spectacular outgrowth of the memorable banking collapse that gripped the nation in early 1933. Credit for the success of this great reform is due to two factors, First is the Federal Deposit Insur- ance Act. Passed during the stress and strain of the early New Deal, both Republicans and Democrats now ac- claim it. Last year the Senate wit- nessed the extraordinary spectacle of Sen. Carter Glass of Virginia, bitter anti-New Dealer, and Sen. John G. Townsend, rock-ribbed Delaware Re- publican, joining forces to give the FDIC greater administrative inde- pendence. The second factor is Leo T. Crow- ley, who has made the FDIC one of the most vital forces in the American financial system, and yet who has worked so quietly' and modestly that few of the 61;000,000 depositors whose earnings he has so efficiently guard- ed even know his name. How FDIC Works Secret of Crowley's remarkable rec- ord of preventing bank crashes has been his insistence on sound business practices. No FDIC-insured bank (13,540 out of the 14,540 commercial banks in the country are FDIC members) is per- mitted to pay out dividends until all losses have been met. There has been no piling up of frozen assets under Crowley. Also, before a bank is ac- cepted in the FDIC it must satisfy three basic qualifications: (1) have adequate capital, (2) competent management, and (3) favorable busi- ness prospects. If in spite of all these safeguards a bank runs into difficulty, then, as Crowley puts it, "we step in and ad- minister our medicine." In the six years of its existence, FDIC has ad- ministered its potent medicine to 310 banks, paying. out more than $151,- 000,000 and saving 860,000 depositors from loss. And all this has been done without grandstanding and without fanfare. Illustrative of how Crowley works was the quiet liquidation of the Title Guaranty and Trust Company of Jersey City, alarge bank with $21,- 000,000 in deposits. When FDIC ex- aminers reported that the bank was shaky, Crowley immediately took charge and closed its doors. Ten days later every deposit up to $5,000 had been paid off in full--a total of $18,000,000 out of the $21,000,000. In pre-FDIC days the collapse of this bank would have rocked the city -in fact, the whole region. Under- Crowley there wasn't a flicker. Few people outside New Jersey even knew about it. Up The Hard Way There are two outstanding things about Crowley. One is his courtly gentlemanliness; the other his quiet, inflexible liberalism. He was' a wealthy business man long before he came to Washington, and he had to climb the ladder of success the hard way. But there has been no stauncher liberal in the New Deal. He has stood unmoving for the things he believes in, yet he has never indulged in personalities. one of eight children, Crowley was forced by the death of his father to go to work as a delivery boy in a Madison, Wis., grocery at the age of 12. Ten years later he not only owned the store but had put himself through the University of Wisconsin. From then on he climbed steadily upward; so that by the time he was 40, Crow- ley was head of an oil company, of a paper supply firm, of a leading Wisconsin bank, and was chairman of the Wisconsin Banking' Review Board. Henry Morgenthau was the first' to commandeer Crowley's services. Mm-o-gnthan then was head nf the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) photographic contest for college seniors. Open to men and women. Entrance blanks must be mailed be- fore Feb. 20, 1940. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Recreational Leadership. Women students planning to take this course in the Women's Physical Education Department during the second sem- ester should file an application with the Department by February 7. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Academic Notices Conflicts in final examinations in the Engineering College must be re- ported before 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 23. See bulletin board at Room 3209, East Engineering Building, for in- structions. Room Assignment for Final Ex- amination in German 1, 2, 31, and 32. Saturday, February 3, 1940, 9-12 a.m. German 1 1025 A.H., Philippson, Diamond, Gaiss, Eaton, Graf. 25 A.H., Braun, Broadbent, Ed- wards. 231 A.H., Striedieck, Norbury, Pott. German 2 B H.H. All sections. German 31 35 A.H., Reichart, Van Duren, Pott. B H.H., Gaiss. C H.H., Schachtsiek, Philippson, Diamond, 1035 A.H., Graf, Ryder.1 301 U.H., Wahr.I German 321 D H.H. All sections. Room Assignments for the English1 I Final Examination, Tues., Jan. 30,E 2-5 p.m. Arthos, 35 A.H.; Baum, 35 A.H.; Bertram, 1035 A.H.; Boys, W. Lect. Phys.; Calver, 1035 A.H.; Eisinger, W. Lect. Phys.; Engel, W. Lect. Phys.;I Giovannini, 2029 A.14.; Green, 2203 A.H.; Greenhut, 2235 AH.; Halliday,t (see D.O.B. next week); Hanna, 42031 A.H.; Hart, 4003 A.H.; Hathaway, 229 A.H.! Helm, 18 A.H.; Helmers, 205 M.H. Martin, 205 M.H.; McCormick, 208I U.H.; O'Neill, 103 R.L.; Peake, 103; R.L.; Peterson, 25 A.H,; Rettger, 305 S.W.; Robertson, 2054 N.S.; Schroed- er, 2003 N.S.; Stocking, 202 W. Phys.;i Taylor, 102 Ec.; Walker, 202 Ec. We- mer, 103 R.L.; Weisinger, 302 M.H.; Wells, 25 A.H.; Woodbridge, 25 A.H. Concert Orchestra Concert: T4e University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor, Wassily Besekirsky, violin soloist, will give a concert in Hill1 Auditorium this afternoon at 4:15l o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited but is respectfully requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. Exhibitions ' Exhibits of the University's Arch- eological Research in the Philippines, Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types of the Eastern United States and of Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo- tany are being shown in the Mezza- nine floor Exhibit rooins of the' Rackham Building. Also exhibited are antiquities from the University excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex- cept Sunday. Exhibition, paintings by John Pap- pas and a collection of German prints from the Detroit Art Institute Alum- ni Memorial Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: A series of 14 fine in- tenors rendered in color represent- ing work of the New York School of Fine and Applied Art is being shown in the first floor exhibition cases, January 13 to January 27. Open daily, except Sunday,' 9 to 5. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Captain R. A. (Bob) Bartlett, Peary's great lieuten- ant and one of the most famous of arctic explorers, will lecture with colored moving pictures on "The Arc- tic in Color," under the auspices of the Department of Geology, at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 23, in the Auditorium of the Rackham Build- ing. The public is cordially invited. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor H. C. Urey of Colum- bia University will speak on "The Dif- ferences in Physical Properties of Isotopic Compounds and Their Use in the Separation of Isotopes", at 4:15 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22, in Room dents of the University are in ited to attend and to bring their faculty or student friends, Canadian neighbors, and fellow citizens from Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Varsity Glee Club. Meeting of all committee chairmen at 3:15 p.m. to- day in the Glee Club rooms. Regu- lar rehearsal at 4:30. .. A.LE.E. Members: Photo for the A.I.E.E. 'Ensian page will be taken at 4:00 p.m. today in Rentschler's studio at 319 E. Huron St. La Sociedad Hispanica: Group pic- ture for the Ensian will be taken today at Dey's Studio, 332 S. State 3:30 p.m. All members urged to be there. Graduate Outing Club will meet today at 2:30 p.m. in rear of Rackham Building for outdoor program. If weather permits, there will be tobogganing, skating and slid- ing. Supper in club rooms if desired. All graduate students and faculty In- vited. The Art Cinema League presents Paul Muni in "I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang," as the final program of the current series. Matinee and evening performances at 3:15 and 8:15 respectively today. Special mem- bership for this final performance may be obtained prior to the show- ing. The Lutheran Student Club will meet at 3:00 p.m. today at Zion Parish Hall, Washington and Fifth for a tobogganing and skiing party. Dinner and discussion period at the Hall afterwards. Be at the Hall promptly. New Cooperative House: There will be a meeting for all members this afternoon in Room 306 of the Union. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members inter- ested in speaking German are cordial- iy invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Professor Hereward T. Price on, "Shakespeare nicht von Shakespeare." Biokogical Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Building, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, January 23. Subject: "Serum Proteins- Chemistry and Physiology." All in- terested are invited. Economics Club: Dean C. E. Grif- fin will speak on "The Nature of Competition" in the East Lecture Roome of the Rackham Building on Monday, Jan. 22, at 7:45 p.m. Staff members and graduate students in Economics and Business Administra- tion are cordially invited. The English Journal Club will meet monday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Bldg. Paper by Hr. Herbert Weisinger on "The History of Ideas Method in Scholarship." Dr. H. V. S. Ogden will act as critic. Botanical Journal Club will meet Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Reports: "Recher- ches sur le Gnomonia Ulmea (Schw.) Thum," by James MeCranie. "Pa- pers on Genetics of Neurospora," by Jose V. Santos. "Papers on Water- melon Pythiunms and Classification of Viruses," by W. C. Sherman. "Sexu- al Hormones in Achlya," by J. R. Hardison. Chairmen: Professor L. E. Weh- meyer, Professor F. K. Sparrow. A.I.E.E. Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 305 Michi- gan Union. Jerry Wiesner will dis- cuss "Frequency Modulation." An- nual election of officers. Iota Alpha, Beta Chapter, will hold an initiation banquet on Tuesday eve- ning, Jan. 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Speaker: Lt. Col. Basil Edwards. Reservations should be in by Tuesday noon. Fellowship of Reconciliation: Regu- lar meeting Monday, Jan. 21, at 7:00 p.m. in Lane Hall. Discussion led by Ken Leisenring on "Moral Man in a Moral Society." Skiing Movies From Sun Valley will be shown on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the sponsorship of the Graduate Outing Club. Mr. Edwards of Sun Valley will be tle lecturer. Women's Rifle Club: The firing schedule during the week of January 21 will be the same as for the previ- ous week. There will be no firing during the two weeks of examina- tions. MUSIC Philharmonic Program IMON BARER, widely acclaimed pianist, will Splay the Tschaikowsky B-flat minor Piano Concerto with the New York Philharmonic- Symphony Orchestra in its Sunday afternoon -_ .X-Ar~t * Tnv. ) R A I