Weather -4g i
Continued cold, with p ssible *aek
snow flurries tomorrow. An
VOL L. No. 90 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 14, 1940
id Political Opportunity ...
Tokyo Cabinet
Resigns Today;
Konoye Asked
To Take Post
Decision Seen As Attempt
To Facilitate New Trade
AgreementWith U.S.
New Choice Silent
On Premiership
TOKYO, Jan. 14.-(P)-The cab-
inet of Premier General Nobuyuki
Abe resigned today, in a decisior
closely connected with Japanese re-
lations with the United States.
Japanese army and government
leaders alike were exerting pressure
on Prince Fumimaro Konoye, form-
er premier and president of the Privy
Council, to take over Abe's post. A
number of political personages be-
lieved he would accept.
- However, there were other reports
that Konoye was adamant, up to
today, in refusal to accept the pre-
miership. Instead, he recommended
War Minister General Shunroku
Hata, who himself favors Konoye.
Moreover, in view of tradition against
army men on the active list taking
office, Hata had declared himself in-
There were also rumors that Gen-
eral Gen Sugiyama, member of the
supreme war council and former su-
preme commander in North China,
might retire from the army to head
the government.
Abe's resignation had been expect-
ed for several days, following upon
predictions . that , his government
would fall if the United States de-
clined to react favorably to Japan's
proposals for reopening the lower
Yangtze to third power trade. This
was considered as an overture to fa-
cilitate a new trade understanding
with the United- States when the
present treaty is terminated-upon
Washington's initiative-Jan. 26.
Brussels Cancels Leaves
Of All Belgian Troops
BRUSSELS Jan. 14.--P)--Bel-
gium by radio and courier late last
night suddenly called all soldiers on
leave back to their posts throughout
the kingdom.
There was no official explanation,
private reports, however, said that
strong German troop concentrations
and movements on the frontier
seemed to have been behind the or-
Messengers sped through Brussels
in freezing weather and entered
cafes, theatres, and night clubs to
summon soldiers and officers.
Earlier, the defense ministry had
cancelled air raid precautions trials
scheduled for Sunday. Here, also,
officials made no explanation.
Vienna, Prague Target
For British Leaflets
LONDON, Jan. 13.-(/)-Britain's
air force answered persistent German
reconnaissance flights and attacks
on shipping with "the greatest sur-
vey flight" of the war, during the
night and today.
Both sides appeared to be setting
the stage for future aerial on-
As German planes dodged along
the east coast of England for the
fifth successive day, the air ministry
announced that British aircraft had
made mass scouting flights over Aus-
tria and Bohemia, dropping propa-
ganda leaflets in the vicinity of Vi-
enna and Prague and reconnoitering
extensively in eastern Germany.
Medical Men
Close Session
Industrial Hygiene Group
Views States' Duties
Emphasizing the importance of
state surveys and legislation to pro-
mote prevention and control of oc-
cupational diseases, the first annual
conference on Industrial Hygiene and
Medicine came to a close yesterday.
After reviewing and criticizing
types of industrial legislation now in
existence, J. J. Bloomfield, sanitary
engineer in the Bureau of Industrial
Hygiene of the U.S. Public Health
Service, stressed the need for uni-
form compensation acts in all states.
Flagstad Gives
Recital Here
Famous Soprano Returns
Third Time; Capacity
Attendance Foreseen
Kirsten Flagstad, well-known Nor-
wegian soprano, returns to Ann e
Arbor for her third visit tomorrow t
to give the seventh recital of the
annual Choral Union series beginningd
at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president ofr
the University Musical Society, yes-v
terday predicted a capacity house,
but said that some tickets are still c
available at the School of Music andP
at Hill Auditorium box office. Y
In her six years at the Metropoli- t
tan, Madame Flagstad has become
recognized as the finest Wagnerianb
soprano in the world. It was her workv
as Isolde in Wagner's "Tristan andt
Isolde" that played a great part ina
establishing that opera as the mnost
popular of the Met season.:
But Madame Flagstad has neverj
been described as having a. "limiteds
musical background," for she has sung
68 different roles in opera and oper-i
etta. This versatility is illustratedX
by her program tomorrow which will
include 18 songs by 10 different com-
posers, among whom are Schubert,
Brahms, Grieg and Strauss.
Services Todayt
Seek To Find
Way Of Living
Dr. Arabella Gault To Talk
On Chinese; Dean Lloydt
To AddressFellowshipi
In an effort to formulate a phil-e
osophy of life, student religious groupst
will meet today to hear professors and
students lead discussion sessions.i
Prof. J. E. Brumm of the journal-t
ism department, will headline thec
meeting of the Roger Williams GuildI
of the First Baptist Church with at
talk analyzing "Religion and the Uni-
versity Student."
The Westminster Student Guild
will feature the speech of Dr. Arabella
Gault on "The Mind and Though of
the Chinese Youth." Connected at
present with the Simpson Memorial
Hospital, Dr. Gault is a member of
the medical faculty of the University
of Tsinan, Shantung, China. The
student choir has arranged special
music for the supper meeting begin-
ning at 5:30 p.m.'
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
will present social, economic and edu-
cational problems in her informal
talk, "Two Generations Tried To
Understand" at the meeting of the
student fellowship of the First Con-1
gregational Church. Also the satire,1
"Sham," will be given by Jane Bird,1
'43, Charles Erickson, '42, Howard;
Fox '40E and Carlyn Fowle, '42SM.
"The Inhibitions of Modern Educa-
tion" is the topic of Professor Morris
discussion at the Student Round
Table at the Liberal Students' Union
at 7:30 p.m. Conducting the first
half of the consideration of "Messi-
anity" Miss Ida V. Jenks will discuss
"Paul's Letters" at the Student Guild
at St. Andrews Episcopal Church.
Michigan Co-Ops
Is Lecture Topic
"Cooperatives in Michigan" will be
the topic of pictures and a lecture to
be presented by Mr. Glen Kies of the
Finn Capital
Hit In SoViet
Bombing Raid
U.S. Legation In Suburbs
Nearly Struck In Attack;-
Three Dead In Helsinki
Irmy Renovation
Denied By Russia
HELSINKI, Jan. 13.-()-Russian3
)ombs fell close to the United States
legation in suburban Grankulla to-
lay when Red army warplanes en-
aged in their first raid of 1940 on
The Grankulla district, where'
many foreigners took up temporary
:esidence after the Soviet invasion,
was jolted severely by the detonating
Twelve 300-pound bombs fell in
he Espoo district close by Grankulla,
but no deaths were reported there.
In Helsinki, however, two men and
>ne woman were on a death list made
public late tonight and 20 others, in-
luding nine women, were reported
njured from the 40 bombs rained on
he city by the raiders.
A Reuters. (British News Agency)
dispatch later said 13 persons were
killed and 71 wounded in the air
aids today. Five hundred bombs
were reported dropped.
Finnish officials said at least 400
Soviet planes, the same number that
participated in far-ranging attacks
yesterday, took part in today's raids
hroughout Finland.
Helsinki escaped yesterday's raids,
but this was a perfect bombing day,
with high clouds which permitted
the Soviet fliers to disappear at will
and dodge defensive fire.
More than 100 bombs were dumped
on twice-raided Hyvinkaa, railroad
junction some 30 miles north of Hel-
sinki. The explosives for the most
part fell wide of their mark, caus-
ing only one death, injuries to 10
persons and some property damage.
Russian Army Denies
Nazi Reorganization
MOSCOW, Jan. 13.-()-The Sov-
et Russian army command declared
tonight that "animal fear before the
prospect of a military bloc between
Germany and the U.S.S.R." had in-
spired what it described as foreign
reports that German military instruc-
tors were reorganizing the Red Army.
It said the report was a "stupid, ex-
traordinary lie."
The long statement asserted also
that only 900 Russian soldiers had
lost their lives in the Finnish cam-
paign and these casualties were "due
to the sudden cold which set in, rath-
er than to the action of Finnish
On the other hand, the war review
issued by the Leningrad area mili-
tary headquarters through Tass, offi-
cial Soviet news agency, declared
Finnish troops have lost not less
than 2,000 killed and wounded.
E.F. Goldman
Will Conduct
Concert Band
Noted Director Will Lead
In Airing Over WJR;
Dasch Also To Appear
Music Groups End
Two-Day Session
With the baton that has stirred a
great audience all over the United
States Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman,r
conductor of the Goldman Band of
New York City, will step to the po-
dium to conduct the University Band
in its annual midwinter concert at
4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Goldman's appearance as con-
ductor at the midwinter concert cli-
maxes his series of contributions to
the Music Reading Clinic which will;
end its two-day convention in Ann
Arbor today. He assisted Prof. Wil-
liam Revelli in directing the Univer-
sity Band during its reading of
Class A and B music yesterday and,
delivered an informal lecture on
"The Band's Music" at a smoker giv-
en last night at the Michigan Wol-
Opens 1940 Season
The University Band formally in-,
augurates its 1940 season at the con-
cert this afternoon. At noon, how-
ever, it will broadcast a concert from
Hill Auditorium over Station WJR,
Detroit. Dr. Goldman will conduct
the program in part.'
At 1 p.m. today the University of
Michigan Symphony Orchesta under
guest conductor George Dasch, di-
rector of orchestral music at North-
western University, will present a
concert program in the Ballroom of
the Michigan. Following this con-
cert at 3 p.m. the University String
Orchestra will present a brief pro-
gram of chamber music. Mr. Dasch
will conduct the program in part.
Use Off Braille Shown
As part of the program for today
Mrs. Vera McLeod of the American
Red Cross Society will demonstrate
the use of Braille in music at 3:30
p.m. in the ballroom of the Union.
The business meeting of the con-
vention, which drew more than 300
band and orchestra conductors to
Ann Arbor, will be held at 10 a.m.
in the Michigan Union.
FDR To Remember
Former Regent's Birth
Chase S. Osborn, former Regent of
the University and former Governor
of Michigan, will receive a letter of
congratulation on his 80th birthday
from President Franklin D. Roose-
vlt, it was learned here yesterday.
Former Governor Osborn was de-
scribed by Stephan Early, White
House press secretary, as a "very old
friend" of Mr. Roosevelt.
A campaign honoring Osborn on
his 80th birthday, Jan. 22, is being
managed by a group of Michigan citi-
(Special To The Daily)
COLUMBUS, O.hio, Jan. 13-Matt
MIann's Western donference and Na-
tional Collegiate swimming cham-
>ions broke the Ohio jinx here this
afternoon when they defeated the4
3uckeyes for the first time in three
rears, 47-37.
It was the Wolverine all-around
>alance that told the tale in today's
neet, for the Michigan team scored
ictories in every event except diving
and the breast stroke.
And it was Wolverine free style
ower that especially spelled defeat
,or the Columbus crew. Without Bill
auayle, former Buckeye captain and
eader of the sprinting forces who
Nas declared ineligible last week, the
eppe outfit proved no match for
Mann's speedy free stylers.
The Buckeye coach tried every bit
>f strategy possible, but it all proved
n vain. He used Elwood Woodling,
listance swimmer, for back stroke
luties. Jack Ledford, a diver, swam
n the sprints. Peepe called on his -
ace backstrokeer, Harold (Curley)
Stanhope to swim in the 220-yar
free style race. They all did well, sur-
prisingly well, but Michigan had the
power and proved it in the long run.
Unlike last year when two Ohio-
Wolverine meets resulted in 42-42
leadlocks, Michigan started off on
the right foot today and won the
pening medley race.
Bill Beebe, swimming the back-
stroke lap, John Sharemet, churning
the breast stroke century, and loth-
er Gus, taking care of the free style
duties, vlas ;the combination that
turned the trick for the Wolverines.
And it wasn't only in the medley R
ent that this trio sparkled. Beebe l
later defeated Stanhope in the 110- d
yard backstroke. John of the Share- g
mets chased Olympic natator Johnny b
Higgins over 200-yards of the breast-
stroke territory and big Gus, the Ann
Arbor Tarzan, won the 100-yard free
style in :52.6, to tie the BigTenF
record. He also swam the anchor
lap on the winning free style relays
quartet. l
Jim Welsh, Matt Mann's prize dis-
tance swimmer, did his share for theo
(continued on Page 7) S
Others Out Of ,Step'
I s Hutchins' Attitude
According To Yost
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 13.-P)--
Upon hearing of President Robert M.
Hutchins' recent analysis of collegi-
ate football, Athletic Director Field-t
ing H. Yost declared that Hutchins1
thinks "everybody's out of step but1
Dr. Hutchins, University of Chi-
cago president, told its student bodyt
yesterday that intercollegiate foot-1
ball had been abandoned there be-
cause the institution was not willing
to buy a winning team.
Yost, Athletic Director at Michi-
gan and coach of its famous high
scoring teams in the early 1900's, said1
tonight 35,000 schools and 1,000 col-
leges in America were sponsoring
football and asked if they were
wrong and one university right.
"It's just like the fellow in the
parade who wasn't marching in uni-
son with the others and accused them
of being out of step," said Yost.
Local Organizations
Will Present Ballet
Ann Arbor's Civic Orchestra and
the Sylvia Dance Studio will com-
bine, under the sponsorship of the
High School Parent-Teacher Asso-
ciation, to present "An Evening of
Ballet" Tuesday and Wednesday at
the high school auditorium.
More than 100 dancers will take
part in a series of stage acts, ar-
ranged by Mrs. Sylvia Hamer, director
of the studio; music for all the dances
as well as overture and entr'act selec-
tions will be furnished by the 40
x .C
sadler Urgesa:.
Finnish Relief
DriveSupport t
Local Mayor Proclaims
'Finnish Relief Week'
For Aid Of Refugees s
, .
Setting aside this week as "Finnish
Relief Week," Mayor Walter C. Sad-
er yesterday urged support of the
drive for funds to aid Finnish refu-
gees, which is being headed locally
by Rudolph Reichert.
Mayor Sadler's formal proclama-
~ion called attention to the condition
of refugees now being evacuated in
F'inland and reminded Americans of
the Finnish devotion to liberty and
freedom and of her war now to pre-
serve "the philosophy of her repub-
.ic, as well as to protect the borders
)f one of the world's outstanding
small democracies."
"Therefore," he said, "I, mayor of
Ann Arbor, do hereby proclaim the
week beginning Sunday, Jan. 14, as
Finnish Relief Week, and urge the
citizens of this community to give
according to their ablity ton brin re-o
will help to save human life and pre-
vent suffering."
Th ayor is cooper a hh
the drive being conducted nationally
under the leadership of Herbert
Hoover. Contributions for the cam-
paign may be sent to the Ann Arbor
Savings and Commercial Bank or
the State Savings Bank. There will
be no solicitation of funds.
Reichert yesterday announced that
a transatlantic radio broadcast on
conditions in Finland will be heard
from 7-7:30 p.m. today over the Co-
lumbia Broadcasting System. This
broadcast will originate in Helsinki.
Co-OTo Hold
Finlad an remndedAmercansof s
~Oen House'
Men's Glee Club Will Sing
At WolvinelParty
A "house-warming" in the form of
an open house will be held this eve-
ning from 6 to 10 p.m. by the Mich-
igan Wolverine Cooperative Restau-
rant -
Highlighting the musical program
will be an appearance at 9:30 p.m. by
the University Men's Glee Club un-
der the dirti ofProf Dav
Hooer.Conribtins or he am
Mattern. Group singing will follow.
The open house will begin with an
hnaro cl aicanimsic. during which
StopS Hawkeyes, 47-38;
Swim Team Trims Oh10
Michigan Scores Victories Leads Scorers Charlie Pink Leads Attack
In All But Two Events With 18 Points; Rough
To Score 47-37 Win PlayingFeatures Game
Quayle's Ineligibility.Michigan, Purdue
Weakens Ohio Squad In Tie For First
Michigan's basketball squad got
ff to another slow start last night
aut came back strong to defeat a
ard fighting Iowa quintet 47-38 and
emain in a tie for first place with
Purdue, as Minnesota knocked In-
liana out of the undefeated class.
Charlie Pi*, veteran guard, set
the pace in the Wolverine's third
traight Big Ten triumph as he on-
iected for seven field goals and four
oul shots for 18 points. Three of
is baskets were made as he jumped
nto the air, from the same spot, far
)eyond the foul circle.
Hawkeyes Start Strong
Iowa played its best game of the
ear as it went down to its seventh
traight defeat. The Hawkeyes took
11-0 lead in the first five minutes
f the game, but Michigan crept up
n the invaders and tied it up mid-
way in the frame at 12-all.
Tom Harmon, who had replaced
Bob Fitzgerald, broke up an Iowa
ass in his own territory and made
a beautiful pass while he was off
"alance to HerbB rogan, who dr
led in to bucket the tying basket.
From that point on the game be-
ame a rough-and-tumble see-saw
affair, which saw they Wolverines
arely edge out a 23-21 lead at half
ime as Capt. Jim Rae meshed a long
ne in the closing seconds of the
nitial period.
Rae tied with Mike Sofiak at eight
points for second place honors in the
Michigan lie-up,, but.ie - iege1,
ophomore Hawkeye star, topped this
with 11 points to trail Charlie Pink.
Varsity Hits Stride
In the opening five minutes of the
final stanza Michigan hit its stride
and played an outstanding brand of
ball to garner 10 markers as they
held the Hawkeyes to two points,
which center Dick Evans made. The
Wolverines checked close, passed
swiftly, and broke with lightning
speed as they set up plays perfectly.
During this time Michigan con-
trolled the ball off the backboard as
it followed up its shots, and Iowa
was able to get the ball only twice.
However, it was prevented from tak-
ing the ball out of its territory, be-
cause Wolverine guards Brogan and
Pink were never pulled into the bas-
ket and out of position. On. both oc-
asions the Wolverines regained
possession to score.
After this the contest became a
wild affair as 10 personal fouls were
committed in the remainder of the
(Continued on Page 6)
Quiz Question
Awards tUTpped
By Canada Dry
Big business, in the form of Canada
Dry, thrust its commercial head into
the "Information, Please" set-up yes-
terday long enough to increase the
financial benefits offered for ques-
tions to be used on the program.
Officials of the corporation which
sponsors the weekly radio quiz wired
Mrs. Walter Maddock, president of
the Ann Arbor Michigan Alumnae
Club which is sponsoring the pro-
gram here, for permission to partici-
pate in some way. The outcome was
a promise to raise the prizes from
$1 to $5 for each question selected,
and from $5 to $10 for each one that
"stumps" the experts.
Tomorrow noon is the deadline for
receiving questions. They may be
deposited in the special mailboxes
in the Union and League, or maybe
mailed to "Information, Please," 213
Haven Hall.
Questions must bear an answer that
will be verified by the committee, and
must not be too specialized.
Prof. Donaldson Funeral
To Be Held This Afternoon
Reciprocal Trade Pacts Seen
Free From Political Control
The American reciprocal trade
agreements, whose life or death will
be determined by Congress at this
session, are a successful effort to
prevent trade from being made the
slave of political policy, Prof. Charles
F. Remer of the economics depart-
ment said in an interview yesterday.
"If the world comes through the
present period of war without com-
plete political control over every as-
pect of economic life directed toward
ends in which the American people
do not believe, it will be in part be-
cause of our trade agreement pro-
gram," he predicted.
Pointing out that the act of Con-
gress under which these reciprocal
trade agreements with 22 countries
was made will expire June 12, and
that thus one of the great political
battles of the coming presidential
campaign will be fought before the
campaign actually begins, Professor
Remer maintained that the issues.in-
volved in this coming battle are "as
definite and immediate as taxes and
as wide and general as those between
democratic and totalitarian coun-
Professor Remer outlined the rap-
id growth of intense trade regulatio&
especially since the depression of
political leaders for ends that are in
large measure independent of wealth
and welfare."
It was not until 1934, he explained,
that the United States set up, under
Act of Congress, machinery for the
determination of duties by reciprocal
agreement within the general frame-
work of our tariff legislation. Though,
Professor Remer admitted, the step
was a small one from many view-
points, "It did have the advantage of
bringing definite proposals before
representatives of the United States
government who are able to deal
with these proposals in the light of
actual knowledge of circumstances."
Professor Remer analyzed the record
of the trade agreements as a "good
one" and praised Secretary of State
Hull for "showing himself able and
willing to defend this record."
The United States, Professor Rem-
er stressed, has stood for equality of
treatment, for trade as a form of
peaceful activity, for the desirability
of wealth which will promote wel-
fare. These ideals, he maintained,
are deeper than partisan differences
within the United States.
"The Hull program must go for-
ward in some form and it may be
safely predicted that it will go for-
ward in some form," he asserted.
"Stability continnitv and good