THE MICHIGAN DAILY TR Cancer Offers 'Real Challenge' ru ~ -uh ~"u Suicceeds Mundelein To Researe By RICHARD HARMEL Cancer-hated,' feared, mysterious and killing-offers a "real challenge to .the modern research worker," ac- cording to Dr. William W. Bauer, chairman of the Bureau of Health and Instruction for the American Medical Association. Dr. Bauer, sponsored by the Wo- men's Field Army for the Control of Cancer, appeared here recently as the first speaker in their cam- paign to "Cure Cancer with Know- ledge." Wpen questioned about cancer, Dr. Bauer replied that it Was the sec- ond leading killer in the United States. Even though it is second to heart disease in numerical deaths, it is more often the cause of death. Heart disease strikes people who have reached or passed their aver- age life expectation--death for them is inevitable to a large extent where- as cancer is most dangerous in the "early thirties" age group. Steadily Increasing Although not spectacular in its growth, cancer has steadily increas- ed during the past thirty years, Dr. Bauer pointed out. This increase is attributed to the fact that people are living longer (cancer strikes most heavily in the advanced age groups) and because of more effi- cient medical examinations, the di- sease is being diagnosed more and more as a cause of death. Doctors know a great deal about' cancer, Dr. Bauer said. They know it is not peculiar to man. It is trans- missible in .ertain laboratory an- imals and in the mouse and rat family, a definite hereditary trend has been perceived. Human beings with cancer in their heritage need not fear the disease, Dr. Bauer declared, but it is a sen- sible precaution to have a thorough examination and not become "neu- rotic" on the subject. Cancer in the human is known to begin almost always because of constant irritation and at first is localized. Sometimes, badly fitting dental plates cause can- cer of the mouth.. Cancer is not one disease accord- ing to Dr. Bauer, but it has one fun- damental similarity-it is uncon- trolled in growth. Cancer cells are not subject to normal biologic laws of growth that limit the size of or- gans. On the contrary, they have been called "Bolshevist" cells, be- ,Claims Bauer cause their growth does not stop but goes on and invades neighboring tis- sues. Characteristics of cancer take many forms, Dr. Bauer asserted. Ev- ery sore that refuses to heal must be suspected. Every lump that fails to disappear and has a tendency to grow is suspicious. In women, if there is a, single ;painless lump in one breast, a doctorshould be con- sulted immediately in order that he might observe it from the "cold blooded objective attitude of diag- nosis." Time As Factor Whenever there is suspicion of cancer, Dr. Bauer emphasized, "indi- viduals should wait for nothing be- cause :time is the most important element in treating cancer success- fully. Moles, especially the brown or black kind, must be suspected. They are even more likely to be dangerous if hair is growing. in or through them. "If you're tired of life, "Dr. Bauer warned, "start fooling around with an electric needle in the hands of a beauty operator in removing a hairy pigmented mole. You won't live long because such moles are known to start the most malignant type of cancers." die By JUNE McKEE 4 "It's1 day at; the Bunk!" makes its bow to- 2:45 p.m. over WGAR. .Based To Chicago, one of the world's largest Catholic dioceses, will go the Most Rev. Samuel A. Stritch (above), 52, who has been Mil- waukee archbishop since 1930. Named by Pope Piups, XII, he suc- ceeds late Cardinal Mundelein. Writer Asserts Warf Would End Quickly If The U.S. Entered If America is dragged into the pres- ent European conflict "the smart thing would have been to have gone in the day war is declared," in the opinion of H. R. Knickerbocker, hori- zon-chaser of five continents and for-- mer Pulitzer Award winner in foreign correspondence. Mr. Knickerbocker, whose last assignment for the International News Service was an inspection tour~ of the Maginot Line and other French fortifications, will deliver the fifth Oratorical Series lecture Wednesday,! Jan. 17, in Hill Auditorium. He believes that without the United' States the military strength of the democratic and totalitarian powers is fairly evenly matched, and con- cludes that by coming immediately' to the Allies' aid this country could bring the war to a swift conclusion and save the lives and resources of millions. ;' Though wholly ' sympathetic to President Roosevelt's efforts to bring about peace, Mr. Knickerbocker in- tends to point out the fultility of inter- vention in European affairs. Leading State Band To Play At Clinic Here Selected as one of Michigan's out- standing high school bands, the Cen-" tral High School Band of Kalamazoo under the direction of Cleo Fox will assist the University Band in part of the two-day program of'the Michigan Band and Orchestra Clinic to be con- ducted here Saturday and Sunday. Attending the Cinic will be more than 300 high school band and or- chestra conductors from Michigan and surrounding states. It is the Kalamazoo Band's'duty to play selec-. tions prepared for Class C and D Bands in Michigan, although Central High School has been annually awarded a place in Class A, first divi- sion. The University Band will play 'Class A and B selections. Mr. Fox, director of the Kalamazoo Band, is a member of the Michigan High School Band and Orchestra, which in cooperation with the Uni- versity School of Music is sponsoring the clinic. Last spring he acted as a member of the High School Band Clinic Faculty, whose duty it was to classify Michigan High School bands playing in the spring band festival. He is a regular summer student in the graduate school here. Meeting Discusses 'Seavenger Sales- "Scavenger" sales of tax-delin- quent property to be held by the State Land Office Board was the topic of a meeting of officials of the smaller communities held at the Michigan Municipal League Build- ing last night under the sponsorship, of the Municipal League. H. A. Olson, director of the League, and Mark W. Alger, also of the League, served in the capacity of dis- cussion leaders in the conference, at which were represented towns and villages of Hillsdale, Lenawee, Mon- roe, Jack sonaWashtenaw, Ingham, Livingston and Oakland counties. This is the first meeting held by the League for officials of small munici-' palities. Fi st Lady Wins Honor Eleanor Roosevelt won a place in Nation Magazine's "Honor Roll for 1939" for her "helpful interest in the problems of young men and women" as well as for other services to the nation. Iowa Highway Engineers Hear R. L. Morrison Professor Reveals Results Of Surveys On Savings In Road Construction (Special to The Daily) AMES, Ia., Jan. 10.-Lower cost highways often entail an added ex- pense, rather than a- saving to the motorist, Prof. Roger L. Morrison re- vealed yesterday before a conference of highway engineers at Iowa State College. Surveys have shown, Professor Mor- rison revealed, that the expense in- volved in moving the nation's vehicles over the highway is approximately ten times as high as the'cost of the highways themselves. Thus, he pointed out, a change in road con- struction resulting in a saving of one dollar and involving an added operat- ing cost of more than one dollar is economically unsound, since in gen- eral the same persons pay for both road and operating costs. L Another Extreme Large-scale super-highways, Pro- fessor Morrison cautioned, present an- other extreme in false highway eco- nomics. Grandiose schemes for span- ning the continent with multi-lane, separated grade motor trails, when- analyzed from the economic point of view, provide insufficient service as balanced against costs to warrant the exhorbitant expense Involved in their construction. Connecting *oads Economic analyses often reveal the need for better connecting roads, be- tween large cities, Professor Mor- rison indicated, whereas in other in- stances, existing roads are entirely adequate. In considering the elim- ination of distance in road .location, he again cautioned, two mistakes are often made. One is to weigh compar- ative road costs only, with no com- putation of operating costs, and the other is to use inflated operating costs. Fast-moving passenger automobiles according to accident records quoted by Professor Morrison, require the greatest lane width on inter-city highways. Trends in recent years have been for a widening of lanes, first from 9 to 10 feet and in many cases to 11 or 12. Germany and Balkan stamp deal- ers are doing a landslide business. Hoarders, who fear a repetition of World War inflation and gold con- fiscation, are responsible. on fallacies and superstitions, this new program series was written by Ada Goldman, '40, with collaborator, Kay Dolch, Grad. These two will lead Helen Westie, '40, Cecil Beglinger, Grad., Guy Warner, '41, and Knobby Knobloch, '40, through the .maze of mis-beliefs. Louis Grossman, '40, is announcer. Then Professor Eich's class does some radio reading and dramatiza- tion directed by Eugenia Paprin, Grad., over WJR at 3:30 p.m. To celebrate Carl Sandburg's birthday last Sunday, choral readings of some of his poems will be presented as the program's highlight. A scene from Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan" will also- be given. Performers include Jerome Arfa, '40, Ruth Pol,- lock, '40, and Norman Oxhandler. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tEl THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effectiveas of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. / Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent, to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c. For further information sall 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. ROOMS and meals for girls at Mrs. Maddy's League House. 826 Tap- pan Ave. Phone 8891. 166 FOR RENT-Attfactive, clean, warm single room, shower bath, good board-for upperclassman or busi- ness man-in southeast section. Phone. 7796. 165 ROOMS in approved girl's house for undergraduates or graduates. Near campus. Phone 6944. 1311 Wil- mot._ 164, BELMORE INN-A few choice rooms left -at $2.50 and $3.00. Excellent study conditions. Belmore Inn, 1142 Catherine. 161 ROOMS FOR GRADUATE GIRLS- Instructors or business girl. Avail- able Feb. 2. Call 6152 afternoons. 157 TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHrED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 TYPING- 18 TYPING SERVICE-Dorothy Testa, M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.) 2-1835. Reports, theses, disserta- tions, briefs. 113 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do typing of all kinds. Low rates and immediate service. 411 Thomp- son, phone 4601. 159 ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 GIRL'S ICE SKATES-For sale, size' 6, only been worn twice. Phone 2-1975 evenings. 162 FOR SALE-Black female cocker spaniel, 8 weeks old, championship stock, eligible for registration. Ph. 2-3788. 160 MISCELLANEOUS -20 CARD TABLES-And chairs for rent. Tables 35c and chairs .10c each per day. Fox Tent and Awning Co. Phone 24407. 167 HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street. 146 SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- manent $2.50; $3 oil cocona $1.50; end permanent $1. Shampoo and fingerwave 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main. 36 SECOND SEMESTER Public Evening Classes begin Monday, Jan. 15 at the Ann Arbor High School. Rec- reation, commercial, hobby cul- ture, and vocational courses are being organized. Small registra- tion fee. For further information call 5797. STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1 T Last Times Today I- Rathbone - Karloff "Tower of London"' JI ' Shows at 2-4-7-9 P.M. Starts Fridayi = ur crrcc LOST - Smooth haired fox Brown and white, female. phone 4329. Reward. LOST - Amethyst ring w pearls around setting.U 5064. Gillilan. Reward. wit Tel terrier, Tele- 164 ;h seed lephone .064 ReW.A. LAUNDERING -9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free piwkups anr deliveries Price List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts ......... ,,..........14 Undershirts.............04 Shorts.................. .04 Pajama Suits ..............10 Socks, pair...............03 Handkerchiefs..............02 Bath Towels ................ .03 All Work Guaranteed, Also special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles..done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. 14 now MICHIGAN Matinees .25c Nights . . -35c A SWELL NEW "FOUR DAUGHTERS" STORY WITH THE SAME GRAND CAST AND CHARACTERS! Starri 'g THE 'FOUR DAUGHTERS' y Priscilla Lane Rosemary Lane.s Lola Lane Gale Page [ ,oary C. 'ltd ..- . -la -..._ -A I