. _ ,. -te - - - __ N--- . _ THE, III f.IIYA N D Al ildrez's Theatre Musical Opens At League Bulky Furs Reappear Formals, Radio Dance tices, "lifted" a sign belonging to s 'local store-keeper. The proprietoi Will Be . Given",Todayg Suspecting what had happened to it Pre-exam celebration will continue went to the professor who was it this weekend with three fraternities cakeofththeben'permidtoryeand and two dormitories holding parties taeth teb mtt tosear today. their room. Kappa Delta Rho will give a radio The students, however, having ex bridge with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parry pected a visitation from the sign' and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Badger as owner, carefully hid the covete chaperons. property in the closet, and then pre Major and Mrs. H.D.W. Riley and Pared for their early evening devo Mr. and Mrs. A. C Shroth will chap- tions. When the professor put hi eron. the dance to be given by Theta eyeto the keyhole of the room a Delta Chi at the chapter house few minutes later, he found the stu dents ontheir knees repeating slow Martha Cook will entertain at a ly the following words: "A wicked dance with Mrs. Leona Diekema and generation seeketh after a sign, bu Miss Sara Rowe as chaperons. there shall no sign be given unto Mosher Hall will hold their annual them." winter formal. Mrs. Frederick E. "Donkey Serenade" Ray, Miss Esther Colton and Miss Not all practical jokers were suc Hope Hartwig will chaperon. Bill cessful, however. One class of col Gail's orchestra will play. lege 'humorists, for instance, wa t I U I in FLOWER Sizes 9-17 at $ 7.95 { °}.. s.