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January 16, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-16

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I'd Rather Be RIGHT!

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nanaged by students of the University of
r the'authority of the Board In Control of
very morning except Monday during the
x and Summer Session.
ber of the Associated Press
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he Post Office at.Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
nail matter.
s during regular school year by carrier,
nal Advertising Service, Inc.
Ulege Publibers Representative
socated Collegiate Press, 1939.40,

Editorial Staff
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a ' . .

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r . . . . Paul R. Park
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s Manager . Zenovia Skoratko
ising Manager Jane Mowers
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The editoials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
T eacker$ Are
Citizens Too ..
FITER TIREE YEARS of stormy dis-
A cussion and heated debate, the As-
sociation of American Colleges finally shook it-
self last week and passed a resolution asserting
its views on the positipn of the collee teacher
as a private citizen. Long a question of great
importance, the problem of the extent to which
teachers should express their convictions public-
ly and in the classroom has caused a great deal
of controversy in the Association. This year's
'statement, passed by an overwhelming vote, is,
in reality, the resolution that war advocated in
-a majority report at the Association's meeting
last year, but which was stymied at that time by
a minority reponrtbrought In by a group headed
Eby President William C. Dennis of Earlham
In short, the resolution very properly asserts
the inviolable right of the teacher to speak or
write, free from institutional discipline or cen-
sorship, since he is a citizen, no different from
anyone else who may want to have his opinions
aired. Certain .restrictions are placed on the
teacher-he should exert restraint, be respect-
fi.j of the opinions of others and should let
others realize that he is not the spokesman of
his institution. All these restraints are quite
proper, as long as the teacher is not held down,
for no reason other than that he is a teacher.
It is necessary that he not be accepted as the
mouthpiece of his college. Wrong impressions
created by persons not qualified to speak for
a school can create great havoc with that school.
THE RESOLUTION is well done, as far as it
goes. It is the part that was deleted from
the majority report that causes doubt as to
whether all the teachers at the meeting were as
solicitous about the preservation of the liberty
of opinion of their fellows as they might. Cut
ont of the final statement was the sentence:
"'he judgment of what constitutes fulfillment
of these obligations (the restrictions) should rest
with the individual." This statement, fought
against by President Dennis and finally with-
drawn, would seem, more than any other part,
to preserve the freedom of the teacher, for the
tribunal that President Dennis favors could very
easily infringe upon the freedom of opinion of
individuals. A tribunal, to judge opinions of teach-
ers, something President Dennis thinks is quite
possible, could be composed of jealous teachers
and personal enemies of certain of their col-
lhagues, who write and speak of ticklish doctrines
leagues, who write and speak of ticklish doc-
trines. More just is the realization that profes-
sors and instructors are "members of a learned
profession," men and women who have the in-
telligence and training to understand judiciously
the limits to which they can go in expressing
their opinions.
The whole point is that, in a time when aca-
demic freedom is under a terrific bombardment
from forces outside education, attacks on it
from inside are apt to be disastrous. Dema-
gogues ranting against the influence of teach-
ers, who do not toe the line are very ably rein-
fbrced in their fight against liberal education,
when educators, themselves, admit that they
do not trust their own.
- Alvin Sarasoh.
No matter in what direction a tax is hurled,
it always hits the ultimate consumer.
Prohahl the mnt Tfoisch thino- 0 ,man ever

T IS TIME for the liberal tolook into his heart
- and decide what he really wants to see1 hap-
pen in Europe. "Peace, if it came soon, would be
a calamity," writes Miss Freda Kirchwey in the
Nation, and Miss Kirchwey's liberalism is not
open to doubt. The statement, taken out of con-
text, is startling. It is the sort of remark which
can haunt its maker for years to come.
The context of Miss Kirchwey's comment is
that peace would be an armistice condoning a
bigger Munich, leaving Germany and the Soviet
Union in possession of Poland, and ratifying,
i advance, any further aggression upon which
Herr Hitler might thing it fit to embark. That's
bad. War's bad too. Which is worse? One
needs very delicate scales for making a judg-
ment of this kind. I must confess that mine
are out of order; I can't quite get a reading. I
hear a squeak in them which seems to say:
"When in doubt be for peace," but that must be
my imagination.
That Moral Monster
What! Be for peace and let that moral mon-
ster, Hitler, get away with what he has done
to the Czechs, the Poles, the Austrians, the Jews?
(One tactfully mentions the Jews last, so as not
to make it seem purely "a Jewish issue"; thus
have the anti-Semites of America already scored
a 'victory by senstiing us on; this point, as if
the Jews were not human beings). To give Hitler
his peace now is to pat him on the back as Mr.
Chamberlain once did and applaud his crimes.
That's bad. But regard the week's news dis-
patches: the little war strains against its tight
Maginot shackles and gives every sign of pre-
paring to explode into war on world scale. Eng-
lishmen openly discuss moving troops to Norway
and Sweden. Italy agitatedly points to Turkey,
Iran, India, Afghanistan, as good spots from
which to attack the Soviet Union. The English,
French and Italian Ambassadors have all left
Moscow. Germany warns Sweden not to send
arms to Finland, and the threat is of a German
blitzkrieg against Denmark (it could be done
in 10 minutes) followed by Nazi landing parties
in Scandinavia. Holland apparently hears of a
pending German invasion. She promises to re-
sist. Then the great waters will pour through
the broken dikes, but how that will help the
Czechs, the Poles, the Austrians and the Jews
the news ticker sayeth not.
* * *~ *
It will become a war to save civilization, with
England, France and perhaps Italy against Ger-
many, Russia, Japan, while the Balkan states
are divided up according to which set of powers
has most heavily greased the palms of their poli-
ticians. I seem to remember that the Allies
bought Rumania and Germany bought Bulgaria
AN AMIABLE DRUNK is the only kind of in-
dividual who doesn't resent being called a
fool. Gulliver is stone sober and he resents be-
ing called a fool. Even more than that does he
resent having his words distorted and jumbled
by Mr. Louis P. Nadeau (see last Sunday's Daily)
in order to slander the American Student Union,
the editors of The Daily and liberals at large.
It woul take a lot of time and effort to answer
in detail each of the 40 or 50 points which Mr.
Nadeau raised in his letter, and' who knows
whether it would be worth the effort? Suffice
it is to say that Guliver's column of last Thurs-
day was neither an apology for the ASU pro-
grams (past and present) nor an attack on those
programs-it was an attempt at a friendly criti-
cism by one who has been a member of the ASU
since its inception, a member who dislikes be-
ing classified as either a fool, a dupe, or a com-
Mr. Nadeau's pronunciamento has not

changed Gulliver's attitude towards recent
events in Europe: he still believes that the~'En-
gish-German war is an imperialist conflict from
which the United States should remain aloof,
and he still believes that recent developments
point very strongly to a fairly speedy resolution
of the imperialist conflict and a resultant com-
bined attack by all the capitalist powers on the
Soviet Union. You can furnish your own moral
judgments . .
= * * *-'
THE SPEECH of Wystan Hugh Auden last Fri-
day was a most disheartening affair. As
far as °Gulliver is concerned, it acted as the
worst sort of a depressant. There stood the man
who has for the past 10 years been one of the
dominant intellectual leaders of our time; there
stood the Young Poet who had been acclaimed
as the most spicy, the most witty, the most
pungent critic of the status quo. He stood
there and told us, very wearily, that it is the
entire world which is lonely now, and that it is
the poet's task to translate that loneliness into
effective verse.
That was all. There didn't seem to be any
hope left, or any fun. He told us about lone-
liness, and he quoted from Poe and Kaffka and
Rilke-good quotations too. The rest of his
speech was a jumble of half thought out ideas
expressed in the cloudiest fashion. They were
the sort of ideas which might get by as casual
table talk, but they would certainly never bear
ti ~ n V 0VaVmim0+n +nn a., 0fI' erntyrn.v r- ilncnr'h n

the last time, which is one reason for the curious
fact that (in spite of Mr. Wilson's "self-deter-
mination of peoples") Rumania is now very big
and Bulgaria is very small. We, of course, will
be invited to do our part in saving civilization,
and young Americans will be taken off the snowy
campus of Dartmouth and the warm walks of
Tulane to bring the eternal verities to Dobruja,
a place whose name I defy them to spell without
To Save Civilization
Perhaps peace would not be so great a calam-
ity, after all. Perhaps. to be for peace now, this
minute, is to.take the better of bad choices. Yet
just as I reach this decision (trying not to feel
like Mr. Chamberlain at Munich) I really get
into trouble. How would the peace differ from
the war that is now going on? There would be
a few less casualties on the Westwall, and a few
less sinkings in the North Sea. But the Hitler
push would go on. The Russian push would go
on. The French and British economic war
would go on. The. armaments race would go on.
The end of the far-from-phony war would be a
phony peace.
Peace Not A Calamity
The great new fact in Europe is that the dis-
tinction between peace and war has become
blurred and purely technical. The forces have
lined up. The world war is coming. It is late
in the day for decisions. All we in this country
can do is to hold on to our hats and try to keep
out. A poor, inadequate conclusion, ducking a
problem too hard to solve, and I give it to you
without pride.


Drew Perso~l
Rbert S.AIle
WASHINGTON-The big behind-the-scenes
sensation in the battle over the anti-lynch-
ing bill is inside word that Vice-President Jack
Garner favors allowing the measure to come to a
vote in the Senate.
Inability to get a vote on the Senate floor is
the only thing that has blocked enactment of
this legislation for years. In the last big fight
over anti-lynching in 1937, there was an over-
welming majority in the Senate for the bill. But
its sponsors were unable to force a vote. A de-
termined Southern filibuster lasting nearly six
weeks barred action, and in the end the bill was
Garner gave the filibusters potent undercover
aid in the'1937 struggle. Throughout his long
congressional career he has always been against
anti-lynching legislation-and still is. He con-
siders the bill now passed by the House to be
unsound and impractical.
But with his sombrero in the presidential ring,
he has changed his tune to the extent of per-
mitting a showdown vote. That's an important
concession because only a vote is needed to
put the measure on the statute books.
However, there is no inside indication that
Garner's stand will produce results. None of
the other southern leaders has been won over.
They areJust as adamant against a vote as
inl the-past.
Garner's fellow Texan, Senator Tom Connally,
floor general of the 1937 battle, also is a candi-
date this year-but not for the presidency. Tom
is up for reelection and has his eye glued on
Texas-not the nation. He is out to resist a
showdown vote on anti-lynching just as ve-
hemenitly as he did three years ago. Connally's
vigorous Southern backing means that the bill
hasn't' a chance. After a few weeks of filibuster
it wilV again be pigeon-holed.
Note:-Also doomed is Pat Harrison's resolu-
tion, passed by the Senate, for a joint commit-
tee to study government income and outgo in
order to keep within the budget. House leaders
view the proposal as a Senate attempt to rule
the budget roost, will pigeon-hole it in' com-
Things were going pleasantly at former At-
torney General Homer Cummings'acocktail party
until James V. Bennett suddenly announced that
his overcoat was missing.
Guests blinked in horror. The thought that
someone would have the temerity to pinch the
coat of so awesome an individual as the Chief
of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons was hair-raising.
A frantic search was begun for the vanished coat
and the reckless culprit. Both were soon found.
A young newsman, who had partaken too
freely of'Cumming's potent hospitality, had mis-
taken Bennett's coat for his own. He was non-
chalantly wearing it as he made his adieus. Ap-
prised of the situation, the reporter remarked,
"I thought this one felt sort of warmer than
"Warm!" quipped Gordon Dean, ace lawyer of
the Anti-Trust Division. "Boy, for a few min-
utes you had on the 'hottest' overcoat in the

stad's concert last evening, I feel
this review might just as well have
been written a week before the con-
cert cameooff. For' there is something
so peculiarly certain about the dis-
tinguished prima donna's voice and
way of approach to her art that one
feels it is impossible she should ever'
retrogress. Nor will she ever retro-
gress. Oh, the voice will fade and
the body lose its strength, but the
kind of understanding that gave us
that powerful rendition of Brahms'
"O wusst' ich doch den Weg zuruck"
will never die. It cannot. It is of
the stuff art is made of.
Which brings me to another point.'
Why should an artist like Madame
Flagstad think of leaving the concert
stage at this time? Opera is another
matter. It still beats me why artists
as rich in divers abilities as Kirsten
Flagstad should trouble their heads'
about opera at all, at least the opera
they are forced to sing at leading
opera houses such as the Metropoli-
tan. Madame Flagstad sings almost
constantly the narrow and very un-
subtle Wagnerian repertoire year in,
year out, at that mouldy institution,
with a very occasional break into{
classic or later operatic roles. In
concert she not only reaches :a great-
er public, but she is far less limited
in repertoire and message. And you
can take it from me: it takes a great-.
er understanding of the real mean-
ing of music and its relation to the
word to sing one of the greater Hugo9
Wolf or later Brahms' songs with an
awareness of the composer's inten-
tion than to declaim half the "Ring"
and the whole of the Italian Operatic
School besides !
There are reasons, of course, for
remaining in opera. The natural de-
sire everyone has for acting, the
sense of security, the permanence of,
locale. But what is all this? Since
when has a great artist's life become
her own? My "radicalism" will be
held against me, but I still hold to
the odd notion that great artists be-
long to the people. Which means,
therefore, that Madame Flagstad has
no legitimate excuse for remainingA
longer at the Metropolitan (untilt
that organization needs someone to
introduce a new Hindemith or Har-
ris or Krenek work) and certainly no]
right to leave the concert stage! He
who has had the stuff wherewith to
serve a people is always proud andt
joyous at last to say: "I have served
my people well!", But to be able to;
say that, he must give them his all,"t
he must serve them as long and as
faithfully as he can. They are the
ones to say when he shall retire, not
However, there is an objection or
two to be offered. While realizing
the need of an English group, I dof
not think the very trite selectionst
Madame Flagstad chose fell well be-
tween the exhausting "Liebestod"
and the Strauss numbers. Exceptl
for the singer's superlative artistry,
every one of them would.have sound
ed trivial. Even the Charles songt

(Continued from Page 2)
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the second
semester are requested to secure
assignments in Room 2442 University
Elementary School on Thursday and
Friday, Jan. 18 and 19, according to
the following schedule:
Thursday, Jan. 18, at 8:00 a.m.,
Thursday, Jan. 18, at 1:30 p.m.,
Scial Studies.-.
Friday, Jan. 19, at 8:00 a.m. French
and German; 9:00 a.m. Latin and
mathematics; 10:00 a.m. Science;
11:00 a.m. Commercial, fine arts,
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examination. The last
date for filing application is noted in
each case:
Institution Psychologist A, salary
range,,$130-150, Jan. 26.
Institution Psychologist I, salary
range, $150-190, Jan. 26.
Machine Systems Accountant III,
salary range, $250-310, Jan. 26.
United §tates:
Junior Professional Assistant (op-
tional subjects), salary, $2,000, Feb. 5.\
Complete announcements on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
The Robert Owen Cooperative
House, 922 S. State Street, is accept-
ing applications for boarding mem-
berships, which m y be obtained from
the Dean of Students Office or at the
House. Applications must be returned
to the House by Thursday evening,
Jan. 18. For information, call 7211.
Academic Notices
Psychology 103, Practice in Indi-
vidual Testing: Applications for ad-'
mission to this course for the second
semester should be made before the
close of the first semester.
Botany 36 (Systematic Botany):
Lectures in this course will be given
on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1
o'clock in Room 2042 NS instead of
as now scheduled in the announce-
ment of the College of Literature,;
Science, and the Arts. The labora-
tory and field work will follow imme-
diately after the lecture, in Room
3004 NS,
Exhibits of the University's Arch-1
eological Research in the Philippines,
Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types
of the Eastern United States and of
Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo-
tany are being shown in the Mezza-
nine floor , Exhibit rooms of the
Rackham Building. Also exhibited
are antiquities from the University
excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris ahd
from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30
to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex-
cept Sunday.
Exhibition, paintings by John Pap-j
pas and a collection of German prints
from the Detroit Art Institute, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall, 2 to 5 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: A series of 14 fine in-
teriors rendered in color represent-
ing work of the New York School of
Fine and Applied Art is being shown'
in th first floor exhibition cases,a
January 13 to January 27. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5. The
public is invited. k
University Lecture: Captain R. A.
(Bob) Bartlett, Peary's great lieuten-
ant and one of the most famous of
arctic explorers, will lecture with

colored moving pictures on "The Arc-
tic in Color," under the auspices of
the Department of Geology, at 8:00
p.m.. on Tuesday, January 23, in the
Auditorium of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
French °Lecture: Mr. Clifford H.
Prator will give the second lecture
on the Cercle Fraricais program:
"Quelques vedettes du music hall
francais (illustrated with popular
records) Wednesday, January 17, at
4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Lan-
guages Bldg.
Tickets for the series of lectures
and play may be procured at the door'
at the time of the lecture.
Today's Events
Continued Fractions Seminar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m. in 3201 A.H.
Professor Rainich will speak.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7:00 tonight. Subject:
"Vitamins A-Chemistry and Physi-
ology." All interested are invited.
The Romance Language Journal
Club will hold a meeting today
at 4-1n n m in PnRhm 4n D.T

ROTC: Infantry Advanc d Corps:
Short meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. for
both Juniors and Seniors for elec-
tion of Council members. Everyone
requested to attend. 303 West En-
gineering Annex.
Merit System Committee of the
League meeting today at 3:00 p.m. in
the Undergraduate Office.
Colored movies of "Birds of Prey"
will be shown by Frank and ;John
Craighead in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building toight, at 8
JGP Dance Committee, Group I
will meet today at 4:30 p.m. Group
II will meet Thursday, Jan. 18, 'at
4:30 p.m. The groups are posted on
the bulletin board in the Undergradu-
ate Office of the League. No un-
excused absences will be allowed, and
only two excused absences will be
permitted. All excuses mst be pre-
sented, to Virginia Osgood before the
meeting; telephone 7117.
Tea Dance: The Junior ,Council of
the Mihi gan Union presents its sev-
enth coffee hour in the small ball-
room of the Union between 4:30 and
The Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
Rilel Class in Conversational He-
brew will meet at the Foundation to-
night at 7:00 p.m.
Hillel Class in Jewish Ethics, Jed
by Dr. Hirsch Hootkins, will meet at
the Foundation tonight at 8:00 p.m.
Michigan Dames meeting tonight
in the Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing at 8:00. Dr. Claire Healy 'will
speak on "Marital Relations."
The Bookshelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will meet
today at 2:45 p.m., at the home of
Mrs. Wm. Randolph Taylor, 2007
Washtenaw Avenue.
Bibliophiles will be entertained to-
day at 2:30 p.m. at Mrs. Earl D.
Rainville's home, 1459 Rosewood
Coming Events
Botanical Seminar will meet .Wed-
nesday, Jan. 17, at 4:30 p.m. in oom
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by B, M. Davis,
"An amphidiploid from a cross in
Oenothera, its cytology and its pro-
Algebra Seminar will meet Wednes-
day at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Dr.
Nesbitt will conclude his Atalk on
"Ideals in Algebras," and Dr. rall
will speak on "Polynomial -Ideals."
Psychological Journal Club wil
meet Thursday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p.m.
in the East Copference Room of the
Rackham Bldg. "A Review Qf Re-
cent Research on the Analysesaof the
Effects of Practice on Standard
Tests" will be discussed by H. Long,
A. Muller, and E. B. Greene.
Chemistry Colloquim on Wednes-
day, Jan. 17, in Room 303 Cherristry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. HIale
Cowling will speak on "The Dlqper-
sion of Cellulose in the Preparation
of Viscose."
Research Club will meet Wednes-
day, Jan. 17, at 8:00 p.m. In the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. Professor J. W. Eaton will speak
on "Heine, Political Prophet," and
Professor A. E. White on "Metals
for High Tempertaure Service." We
will vote on two candidates for mem-
bership. Council meeting in Assem-
bly Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Scabbard and Blade: F-4 meeting
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening in
the Union. Certificates for new
members have arrived as well as the
latest issue of the Journal. Rifle
match plans will be discussed. All
members come. NO UNIFORMS.
1940 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. J.
H. Dillon of the Ingersoll-Rand Com-
pany will be in Room 221 West En-
gineering Building on Wednesday,
Jan. 17, to interview men interested
in possible employment with this com-
pany. Make an appointment Mon-
U.S. Naval Reserve: Lieutenant
Forrest A. Roby, of the United States
Naval Reserve Aviation Base at
Grosse Ile, Michigan, will talk to
students interested in flight trainiing,
Thursday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 pim, in
Room 1042 East Engineering Build-
Guest Night at the International
Center: The series of Sunday evening
programs will end next Sunday eve-
ning with a concert by the Little
Symphony Orchestra at 7 o'clock in

of the

Astronomy department

depended too

much on the artist.


During the
writer took a

winter vacation the
moment off one eve-

nmg to look at James Thurber's new,
book. It tells the story of how hu-
manity is annihilated and it tells it1
with the biting sketches and sharp
humor characteristic of Thurber. It'
tells how men, with their eternal,i
meaningless wars finally destroy
themselves, are reborn and then re-
peat the original process.
Currently showing at the Michigan
theatre is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
cartoon on .a similar theme. It is
called "Peace on Earth" and it is sur-
prising. The film company which
made it produced the worst movie'
the writer ever saw. It has not
been the same company since Irving
Thalberg's genius was stilled by
death. The Walter Wangers and Joe
Pasternaks and others have taken,
over and now produced the best of
the commercial films.
But this cartoon is different-dif-
ferent and exciting. It has a simple.
plot, almost exactly that of Thurber's
story. A grandfather squirrel answers
the query of two child squirrels as to
"what were men?" He tells how man
fought eternally, and lances the rea-
sons for war. It tells of wars be-
tween the meat-eaters and the vege-
tarians. Finally, no men are left on
earth. The animals come forth from,
their hiding places, survey the shat-
tered, shell-torn earth, and stumble
upon a Bible. It opens upon the
commandmentsdand the squirrels see
the bitter words "Thou Shalt Not
Kill." Then, on another page, in-
structions "to rebuild the world."
And that is what they do.
From the viewpoint of technic, this
cartoon marks a definite advance-
ment. The war scenes are done real-
istically-the clenched fist of the
dying man, feet slogging through the
brown mud, the corpse with the shin-
ing bayonet through the back. This
is a new cartoon technique, as far
distantt'rom Diney's Dnald nnekr

"For sale: Two vices."-Classified ad.
can't get: rid of them that way, brother..


If you can remember when second gear was
referred to as "intermediate," you 'don't have
to worry over the possibility of being blown into
the army vby a war draft.

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