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January 13, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-13

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Grad Put
High Court
rid, Day, Brown
Vere Graduates 'Of
sity Of Michigan

Report Reveals'
Students Have
Better Health
Health Service Visitations
Show Increase; Less
Cold Cases Noticed
.A University more conscious of its
health seems to. be the trend at
Michigan according to the December
report of the Health Service.
Even though students were in Ann
Arbor for approximately 15 days be-
fore vacation, they visited the Health
Service 8,080 times. These figures
represent an increase of 268 cases
over the corresponding period in
1938, and a decrease of 627 cases dur-
ing the same period in 1937.

From The Dance Stage To Rectory

ie Court appointee Frank
'14L, is the first Michigan
ool graduate to ever attain'
action of a position on the
Bench, but three other Jus-
e connected with the Uni-
some time in their careers.
esent member of the Court,
Tearge Alexander Suther-
was appointed to the Bench
attended the Law School
ear, 1882-83. He later re-
LLD. at Columbia in 1913,
17, Michigan conferred up-


, Justice from
raduate of the
, receiving the
f Science. He
d by an hon-
'8. After leav-
legal education
and from 1898
5tant Secretary
He was U.S.
Sixth Judicial
03 when he re-
bourt appoint-
e actually the
en to serve on
was one other
n honorary de-
taught several
hie Law School.
s Brown, Jus-
i.He received
;al training at.
Michigan as a

Unexpected last year was the de-
crease in respiratory infections and
colds. December 1937 produced 610
colds, in 1938, 513 colds, and last year
only 478. In conjunction with these
figures, pneumonia for December,
1939 decreased to three cases whereas
in 1937 and 1938 there were nine.
Psychologists Busy
Busiest department of the Health
Service is the Mental Hygiene depart-
ment employing psychiatrists and
psychologists. In the period under dis-
cussion, this department had 1,019
interviews. Interest in this depart-
ment has increased almost 100 per
centc inside of a year. In 1938 for
December, the department treated
684 cases.
Although dispensary calls increased,
the number of students admitted to
the infirmary and hospital for the
month decreased. These together
amounted to 140 cases whereas in''
1938, they were 152.
Labaxratory determinations de-
creased slightly for December last
year. In 1938, 1,831 were taken care
of while in 1939, there were only

RELEASED ON A CHARGE of throwing a brick through a window,
Patricia Winfrey, is now in the custody of Rev. Robert A. Jardine,
pastor who married the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. A jobless
dancer from New York, Miss Winfrey claims that she went to jail
rather than take up strip tease work.
UniversityPublished [First Book
On ScholarlySubject In 1859

(Continued from Page 4)
Guild House, 503 E. Huron. "Religion
and the University Student," Prof.
J. L. Brumm of Journalism Depart-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject "Sacrament. Sunday School
at 11:45 a.m.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on
"Christianity-Its Theology and Re-
lation to Other Faiths."
Stalker Hall: Student Class at
Stalker Hall at 9:45 a.m. Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6 p.m. at the Meth-
odist Church. Student presentation
of the subject "I Believe." Fellow-
ship hour and supper following the,
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Direc-
tor of the Student Religious Associ-
ation; 11:0 Oa.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten in Harris
Hall; 7:00 p.m. Student Meeting in
Harris Hall. Miss Ida Jenks will
speak on "Paul's Correspondence."
On Sunday, Jan.21, Prof. Leroy
Waterman will speak on the topic,
"How Much of Jesus' Teaching Do
We Get in Spite of Paul?"
The Zion Lutheran Church will
hold its worship services Sunday at
19:30. Sermon by Rev. E. C. Stell-
' Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
its worship services on Sunday at
10:30. Sermon by Rev. H. 0. Yoder.
The Ann Arbor Society of Friends
will hold a meeting for worship (based
on silence) at Lane Hall from 5:00 to
6:00 p.m. Sunday.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
meets Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in Lane
Hall. Mr. C. Stacy Woods, General
Secretary of the Inter-Varity Chris-
tian Fellowship, will be the speaker.
Brown, Peckham
Publish New Book
Henry Dearborn's exploits in the
Revolutionary War are described in
a new volume edited and published
by Lloyd A. Brown and Howard H.
Peckham of the University Clements
Library staff.
Taken from original manuscripts
contained in the Clements Library,
the new volume tells the story of the
Burgoyne and Yorktown campaigns,
of Benedict Arnold's Quebec expe-
dition, Sullivan's Indian expedition,
operations in the middle colonies and
the peace negotiations.


d Last
1 Today

(Continued from Page 1)
ne, who declared that although a
nt has, a ventilation system cap-
e of taking 99 per cent of the dust
of a certain plant's atmosphere,
one per cent remaining might be
dangerous quantities, he pointed

on, the convention re-,
hear Mr. Bloomfield's
dustrial hazards. Illus-
k with slides, he showed
various "dangerous in-
as mining, stone-cut-
and the manufacture
of industrial hygiene
ral pracice of medicine
of H. G. Dyktor, indus-
engineer of the state
nent. Mr. Dyktor told
r more coordination be-
al hygiene ageficies and
units. Mutual benefits
both parties, he said,
are a better use of
stics and a more wide-
dge in utilizing preven-
>l measures in plants.
the conference exam-
instruments of indus-
exhibited by William
Herbert Walworth of
eau of: Industrial Hy-
rence's dinner meeting,
I declared that the con-
rial hygiene is always
)f state and local auth-
as the function of the
nment is to conduct
o cooperate with those
seek to apply the re-

More Statistics
X-Ray examinations showed a de-
crease of..62 cases for the same De-
cember period. Dermatology consul-'
Cations decreased likewise by 46 cases.
Physiotherapy treatments were re-
ducea 62 cases.
Almost a 250 per cent increase in
dietitian conferences was noted in
1939. In December of last year, 101
cases were treated whereas in 1938,
43 were taken care of.
The sensitizationdepartment re-
vealed a decrease of 50 per cent in
the number of patients tested. Last
year, 40 patients were tested while
in 1938, 89 cases were attended tu.
Treatments of this department in-
creased by 36 cases. Last year 246.
were treated.
New Dormitories
Are Well Planned,
HaImmett Declgares
In the opinion of Prof. Ralph W.
Hammett of the College of Architec-
ture and Design, the new University
dormitories are "very well planned."
They fill a long-felt need, Profes-
sor Hammett explained, and will be
economical in pperation. "They are
not extravagant," he emphasized.
They make architectural symphony
with the surrounding buildings and
help create a planned campus. The
East Quadrangle follows the style of
the University Elementary School,
which is across the street, and Stock-
well Hall is patterned after Mosher-
Jordan Halls.
Professor Hammett commented
that although he might have designed
the buildings differently, he doubted
that they would be any more prac-
A campus should be planned, Pro-
fessor Hammett said, but not too ob-
viously. Buildings should not all be
similar, as that makes for monotony,
However, combinations such as that
of the Carillon Tower and the Rack-
ham Building with Hill' Auditorium
ought to be avoided, as they are of
different materials and designs and
obviously clash.

In 1859 the University of Michigan
published its first scholarly bbook.
Although there was no official pub-
lishing house for the University at
that time, the book put out was wr t-
ten by a member of the faculty and
dealt with technical scholarly infor-
mation as are the works published
today by the University Press.
Since that time the University has
continued to publish scholarly works,
some of them highly technical, run-
ning the total over 160 volumes. The
University of Michigan . Press .was
created by .an act of the Board of
Regents in 1930 to centralize all Uni-
versity publications other than the
student publications which are gov-
erned by the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Sporadic Until 1904
Up to 1904 when tne Humanistic!
Series were begun through the efforts
of Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the
Latin department, the publications
were sporadic, with a short series of
Philosophical Papers in the late 1880's
and six volumes of a journal pub-
lished by the Michigan Political Sci-
ence Association in the early 1890's.
Professor Kelsey had personally
edited and promoted the publications
until the Graduate school took over
in 1913 and made scholarly publi-
cation their concern. In 1922 a full
time editor was added to the staff.
In 1930 the University Press came
into being as the official publishing
outlet for all University publications
other than those put out by students.
Dr. Robbins Edits
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the President, is the present Manag-
ing Editor and heads the editorial
and administrative committees. Dr.
Eugene S. McCartney is the editor of
the scholarly publications. The as-
sistant editor is Miss Grace E. Pot-

ter. Dr. McCartney formerly a pro-
fessor at the University of Penn-
sylvania, the University of Texas,
and Northwestern University is him-
self a well known research scholar
and unusually meticulous editor.
The University Press has two func-
tions. One is the editing and pub-
lishing of scholarly or technical ma-
terial written by a member of the
faculty or an alumnus, or which has
to do with Michigan.
Male Glee Club
Is Expecung
Good Season
The Men's Glee Club's plans for the
remainder of the winter and this
spring pomise to continue what has
begun as an extraordinarily success-
ful season, James Crowe, '43, said
Included in the future plans are
concerts in Ann Arbor; singing for
the "Information, Please" program
Saturday, Jan. 20; an appearance in
Owosso; the annual spring trip, and
the campus concert in Hill Auditor-
ium April 18. .
Under the direction of Prof. David
E. Mattern of the School of Music,
the Club gave concerts in Flint and
Ferndale besides singing for various
groups in Ann Arbor last fall and
during the early part of this winter.
The Club appeared on 'the program
of the Interfraternity Council Christ-
mas party and cooperated with the
Girls' Glee Club in leading the student
carol sing. Two evenings were spent
by the singers participating in the
annual fall serenades, when they sang
for girls in dormitories and sorority

a4A good little snapshot" you say. But watch it gain in interest
and beauty when it's enlarged! Our service is prompt and care-
ful workmanship is the rule here.
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I \




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And the right place to keep that penny is the Ann Arbor
Savings and Commercial Bank. Every service has been
provided to give you the best in commercial banking.
Our latest convenience to the students, faculty, and
townspeople of Ann Arbor is our bank by mail system,
which enables you to make your deposits with us by sim-
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CanI Date...
HALF YOUR COLLEGE CAREER are the big social func-
tions . ..J-Hop, Soph Prom, Slide Rule. Success of the
dancing means the success of the evening. And here is Roy
Hoyer, who has been the dancing partner of such personages
as Jeanette MacDonald and Yolanda of Veloz and Yolanda,
prepared to brush you up on your footwork, or even start
yout off from scratch. Bill Collins assists.




Beginning (7-8 P.M.) Intermediate (8-9) Advance (9-10)


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