_THE MICHIGAN DAILY tin Library Earl Browder Enters Court To Face Fraud Charges Extension Servie 1Ii1i~i Earl Browder (left), general secretary of the Communist party in America, is shown outside the court in New York where he faces trial on passport fraud ch irges. With% him is his attorney, George Gordon Battle. Attorney Battle said at the outset of the trial: "We. do not deny that he obtained the 'Richards' passport in 1931 under that name." Outlook For Helping Convulsive Disorders Better, Himler Says*Rf * v - By JUNE McKEE n Psychiatrist, Is Conductor - Of Nine-Year Survey f Of Afflicted Students By BERNARD DOBER "In view of latest advances made in diagnosis and treatment, the outlook for relieving or overcoming convul- sive disorders is definitely encourag- i ing," Dr. Leonard E. Himler, psy- chiatrist at the Health Service, said yesterday as he described the situa- tion after having conducted a nine- year survey of college students af- r flicted with this type of disorder. ' Statistics, which show that 39 per * cent of the group studies were mark- - edly improved and 24 per cent more were definitely benefited by properly 1 instituted medical care, as well as the fact that over 70 per cent of the group . were able to do acceptable academic work, indicates conclusively, he stat- . ed, that the patient who is subject to convulsive states is in no sense of the word hopelessly handicapped. The convulsive disorder, which is the term preferred in medical circles to the old term "epilepsy," he said is per se no indication of mental ab- normality. In the United States to- day there are over half a million persons who are or have been sub- ject to seizures, and of these over 80 peir cent are living in their home communities. Epminent men in all fields of endeavor are known or are reported to have had convulsions. To the neurologist, the epileptic attack is not a disease but, like head- ache, fever, or fainting, a symptom which may accompany a number of different underlying conditions. In an increasing number of cases, Dr. Himler added, this underlying cause 'Bob' Bartlett, Polar Explorer, To Lecture Here - Capt. Robert A. "Bob" Bartlett, who has been exploring the Far North since 1897, will deliver an illus- trated University Lecture on "The Arctic in Color" at 8 p.m. Tuesday" in the Rackham auditorium. Captain Bartlett, who will be brought here by the geology depart- ment,, will show colored motion pic- tures ,taken on his recent expedition. He is the winner of more than a dozen medals for his explorations and belongs to numerous geographi- cal and travel societies. He holds an honorry degree from Bowdoin Col- lege and is the author of three books. Captain Bartlett, as commander of the ship "Roosevelt," took an active part in Peary's 1905 expedition to the North Pole. Previously, he had win- tered with Peary at Cape D'Urville and had led hunting trips to Hudson's Bay. He was the captain of the Canadian ship "Karluk", which was crushed by ice in Jan. 1914. Stranded, he and 17 other persons reached Wrangel Island. He left 15 persons there and with an Eskimo crossed the ice to Siberia, returning with a rescue party to Wrangel Island in Sept. 1914. By Sept. 1915, the ill- fated party was back in Nome, Alaska. can be discovered and remedied. In For future broadcasters, wonder- another large group of cases, however, ing about remuneration, Prof. Wal- even the most complete clinical ex- do Abbot issues this information. An- amination may not reveal any deter- nouncers may start as low as $10 minable cause for the attacks. weekly. The average salary local One of the most challenging fields stationkyiTh $25eaekwryle' of research in medicine is the search ons pay is $25 a week, while for the ultimate and hidden causes of in larger regional and high-power sudden unconscious states in persons stations, approximately $60 is paid. who are in every other way mentally Often the announcer sells time on ,and physically normal. the station and increases his income One of the, more recent methods by commercials. Then when a soon- of investigation, Dr. Himler pointed sor requests an announcer, he be- out, has been by means of the electro- comes an artist and receives extra encephalograph. Ths delicate instru- ment amplifies and records the pulsa- pay, sometimes as high as $250 a pro- tions of the electrical currents of the gram. brain, hence the name, "brain waves." Few stations have full time dra- Definite changes in the character of matic staffs and most often employ these wavel have been determined in actors as needed for programs. Com- epileptic patients and it has been pensation for these players ranges found that such "dysrhythmias" do from $3.50 to $7 per program, includ- not necessarily bear any time rela- ing all the rehearsals. tion to the actual attacks. "Further Now the "Michigan Fan Fare" may work along this line will undoubtedly be heard by more. as Stan Swinton, add much not only to the knowledge '40, Tom Harmon, '41, and Mel Fine- of epilepsy, but also concerning other berg, '40, present the weekly sports- disturbances whose focus lies in the cast over both WCAR and .WMBC brain," he observed. at 2:45 p.m. ( In addition to denying the miscon- "Game of the Week" then rules ception that epilepsy is incurable or the ether waves around WJR at non-remediable, Dr. Himler stated 3:30 p.m. with Jack Silcott, Grad., that it is not hereditary in the sense presiding, Johnny Gelder, '40, and usually believed, since only one pa- your columnist try "T-Up and T- tient in five is able to name any (Off" on today's contestants, while relative who has been similarly af- Dick Slade, '41, handles announcing. fected. Studies conducted by Dr. Lennox of. the Harvard Medical \ School indicate that such hereditary element as may obtain seems to be closely linked with the occurrence of 10 abnormalities in the brain waves." 7! Williams Talks Today At Hillel ~ 4 English Professor To End Foundation's Series Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department will speak on % "Men and Books Which Have In- fluenced My Mind" at 8 p.m. today at l the Hillel Foundation, following the % regular Ffiday night Conservative 0 Services., & This speech, which is the last in a series of seven presented this semes- ter by various members of the faculty' on the same subject, will be devoted mainly to a discussion of Vernon L. Parrington's "Main Currents in American Thought." The annual Hillel activity keys 4 which have in the past been awarded to seniors for outstanding work - fori / the Foundation will be given, starting this year, to juniors. However keys j< will also be given to members of thei class of 1940 in order to reward them for their work during the past three years. The change was made in order toj'r help stimulate greater activity in the Foundation's activity and give the % 14o winners of the keys a chance to dis- ' ./ play them at the University, Dr. Isaaca Rabinowitz, director of the Hillel Foundation said yesterday. Other awards offered by Hillel are the Hillel Cup presented to the organ- the greatest extent during the yea, 1and the Hillel Players Keys for out- standing dramatic work. I/jfAk4 . !THIEDA MARY MUYSKE'NS 1/e f f Oit o h lC(op