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January 12, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-12

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Edited and managed by students of the University. of
Michigan under the authority of theBoard in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Uniyersity year and Summer Session.
Membet of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service,- Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff

A. ~Schorr

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's, Editor
9sorts Editor


Business Staff
Business Manager . . . Paul R. Park
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart
women's Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko
Women's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers
Publications Manager . . . . Harriet S. Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
In Election Years
THE FIRST WEEK of 1940 is history.
On everyone's lips seems to be
cheer and hope, as present prospects indicate
a more prosperous year.
After long years of spasmodic employment
and periodic layoffs, the steel IMills are again
working full time. Lengthy and disastrous
labor troubles hve been disposed of, the auto-
mobile business seems to be taking a new lease
on life, and demand in this field has picked
up remarkably. Business as a whole, n spite
of new federal tax proposals, seems more confi-
dent, with the President's move toward a bal-
anced budget an important factor in the re-
Mr. Roosevelt began his first term in a wave
of national despair; present conditions indicate
that he will close his second term in a period
of national confidence.
Yet, to this general picture of widespread
hope and cheer, there should be added a sombre
touch, a warning. A glance at the real causes
for this temporary confidence will find them
to be artificial and, in the long run, probably
Existence of war in Europe, coupled with our
new Neutrality Act (allowing war exports on
a cash-and-carry basis), undoubtedly accounts
fQr much of the increased activity in our steel
mills. Farmers, too, are finding an increased
and more profitable market for their products
on the battlegrounds of Europe. Many business-
es, even those only remotely connected with the
war, are expanding capacities.
What will happen in these numerous cases
when the war comes to an end? Disaster. Only
disaster. Markets will vanish. Profits will dis-
appear. Increased capacities will result in the
anassing of huge surpluses, or in the disuse
and deterioration of valuable property and ma-
One has only to look to the results of the last
war to realize the truth of these statements.
Most of the disastrous farm foreclosures, for ex-
ample, resulted from undue confidence which
the farmers displayed during the last war in
buying new property and mortgaging land they
already possessed. Wfien the war ended, mark-
ets for the added produce vanished, and farm-
ers could not pay for their new land.
Another reason to view this newly-found con-.
fidence only with extreme caution is the estab-
lished custom of American presidents to coddle
business during the last year of their term.
President Roosevelt, following this policy, has
already indicated (in his budget message) tha
he intends to "take it eas.y" on business this
year. After the uncertainties of an election
year, however, more discouraging measures may
be in store for business.
So, while rejoicing in a spirit and hope and
confidence which we hope will last, let us never-
ulsieless proceed with caution, mindful of the
pitfalls which await the man who lets giddy
confidence "go to his head."
- Howard A. Goldman.

inih Loans
Lest We Forget
HE PROPOSED LOAN of $60,000,000
to Finland by the government of
the United States seems to indicate that this
nation has forgotten, or is on the verge of for-
getting, at least part of the lesson learned from
the last war, the First World War.
From 1914 to 1917 this country made gigantic
loans to England and France-with little or rid
security, nothing more "mortgaged" than Fin-
land has to offer today. Few people in America
wanted to enter the First World War, not many
more than want to fight a European quarrel
now. Yet the American people were aroused
to what was eeffctively a "we want war" fever,
and one of the strongest arguments for our
entry was that we had to protect our invest-
ments and loans by defeating Germany.
Finland is now in a position similar to that
of England and France in 1914-a position less
likely to turn out well, yet a position which
many people feel implies a moral obligation for
the United States to come to her aid finarially
if not actively.
Finland, it is .argued, has kept faith with
America by repaying loans made her by this na-
tion. Therefore, continues the argument, Amer-
ica should show-her appreciation by advancing
more money to Finland in this moment of ex-
treme need-hang the expense-forget the fact
that a desire to protect non-secured loans helped
involve us in one war and might well help drag
us into a second-to the devil with the cone-
quences. Or it may be that the advocates of a
loan to "little" Finland have merely overlooked
the possibility of danger to our present position
of neutrality from such action. They may have
forgotten that what happened in 1917 can hap-
pen again in 1940.
The United States is now in a position of neu-
trality which can be maintained only by re-
membering every detail of past experience, by
overlooking no item which might conceivably
lead us the least bit nearer to entering any con-
flict. Loans today should only be made to war-
ring nations if they are prepared to grant us the
right to occupy territorial possessions in the
event of defaulted payments-let Britain mort-
gage Bermuda or British Honduras, let France
deed French Guiana to us-those concessions
would be adequate security for most loans. And
secured loans, we must realize, are the only ones
that are not likely to demand "protection" in
the form of our fighting to aid our debtors.
Finland certainly has no possessions to mort-
gage. She has no security to offer. The results
of the war in which she is now engaged may
not even leave her an integral nation. If we
were to lend money to Finland now, any Rus-
sian successes against her would call forth
shout of "protect our loans," from Americans.
No matter how slight the danger attached to
a loan to Finland-or any act, for that matter-
by the American government or people, we
should refrain from its commission if it seems
in the least likely to aid in involving us in war.
- William Newton.
Of ALL Things.+++
. .. By Morty-Q ... . .
a mass meeting protesting some great out-
Wednesday morning milling about the Union
all excited about something. And at 10 they
were still there, some standing, some sitting,
others talking and yet more walking and run-
ning. And at noon, they were there, only
stronger than before. And 3 p.m. saw them
still standing and sitting, talking and walking.
Most of them were very young-looking men,
but they seemed grim and determined; they
looked about them fiercely and menacingly. And
they mumbled amongst themselves. An unin-
formed observer might easily think this was
some revolting group or at least a bunch of ob-
jectors. But those on the know did not get ex-
cited for they knew that these young men were
standing in line to purchase their J-Hop tickets.
Passing through the Union lobby Mr. Q. saw
one of these fellows making himself comfort-

able on a chair in the North Lounge and was
amazed to learn that here was a fugitive from
rage or as if somebody was giving away some-
thing. At any rate, there they were, at 7:30,
a World Series bleachers box-office. You know
how a couple of those guys each year pitch
a tent or something outside the World Series
stadium about two weeks before the opener so
they can be first in line? Well, this young col-
legian was determined not to be outdone and
he intended to park in the lobby all night to
be first in line for tomorrow's J-Hop sale.
THIS J-HOP, the glamor affair of the year, al-
ways brings with it a bunch of screwball
stories, mostly concerning the great troubles to
which young men will go to get a suitable beauty
for his date. So, in the past, there have been
tales of girls coming from -thousands of miles
(at the boy's expense), and of airplanes being
chartered and of movie stars being wired to
please attend as the young man will surely shoot
himself if she doesn't. Mr. Q. remembers one
star-struck gent a few years back, who thought
that Carole Lombard was the most perfect
thing that ever powdered a nose. So first he
sent her a letter. And he received a picture
with a lovely autograph: "Ever yours, Carole
Lombard." , And he was thrilled (if he had
looked on the back he would have seen the
stamped number, 36,864). So then he sent her
a wire, telling her all about the J-Hop and how
if she didn't come as his guest, well, there was
no telling what he was going to do (the charge
would have purchased a suit with two pair of
pants). But she was sorry, she couldn't pos-
sibly make it; it wasn't in her contract or some-


,I THIS LETTER I should like to propose what
what may at first seem an ostrich tiolicy,
namely, that the people of the United States,
both as a nation, and in their own hearts, and,
more important, that the present government of
the United States, declare a mental and moral
embargo on all radio, newspaper, and newsreel
material concerning the current European war;
that this attention now given to foreign affairs
be actively redirected toward internal problems.
Such an action, involving as it would the greatest
show of moral courage America has been called
upon to make since the days of Lincoln, although
at first glance it may appear provincial and
backward, will, I believe, come to seem the
finest step the nation could make toward a
better and healthier state of mind.
Americafs answer to the challenge of the
economic depression and near collapse of 1933
was the New Deal. At the last presidential elec-
tion 27 millions of men and women placed their
faith and approval on its policies. By reason
of their belief in the rightness of the Roosevelt
program, the people of the country were willing
to allow the administration to accumulate an
unprecedented national debt in its fight to cure
the evils in the economic and social systems. The
task of the New Deal is not yet completed, nor
has it been, in a permanent sense, even half, or
a third, completed!
Yet even as the nation worked through the
years of the 'Thirties, the .cloud of war, rising
no larger than a man's hand, above Shanghai
and Manchuria, overspread the world about her.
By 1938 that cloud had grown so ominous as'to
draw the eyes of America upward from the huge
task of restoring prosperity in which she was en-
gaged, toward its towering shadow.
side us. But this war means different
things. To some it brings horror that such
frightfulness yet exists; to some it brings disil-
lusionment, that the effort and slaughter of
.1914-1918 should be rewarded by this new night-
mare; to some it brings hatred for those nations
which they consider aggressors, or sympathy
for those nations in whose cause they believe;
to some it brings only a rather sadistic indif-
ference, so that they greet the day by reading
of battles and bloodshed at the breakfast table,
or brighten the evening by listening to regular
broadcasts concerning gains, losses, and casual-
ties, much as they would listen to a football
game or prize fight, considering the war news
as mere news, to be read without much thought,
although, by the very frequency of their contacts
with the war news developing toward the war
4at accustomedness and acceptance which is
fatal in the face of the arguments of a hothead
:r demagogue.
BUT TO SOME MEN the war brings other
thoughts and feelings. To some it brings the
thoughts of profits such as they have not enjoyed
in 10 years (of course, these profits would be
greater still if we were involved in the war); to
some it brings the vision of a nation enjoying
the unnatural prosperity, the re-employment,
new factories, and higher wages which a Euro-
pean war brings about, keeping its citizenry
unquestioningly happy and well fed, without
ever having had to answer in the fullest analysis
the great questions which the years 1929 to 1933
raised; to some men in positions of political
power, the war brings the precious opportunity
to proclaim a national emergency, to point a
fearful finger at the warring world, and to shout
for national unity and cooperation in this year
1940, in which they will be called upon to show
working solutions to the problems which they
promised the electorate to solve.
Do we want war? We are engaged in a war
this moment, however much we try to desert
and flee to, Europe! An honest man, unless
he be perfect, is ever at war with himself. An
honest nation fights its battles with itself to
the last extremity. This nation entered a war
March 4, 1933, a war against 1929 and all the
factors which made the events of that year

possible. That war is only just begun, yet al-
ready we flee from its cannon. Consider the
enemies which our government is pledged to
overthrow, unemployment, bad housing, debt,
government expense (remember the economy
act of 1933), weakness of the railroads, an ag-
riculture unable to stand on its own feet. Have
we put .them to rout, or merely skirmished with
them? Consider the Wagner Act, the Social Se-
curities Law, or the Wages and Hours Bill. Are
they permanent gains, or hard-won and barely
held salients? Has our New Deal scored smash-
ing victories in any save the fields of banking,
securities, and conservation? We dwell perpetu-
ally on a Western Front, of which the European
War is only a-quiet sector.
The time is more than ripe for a strong re-
direction of American thought toward the strug-
gle upon which we embarked at home seven
years ago. The government can easily lead
such a redirection by a strong, honest and cour-
ageous attack on the problems at hand, by a
return to the spirit of the summer of 1933. If
it cannot, or will not, another government, by
the rules of our political system, can take up
the battle. President Roosevelt has yet the
glorious opportunity to make himself leader and
director of the assault. It will take great cour-
age to renounce the war prosperity as unnatural,
to continue in our reforms when outwardly
nothing seems wrong; it will take great courage
for political leaders to carry on the fight at home,

WASHINGTON-Tip-off to the
much discussed ousting of Leslie
Hore-Belisha as British Minister of
War is the fact that his successor,
Oliver Stanley, is one of the most
pro-German members of the Cabinet.
Stanley is the son of Lord London-
derry, educated in Germany and a
member of the Cliveden set which
was responsible for the Munich pct
and encouraged a rapprochement
with Hitler before war broke. Oliver
Stanley, now 43 years old, has been
promoted to high position solely
through the influence of his Lather.
Add to this the facts that Hore-
Belisha is Jewish and was the most
active member of the British Cabinet
~in prosecutingthe war, and you get
the main reason why Chamberlain
ousted him.
That reason is: Chamberlain and
the overwhelming majority of the
Cabinet want to make an early peace
with Germany, then turn against
Russia; and Hitler will not talk while
a Jew is heading the British army's
drive against Germany. With a pro-
German Minister of War, the chances
for peace are better.
Popular Belisha
Also-and this must have been a
contributing factor - Hore-Belisha
was the most energetic, one of the
youngest, and decidedly the most
popular cabinet member in Britain.
As such, he constituted the chief po'
litical threat to Chamberlain. He
had greater potentialities than any
other man for leading an effective
opposition to Chamberlain. Many
people predicted that he would be
the next Prime Minister.
Therefore, it was better for Cham-
berlain to polish him off and place
him on the side-lines now, rather
than after he got too important.
It is worthwhile to rememrber that'
the Chamberlain Cabinet is con-
posed largely of men old in years,
even older in mind. Anthony Eden,
now Minister of Colonies, is young,
but has not been a vigorous member
of the Chamberlain Cabinet. A
quiet career man, he has been con-
tent to sit on the sidelines and let
Hore-Belisha do the scrapping.
Malcolm MacDonald, son of Labor'
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald,
also is young, but has been a big
disappointment. As Secretary for
the Dominions he is a nonentity.
The Old Order
When Duff Cooper was First Lord
of the Admiralty, he and Hore-Belisha
made a young, hard-headed team of
fighters for Empire defense. But
with Duff Cooper's resignation Hore-
Belisha remained the one representa-
tive of the new generation, surround-
ed by starchy representatives of a sys-
tem which is making its last muddling
These factors were more important
than Hore-Belisha's row with the
army, though this row was' by no
means petty. As War Minister, Hore-
Belisha first fired all the fuddy-
duddies at the head of the army, re-
placing them with younger men. This
was all right, but then he made the
mistake of riding herd on the young-
er men.
Finally, and least forgivable of all,
he democratized the British military
schools, making it possible for a com-
moner to become a high ranking of-
ficer. Hitherto, British military
colleges had been open only to young
men of wealth and position. Hore-
Belisha shocked the army by putting
the cadets on the same status ofr
equality as at West Point.
So the clique which controls the
British army began greasing the skids
for him from the very start.dAll of
which added up to his exodus last
Squirrels On The Dole
Lafayette Park, across from the
White House, is a place where old
men . and tired stenographers and
total strangers sit in the sun and
think. The other day an old man
stopped to feed nuts to a bob-tailed
squirrel. Another man stopped to

"Very tame," remarked the on-
looker. "Does he know you?"
"Yes, but he would do this for any-
body. So would all the squirrels
here. They're all panhandlers;
they're all on the dole, like the rest
of us."

f 0 *


Drew Pcrso.
- E

... ® ..


(Continued from Page 2)
the Office of the Dean of Women by
noon of Jan. 15.
Jeannette Perry
Assistant Dean t Women
Concentration Advisers for the See-
ond Semester, 1939-1940: Usually the
office hours of the advisers listed be-
low may be found either outside their
office doors or in the departmental
American Culture, Development of,
D. L. Dumond, 214 H.H.
Anthropology, L. A. White, 4506
Astronomy, W. C. Rufus 9 U.H.
Botany, H.H. Bartlett, 3025 N.S.
Chemistry, R. K. McAlpine, 406
Chem.; B. A. Soule, 408 Chem. Let-
ters and Dentistry, W. G. Smeaton
472 Chem. Letters and Medicine, W.'
G. Smeaton, 472 Chem.
Economics, R. P. Briggs, 9 Econ.
Letters' and Business Administration,
L. L. Watkins, 205 Econ.
English, J. L. Davis, 3228 A.H. Let-
ters and Law, F. W. Peterson, 3230
Fine Arts, B. M. Donaldson, Room
B, A.M.H.
Geography, H. M. Kendall, 19 A.H.
Geology, I. D. Scott, 4055 1.S.
German, H. W. Nordmeyer, 204
Greek, W. E. Blake, 2024 A.H.
Histry, B. W. Wheeler, 316 H.H.
Letters and Law, L. G. Vander Velde,
118 H.H. History Honors, S. . Scott,
320 H.H.
Journalism, J. L. Brumm, 213 H.H.
Latin, J. E. Dunlap, 2028 A.H
Letters and Forestry, S. T. Dana,'
2045 N.S.
Letters and Nursing; M. Durell, 2036
Library Science, R. H. Gjelsness,
311 Library; E. Wead, 111A Library.
Mathematics, N. H. Anning, 204
Mineralogy, A. B. Peck, 4075 N.S.
Music, O. J. Stahl, 300 B.M.T.
Oriental Civilizations, R. B. Hall,
11 A.H.
Oriental Languages and Literatures,
L. Waterman, 2021 A.H.
Philosophy, P. Henle, 309 M.H.
Physics, H. R. Crane, 141 E. Physics.
Political Science, H. B. Calderwood,
2037 A.H. Letters and Law, L. Pre-
uss, 2033 A.H
Psychology, M. G. Colby, 2127 N.
Religion and Ethics, L. Waterman,
2021 A.H.
Romance Languages, A. J. Jobin,
405 R.L. (Spanish) J. N. Lincoln,
402 R.L.
Science and Mathematics, J. F.
Shepard,:2122 N.S.
Social Studies for Teacher's Ce-
tificate, B. W. Wheeler, 316 H.H.
Social Work, A. E. Wood, 310 H.H.
Sociology, R. C. Fuller, 311 H.H.
Speech, W. P. Halstead, 4200 A.H.
Urban and Rural Community, See
Zoology, A. E. Woodhead, 1079 NS.
Letters and Medicine, A. H. Stockard,
2119 N.S.
The University Bureau of Appoint-.
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service Examinations.
The last date for filing application is
noted in each case:,
Child Welfare Worker Al, salary
range: $140-160, Jan. 16.
Child Welfare Worker I, salary
range: $150-190, Jan. 16.
Adult Parole Corrections Worker
I, salary range: $150-190, Jan. 20.
Adult Probation Corrections Work-
er I, salary range: $150-190, Jan. 20.
Also the State Department of Cor-
rections is giving an examination for
District Supervisor of Parole, salary
'range: $200-240, Jan. 20.
District Supervisor of Probation,
salary range: $200-240, Jan. 20.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.


pas and a collection of German prints
from the Detroit Art Institute, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall, 2 to 5 p.m.
University Lecture: Mr. W. . Au-.
den, English poet, will lecture on "A
Sense of One's Age" under the aus-
pices of the Department of English at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lee..
ture Hall. The public is cordially In-
University Lecture: Dr. Oliver
Kamm, Scientific Director of the
Research Laboratory of Parke, Davis
& Company in Detroit, will 'leture
on "Vitamin K" under the aupices
of the College of Pharmacy at' 4:15
p.m. on Monday, Jan. 15, in' Room
165, Chemistry Building. The public
is cordially Invited
Today's Events
1940 Mechanical & Chemical Engit-
neers: Mr. M. Bernard Morgan, Chief
Plant Engineer of the American Vis-
cose Corporation, Meadville, Penn-
sylvania, (rayon manufacturers), will
outline the opportunities with this or-
ganization at a group meeting to-
night at 7:00 in Room 311 'West
Engineering. Following this, ap-
pointments will be given for inter-
views on Saturday morning.
Arab Culture Society will meet for
organization this afternoon at 5:00
p.m. in the Lounge of the Interna-
tional Center. Membership open to
Arab students and American studenta
and faculty.
Badminton courts in Barbour Gym-
nasium are open for mixed play on
Monday and Friday evenings from
7:30 to 9:30.
Harris Hall: Instead of the usual
tea today, we shall meet at 4:00
p.m. in the Rackham lobby to attend
Mr. Auden's lecture.
Stalker Hall: Bible class tonight at
7:30. Dr. Brashares will lead the dis-
The Congregational Fellowsip
Bible Class will meet this evening, at
7:30 in Pilgrim Hall. All are cordial-
ly invited.
Westminster Student Guild Bible
Study Course will meet this evening
from 7:30 to 8:30 in the Presbyterian
Church, to be led by Dr. Lemon.
Bring questions to the class.
Westminster Student Guild is hav-
ing a sleigh-ride this evening. The
group will meet at the Presbyterian.
Church at 9:00 p.m. For reservations
call 2-4466. If the weather is un-
favorable, there will be Open 'ouse.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty M11em-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.h. in
the Founders' Room of the Mic igan
Union. All faculty members interrest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief infor-
mal talk by Dr. K. Scharenberg on,
"Krankheiten grosser Maenner"
Junior Mathematics Society will
meet 'Monday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 '.m.,
in 3201 A.H. Dr. Eilenberg will #peak
on "The Concept of Dimension." Re
Eta Kappa Nu meeting in Michigan
Union on Sunday, Jan. 14, at 7:00
p.m. Those wishing 'to "eat In a
group will meet in the usual place at'
6:30 p.m.
International Center: Profrssor
'Harley Bartlett will speak at the In-
ternational Center on "The lvtalyan
Peoples," at 7 o'clock, Sunday ight,

following the supper hour. He will
show his pictures of "Sumatra" on
Monday evening at 7 o'clock.
New Michigan Wolverine, 209 S.
State Street, is having Open House
on Sunday, Jan. 13, from 6:00 to
12:00 p.m. Refreshments.
Movies on Cooperatives in Michi-
gan will be shown Sunday at 3 p.m.
in Room 318 Michigan Union. The
Inter-cooperative Council cordially
invites all those interested in cooper-
atives to attend.

Landon's Job
one of the few speeches Rep. Joe
Martin, astute Republican floor lead-
er, will make this winter will be at
the Kansas Day dinner in Topeka,
Jan. 29.
While Martin is definitely a dark-
horse presidential possibility, he isn't
lifting a finger to boost his candi-
dacy and has emphatically told
friends he wants nothing done in
his behalf. If the lightning should
strike, he would accept; . but he will
run up no rods for himself, and he
takes a rigidly neutral stand toward
all active candidates.
Martin's No. 1 goal is to be Speak-
er of the House in case it goes Re-
publican, and he will do nothing to

German Departmental Library. All
books due today.
Football Ticket Resale money may
Speech Concentrates, Majors and
Minors: Please call at the Speech De-
partment Office, 3211 Angell Hall,
this week for an appointment with
the concentration adviser.
Academic Notices
Make-ups for all Geology 11 blue-
books including the field trip blue-
books will be given today at 9 o'clock,
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
Elementary Orchestra Ensemble
and C201, Special Problems, will not
meet as regular classes Saturday,£
Jan. 13, but will attend Instrumental
Clinic in the Union Ballroom.

Graduate Students and other Uni-
versity students are invited to listen
to a radio broadcast of "Manon," giv-
en by the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, on Saturday, Jan. 13, at 2:00
p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building.
Graduate Outing Club meeting on
Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in rear of Rack-
ham Building for program of outdoor
sports, including tobogganing, skat-
ing and sliding. Supper in club rooms
if desired. itraduate students and
faculty invited.

Hope For The Parties

Just as the label of "Roaring Twenties" has
been applied to the pre-depression era, so will
the decade that has just ended probably go

Exhibits of the Universitys Arch-
eological Research in the Philippines,
Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types
of the Eastern United States and of
w!.rai'.. TA,,hnnln-rrvn d F A54.tmihn._


Graduate School Dance will b
en on Saturday, Jan. 13, at 9:0

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