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January 17, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-17

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A 7. Y

I ew unairman
To Be In JGP
New Committee Positions
Open To Junior Women
Marjorie Forrestel, '41, has been
appointed co-chairman of the prop-
erties committee for JGP, it was an-'
nounced yesterday by Jane Grove,
'41, general chairman.
Miss Forrestel is a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta, was assistant.
chairman of Freshman Project, a
member of the finance committee of
Soph Cabaret, a transfer orienta-
tion adviser, and was on the busi-
ness staff of the Michiganensian.
Besides Maya Gruhzit, who was
appointed chairman of properties
last spring, other members of the
central committee are Lee Hardy,
publicity; Annabel Van Winkle, pa-
trons; Betty Ann Chaufty, music;
Ann Vedder, tickets; Barbara Fisch-
er, finance; Virginia Osgood, dance;
Jane Pinkerton, costumes; Helen
Barnett, book-holder; Jane Krause,
programs; Betty Lombard, ushers;
Ruth Fitzpatrick, make-up; Grace
Helen Barton, assistant costumes;
Betty Hoag, assistant dance; and
Virginia Brereton, recorder.
JGP will take piace in March.
Work is already in progress for the
play, and the theme will be an-
nounced at a later date, Miss Grove

Hlouse Dreetor
Denies Legend
Of Dainty Diet
"Sugar and spice and everything
nice" may be the poet's idea of what
little girls are made of, but Miss
Sarah Rowe, -house director of Mar-
tha Cook building, has learned from
experience that these dainties are
insufficient to maintain the constitu-
tions of college women.
Miss Rowe finds that a bushel of
potatoes a day is barely enough to
satisfy the appetities of her large
family, and butter disappears at the
rate of eight to ten pounds a day.
True, however, to a woman's pre-
rogative of changing her mind, the
college woman's appetitie varies con-
siderably from day to day, due to the
weather, the menu or to no assign-
able cause. There is also a great
difference in the group tastes of the.
women in the dormitory in succeed-,
ing years. Certain dishes which were:
';olitely but firmly returned to the:
kitchen untouched one year will be
greatly relished by a new group the
next year. Salads and ice cream,
are always popular, however, Miss
Rowe has found.,
During finals there is a decided
Decrease in food consumption and
the nervous strain is apparent in a
more critical attitude owards the

Reefers Are Jaunty For Campus


Court Pictures



Of Soph Prom'
Circulate Far


Galoshes May Be Prosaic
But Shoes Deserve Them
If those heavy galoshes which the
weather has forced you to wear make
you cast disparaging glances at your
feet, why not use them to protect a
new pair of shoes and thus think
more kindly of these institutions?
Spectators and dressy pumps are
featured. Gabardine, highlighted:! with
various leathers, is the favored fabric
for the new footwear.
For less dressy occasions, an alli-

gator tipped spectator of c
tex gabardine to insure
like fit is proving no end
Java lizard is a very effec
trast to black gabardine. E
this combination features
heel, which is designed to n
ankles look trimmer.
Lastex gabardine aga
stitched patent trim that p
covers the shoe, makes it a
of the all patent shoe, whic
good this season.

quire Influences Seen
In Twentieth Century
Drawing Room ThemeI
(Continued from Page 1)

prospects of pictures 'in several of
the nation's outstanding magazines,
news reels and the collegiate digest,
the girls donned formals and posed
for the dazzled camera men.
Some of the pictures taken to be in
the papers duplicated poses of the
"Petty" girls in Esquire as the Prom's
decorations will feature the 20th cen-
tury drawing room by way of origin-
al drawings sent by Esquire. In con-
trast to this will be an 18th century
drawing room motif which will be in
the large ballroom.
James Kehoe, general chairman,
expressed the sentiment that in spite
L the "four-out-of-five" attitude
c evalent oil campus the Michigan
Court of Honor will easily compete
with any of the Courts of Honor al-
ready established in the- Big Ten
and in other colleges. According to
Kehoe, the committee got the idea
for the court from the University of



ce 1


SMALL WAISTS and many buttons are attractive this season and
add to the trimness of these coats. They can 'be obtained with or with-
out collars, fur trimmed or plain. Besides looking well on. caanpus,
reefers can be worn for dress. Light or dark colors are equally good
when trimmed with contrasting furs or tailored triminings.

Radio BroadcasptingTechnique
Pr acticed By speech Classes

I, .l

Jan UffP9
£ de¢

Magnificent furs ... .
The latest in style and
cut, with our mark of
Up to a
are offered in this Jan-
uary Clearance Sale !

318 South Main Phone 2-2619

"This broadcast has come direct to
you from the campus of the Uni-
versity at Ann Arbor" are the words
ending the several weekly programs
presented from the local broadcast-
ing studio.
Behind these words and the fifteen
minutes of music and drama which
precedes them lies the activity of
numerous students-the author, the
director, the sound production man
and the actors themselves. The germ
of these activities lies in the speech
classes in radio work.
Students Write Scripts
"This class-will take over the broad-
cast on Thursday at 2:45." With this
announcement by Prof. Waldo Abbot,
instructor of one such class, the series
of events which will be climaxed by
a complete fifteen minut program
is set in motion.
A script has been selected from
those written by students who are
especially interested in this end of
radio work, or from the work sub-
mittted by the students in the special
script writing class. Casting of the.
short drama.which will be presented
is made in class.
"Three men are needed, one a son.
Let's hear you say, 'Boy this is good
turkey dressing'." With such infor-
mal tryouts, individual's voices are
tested for age and suitability. Each
student has several opportunities for
actual broadcasts throughout the
Last Minute Preparations
After the selection of the cast and
a sport run through the script dur-,
ing class, the students meet for at
least one rehearsal before actual pre-.
santation of the program.
A few minutes before the program
is to go on the air the students strike
an attitude of nonchalance, but there
is an air of last-minute tension. Thdy
announcer runs through the last few
lines of the script. "Drag them out,
Mary, till we switch to the Detroit
station. Let's have a music insertion
before that last sentence."
The minute hand of the clock in the
control, room nears the 60 second
mark-the light flashes-the Univer-
sity of Michigan is on the air!
The announcer finishes her lines.
One by one the student actors follow

each other at the microphone. Sound
effects come in their proper order as
the miniature door is opened and
closed, the phonograph played for the
roaring of the motor car, the jingling
of change on a table heard. The
hand of the controlman indicates
that the program is running smooth-
ly: The announcer steps up for her
final lines. As the musical back-
ground fades out the program is re-
turned to Detroit.
Criticisms of the program are dis-
cussed at the opening of the next
hour class. With new points learned
the class is ready to swing into an-
other production.
This is the background and atmos-
phere that lies behind the broadcasts
"direct to you from the campus of
the University of Michigan at Ann


Varied Programs Presented


On Sale.

Four dramatic programs, one quiz
program, one fanfare and one wo-
man's page program are presented
from the studio as entirely student
productions. Ten other programs are
announced by students each week.
Among the personalities now work-
ing on the broadcasts are Anne Klei-
ner, '40, who does a great deal of the
sound effect work ,and John Gleder,
'40, and June McKee, '42, who act
as M.C.'s (master of ceremonies to
the radio world) on the quiz pro-
gram. Tom Harmon, '41, Stan Swin-
ton, '40, and Mel Fineberg, '40, con-
duct the Sports fanfare. Margery
Soenksen, Grad., conducts the wo-
men's page program and 'Donn
Chown, Grad., is musical director of
the broadcasting service.
Programs are picked up from West
Engineering Building and other lab-
oratories and from such buildings as
Hill Auditorium to be broadcast from
the studio. There are 20 lines which
may be used if needed from the local
building to complete the facilities of
the organization.


Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jones, of Grass
Lake, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Grace Jones, '40, to
Truman Lantis, of Dearborn. Miss
Jones is affiliated with Alpha Xki
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gauvreau, of
Arden Park, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Laura Adri-
enne Gauvreau, to Orvil R. Aronson,
'34, and '34BAd., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter A. Aronson, of Escanaba.
Miss Gauvreau studied at Wayne Uni
versity, the Sorbonne, and Welles-
ley. Mr. Aronson is affiliated with
Pi Kappa Alpha' here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dickes, of San.
Antonio, Texas, announce the mar-
riage of their daughter, Marianne
Dickes, to Willard B. Morell, '40M, of:
Midland. Mr. Morell is affiliated
with Alpha Kappa Kappa.
Lutheran Student Bible
Class Will Meet Today'
A meeting of the Bible Study Class
of the Lutheran Student Association
will take place at 7 p.m. today in the
Michigan League, announced Dor-
othy Cox, '41, secretary of the Lu-
theran Student Association.
Rev. H. O. Yoder will be in charge
of the class. The room in which the
meeting is to be held will be posted
on the League bulletin board.


to 27.95



to $25.00

at $10.00

White, PastelNet Taffeta and Crepe


Winter Hats

to 6.50

Better Dresses




Liberty at Mayngrd

Formerly to $16.95

at 95

Shoes Feature Alligator

' :

,. X
. ,:

Alligator tipped specators are prove
ing popular additions to the already
accumulating spring outfits.' These
shoes are of cocoa lastex gaberdine,
are very attractive and are practical,
as they're "scuff proof."

... .

A r thie Jd4"p

Have that covered-up
look for dinner, and
then off with your
jacket and strictly
formal for the Hop.
Swathed in rich vel-
vet, or in a smart
tweed, or perhaps
cuddled in a white

,;46adaverlibelin VOGUE
"Rendezvous. f
Blouse-of-the-Month for


SOFT little casual skirts and shirts, designed
with Sp~ring's all-important pockets, slim
waists and crisply flared skirts! Aqua, con-
fectionery pink, blue.

and thrice

Simple as ABG...

FLANNEL SHIRTS ...... 4.95


bunny jacket.


16.95 up
12.95 up

N+Y , f
G ,
o xy
v ;>
t' a
.. <
: .
~'$ 25
. ..

? 11\ .4
. ('
G,' F
':..Y. .
,,w... " .lr-

Sizes 10 to 20

r l

s3 A

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