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January 18, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-18

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CIO Program Offers A Basis
For Building A Vital Democracy



'By Young (Gulliver



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t Office at Ann Arbor; Michigan, as"
ing regular school year by carrier,

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
iber, Associated Collegiate Press,.1939-40
Editorial Staff4

. Schorr
erg .


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
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. Associate Editor
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. Women's Editor
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* Harriet S. Levy

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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
merican Or
'inish Relief.? ..
cause of Finland'rises in the United
tates, stimulated by the press and by national-
id local relief activities, the President has pro-
osed governmental action calculated to lend
naterial relief" to Finland.
The crowded seven weeks since hostilities
gan between Russia and Finland have wit-.
ssed what seems almost impossible to believe
-a nation of three and a half million people
iti a total mobilization of 300,000 withstanding
nation of 180,000,000 people with a total mo-
lization of several millions. The American
ess was quick to play up "brave little Finland"
st as it was quick to play up "brave little
elgium" 25 years ago. American public opin-
n was quick to respond. Herbert Hoover has
nnounced "that his -relief committee has al-
ady. sent $40,00 'to Finand and is expecting
double and treble that amount. Bills have
enintroduced in Congress to send American
fles to Finland and to lend her money up to
Before we detail our reasons for opposing these:
onetary moves to aid Finland, we want it
early understood that our opposition to them
>es not arise out of sympathy for Russia. We
> not pretend to regard her invasion of Fin-
nd as anything but flagrant, unprovoked ag-
'ession. We cannot, despite our recognition
the accomplishments of Russia's internal pol-
y and a conviction that the Soviet's earlier
reign policy has been just, regard Russia's
xmpaign in Finland as on a higher plane' than
erVIany's in Poland.
We will not enter at this time into the in-
rnational implications of the proposed action.
re merely quote the objection Senator George
,ioed to' the President's pronouncement Tues-
iy: " If we lift the restrictions in the Neutrality
t on credits to foreign nations, it is easy to
4 we have destroyed the very heart of the
eutrality Act. If you break down the restric-
ons in the case of Finland, the hour ap-
roaches when the pressure will be doubled
nid redoubled to break down the restrictions
the case of Great Britain." However, our
)jection to the proposed action by the gov-
nment is couched in terms of its domestic im-
In the face of higher budget outlays for U.S.
fepse, of cuts in all categories of relief ap-
opriations, of the unhappy plight of more than
000,000 American unemployed, the projected
nding of millions of American dollars to Fin-
,nd seems to us to be an anomaly of gigantic
The budget message of the President recom-
ended cuts in virtually all major spending cate-
ories except national defense. This figure was
t at $1,800,000,000, an increase of $300,000,000
ver last year's figure. Work relief programs
'ere cut $500,000,000, agricultural programs
100,000,000 and public works programs $300,-
It is proposed to lend an unspecified amount
f money to Finland to be used to buy non-
dilitary supplies. In our own country, three
mes the total population of Finland is living
a straightened circumstances because, of un-
mployment, loss of relief or bad crops. Yet
he American public is digging into its pockets
o send money to Finland, and a government
rhich could not see its way clear to taking ade.-
nate care- of its needy eitizens has already

LNE YEAR AGO President Roosevelt declared
at the opening of Congress: "Our nation's
program of social and economic reform is . . a
part of defense as basic as armaments them-
Democracy-its defense and tension-still re-
mains the vital problem in a new decade. Michi-
gan's crippled children, Toledo's empty schools,
Cleveland's starving reliefers, the nation's nine
millions of unemployed, plus 30 millions more
living today-ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed:- all
testify to the sustaining validity of the Presi-
dent's declaration today, for democracy cannot
long survive in such an adverse environment.
The stark realities of our domestic problem have
not changed, but a glance at the proposed budget
seems to indicate the President has. .
Social expenditures still remain, but President
Roosevelt is no longer their champion. One
million WPA workers have been dropped from,
the roles during the last year, and work relief
expenditures for 1941 have been decreased one-
half billion. While social security has been slight-
ly increased, the agriculture and public. works
programs have been cut by $700,000,000.. The
Wagner Health Act has been shelved. Expendi-
tures for armaments have been upped $300,000,-
000 to the grand total of $1,800,000,000. Evading
the immensity of the domestic problem with the
"hope that a continued expansion of business
would diminish relief requirements substantial-
ly," the President has added his impetus toward
a war economy.
Outstanding for its determined opposition to
the existing trend toward war and a war ec-
onomy has been the progressive labor move-
ment. Unequivocally facing the realities of
our domestic social and economic needs, the.
Congress for Industrial Organizationoffers a
comprehensive and integrated program of legis-
lative action to meet them.
America's No. 1 problem today is the finding
of employment for its nine millions of unem-
ployed. To this end the CIO asks that the Presi-
dent immediately convene a conference of the
responsible leaders from government, industry,
labor and agriculture, who should be comman-
deered by the government to work at this prob-
lem until some concrete plans have been formu-
lated to solve America's problem No. 1. Pending
such a solution, there must be established a
works program that will employ at least three
million people at wages consistent with Ameri-
can standards of living. To provide employ-
ment for the 4,000,000 unemployed youths be-
tween 15 and 25 there must be a special works
program established, and the National Youth
Administration appropriation must be substan-
tially increased.
Recognizing that powerful financial and in-
dustrial anti-labor leaders have not slackened
in their attempts to repeal or emasculate the
Marching Through Georgia
ALTHOUGH Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's publicity
department may disagree, David O. Selz-
nick's Gone With The Wind is not the greatest
motion picture of all time. It cannot be. For
Gone With The Wind in book form was not
history's greatest novel.
If Sidney Howard's adaptation had not been
so razor-close, The Wind might have been meas-
urably better. Mr. Howard, a -master play
technician, would have included what Margaret
Mitchell left out. But, either because Mr. Selz-
nick feared audience wrath or refused to give
Mr. Howard's abilities full play, some of the
characters are as shallow and a few of the
scenes are as overdrawn as they were in the
One thing is certain-the South, the British
Empire and avid movie fans can rest at ease-
Miss Vivien Leigh does not play Scarlett O'Hara;
Scarlett O'Hara is Vivien Leigh. It may be her
fresh personality, which prevents any accusa-
tions of "typing." It can be her French-Irish
ancestry, for Scarlett, too, was French-Irish. But
most likely it is a job of casting of which Holly-
wood can forever be proud. In face, voice and

manner Miss Leigh is the embodiment of every-
thing we thought Scarlett to be.
Gone With The Wind's much-publicized
running-time, three and one-half hours, does
not make it monotonous. Like a three-ring
circus, there is always something to watch. If
one tires of the story of Scarlett's marriages
and Rhett Butler's cavaliering, you can always
look at the backgrounds or admire the techni-
color. You'll soon understand why The Wind
cost about three million dollars to make after
seeing its detailed reproductions of the Old
South. The improved technicolor process can
Sbe praised by saying-it's so natural we hardly
noticed it,
Clark Gable, 'unanimously named for the
Rhett Butler role, plays it to the last round.
Leslie Howard, despite his English accent, is
convincing as Ashley Wilkes, and Olivia De
Haviland emerges as a scene-thief of the first
class with her remarkable performance as Me-
There are few battle scenes. Director Victor
Fleming relies on montage shots to depict the
War Between The States, except for one un-
forgettable panorama-thousands of wounded
Confederate soldiers lying in the Atlanta rail-
road yards. But for this, it is all Scarlett O'Hara.
There have been better movies, but there has
never been a. more comprehensive one. Gone'
With The Wind ic a milestone in tha ninpma'c

provisions of the -Wagner Act, the CIO urges
that* for the protection of labor the following
amendments to the act be passed: 1-an amend-
ment to provide criminal penalties for violations
of the Wagner Act; 2-an amendment to prevent
the government from' awarding any government
contracts to an employer found to have violated
the act; 3--an amendment to prevent the labor
board from carving" up any industrial units'
established by industrial unions.
Because the fair labor standards act (wage-
hour law) is threatened with amendments in-
tended to destroy the legislation, the CIO calls
upon^Congress not to pass any amendments to
this legislation at this time, but that larger ap-
propriations for' administration expenses be,
made in order to achieve real enforcement of the
Based upon the fundamental principle that
any sound social security system must both pro-
vide protection for the American people against
the inevitable hazards of modern industrial life
and increase the national consumer-income by
defraying the tcosts of social security services
out of- excess wealth and income of the country,
the CIO offers its program for social security
dealing with'old age, unemployment compensa-
tion, and health.:
It is imperative that the social security pro-
gram relating to old age and unemployment
compensation be expanded, simplified and lib-
eralized to include large groups now outside the
present legislation and to provide a pension
payment of $60 per month at the age of 60 plus
an additional allowance of $30 to aged wives.
Federal standards should be established so as
to insure uniform, liberal unemployment laws
throughout the country. The CIO demands that
the large reserves built up by these laws be
used now to increase benefits and give the bene-
fits to more people, in order to increase purchas-
ing power and provide effective security to the
American people.
The CIO national health program has as its
objectives the immediate construction of hos-
pitals and clinics throughout the country; the
expansion of the public health service to take
care of social diseases; a system of medical care
for the American people that will include medi-
cal care for all income groups, free to low in-
come groups; and the establishment of stan-
dards for the control and prevention of indus-
trial diseases.
The government should expand the construc-
tion of houses from the present low level of
450,000 per year to. not less than 1,000,000 a
year to alleviate the existing housing shortage
and to provide extensive employment in this
In 1938 the percentage of the tax burden based
primarily on consumption was 51.3 per cent. The
CIO demands that there be no increase of taxes
on low-income groups, but rather decreases.
To the end that taxation should have as a func-
tion the readjustment of the flow of national
income to provide increased purchasing power

'NOT THAT IT makes too much
difference, but it's been plaguing
Gulliver for several years now. You've
probably wondered about it too, but
no doubt you've been either too lazy
or too bashful to ask. The question
is this: Why do the librarians click
that little clicker every time they look
up a book in their catalogue? Per-
sons sending in reasonable answers
will be awarded three medium sized
snowballs in moderately good condi-
tion; librarians, or reasonable fac-
similes thereof, are not eligible.
* * * .*
TIDBIT NUMBER 2 is the story
(not too funny, but Thursday is
' bad day anyway) about the famous
Professor Copeland of Harvard. It
appears that there was a gent in one
of his classes who was by way of
being a big shot on campus and a fa-
vorite of the ladies; he was also a
perpetual absentee. One day he had
the temerity (nerve) to walk into
:lass in the middle of a lecture.
The good professor stopped, then
;aid, "Will you please leave, sir?"
The lad, decidedly red about the ears,
hung his head (sheepishly) and made
for the door.
"Just a moment," came the clarion
call. "What is your name?"
"Monday," said our man, practic-
ally a nervous wreck by this time.
"Ah," sighed Copey, "sic transit
gloria Monday . .
WE INTERRTUPT ourselves at this
point to hand a stern warning,
on the hilt of our sword, to 'all those
3rofessors who intend to use Gulliver
,tories to pep up otherwise dull lec-
3ULLIVER. Failure to observe this
regulation will result in etc.
* S * *
gELL,THEY'RE AT IT again.'
Those Terrible Powers who have
)een pestering Flash Gordon, Super-
'nan and X9 have returned their at-t
ention to Gulliver. It happened like
;his. Somebody brought up the sub-{
ect of final exams, which reminded
-ulliver that he (Gulliver) had them1
oo. Parenthetically, exams are like
1thlete's foot, aren't they? That is,
'o say, you get rid of them every once
n a while, but they always come
Anyway, Gulliver decided to look'
ip the schedule and see on what1
lays his exams (and his head) would.
'all. It was a very pleasant way of,
'assing thetime (like picking your
ourses for next semester) until Gul-I
iver found out that all his exams
'ome the first three days, WHICH
'SN'T FUNNY AT ALL. So if Gul-
iver degenerates steadily for the next
veek, and if you find him babbling.
nstead of cavilling, you'll know the'
'eason why-his but to do or die.
JOW MANY of you read the Book
Page of The Daily? No kidding
Now how many of you ever read
he reviews of one Elbi Gileni? You
ion't say so . . . How many of you
hought, like Gulliver, that he was an1
krabian? Is that right . . . Now1
'iow many of vou ever spelled Elbi<
3ileni backwards?r
* **4 *
Maybe next time we'll get serious.

(Continued from Page 2)
seles qualified and seek recommen-
dation by this University should ap-
ply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant
to the President, 1021 Angell Hall.
Notice to Men Students: For the
information of men students living
in approved rooming houses, the
first semester shall end on Thurs-
day, February 8, and the second
semester shall begin on the same
Students living in approved room-
ing houses, who intend to move to
different quarters for the second
semester, must give notice in writing
to the Dean of Students before 4:30
on Thursday, January 18, 1940. They
should also notify their householders
before this date. Permission to move
will be given only to students com-
plying with this requirement.
Notice to Students Planning to Do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the second
semester are requested to secure
assignments in Room 2442 University
Xlementary School on Thursday and
Friday, Jan. 18 and 1, according to
the following schedule'.
Today at 8:00 a.m., Social Studies.
Today at 1:30 p.m., Social Studies.
Friday, Jan. 19, at 8:00 a.m. French
and German; 9:00 a.m. Latin and
mathematics; 10:00 a.m. Science;
11:00 a.m. Commercial, fine arts,
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the announce-
ment by Radcliffe College of two
$600 fellowships for Graduate Train-
ing in Personnel Administration for
the year 1940-41. Any graduate wo-
men or senior women interested may
secure further information at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.'-
Doctoral Examination of Mr. Hale
Cowling will be held at 3:00 p.m. to-
day in 309 Chemistry Building. Mr.
Cowling's department of specializa-
tion is Chemistry. The title of his
thesis is "The Effect of Manganese
on the Dispersion of Cellulose as
Professor F. E. Bartell, as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the1
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
Doctoral Examination of Willis
Allan Fisher will be held at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 19 in 309 Chemistry
Bldg. Mr. Fisher's department of
specialization is Chemistry. The title
of his thesis is "Hydroxytriarylcarb-
nols Containing P-Biphenyl Groups"
Professor L. C. Anderson as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive. Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.

diately after the lecture, in Room
3004 NS.
Aero. 27, Aplied Aerodynamics,
will not meet today.
Exhibits of \the University's Arch-
eological Research in the Philippines,
Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types
of the Eastern United States. and of
Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo-
tany are being shown in the Mezza-
nine floor Exhibit rooms of, the
Rackham Building. Also exhibited
are antiquities from the University
excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and
from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30
to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex-
cept. Sunday.
Exhibition, paintings by John Pap-
pas and a collection of German prints
from the Detroit Art Institute, Alum-
.ni Memorial Hall, 2 to 5 pm.
Exhibition, College of. Architecture
,and DeIsign:. A series of. 14 fine In-
'teriors rendered in. color represent-
ing work of the New York School of
Fine and Applied Art is being shown
in the first floor exhibition cases,
January 13 to January 27. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5. -he
public is invited.,
University 'Lecture; Cptam R. A.
(Bob) Bartlett, Peary's great lieuten-
ant and one of the most famous of
arctic explorers, will lecture with
colored moving pictures on "The Arc-
tic in Color," under the auspices of
the Department of Geology, at 8:00
p.m. on Tuesday, January 23, in the
Auditorium of the Rackham Build-
,ng. The public is cordially invited.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Professor H C. Urey of Colum-
bia University will speak on "The Dif-
ferences in Physical Properties of
Isotopic Compounds and Their Use
in the Separation of Isotopes", at
4:15 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22,in Room
303, Chemistry Building. The meet.-
ing is open to the public.
Today's Events
Engineering Mechanics Colloquim
today at 4:00 p.m. in 314 Engineering
Annex. Refreshments will precede
the talk by Mr. A. G. Standhagen on
"A New Method for Treating the
Buckling of Slender Columns."
Psychological Journal Club will
meet tonight at 7:30 in the East
Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. "A Review of Re-
cent Research on the Analyses of the
Effects of Practice on Standard
Tests' will be discussed by H. Long,
A. Muller, and E. B. Greene.
U.S. Naval Reserve: Lieutenant
Forrest A. Roby, of the United States
Naval Reserve Aviation Base at
Grosse Ile, Michigan, will talk: to
students interested in flight training,
tonight at 7:30 in Room 1042 East
Engineering Building.
Coming Events
Future Teachers Of America will
hold a short business meeting today
at .3:45 p.m. in Room 2435 UES. At
4:10 Prof. Howard McClusky will
speak on the subject "The New Re-
sponsibilities ofrEducation," to which
all interested are invited.
Phi Tau Alpha will meet in Lane
Hall tonight at 7:30.
JGP Dance Committee: Group
II whl meet at 4:30 today in the
League. Groups are posted on bil-
letin board in the Undergraduate
Office. No unexcused absences are

permitted; only two excused absences
are allowed, and all excuses must be
presented to Virginia Osgood before
the meeting; telephone 7117.
Meeting for the organization of a
Hobby Club for all students interest-
ed in model planes will be held in the
Student Offices of the Union tonight
at 7:30.
Women's Fencing Club will meet
this evening at 7:30 in the fencing
room at Barbour Gymnasium.
Modern Dance Club will meet this
evening at 7:30 in Barbour Gymna-
Michigan Dames: Homemaking
group meets tonight at eight o'clock'
in the home of Mrs. Henry G. 7oel-
ker, 920 Dewey.
The Interior Decoration Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the
Michigan League. Mr. George G.
Brigham, Jr., will lecture on "Trends
in Modern Housing."

for the great mass of the people, a far
proportion of total. tax revenue must be
by tapping the large concentrations of
and savings through higher taxes.
The program of the CIO presents the
tion that the first line in the defense of
racy are the welfare and security of the


for out of the failure to provide those comple-
ments of democracy, totalitarianism is born.
Based upon common security and well-being,
democracy shall reach its fullest and richest de-
velopment through the individual attainments
of those it serves.
The labor movement, and in particular the
CIO, has proven by its leadership in the struggle
for the security and welfare of the mass of the
people that it is the most powerful force for
democracy in American life. The legislative
program of the CIO is an integrated outline of
action for the achievement of the mass security'
and welfare, upon which all can unite in the
common endeavor to create in America a living,
pulsating democracy.
Blue Ribbon Juries
And Tom Dewey
In keeping with the Governor's recommenda-
tion, a bill has been introduced in the Legisla-
ture to abolish the institution of the "blue-
ribbon" jury. Thus opens for this year's sessiri
a fight which has become perennial, more par-
ticularly since District Attorney Dewey began
using such juries in his successful rackets prose-
cutions. In 1938 the Judicial Council of State
called for their abolition, with the charge that
they were "convicting juries." Last year it re-
newed its plea with the charge that they were
"distinctly un--American and not consonant
with a trial by one's peers." The latter sums
up the Governor's objections
Let us understand that the special panel,
from which "blue-ribbon" juries are selected,
dates in New York from 1896 and is a device or-
iginally designed to assist the trial of murder in
counties of a million habitants or more. Thus
it has been a fixture only in this city and one or
two other populous centers, and for that reason
it suffers from a lack of more than academic'
interest in the rest of the state. To overcome
this indifference it needs against its critics the
support of all those of us familiar with its prac-
tical value as a means of making the jury sys-
tem a feasible instrument of justice in a vast
heterogeneous modern community.
Not only in murder cases but in others of a
sensational or complicated nature does it seem
sensible that the jurors chosen should have had
previous experience in a criminal court and be
able to dismiss preconceptions of the case formed
from nutmc rant Trp cemw a anhn nrpmii

Drew Pearsont
end -
Robert S.Allent
WASHINGTON-While her broth-
er "Buzzie" visited the Navy Yard
and other manly spots, Anna Eleanor
Roosevelt ("Sistie") Dall did her
capital sightseeing in places that
appeal to the feminine heart. Most
important was the Bureau of Home
economics, where her lively and in-
elligent interest made a hit.
Twelve-year-old Sistie was par-
ticularly intrigued by the Bureau's'
dietetic experiments, and was all ears
and eyes as Director Louise Stanley,
showed her several cages of white
rates. Dr. Stanley explained that
Uhe rats were used in experiments
on balanced diets; in fact, that the
menus which the Bureau recom-
mends to housewives are based on
the results of these rat tests.
"How fascinating," exclaimed Sis-
tie. "You know,I'm very much in-
terested in dietetics. I wonder if'' I
might take two of these rats home
with me to Seattle to make some ex-
This was a poser for Dr. Stanley.
Government property can't be given
away, also the experiments had
reached an important stage and the
rats couldn't be spared. But the of-
ficials were touched by the little girl's
enthusiasm and hated to disappoint
, i QI, . Tr - on a - lv a

Doctoral Examination of Mr. Fred-'
eric Oliver Crandall will be held at
2:00 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 20, in the
West Council Room, Rackham Build-'
ing. Mr. Crandall's department of'
specialization is Speech and Gen-
eral Linguistics. The title of his thesis
is "Three Studies in Propaganda in
the American Theatre."
Dr. Louis M. Eich, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of' the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting Imembers of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attendth examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
Any independent men who have
failed to make reservations in the
Congress booth for J-Hop may do so
between now and Saturday morning
by phoning Larry Gluck (2-2143).
All those who are planning to at-
tend the Congress breakfast follow-
ing the J-Hop and have not as yet
registered should call Fordyce Hart-
man (3029) before next Monday.
Academic Notices'
Psychology 103, Practice in Imidi-
vidual Testing: Applications for ad-
mission to this course for the second
semester should be made before the
close of the first semester.
Botany 36 (Systematic Botany):
Lectures in this course will be given
on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1
o'clock in Room 2042 NS instead of
as now scheduled in the announce-
ment of the College f Literature,
Science, and the Arts. The labora-
tory and field work will follow imme-

Aero. Eng. 25, Advanced Airplane
Performance: On Friday, Jan. 19, at
11:00 a.m., Mr. Ralph H. Upson will
present a discussion of the relation
between airnIane nerformance and

"I'll ask mother to get me some rats
when T r.timnn nmp T Irknw about

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