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January 12, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-12

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Mostly cloudy, occasional snow,
fair tomorrow.


3k iguu


In Election Years .. .


VOL. L. No. 78




._ ,V

Rescuers Hunt
For 87 Men
In Caved Mine;
HopeIs Given
Company Executive Says
May Take 10 Hours;
Four Bodies Are Found
.Searchers Penetrate
Through Rock Fall
BARTLEY, W.Va., Jan. 11.-(IP)-
Grimys rescue workers crawled slow-
ly through a debris-clogged, gas-filled
mine toward 87 entombed miners to-
day as their leaders expressed both
hope and fear for the safety of the
men trapped 600 feet underground by
an explosion. .
Four bodies already have been tak-
en. from th wrecked ,corridor in the
Bartley No. 1 mine of the Pond Creek
Pocahontas Coal Corporation through
which the blast roared yesterday.
The company reported at the time
of the explosion that 138 men had
been at work in the mine-in the
heart of the rich southern West Vir-
ginia coal fields-but 47 were known

Hockey Squad Defeats Illinois
3-1 In First Big Ten Victory

Breaks Rock Fall
I p.m. the crew broke through
rock fall near the section
e blast occurred. About 60
l been working in passage-
e to that section.
nd Salvati, vice-president of
any, said: "There seems to
Kcuse for the'men (in that
ot being alive."
d, however, it might take 10


ahead of the rock fall,
eported, appeared to be
of debris.
gs, general manager of
reviously had said:
ful that possibly 50 or
ad alive."
miners-who have wit-
of these disasters-
most of the men had
d," said Carl J. Dicke-
e rescue workers, on a
,haft. He added'
k there's much chance."
From Shaft
itered about a mile and
in a corridor that leads
a shaft, which is per-'
;ause of the explosion1
determined, although
mine officials rushed

Players Overcome Early
Lead By Foes As Ross
Tallies In Last Minutes
Suddenly coming to life after two
periods of spiritless hockey at the
Coliseum' las, night, the Michigan
sextet overcame a one-goal lead and
scored three markers in the final
stanza to breeze by Vic Heyliger's
Illinois team and win its first Big
Ten game of the season by a 3-1
After tying the score at the start
of the last period on a spectacular
solo dash by Charley Ross, the Wol-
verines nosed out in front two min-
utes later when Paul Goldsmith con-
verted a pass from Gil Samuelson.
Ross clinched the victory with only
two minutes to play remaining in
the game when he scored his second
goal on another solo dash.
Game Starts Slowly
Until the last period, both teams
played the slowest hockey that has
been seen here this season. Neither
squad could organize a real attack,
and when the., forwards did manage
get in scoring position, most of their
shots were wide of the nets. Several
solo dashes by members of both teams
livened the game up somewhat,'but
not enough to arouse any enthusiasm
by the small crowd that witnessed
the contest.
A mixup in front of the Michigan
goal ,midway in the second frame
gave the visitors their only score of
the evening when Wayne MKibbin
(Continued on Page 3)
Health Parley
Hears Hygiene
Lectures Here
Deep Significance Taken
By Industrial Medicine
Discussed, At Meeting
In our modern world, industrial
hygiene and medicine-have taken on
a deeper signifiance-a significace
going beyond the ordinary concep-
tion of factory health, a significance
encompassing the general health of
the worker.
Thus ran the conensus of opinion
voiced yesterday before an audience
of X00 at the first day's sessions of
the Conference on Industrial'Medi-
cine and Hygiene meeting today and
tomorrow in the Amnphitheatre of
the Rackham Building.
Dr. John Sundwall, general chair-
man of thee Conference and director
of the'Division of Public Health and
Hygiene, is welcoming the assemblage
pointed out that industrial health and
hygiene today are among the out-
standing interests and activities of
mredical practice and public health.
work and administration.
Industrial medicine has become
virtually adult public health in its
broadest sense, Dr. James. D. Bruce,
vice-president of the University,
commented in his salutation.
Industrial hygiene as discussed in
this conference must be defined, Dr.
). J. Bloomfield,. sanitary engineer
of the Division of industrial Hygiene
ii the t.S. Pubi Health Service,
declared. "Industrial medicine" he
said "is the science of preservation
of the health of workers. It involvs
primarily a program of health con-
servation and accident and. occupa-
tional disease preventionU"
ittle is known about occupational
(Continued on Page 6)
Robfber Is Held.
By City Police



Holds Off Illini

Michigan Clinic
For Orchestras
To meet Here

Midwinter ConcertI



To Highlight Convention;
Dr. Goldman To Direct
Attended by high school band and
orchestra leaders from at least five
states, the Michigan High School
Band and Orchestra Clinic will meet
here tomorrow in the first session of
a two day convention.
Highlight of the convention will be
the annual midwinter concert in Hill
Auditorium, 4:15 p.m. Sunday, under,
the direction of guest conductor Dr.
Edwin Franko Goldman, director of
the Goldman Band of New York City.
David Bennett, composer and arran-
ger, may step to the podium for one
The two-day program will include
readings of band and orchestra selec-
tions, some of these played for the
first time. The University Band
under the direction of Prof. William
Revelli, v Zl play ;hose selections
recommended for class A and B
bands; the Central High School band
of Kalamazoo will play those selec-
tions recommended for class C and
D bands; and the University Orches-
tra under the direction of Thor John-
son will play all orchestral selections.
Mr. Johnson will be assisted in part
by guest conducter George Dasch
of Northwestern University.
At a smoker given for guests of the
Clinic at the Michigan Wolverine at
9 p.m. tomorrow Dr. Goldman will de-
liver a lecture on "The Band's
Attracted by the promise of hear-
ing Dr. Goldman direct the Univer-
sity Band, publishers, composers and
arrangers will come from as far as
England to be in Ann Arbor Sunday
afternoon. Ralph Hawkes, partner of
one of England's largest music pub-
lishing houses, is expected to land in
America today in the "Yankee Clip-
per," transatlantic airship.
Absent-Minded Prof
Is More Than Myth
Absent - minded professors a r e
something more than legend at this
University-ask Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the president.
Dr. Robbins this week mailed a
letter to several University depart-
ment heads, instructing them to mail
applications immediately for a cer-
tain piece of literature which the
University is publishing. "Place
your name, address, and send the
order through the requisition de-
partment," were Dr. Robbins instruc-
Yesterday Dr. Robbins received a
scrawled note requesting "100 copies,"
written on the bottom of a sheet of
paper. But there was no address, no
signature, no enclosed money-no

Purdue Still
As Opponent
Crisler And Kizer Discuss
Game In Long Distance
Conversation Tuesday
Coach Also Talked
To Purdue Mentor
Purdue University is still being con-
sidered as a 1940 football opponent
to replace Chicago, it was learned by
The Daily yesterday. Head Coach
Herbert Orrin (Fritz) Crisler and
Noble Kizer, athletic director at Pur-
due, engaged in a five minute long
distance telephone conversation on
Wednesday and the possibilities of'
such a game were considered.
Kizer, in issecnd telegram to
The Daily, admitted that he had been
in touch with Crisler and that they
had discussed the game. His Wed-
nesday telegram is as follows:
Sports Editor
The Michigan Daily
Discussed possibility of game
with Crisler yesterday. Suggest
you contact Fritz and discuss
game with him
Noble Kizer, Athletic Director,
Purdue University.
Crisler admitted that he had talked
long distance with Kizer but he re-
fused to admit that Phrdue was one
of the three from which the oppon-
ent would be selected. He also ad-
mitted that he had talked to Mal El-
ward, Purdue football coach, on the
train enroute to California and the
Rose Bowl and that they had dis-
cussed their mitual problems-i.e.
their open dates with Chicago after
the Maroons withdrew from inter-
collegiate football. Kizer had not
gone to the Coast but instead had
travelled to Miami,' Fla., to watch
the Orange Bowl game.
Crisler refused to divulge the name
of any of the three universities from
which the final choice would be made.
It was believed, however, that Pitts-
burgh was being -considered. The
attractiveness of such an intersec-
tional game and the recent cleaning
by Pitt of its athletic house and
avowed aspirations toward entering
the Big Ten make this a definite pos-
It was felt that while it would be
more desirable to meet Purdue than
any other university because it is a
Big Ten school, that it would be
selected only if the other two choices
wre unattainable because such a
g.ne would involve schedule-shift-
ir g. Ivfichigan's open date is Nov. 2
while Purdue's (also scheduled to
meet the Maroons) is Oct. 18.
Crisler said that of his three re-
maining possibilities, he had con-
(Continued on Page 3)
Prof. Maier Talks
Scribbling chalk diagrams to illus-
trate the points of his address, Prof.
Norman R. F. Maier of the psychology
department delivered the first of a
series of Phi Sigma educational lec-
tures entitled, "Psychology's Unfin-
ished Business," yesterday to a near
capacity audience in the Rackham
Dr. Maier discussed the vast un-
certainties with which experimental
psychologists are dealing today and
pointed out how these uncertainties,
even when settled, uncover a new set
of uncertainties.

Secretaries Attend Meet
T. Hawley Tapping and Robert 0.
Morgan, respectively general and as-
sistant secretaries of the Alumni As-
sociation, will attend a Fifth District
Convention of the American Alumni
Council today and tomorrow in Chi-
cago's Palmer House.

Local Drive
For Finland
Cooperation Of Students
And Residents Invited
By RudolphE. Reichert
Ministers To Help
WithPulpit Pleas
Following the example of the rest
of the country in the campaign to
provide relief for civilians in war-
torn Finland, the local appeal for
funds began yesterday under 'the
direction of Rudolph E. Reichert, Ann
Arbor chairman of the Finnish Re-
lief Fund.
There will be no solicitatiQn for
funds in the drive, according to
Reichert, who invited the cooperation
and voluntary contributions of all
students and residents of the com-
Sunday, ministers of Ann Arbor will
carry the drive for relief funds to
their congregations, calling atten-
tion to civilian hardship in be-
leaguered Finland.
Checks should be mailed to either
the Ann Arbor. Savings and Com-
mercial Bank or, the State Savings
Bank, both of which have been desig-
nated to act as depositories for the
funds of the drive. Checks should be
made payable to the Finnish Relief
Fund or to Reichert as chairman.
The drive, which is headed nation-
ally by Herbert Hoover, is seeking to
gain funds which will make up the
deficiency caused by the war in the
diets of refugees by supplying milk,
butter and white bread, especially
for mothers and children, Reichert
said. The money is also used, to pur-
chase clothing and fuel and to aid
in the evacuation of the bombarded
All funds which are donated by Ann
Arbor persons will be sent to Fin-
land without deduction for local ex-
penses incurred in their collection, it
was pointed out by Reichert, who re-
vealed that poster costs and other
expenses will 'be borne privately.
Ths .general Ann Arbor drive sup-
plements the earlier student drive,
-carried on before Christmas by Suomi
Club, campus group composed of stu-
dents of Finnish extraction.

'Lobby Hobby'
Drive Attracts
More Than 50
The Union Lobby Hobby Drive, now
in its fifth and last day, has attracted
more than 50 men, who have submit-
ted approximately 15 hobbies for con-
sideration, Harold Singer, '41, in
charge of the drive, announced yester-
Model airplanes' and photography
interest more men than any other
hobbies mentioned,. he said. Only
three types of collections have been
named thus far-pipes (the smoking
kind, Singer insists), china animals
and stamps all having their collectors.
Woodworking,radiowork and model
railroading were also named as hob-]
bies whose advocates would like tot
have clubs formed.
The possibility of organizing trap-f
and skeet-shooting, hiking, nature
and chess clubs was mentioned byt
Today is the last day that stu-
dents interested in the formation oft
hobby clubs can deposit information
as to their names, phone number
and hobbies in the. Hobby Boxes
which are in the lobbies of the Union
and Michigan House, Singer cau-
i *)
~Sense Of Age' f
Will Be Topic
Of Auden Talka
Renowned Modern Poet
To Speak Here Today
In Rackham Auditorium
W. H. Auden, one of the most widely
known leaders of modern poetry, will
speak on "A Sense of One's Age," at
4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Audi-
torium under the auspices of the
English department.
A graduate of Oxford, Auden has
risen to prominence in the nine years
since the publication of his first book,
"Poems," in 1930. "TheOrators,"
"The Dance of Death" and "Look
Stranger!", later volumes of verse,
have elevated him to leadership of
the most talked-of "school" of poetry
in England today.
Auden, however, deserted England
for America in the summer of 1938.
Another of his trips, to China,is re-
corded in a recent work, "Journey
to a War," written in collaboration
with Christopher Isherwood.
The school of poets which Auden
leads places emphasis on the experi-
mental in tchnique and is critical of
modern society. Auden himself is
adept at satire, which is probably
best shown in his most popular work,
"The Dog Beneath the Skin."
Paton To Give
Dickinson Talk



Sinking Of English Tanke
In Irish Sea Is Taken
As New German Polic
First Mine Is Laid
Off Western Coas
LONDON, Jan. 1.1-(A')-High-fly-
ing German scouting planes dodge
fighters and shelfire today over 40
miles of English and Scottish coast
line. Meanwhile, the British Al:
Ministry disclosed production of a
surprise long-range fighting plan
"of very high speed."
The German warplanes, rangin
from the strategic Firth of Forth
Scottish naval b*se, to the Thame
Estuary, broad waterway to London
dropped several bombs. Their mai
objective, however, was behievedb:
British officials to have been re.
connaissance, perhaps as 4 prelude
to an intensive raid on docks an
In the war at sea, the sinking o:
the 7,267-ton British tanker El Os
in the Irish Sea off the west coas
of Britain, was taken here as an in.
dicatlon of' a new policy by the Ger
man navy to cut off Britain's vita
overseas trade.
First Off West Coat
It was the first officially recorde
sinking by a mine off the Wes
Coast, the others have been con
fined to the North Sea and the Eng.
lish Channel off the east coast. Au
thonties here said it was probabl.
that a submarine laid the mini
which sunk the El' Oso.
The tanker was in a convoy afte
a six week voyage from South Amer
ica with a cargo of fuel. Three mei
were believed drowned and eight oth
ers of her crew of 30 were injure
There were two. additional main
losses during the day. An unidenti
fied Italian ship sank after strikin
'a mine off the east coast and anothe
unidentified craft went down afte
a collision off the West coast. Late
advices -said the 17-mank crew of th
1,571-ton 'British s h i p Leonar
Pearce, had been rescued after
Crowds Witness Sinking
Crowds on shore witnessed th
sinking of the Italian vessel whi]
only a mile away a German plan
was attacking a British trawler. Th
trawler was damaged but was able t
proceed under its 'own power.
Thirty survivors and the Britis
pilot were rescued from the Itala
Crowds lined the cliffs of one ea
coast resort to .watch a bomber al
tack a small steamer several mile
from shore. The vessel burst in
flame, and a lifeboat took off t-
crew. British fighters drove off t-
One Nazi plane attacked a trawl
off the Scottish coast, damaging
with bomb splinters and machine
gun bullets. The attackers wei
driven off by Royal Air Force fighi
ers. A third group dumped sever
bombs harmlessly near a sandbar
off the Norfolk coast.
Soviet Officers Recalled
For Finnish Failure

Nazi Scout Planet
Raid British Coast
Soviet Reorgaize:

Scores of miners and relatives of
the entomber men gathered near the
shaft opening and stood in a cdld
drizzle, watching gloomily as the right
rescue crews changed shifts every 30
minutes. Each time a crew came, up,
mine officials saki the workers were
making "good progress."
Onlookers and rescue squads were
from a south kitchen manned by Mrs.
Alonzo Barnett, 21-year-old mother
of four children,,-whose husband was
one of those still in the mine.
Senate Hears
No Formal Action Taken;
Elections Discussed
A report on the Winter Parley
featured the meeting of the Student
Senate last night, and although no
formal action could be taken because
less than a quorum of Senators was
present, informal discussion was held
as to the possibility of holding mt13ore
parleys in the year.
Sen. Robert Reed, '42, chairman of
the Parley made the report and ex-
pressed hearty thanks to Dr. Ed-
ward Blakeman, counselor in reiigious
education, and financial angel to the
Senate, for his cooperation in making
the Parley a success.
One thing which Senator Reed
brought out in his report was that,
in addition to almost universal stu-
dent opposition to war, it might be
helpful to the student. body to have
various experts on campus and facul-
ty comment on news stories printed
in The Daily. Senator Reed pointed
out that many students doubted the
veracity of foreign dispatches.
Plans were discussed in regard to
the next Senate election, and it is
almost certain, according to Sen.

At ,'Last .Flig
No one vas willing to estimate the
exact number of couples that will
crowd the Union ballroom tonight in
the last all-campus fling before ex-
ams, but everyone was unanimous in
predicting "an enjoyable evening."
Hal Benham, '40, captain of the
swimming team, and chairman of
the dance, said yesterday that "we're
expecting a big crowd," and Tom
Adams, president of the Interfra-'
ternity Council, promised that "most
everyone" will turn up. They em-
phasized that tickets and table res-
ervations at $1 may still be obtained
at the Union desk.
Benham explained that rigid in-
formality was to be observed in keep-
ing with the spirit of the dance. The
theme and mood will be barnyard
with pigs, rabbits and ducks promised
as door-prizes to lucky ticket-holders.
Other prizes will include a football,
basketball, and baseball, autographed
by the members of the teams, and
presented by their captains, Archie
Kodros, '40, Jim Rae, '40, and Char-
lie Pink, '40.
Davis Speaks
AtHillel Today

Detroit Youth Confesses
Ann Arbor police, were holding in
custody today Lawrence V. Smith, 21
years old of Detroit, after he had
confessed robbery of at least one
University fraternity.
Smith, who was apprehended after
he had forged his name on another
person's drivers license, admitted
stealing goods from one fraternity
during the Christmas holidays. Some
$400 was taken during raids on eight
fraternity houses during student va-
cation, and the Detroit youth is also
suspected of involvement in these
Police reported that Smith had also
confessed stealing a wallet containing
the driver's license, a studentidenti-

Information Please' Question
Deadline Advanced To Monday

English Professor'
About Men And

To Talk

Professor Of Economics'
To SpeakAt Harvard
For his research and teaching in
the field of economic accounting,
Prof. William A. Paton, of the Uni-
versity economics department, has
been selected to deliver the annual
Dickinson Lecture at Harvard Uni-
versity April 11 and 12.
Announcement of the award, a
mark of merit in the accounting pro-
fession, was made here yesterday by
Prof. Thomas H. Sanders of Harvard
Professor Paton will be the first
educator to give the lecture. Estab-
lished in 1937 in memory of Sir Ar-
thur Lowes Dickinson, English ac-
countant and economist, the lecture-
ship has previously been filled by Sir
Lawrence Halsey, English accountant,:
and George O. May, senior partner
of Price, Waterhouse and Co. of New
York 'City.
Professor Paton has been teaching
anunting at the University of Mich-

COPENHAGEN, Jan. 11.-(P)-A
sharp shakeup in the Soviet army and
recall of more than 100 Russian army
officers for failure to achieve greater
success in Finland were described to-
day. in reports reaching Norwegian
and Finnish quarters from numerous
Coming as the Finns announced
fresh success in pushing back the
Russian invaders, the reports, which
lacked confirmation, said some of
the recalled officers would face sum-
mary trial before courts consisting of
people's commissars.
In six weeks of warfare Russia has
made little progress in Finland and
on four fronts has been thrust back
across her own frontier.
Students To Hear
ReportsOn Relief
Committee reports on the Finnish
Relief Drive will be read at a busi-
ness meeting of the Suomi Club, or-
ganization for students of Finnish ex-

To enable procrastinating campus
inquisitors to get their questions
typed, the deadline for receiving en-
tries for the "Information, Please,"
show Jan. 20 in Hill Auditorium has
been advanced fkom 6 p.m. today to
noon Monday, Prof. John L. Brumm,
chairman of the committee on ques-
tions, announced yesterday.

that while Professor Jones was here,
he became celebrated for his erudition
and for his candor in proclaiming it.
"Ask me anything!" appeared to be
his mental attitude, and because he
was red-headed and very erudite, he
got away with it in his classrooms.
He is still partially red-headed and
very erudite, but Hill Auditorium and
patahliahpd Frnfflih senlo r atnnt

Prof. Joe Lee Davis of theEnglish
department will give a talk on "Men
and Books Which Have Influenced
My Mind" at 8 p.m. today at the Hill-
el Foundation immediately following
the regular Friday night Conservative
The main part of Professor Davis'
speech will be devoted to a discus-
sion of Ben Jonson, noted English
poet and playright, whom he con-
siders as the man who has most in-
fluenced his mind.
This is the sixth in a series of talks


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