ILL World Fdertion, A Long Struggle . A' rI dited and managed by students of tie University of higan under the authority-of the Board in Control of dent Publications. ublished every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press rhe Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All Ats of republication of all other matters herein also rved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class mail matter. ubscriptions during regular school year by, carrier, 0; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVRStN Dy-S National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK,.N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTOn 'Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO_ ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Petersen tt Maraniss M. Swinton on L. Linder nan A. Schorr nis Flanagan N. Canavan Vicary Fineberg, Editorial Staff, Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor Women's Editor * Sports Editor *Paul R. Park Manson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy mess Manager Business Mgr., Credit Manager en's Business Manager en's Advertising Manager cations Manager NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL X. CHANDLER The editoials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Coward Better tudent Government.. CONSPICUOUS BY ITS. ABSENCE .C was the University of Michigan hen delegates from over 100 universities as- wmbled at Minneapolis during Christmas va- ation for the 15th annual congress of the Na- onal Student Federation of America. Organized to stimulate discussions between llege leaders from various sections of the >untry, the primary purpose of the organiza- on in the past has been to promote principles sound student government. To this purpose, aders of student government bodies from the a rious member colleges assemble each year to mpare notes on not only problems of student ivernment, but also to form resolutions on na- anal .nd international problems pertinent to .e co on interest of colleges and college stu- ints. Judging by the nature of the topics discussed id resolutions passed by the last convention, e feel that the Federation, both in its ideals id its actions, can present new ideas and con- ructive criticism pertinent to the interest of udent government here, and the University, turn could add its experience to the common od of the federation. CAMPUS POLITICS, in the worst sense of the term, which was so prevelant on the Michi- n campus several years has been considerably eaned up during the past two years, yet we tve so far seen no semblance of student gov- nnment taking an active part in student affairs. is in building up a competent and representa- re form of student government that our mem- rship in the National Student Federation uld be of definite aid. Through the contacts th other schools provided at these conven- >ns could readily come the ideas and incentive cessary to build up such a student representa- 'e body. Aside from problems affecting the campus, e Congress deals also with resolutions of wider :pe. In this field, it not only unifies campus inion throughout the country with respect to ch major issues as America's stand on neu- ality, but also through its resolution it evalu- es and integrates the representative opinions many colleges with respect to these issues. i STRUCTURE, the National Student Fed- eration corresponds to an executive council the student governing bodies of each of the ember colleges. Each of these governing dies sends five delegates to the sessions of the. ngress, who attend the various sessions and ke part in the panel discussions pertinent to eir particular campus problems and interests. Prior to actual affiliation in the Congress, n-member institutions 'may send unofficial legates with all privileges except voting power. Attendance at ,these conferences, if not in an icial capacity, at least through a. special dele- ,tion, would be of definite advantage to the iiversity. We feel that it is the duty of the udent Senate and of Michigan students on- e whole to exert their influence and exchange ews with other campuses in national student derations such as the National Student Fed- ation 'of America. -Karl Kessler. Now and then a great and burning question settled. It has been definitely, positively and dally decided that the world premiere of the A UNITED STATES OF EUROPE! Even a United Staates of the World! A true World Federation! This vision- ary utopia is again making a faltering appear- ance on the pages of history. Everybody is talking about it. England claims to foster it; Germany claims to favor it; in this country more and more writers are expounding its virtues. Chief value for this idea at the moment, how- ever, seems to lie with the opposing armieseof Europe. Each side seems to be veing for the suppot of world opinion by espousing the plan. A few days ago Prime Minister Chamberlain, in a speech (ironically) designed to prepare Eng- land for a long war, looked beyond the "final" peace to a lasting world federation. Germany counters with the charge that England has had her chance to effect this plan since the last war, and that now the Nazis want to try. TUST AS THE LAST WAR was fought "To "~make the world safe for democracy," 'so this war is being waged "to prepare all nations for world federation." The idea is not new. Henry of Navarre, King of France more than 300 years ago, suggested the plan. Victor Herbert, famous French com- poser and thinker of the last century, again brought up the idea. He was merely laughed at. Many others have come forward with the same plan. The League of Nations is apposed to be a step in that direction. Yet, something is wrong. The idea seems no nearer to realiza- tion than at its inception. So-called experts are quite generally agreed that the fault lies in the method of accomplishing this tremendous task of federating the nations of the world. OBVIOUS DIFFERENCES in language, cus- tom and gen'eral civilization throughout the world of course have played a large part in de- feating such proposals. But the chief purely mechanical difficulty seems to have been the breaking down of trade barriers between nations. Even after the World War, when President Wilson's liberal principles were supposedly pre- vtiling, impossible obstacles were encountered. The peace conferees were talking one thing, and doing another. The story is told of French Premier Clemenceaus hotel-room meeting with Wilson and British Prime,,inister LloydGeorge: "The Tiger" frankly told the other two men that complete destruction of tariffs and other trade barriers was absolutely essential to main- taining a lasting peace. The American and British leaders were aghast at the idea, and sub- sequently the whole plan had to be dropped. WORLD FEDERATION is not an impossibility. In spite of rash assertions by opposing leaders of warring forces, some faint glimmers of hope for the idea can be seen. Recent Pan- American Conferences, for example, have finally decided that "good-neighborliness" can't be ef- fected "over-night," and American nations are now taking more gradual steps to improve mu- tual relations. The fact that these efforts are being made in spite of the present general peace in the Americas is another hopeful sign, for the world federation idea cannot hope for healthy growth in the strained atmosphere of war, or of a peace conference immediately fol- lowing conflict. In thesertwo signs lie the chief hopes for world federation: steps toward this long-sought goal must be taken gradually; and they must be taken in a peaceful atmosphere, conducive to straight and unprejudiced thinking. Bright promises of rash statesmen must be taken lightly. We nust not think in terms of swift and sudden change to a world utopia. It's going to be a long and uphill struggle. - Howard A. Goldman. Robert Fechner, director of the Civilian Con- servation Corps, urges all hunters to exercise extreme caution not to mistake CCC boys for game and crack down on them. It is hoped that hunters accordingly will refrain from shoot- ing at any animal that is wearing a uniform. A moving company accidentally carried a pi- ano from Minneapolis to Dallas, Tex., by mis- take, instead of moving it to another house three blocks away. Oh well, it might have been a shipment of tractors. Suspension of leased wire services for racing syndicates eventually may force thousands of gamblers to go back to more primitive systems of losing their money, such as shooting craps. Thieves skinned three mink and made off with the pelts valued at $18, although the live mink would have brought $180. They are probably satisfied with small but steady profits. When one looks back upon the number and calibre of those who perished in the last war- the Fleckers, the Gaudiers, the Brookes, the Moseleys-he cannot condone indiscriminate or voluntary conscription. Surely Gaudier would have been worth more to the spiritual instability of post-war France than he ever was in the front-line trenches. The same must be said of Andre Malraux who, it has been reported, has enlisted for tank service (suicide squad) on the Western Front. There are far too few Malraux's to spare them for the barbs, Awaiting Call Among musicians, George Auric, one of the famous "Six" and sometime music critic for Les Nouvelles Litteraires, and Francis Poulenc, also one of "Les Six," are in their thirties and "will probably be called for service." The same holds for Honegger's pupil Marcel Delannoy, Jean Francaix, Henri Sauguet (of the "Ecole d'Arcueil) and several other modern French composers. Some musicians are unable to go because of age or nationality. Arthur Honeg- ger, distinguished composer of King David, etc., part of the music for the Shaw film, Pygmalion, Pacific 231, etc., is of Swiss nationality-al- though born in Havre 47 years ago-"and is un- likely to take up arms." Mr. Honegger has just completed Nikolas von der Flue, a new work which those who have had a pre-hearing re- port to be "of sweeping power." Nikolas von der Flue was to have been produced by the National Swiss Exposition in Zurich, but mobilization in Switzerland until the deep winter months had affected so many orchestra players that its per- formance was postponed. It has undoubtedly been performed recently, however, at Neuchattel and also at Vevey-Montreux. Mr. Honegger's La Danse des Morts may have its premier in March at Basel. Darius Milhaud, of Le Boeuf Str La Toit fame here in Ann Arbor and progressive artist of the French people, "will not be mobilized because of his health." He is now 47 and is living in his native village of Aix-en Provence. His latest opera, Medee, had a recent successful premier in the Royal Flemish Opera House of Antwerp. May Escape Service Georges Dandelot was severely wunded in the last war-he was then in his teens-and "may escape military service." Jacques Ibert (remember the music to Chaliapin's picture, Don Quixote?) is 49 and remains in Italy as conductor of the Villa Medici. The famous Alsatian im- pressionist, Charles Koechlin, is now 72. Since the annexation of Czechoslovakia, Bo- huslav Martinu, the energetic opera composer, has remained in Paris. The conductor, Marke- vitch, not yet 30 ,lives most of the year in Vevey; he is conducting a complete performance of Bach's Musikalisches Opfer at Lausanne this season. Switzerland is also host to Paul Hinde- mith (Cardillac, Trauermusik, etc.). Mr. Hinde- mith, according to the latest report known to this department, has been living in the little village of Valois, since his return to Europe. In March he is to be soloist with the Basle Cham- ber Orchestra. Though it has been extremely difficult to maintain performing staffs, to engage foreign artists, and to obtain scores-the latter problem being as difficult in America as abroad--the Swiss have embarked with courage on an ex- trarodinary season. No less than eight sym- phony and chamber orchestras and some 15 choral societies are participating. All over the little Alpine state great orchestral cycles will be held as usual. Conductors iiclude Hans Muench, Paul Sacher, Ansermet, Schoeck, Scherchen; also, as guests, Furtwaengler, Walter, Charles Muench. Foreign soloists include Thibaud, Ser- kin, Casadesus, Petri, Schey, Singher, Busch, Milstein, Casals, Cortot, Rubenstein, Brailowski Landowska, Hubermann, Szigeti, Feuermann, Se- govia. There is no time here to summarize the en- terprising programs the Swiss are now sponsor- ing. I would only report that Swiss contem- porary composers, from Bloch anddDalcroze to Frank Martin and Willy Burkhard, are being given extensive hearings along with world pre- iers of the works of Bela Bartok, Ernst Kren- ek, Benjamin Britten, Robert Obussier, Robert Blum, Luc Balmer, Emil Frey, Anton von Web- ebn, Prokofieff, and Martinu. Hindemith's Cardillac is being given at Zurich; also Mo- niuscko's Geistersehloss and Benatzky's Do- menica. By RICHARD BENNETT (Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of articles on the condition of music abroad. The material is taken partly from "Modern Music" and partly from various sources. And while it is not possible to acquire information wholly up to date, yet it is felt the following will be both interesting and instructive). SAMUEL GRAFTON wrote a bril- liant column last week; unfortu- nately, it did not appear in The Daily. If you are interested, it was published in the New York Post of Jan. 6. Grafton was chiding the conservatives for their narrow view of history-they look upon history, he said, as a series of oil paintings of dramatic events, and anything which might happen at the present time to be inimical to their interests they view as freakish or nasty. Thus an employer who recognizes in principle that collective bargaining has reached the point where it will "go down in history" as an accepted technique in employer-employee relations will re- gard the attempt of a union leader' who may be a crook to force him to employ more mfen than he-needs as a flagrant imposition. This employer, says Grafton somewhat mellowly, fails to recognize that he, the honest busi- nessman, and John Jones, the crooked union leader, are "makihg history" just as much as is a con- cept such as collective bargaining. A genuine feeling for the complexity of history is absolutely necessary for a genuine understanding of the pres- ent and of the role which we, nonen- tities though we be, fulfill in the his torical present. Is that sort of reasoning merely the well known tohu boh- per- fumed flypaper to catch the wily con- servative gadflies? Gulliver does not think so. He thinks, in fact, that Samuel Grafton's dicta can be ap- plied not only., to the conservatives, but to almost everybody: in particu- lar, to Hollywood movie producers and to liberals. LET'S TAKE HOLLYWOOD FIRST. The average producer seems to feel, and quite correctly, that his- torical pictures are the most impor- tant pictures which he makes./T Un- fortunately (which is the kindest way of putting it), the average producer sees history as a series of Tender Moments in Technicolor with of course appropriate swordplay and oth- er such elegances. Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth And Essex, Suez, and so on and on. When a producer manages to bite a little more deeply into his historical cheesecake, as did Rowland V. Lee, than he deserves commendation. Mr. Lee produced and directed Tower of. London, that surprising film about medieval England. Tower .of Lon- don is an example (standing all by itself it does look a little lonesome) of how the movies can be used to teach that history is a matter not of the amatory technique of Tyrone Power or Errol Flynn, or even of the oratorical ability of Paul Muni, but of the most extraordinarily complex and interwoven patterns, patterns which have (if we interpret them correctly) the most profound signfi- cance for us today. WHICH BRINGS US, painlessly enough, to the problem of the liberals and history. If you think of a liberal as at least a man who wants to do something about "conditions" and a conservative as a; man who doesn't want to do anything about "conditions," then doesn't it follow1 that it is even more important that the liberal have a feeling for history?'> If a man isn't ever going to do any- thing, then what he thinks makes very little difference. But it is to the liberals, says Youngo Gulliver to Samuel Grafton, and not to the conservatives, that the warn- ing against oversimplifying history must be addressed.- And now perhaps you can scent the direction of Gulliver's blunder-, ings. They have a connection with his last column, in which he asserted that the American Student Union had been oversimplifying history with its aggressor category and vic- tim category, and in which he hinted that the Student Union was over- simplifying history by centering its anti-war propaganda on the imper- ialist nature of the British-German conflict and ignoring the tremendous- ly important indications of a coming clash between Russia and the rest 'of the world, with all that such a clash implies. The ASU has missed the boat twice; three times and out. An Extraordinary Request The United States Navy Depart- ment has asked Congress to enact legislation to enable the President to commandeer ships, factories, and war materials-"in a national emer- gency." The bill would empower him, subject only to available ap- propriations, to place compulsory or- ders for ships or supplies, taking priority over any other orders, to modify or cancel any existing con- tracts, and to fix prices at which the munitions should be delivered. Federal statutes already provide that these powers shall come into effect upon a declaration of war by the United States. Apparently then the object of evoking them in a "na- tional emergency" is to apply .the powers in time of peace. There is no standard definition of a national The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. The last date for filing application is noted in each case: Child Welfare Worker Al, salary range: $140-160, Jan. 16.- Child Welfare Worker I, salary range: $150-190, Jan. 16. Adult Parole Corrections Worker I, salary range:$150-190, Jan. 20. Adult Probation Corrections Work- er I, salary range: $150-190, Jan. 20. Also the State Department of Cor- rections is giving an examination for District Supervisor of Parole, salary range: $200-240, Jan. 20. District Supervisor of Probation. salary range: $200-240, Jan. , 0. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12' and 2-4. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Dr. K. Scharenberg on, "Krankheiten grosser Maenner." The Romance Language Journal Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Jan. '16, at 4:10 p.m., in 'Room 408 RL. Program: Abraham Herman: "Editors and Their Sins." Newton S. Bement: "Report of the Foreign Language Study Committee." Gradu- ate students in Romance languages are invited. Junior Mathematics Society will meet Monday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 p.m., in 3201 A.H. Dr. Eilenberg will speak on "The Concept of Dimension." Re freshments. GULLIVER'S CAVILS 'By Young Gulliver (Continued from Page 2) Religion and Ethics, L. Waterman, 2021 A.H. Romance Languages, A. J. Jobii, 405 R.L. (Spanish) J. N. Lincoln, 402 R.L. Science and Mathematics. J,. F. Shepsard, 2122 N.S. Social Studies for Teacher's Cer- tificate, B. W. Wheeler, 316 H.H. Social Work, A. E. Wood, 310 H.H. Sociology, R. C. Fuller, 311 H.H. Speech, W. P. Halstead, 4200 A.H. Urban and Rural Community, See ANNOUNCEMENT. Zoology, A. E. Woodhead, 1079 N.S. Letters and Medicine, A. H. Stockard, 2119 N.S. Rackham Building. For-gradiat dents only. Skiing for Women: Skiing im tion for women will be given toc 2:00 p.m. either at the Women's letic Building or at the Univ Golf Course (Caddy House), del ing o nsnow conditions. Mrs. will be in charge. Those wishing to join this should call the Women's At Building by noon for location of Department owned skis will be to the Caddy House upon requ, the class meets there. Michigan Dames: The Child Group is having a party for the dren at the University High S Elementary School this afterno 3:00. if DAILY OFFICIAL BUL "I.L. I iw.+r..rr.r .i Choral Union Members in good standing will be issued pass tickets for the Kirsten Flagstad concert Mon- day, Jan. 15, between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets 'dill be issued. The records of andel's '"Messiah" are now obtainable at the broadcast- ing office in Morris Hall. There are a few setsnof records availablefor persons who have not ordered them previously. Academic Notices Elementary Orchestra Ensemble, and C201, Special Problems, will not meet as regular classes today but will attend Instrumental Clinic in the Union Ballroom. Math. 6, 4 o'clock section. There will be no examination on Tuesday, Jan. 16; Thursday's assignment will be taken up instead. There will be an examination Thursday, Jan. 18, on Chapter IV.'. Psychology 157 makeup bluebook is postponed to Wednesday, Jan. 17,- at 5 p.m. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Kirsten Flagstad, assisted by Edwin Mc-i Arthur, pianist, will give the seventhE program in the Choral Union Con- cert Series, Monday evening, Jan. 15,a at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Band Concert: The University Band with Dr. Edwin Frank Goldman, asl Guest Conductor, will give a concertF Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public is invited without admission charge. The concert is given under1 the auspices of the Michigan Band and Orchestra Association and thet University School of Music. Exhibitions Exhibits of the University's Arch- eological Research in the Philippines, Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types of the Eastern United States and of Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo- tany are being shown in the Mezza- nine floor Exhibit rooms of the Rackham Building. Also exhibited . are antiquities from the Universityt excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex- cept Sunday. Exhibition, paintings by John Pap- pas and a collection of German prints from the Detroit Art Institute, Alum- ni Memorial Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Oliver Kamm, Scientific Director of the Research Laboratory of Parke, Davis & Company in Detroit, will lecture on "Vitamin K" under the auspices of the College of Pharmacy at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 15, in Room 165, Chemistry Building. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Graduate Students and other Uni- versity students are invited to listen to a radio broadc'ast of "Mnn" Liv-u. Tau Beta Pi regular dinner meet- ing Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Professor Heb r D. Curtis of the Astronomy departinent will speak. Zeta Phi Eta will meet at 4:45 p.m. Monday at Dey's Studio to have the Ensian picture taken. New Michigan Wolverine 209 S. State Street, is having Open House on Sunday, Jan. 13, from 6:00 to 12:00 p.m. Refreshmnents. A.S.M.E. members. The A.S.M.E. group picture will be taken at Rent- schler's Studios at 319 -E. Huron on Sunday, Jan. 14, promptly at 2:30 P.M. 1940 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. J. H. Dillon of the Ingersoll-RandCom- pany wil be in Room 221 West hn ginee ing Buailding' on Wednesday, Jan. 17, to interview men interested in possible employment with this com- pany. Make an appointrient Mon. day. Michigan Anti-War Committee will meet Sunday, Jan. 14, at three o'clock at the Michigan Union. Delegates will report on the National Youth Anti-War Congress. The LutheranStu dent Club will meet Sunday evening with fellowship hour at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 o'clock, and discussion following the dinner. Dr. Abram Sachar, due to illness, will be unable to attend the events planned for him at the Hillel Foun- dation. TheSaturday evening reep- tion is canceled, but the luncheon and all other events announced for the weekend will be held. Churches Unitarian Church: 11. a.m. "The Eyes of the Blind Shall See," second talk on worldly affairs taken from Handel's "Messia."° 7:30. Round Table Discussion on "Inhibitions in Modern Education," led by Prof. A. R. Morris of the Dept. of English. 9 p.m. Coffee Hour. First congregational Ciurch: 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. L. A. parr will preach on "Can You Justify God?"~ 6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship Sup- per. Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Wo- men of the University, will speak on "Two Generations Try to Under- stand." The play "Sham" will be presented by members of the Fel- lowship. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "Man's Search For His Soul" will be the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship rv- ice. 4:30 p.m. Westminster Student Guild group singing in the ILwis- Vance parlors. 5:30 p.m. Westminster Student Guild and fellowship hpur. Speaker: Dr. Arabella Gault of the University of Tsinan, Shantung, China. Sub- ject: "The Mind and Thought of the + DRAMA + By JEAN SHAPERO DICK WHITTINGTON came to Ann Arbor yes- terday afternoon and was greeted enthusi- asticaly as an old friend in new dress by the children in the audience at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The familiar success story of the Lancashire lad who came to London to make his fortune was adapted by Richard McKelvey and included characterizations and dialogue that delighted the audience with their humor. Robert Wood's music provided pleasant background for the story, although it sometimes slowed down the development of the narrative. To a great extent the direction overcame the silly canary, while Dick made his fortune on the cat she forever belittled. Mary Ellen Wheeler, '4lEd, did excellent work on the dance direction, as the choruses provided the most entertaining interludes in the produc- tion. The general reaction to the appearance of the University students who danced during Dick's dream was "Oh boy," and this is a fitting and complete tribute. The only discordant note in the play was the Hindu scene, which employed a song in which the lyrics did not match the music. Ed- ward Davis gave a creditable performance with unsuitable lines. An actor with true love for his art was the