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January 17, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-17

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New Bishop Enthroned At Notre Dame

Will Convene
Here Monda
,epresentative Speakers
Will Discuss Rehgious
Problems Of Today
Following the example of other
roups in the state, Michigan pastors
f all denominations will meet in Ann
.rbor Monday for the start of a three-
ay conference on the problems of re-
gion in the mocern world.'
Beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the
amphitheatre of the.Rackham Build-
ig with a general session featuring
welcome by President Ruthven to
he pastors attending, the confer-
nce will be addressed by several
rominent state churchmen, nation-
Hy lnown theologians and members
f' the University's faculty.
Sponsored By Churches
The conference, which is the first
' its kind ever attempted here and
hich is being sponsored by the Ex-
?sion Service and the. Michigan
buncil of. Churches and Christian'
ducation, will discuss such topics
therelation of the church to the
W1, the pursuit of Christianity in
n un-Christian world and the possi-
liit of Christianity saving our civil-

University Uses Economical,
Quick Method To Clear Snow

interesting to students
'ersity and recommended
ard W. Blakeman, Coun-
gious Education, is the!
be given by Dr. 0. R.
cal superintendent of the
ate Hospital, on the sub-
'sychiatrist Looks At Re-

IN A SOLEMN, colorful ceremony on the University of Notre Dame
campus, The Most Rev. John F. O'Hara, president of the University,
was consecrated as the titular bishop of Milasa and auxiliary bishop
of the United States Army and Navy. Here is the actual enthrone-
ment of Bishop O'Hara (center) with Archbishop Francis J. Spell-
man (left) of New York and Bishop John F. Noll (right) officiating.
Quiz Questions Are Selected

Principal Speaker'
rincipal speaker of the conference
be Dr. Mark A. Dawber, etecu-
secretary of the Home Missions
ncil of New York City, who will
ean important part in the con-
tices on "The Church, and Our
n," along with a group of other
t the Interfaith Dinner to be given
5 p.m. Monday in the Congrega-
al Church, Rabbi Leon Fram
t'emple Beth-El, Detroit, will de-
-the principal address ;when he
dks on "The Rabbi and His
ple." Rev. Samuel Oliver of the
t Congregational Church, Mus-
in, will preside.

(Continued from Page 1)
people asking the same questions on
literary matters, "indicating that in
most cases the same source books
were consulted," but he was willing
to admit that the board itself "learned
a lot it didn't know."
Dormitories and the larger room-
ing houses probably sent in the high-
est percentage of questions, Profes-
sor Brumm said, followed closely by
the faculty with approximately 30
per cent. Professors' entries dealt,
for the most part, with unusual situ-
ations and facts.
He emphasized that the commit-
tee reserved the right to edit, revise

and combine questions with the re-
suilt that two individuals might have
to share the same prize. Prizes to be
paid by Canada Dry, sponsor of the
weekly radio show, will be $5 for each
question used on the program and
$10 for each one that "stumps" the
Other members of the board which
selected the questions were Prof.
Mentor Williams of the English de-
partment; Prof. John Dawson of the
law school; Miss Mildred Hinsdale,
former history professor at Grand
Rapids Junior College, and Mrs. Arth-
ur Bromage, wife of Prof. Arthur
Bromage of the political science de-

One oversized electric broom and
a man from the University building
and grounds department are the only
equipment needed to keep 17 miles of
University sidewalk free from snow
-no matter how high the drifts are
piled. '
That is the method being used by
the University at the present time,
according to Edward T. Pardon, sup-
erintendent of the building and
grounds department. It is quicker,
and saves many hours of back break-
ing labor that was formerly done by
individual snow shovelers.
Here's how -the University crew
launches its attack upon the win-
try elements which try to prevent the
passage of Michigan's 11,000 students
as they go to class on a typical win-
ter morning:
RusselT. Trombley, labor foreman,
who handles snow removal projects,
climbs out of bed on a certain morn-
ing and sees three or four inches of
Liberal Union
To Hear Downs
'New American' Viewpoint
To Be Presented
Tom Downs, '40L, will speak on the
topic, "American Alternative for
War," at the last preexamination
meeeting of the Liberal Students'
Union at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the
Unity Hall, State and Huron Streets.
Downs, who presented the radical
point of view on American peace at
the first annual Winter Parley, will
present a "New American" angle in
contrast to the views given by last
week's speaker, Elliott Maraniss, '40,
who gave a report of the national
American Student Union convention
which was held at Madison, Wis.,
during the holidays.
An informal question period will
follow Downs' talk. Joe Tate, '41E,
chairman of the program committee,
will preside. The meeting is open to
the public.
Women Debaters
Favor Leap Year
Michigan women should adhere to
the Leap Year principle, say three
college co-eds, members of Zeta Phi
Eta, women's speech society, who will
argue it out with the men of Alpha
Nu, men's speech organipation, in a
debate at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room
1025 Angell Hall.
Andrew Caughey, '42, Alfred Breck-
ler, '42, and Richard Meincke, '43,
have volunteered to attack the wo-
men's arguments while Edith Evans,
'41, Adelaide Carter, '42, and Mildred
Ward, '41, hold ship for the prin-
Judges for the contest will be Prof.
Joseph A. Kitellen of the political sci-
ence department and Arthur Secord
and Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall of the
speech department. Everyone is in-
vited to attend the contest and no
admission charge will be made.
Daily 2-4-7-9 P.M

snow piled against his window. Out-
side the snow has reached a depth
of three or four feet. The air is still
filled with flying flakes and a wind
is piling deep drifts.
That is his signal for immediate
action, and Trombley telephones one
of his men, who at once moves to
the garage where they keep this
"electric broom." Actually this piece
of equipment is nothing more than a
motorized rotary brush attached to a
small automobile engine, which
sweeps the snow off the walks. The
brush itself is about 36 inches in
diameter, and more than six feet
One man then climbs into the con-
traption and in the early hours of
the morning moves on to the walks
of the campus. When his job is com-
pleted here he takes his revolving
broom to the other walks which lie
on University property outside of the
campus. Altogether, there are about
17 miles of sidewalks to be cleaned.
The work of the snow removal ex-
perts has been slight this year. Al-
together there has been only about
two inches of snowfall, and this has
taken only about four hours of labor
to remove. The broom machine is
capable of sweeping away as much
as eight inches of snow in one pro-
cess, but it is seldom required-to do
this much work.
Murphy Spent
ICamp us Days
As "Daily' Man
(Continued from Page 1)
remember the thrill and romance of
the first smell of printer's ink in a
young reporter's nostrils. Mrs. Roots'
music store was next door and next
do ' to that was the School of Music.
The Majestic Theatre and Granger's
dance hall were across the street,
and there was a tin-pan alley at-
mosphere about it all. In the spring
it had Paris beaten.
"Once a week, as I remember, it
was my job to work as (Daily) night
editor and be responsible for getting
out the sheet, reading copy, and then
going downstairs and pulling the
galley proofs, correcting them and t
seeing that the corrections were;
made. Then, after the first papers
were off and the result of the night's
work was in our hands in concrete
form, it was thrilling to go home
just as dawn was breaking with at
song in your heart. There was glam-
or.and adventure about all this which
I shall not forget."
Those days on The Daily brought
Murphy many of his closest friends,
he declared. Among them were Nor-
man Hill, his long-time aide and
father of Art Hill, '42, who, too, is a
Daily man;-Lee White of The Detroit
News, now a member of the Board in
Control of Student Publications;
Harold Titus, and Clarence Eldridge,
now a noted advertising man.


fective as of. February 14, 1939
2e per reaeing line (in basis of
average words to line) for one

ig line for three or
3 lines per inser-

T'hese low rates are on the basis
cash payment before the ad is
erted. If it is inconvenient for
I to-call at our offices to make
yment,. a messenger will be sent
;ick up your ad at a slight extra
irge of 100.
?6r further information sall
24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
MEN: Newly decorated double
>m with adjoining lavatory.
eam heat, shower bath. Avail-
le. now. -P. 8544. 422 E. Wash-1
;ton. - 189
MS for boys, double and singles.
asonable. 420 Thompson. 190
RENT-928 Forest, large pleas-
t well-heated rooms for men-
ible and single. Suite for 3 with
th. Phone 2-2839. 172
CE for 3 boys $7.50-single room
50. Meals and laundry if want-
Warm, clean and well fur-
hed. Ph. 8256, 1436 Washington
s. 182
TERSITY approved: Nice single
)m; warm and quiet. Study con-
ions excellent. Mrs. Wilson.
0 Sylvan, 8135. 178
double room and one single.
at reasonable. Phone 2-2152.
7Thompson. 183
-ROOM house for rent on Wel-
gton Court off Cambridge Rd.
rnace has just been repaired
i there is an electric range and
box furnished with the house.
er month. Call 4810. 180
MI and board for girls Theta
. Alpha league house, 821 E.
iversity. Tel. 4018. 181

LOST--One gold ring with initials
N.E. Mc. Phone Buck McCabe.
2-4509. 186
LOST-AOPi sorority pin at Union
or vicinity Friday evening. Call
2-2281. Reward.
LOST-Red leather wallet contain-
ing valuable identification cards.
Reward. Anne Kleiner. Phone
2-2591. 187
LOST-Double-stranded pearl neck-
lace between Barbour Gym and
Hill Monday night. Call 4121 ext.
341. 188
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
CARD TABLES--And chairs for rent.
Tables 35c and chairs l0c each per
day. Fox Tent -and Awning Co.
Phone 24407. 67
-your discarded wearing apparel,
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16

one trial to prove we launder your
shirts best. Let our work help you
look neat today. 1114 S. Univer-
sity. 19
M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.)
2-1835. Reports, theses, disserta-
tions, briefs. 113
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43,
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work,
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20
FOR SALE-A new RCA Victor com-
bination radio-victrola, 10 records.
Automatic change, price $75. Call
2-3203. 184
For the finest DEVELOPING
and PRINTING, bring your
films to "Bob" Gach.
14 Nickels Arcade

Presentinig the
z Soph Prom Court of Honor
4- All-Men's Union Opera
- I-Hop Fashions


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