-THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Organized Concerts Introduced Here In 1879 By Choral Union. By EMILE GELE jtival Orchestra under Emil Mollen- In glaring red ink across the bot- hauer taking part in the two-day tom of the program was the declara- series of concerts. The Choral Union tion, "The First and Only Piano Re- presented Verdi's "Requiem," and va-; vital in Ann Arbor," and at the top rious distinguished artists took part.' pretentious black type announced, The May Festivals gradually grew "Ignace J. Paderewski." Printed in from two to six concerts and the 1892, the program is now filed in Boston Festival Orchestra played Michigan Historical Collections at each spring for 11 consecutive years. the Rackham Building along with At the end of this period the Chi- charters and other programs that cago Orchestra directed by Frederick inark the beginning of the Choral Stock began appearing and gave 31 Union and the introduction of or- consecutive spring performances, ganized concerts in Ann Arbor. President Sink said. Five years ago Organized in 1879 to promote "the the Philadelphia Orchestra under Eu- musical culture of its members and gene Ormandy instituted its series. the cultivation of a taste for good President Sink noted that nearly all music among the people, by the the world's eminent artists have been study of- the best choral works of all heard here during the Choral Union schools and their public interpreta- series or the May Festival period. tion from time to time," the Choral The Choral Union has also given Union merged several years later practically all the great choral works with the University Music Society. before Ann Arbor audiences, he The purpose of the latter group, stated., Extension Service Sends Three Men DAILY OFFICIAL I On Speaking Tour With the call of cities all over the THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 1940 called to state for faculty speakers, the Exten- VOL. L. No. 83 of the Co] sion Service, in complying, is send- Student ing University men today to Algonac, Notices at any ot Pontiac and Bay City the exami Prof. J. E. Maddy of the speech de- Notice to Prospecive Payers of the work partment will conclude his northern Federal Income Tax: Mr. James entire cla swing which began at Romeo, and go Cummins, from the office of the Col- in the exa to Algonac High School where he wil lector of Internal Revenue, Detroitexaminati hold conferences on radio music in- appear in Hill AuditoriumMon- period m struction, give talks to student assem- day, Jan. 22, at 4:15 p.m., to make a structor, t blies, conduct band rehearsals, make statement with respect to general amination band and choral recordings and take features of the Federal Income Tax It shou microphone and radio tests, and to answer individual questions. f X crohon hdisltuest o t Every person who is a prospective in- oesXno Continuing his lectures on the come tax payer and is unfamiliar does not European situation, Prof. James K. with any of the requirements, should ination. Pollock of the political science de- be present at this meeting. ness to ti partment goes to speak at 6:30 p.m. Shirley W. Smith aminatior before the Pontiac Gridiron Club it, give n "Current Issues in National Poli- students and Faculty, College of to studer tics" and their significance will be Literature, Science, and the Arts: The reason fo discussed by Prof. A. W. Bromage attention of students and faculty is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or nore insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c. For further information sal 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. FOR RENT 1236 WASHTENAW-(Corner For-' est). 2 choice single rooms. Phone 7242. 193 FIRST FLOOR: Beautiful room, fire- place, shower and innerspring mat- tress. .Double or triple. 1022 So. Forest. Phone 2-1196. 176 FOR RENT: Garage, available now, So. University, near Forest, good condition. Ph. 5929. 191 SINGLE ROOM for graduate girl near campus. Mrs. Chas. Brooks, 829 Tappan Ave. Phone 8321. 192 SINGLE ROOM, private bath, $55 per semester-single with fireplace -desirable suite. 1022 So. Forest. Ph. 2-1196. 179 FOR MEN: Newly decorated double rooin with adjoining lavatory. Steam heat, shower bath. Avail- able now. P. 8544. 422 E. Wash- ington. 189 ROOMS for boys, double and singles. Reasonable. 420 Thompson.. 190 FOR RENT-Single room for men, $3. 907 So. Division. Ph. 5488 168 FOR RENT--928 Forest, large pleas- ant well-heated rooms for. men-- double and single. Suite for 3 with bath. Phone 2-2839. 172 SUITE for 3 boys $7.50-single room $3.50. Meals and laundry if want- ed. Warm, clean and well fur- nished. Ph. 8256, 1436 Washington Hts. 182 ONE double room and one single. Rent reasonable. Phone 2-2152. 427-Thompson. . 183 FIVE-ROOM house for rent on Wel- lington Court off Cambridge Rd. Furnace has just been repaired and there is an electric range and -ice box furnished with the house. $35 per month. Call 4810. 180 ROOM and board for girls Theta Phi Alpha league house, 821 E. University. Tel. 4018. 181 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND --1 LOST-One gold ring with initials N.E. Mc. Phone Buck McCabe. 2-4509. .186 LOST-AOPi sorority pin at Union or vicinity Friday evening. Call 2-2281. Reward. LOST--Red leather wallet contain- ing valuable identification cards. Reward. Anne Kleiner. Phone 2-2591. 187 LOST-Double-stranded pearl neck- lace between Barbour Gym and Hill Auditorium Monday night. Call 4121 ext. 341. 188 TRANSPORTATION --21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. , 13 LAUNDERING -9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 I I 4 £pecia d/anner Cdition . Pictures . Tommy 1oret; . . . Pictures lmuement 'eatwre4 A04#1 t mi0ji st On Sale Saturday Morning, Feb. 10... 1Oc -um ammsmma smm am -ui mm -ama amm amm mm me - -m mme -om mm -me aamm mm