*1 THE MICHIGAN D Finals And Bluebook Systems Id Rather Be RIGHT! Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student' Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the -Post -Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. VdA6FiE~iCRYEb p6fR NATIONAL 'ADVfR-,.gING BY Naonal Advertising Servige, Inc. College Publihe's' R prentative 420 MXDISON AVE. NEW YORk, N. Y. CasLAQO . BOSTON.. LOS AHOLES - S f FRANCISCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 4939-40 Editorial Sta aff Carl Petersen Elliott -Maraniss Stan M. Swinton. Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr' Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg a g Managing Editor Editorial >Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate, Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor Business Stafff Business Manager . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager I Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily taff and represent the views of the writers only. In Defense Of The NLRB DRAGGED UP ON THE CARPET once again, the NLRB for four weeks has been squirming under a sophisticated inquisition at the hands of the Smith Committee. The squirmings to date have brought forth an interesting inside story of the struggles among the -overly-conscientious members of the Board, in addition to sound refutations of some of the major charges against Board administration. One of the most persistent of numerous charges flung at the NLRB has been the AFL's claim that the Board has consistently favored the CIO. This contention suffered a sound drubbing last week when Charles Fahy, gen- eral counsel for the NLRB, pitted statistics against Labor Leader -Green's vague allusions to "services Board members have rendered to the CI." G THE 1938 statistics presented by ,CounselFahy was the item that the Federa- tion was awarded 374 collective bargaining con- tracts by the Board to the CPO's 347. The AFL was victor in 51 representation cases compared to 44 decisions for the CIO; and in 13 cases equal judgment was given. In cases where there was direct conflict, the Federation received 16 de- cisions and the CIO 19. Through Board action 434 AFL unions with 62,000 workers obtained employer recognition, while 436 CIO unions totalling 55,000 workers were recognized. The Board reinstated 3,305 AFL members, awarding $225,000 in back pay to 1,370; and gave $365,000 in back pay to 1,512 of 4,019 CIO members that were reinstated. !QDATE the most incriminating evidence against the Board has been given by indi- viduals with working experience on the project. Typical of this testimony was the declaration of a former G-man that while he worked with the Board, "The AFL was usually referred to as the 'damned AFL."' And in explanation of her charge that the Board proceded like the OGPU, Mrs. Herrick, board regional director of New York, complained that board examiners had talked privately to members of her staff, giving them instructions of which she knew nothing. Against this type of condemnation Mr. Fahy's statistics stand the obvious victor. As yet the employer's complaints against the Board have not been formally aired before the investigation committee. Until anti-employer charges have been submitted and investigated there is a tendency for observers to judge the Board solely by the character of its final orders in labor questions. These orders have displayed what seems an apparent bias against the em- ployer; but the aspect is somewhat changed when critics realize that less than ten per cent of the charges against employers reach a hearing (the rest being settled outside) and that the Board hears only cases in which its representa- tives are convinced that a violation of the Wag- ner Act has occurred. No doubt the Smith Com- mittee will uncover minor instances of partiality against employers on the part of some over- zealous administrator; but the blanket bias charge against the Board has little substantia- tion. In refutation of the frequent accusation that NLRB orders are extremely poor law are the re- vealing figures on Supreme Court decisions, Of 22 casesbrought before the Supreme Court the Board has won 18, lost 2 and received partial I...4 HE -APPROACH of-final examina- tions invariably makes students wonder how they will ever be able to learn the entire subject matters of various courses in two or three weeks, and also to speculate on good methods of learning necessary information dur- ing the earlier parts of the semester. It is generally accepted that the "do your work thoroughly from day to day" method is the best way to learn the subject matter of a course. Nearly everyone will agree to this-re- serving, of course, the right to a bit of last- minute cramming, regardless of the efficacy of the "day to day" study habits. Yet it is not easy for most students actually to do all their as- signments as they receive them-a movie or a date or a basketball game may be inviting, and it is always easy to "do it tomorrow night-he won't call on me-besides, the blue book isn't till next week." When "next week" arrives it is often found that some utteily unreasonable professor expects a term paper to be turned in on time, even if it means foregoing the cramming for that bluebook-and the poor student was counting on every available moment to study for it. SOME PROFESSORS attempt to obviate this difficulty by giving regular, 'weekly 'quizzes. One economics instructor holds one every Pri- day. Result: his students--or most of them, at any rate-study Thursday nights and thus keep from being more than one week behind the study schedule at any time. Yet it is al- ways easy to "cut just one quiz." The best solution to the problem of keeping up to schedule in academic work and obviating the necessity for "cramming," it seems, lies in a system of completely unannounced bluebooks, to be given at any meeting of a course. It would be necessary, of course, for all instructors to announce that they wold follow this policy at the first meetings of their classes. THE THOUGHT of having a bluebook at any time in a course should certainly be incen- tive to regular study for any student. It would force him to do the required-and optional- work in minor "doses" as he received his assign- ments ,and it would force him to have a com- prehensive, general understanding of all sub- ject matter at all times. Such a system would take care of the weakness of the plan of weekly bluebooks: no one would dare lag a week be- hind the regular assignments. Class-cutting would also be placed entirely at the student's own risk, and instructors would be relieved of the duty of taking roll. THE BEST EFFECT, however, of this system seems to lie in the psychological action it would take on the student. If he did his work as it was assigned, he would always have a fairly complete understanding of it. He would know from the grades he received on bluebooks just how well or how poorly he was doing, and he would be in a position to approach the final examination schedule with the knowledge either that he needed only a limited review or that he needed a more intensive period of study on spe- cific points. This would naturally lead to a more confident attitude and an absence of the nervous strain of worrying, which is itself one of the worst features of the present academic system of the University. --William Newton. The Wrong Move . . . The fact that he is criticized not only by the Liberal and Labor press but also by such Con- servative organs as the London Times and the Cardiff Western Mail leaves little room for doubt that Prime Minister Chamberlain has made a grave error in his shakeup of the British cabinet. If there was reason to dismiss the highly popular Leslie Hore-Belisha from the vital post of War Minister-a thing which seems highly doubtful-Mr. Chamberlain still should have recognized the necessity for giving an adequate public explanation. As it is, a blow has been struck at British unity. In ousting Hore-Belisha, Mr. Chamberlain was yielding in part to officers who resented the fact that the War Minister had singled out younger and abler men for advancement on a promotion list in which seniority had previously been all-important. Hore-Belisha had apparently incurred the displeasure also of Viscount -Gort, Commander- in-Chief of the British Forces in France, who, ironically, had been a beneficiary of the War Minister's favor. Gort disapproved of Hore- Belisha's plan for a unified British and French command under Gen. Gamelin, the first soldier of France. If Gort's view on this point ultimate- ly triumphs over that of Hore-Belisha, gratifi- cation will nowhere be greater than in Berlin. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. By SAMUEL GRAFTON THERE IS A PARTICULAR REASON why Mr. Dies should not be given any more money. This is an election year. Mr. Dies behaves badly in election years. Let us not forget 1938. In 1938, just before election day, Mr. Dies called a Mr. Harper Knowles of California to the stand. Mr. Knowles gave it as his considered opinion that Mr. Cul- bert Olson, New Deal candidate for governor, was a communist. He added, for good measure, that he believed Ellis Patterson, New Deal can- didate for lieutenant governor, was also a com- munist. This "information" made the largest headlines California had seen in years. * * * * It turned out that Mr. Harper Knowles was in the employ of an ex-Republican political boss, currently the head of the Associated Farm- ers . However, it proved to be clumsy and awk- ward to get that bit of information into head- lines. "Republican Says Democrats Are Reds" does not dress up a paper . It was much easier to make it: "Olson-a Red, Dies Witness Says." This. didn't hurt Olson much, as it happened. He got himself elected handsomely. But Mr. Dies pulled a somewhat similar boyish prank in Michigan, where he had a parade of wit- nesses testify that Mr. Frank Murphy, running for governor, was a subversive. Mr. Murphy was defeated. * * * * Mr. Dies' curious gift for discovering just be fore election day, that liberal candidates ae communists rules him out as a prober during this most important election year, 1940. To have him roving the nation with a portable wit- ness stand, conducting his day-and night smear service ("Characters Assassinated While You Wait-We Never Sleep") will be no help to the sober democratic process of picking the best man on the merits. When you squeeze the new Dies report gently, honey drops from it. It is an incredibly sweet document. After shouting loud for a year, Mr. Dies has gone into sugary tremloo in his state- ment to Congress. He hardly attacks anybody. He finds that the American government is not un-American. He also discloses that the Ameri- can people are not un-American. He must want that money very badly. Forhe has changed his tune abruptly. Early in January, 1939, he declared: "Communism has penetrated the government itself, with the re- sult that some communists hold key positions in Federal agencies and projects." Where are they? They are not in the Dies report. They disappear between elections, to materialize just before the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. An investigation develops enormous power for harm during ar election. The art of using a probe committee for political purposes has been developed to a high degree in the last two or three years. Committee counsel has been known to save "juicy" items for the best moments to catch the big editions, and to space them out so as to keep the reporters interested. Somewhere in the process Truth, herhair tangled and her flowers wilted, winds up in the committee room wastebasket with a run in her stocking. THE EDITOR GETS TOLD .. . To the Editor: The editorial on free speech which you re- printed today from the University Daily Kansan, has a local application which may have escaped your notice. During the Sunday tirade of Gerald Smith, over Station WJR, he poured out his fascist invective against a University of Michigan pro- fessor, who along with Max Lerner, Bishop Francis McConnell and others, recently spoke at an Institute on Civil Rights in Detroit. Ex- Silver Shirt Smith objected to the professor rais- ing the question as to the wisdom of the Detroit School Board in refusing the use of public schools by communists for their public meetings. Certain Ann Arbor groups have been angling to catch a University professor in red waters for a long time, but it is up to someone like this Protestant Coughlin to think he has hooked something. As the student at the University of Kansas says, a defender of the right of a communist to speak, does not mean that the defender is a communist. Also, this student is correct in seeing a parallel between the popular attack upon evolution of yesterday, and the present campaign against free speech. I believe the professor who has thus been singled out by the man-of-all-men who should be Ienied free speech (were this ever defensible) should be upheld. Those of his colleagues and those students who are discerning enough to know that the ill-wind of some of our radio blow-hards can wreck the patiently wrought confidence of the years, might indicate to the radio station their feelings. This same station broadcasts the University programs, and this professor should be given the opportunity to reply to this attack. -H. P. Marley, Unitarian Church. Drew Pearson cd Robert S-Allen A*GO$ THE PRESIDENT is quietly out to houseclean the National Labor Relations Board in order to save it from an irate congressional shellack- ing. 1I He believes that if he replaces Chairman J. Warren Madden and Commissioner Edwin S. Smith with less controversial figures, congres- sional hostility will be assuaged and the clamor for ievision of the law itself will be stemmed. Roosevelt is dead set against any tampering with the law. Replacing Madden presents no dif- ficulties, since his term expires this August. An able lawyer, he will be given a judicial post, in fact was one of three possibilities considered for the judgeship on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia va- cated by new Solicitor General Fran- 3es Biddle. Most likely appointment for Madden is a vacant seat on the federal bench in the District of Co- lumbia.. Smith, however, is a problem. His term doesn't expire until next year and he is a determined fighter. Un- less he can be persuaded to quit vol- untarily, there is no way to remove him except by preferring charges against him. Roosevelt has no inten- tion of doing this because, despite criticism, he rates Smith highly. He concedes, however, that Smith has become an NLRB storm center and that in the interest of preserving the law it would be best if he stepped out. The question is whether he can be persuaded. ROOSEVELT JOKE THE PRESIDENT loves a joke, and, he had one with Rep. Joe Martin, able little Republican floor leader, just before delivering his message to Congress. Martin was a member of the re- ception committee that received Roosevelt in the Speaker's lobby, just off the House. As they shook hands, Roosevelt whispered in Martin's ear: "Tell your boys they had better be on their guard, Joe. I've got a couple of traps for them." "Thanks for the tip, Mr. President," chuckled Martin. "It's nice to be warned in advance. I only wish your legislative leaders were as generous." GOP chiefs on Capitol Hill aren't advertising it yet, but they think they've found the answer to the par- ty's No. 1 campaign problem-a safe farm plank. Four separate groups have been racking their brains over this conun- drum for months. The solution which the leaders think is the real McCoy is the work of one of these groups-the committee of 46 farm-district Con- gressmen appointed by Republican 'Floor Leader Joe Martin. Except in a few Midwestern cen- ters where it held public hearings the committee has attracted little atten- tion. But it has been active in sound- ing out agricultural sentiment. Fur- thermore, its members are practical politicians and some of them, such as Chairman Cliff Hope of Kansas, are among the most astute strategists in Congress. Principal stumbling block of the GOP in the past has been how to blast the AAA, without arousing the farmer's fear that the Republicans will scuttle AAA benefit payments. But here is the Hope committee's sec- ret formula for performing this trick: Under the present AAA system growers get benefit checks on two counts: (1) for reducing acreage, (2) for planting a soil-conserving crop. Taking advantage of the av- erage farmer's antipathy to letting land lie idle, the Hope committee proposes that the GOP platform ad- vocate less acreage reduction and more payments for soil conservation. In other words, the Republicans would promise the farmer the same amount of money from the govern- ment that he gets now, but it would be for "soil conserving" and not crop cutting. Again, shrewdly playing on popu- lar sentiment, the Hope committee would link this shift with national defense on the argument that with Europe destroying itself, the agricul- tural resources of the United States must be built up to meet any con- tingency. FARM PRESS AGENT ANOTHER recommendation of the Hope committee is that the Re- publican National Committee get a farm publicity expert and put him to work at once. In its travels about the farm belt, the Hope committee was impressed by the publicity breaks the AAA is constantly getting. With the Demo- crats in power, this was not unnatur- al, since the party in office always has the publicity advantage. But from the cordial reception the Repub- licans received, the committee is convinced that the GOP can make plenty of publicity hay if it will go after it. Note-Hope showed his political DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Speech Concentrates, Majors and Minors: Please call at the Speech De- partment Office, 3211 Angell Hall, this week for an appointment with the concentration adviser. Junior Aeronautical Eingeering Students who plan to specialize in aircraft engine design should leave their names in the Department Of- fice by today. This information is important in connection with an op- portunity for outside work during the coming summer. German Departmental Library. All books due by January 12. Robert Owen -Cooperative House, 922 South State Street, is accepting applications until today. Applica- tions may be obtained at the Dean of Students Office or at the house. and must be returned to the house. For further information call 7211. Football Ticket Resale money may be called for in the Union 5 p.m. through Friday. Students interested in forming hobby groups should put a slip con- taining name, phone number, and hobby, in the Hobby Box in the Union Lobby. Academic Notices Mathematics 36, Section 2 nT-. gineering- will meet today at 8 o'clock. English 32, Section 2 (Rowe). The paper announced for today will not be due until Friday. Exhibitions Exhibits of the University's Arch- eological Research in the Philippines, Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types of the Eastern United States and of Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo- tany are being shown in the Mezza- nine floor Exhibit rooms of the Rackham Building. Also exhibited are antiquities from the University excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex- cept Sunday. An Exhibit of paintings in oil and water color by John Pappas of De- troit, Greek-American painter, and a collection of German prints from the Detroit Institute of Arts, are being shown in Alumni Memorial Hall from January 9 to 23, 2 to 5 p.m., including Sundays. The exhibit is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art Association. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. W. H. Au- den, English poet, will lecture on "A Sense of One's Age" under the aus- pices of the Department of English at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Oliver Kamm, Scientific Director of the Research Laboratory of Parke, Davis & Company in Detroit, will lecture on "Vitamin K" under the auspices of the College of Pharmacy at 4:15 (Continued from Page 2) this work, still it will be cheerfully assumed where desired. 8. The University has no ar- rangements with any insurance or- ganization except the Teachers In- surance and Annuity Association of America and contributions will not be made by the University nor can premium payments be deducted ex-, cept in the case of annuity or insur- ance policies of this association. 9. The general administration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of Sec- retary of the University by the Re- gents. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not complied with the specific requirements as stated in (3) above. Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give the Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time for study of all pro- posals, it is requestedthat faculty members having projects needing sup- port during 1940-1941 file their pro- posals in the Office of the Graduate, School by Jan. 12, 1940. Later re- quests will, of course, be considered toward the close of the second sem- ester. Those wishing to renew pre- vious requests whether now receiv- ing support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secretary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham Building. Tele- phone 331.: C. S. Yoakum.{ Candidates fr the Teacher's Cer- tificate, June 1940: Before making elections for the second semester, each candidate should check the require- ments in the major and minor teach- ing fields, as outlined in the School of Education announcement, page 28 and following.; lectures and play may be-procured at the door at the time of the letAe. Today's Events Algebra Seminar will meet to- day at 4 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Dr. Nesbitt will speak on "Ideals in Al- gebras." Seminar in Physical Chemstry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. R. H. Gillette will speak on "Spectra of Diatomic Molecules Especially of Ni- tric Oxide." Psychology Journal Club meeting for today has been postponed. Alpha Kappa Delta meeting at 7:30 tonight at the home of Professor Robert C. Angell, 1007 Berkshire Rd. Program: Discussion of the National Sociology Conference and the Alpha Kappa Delta Convention, which met in Philadelphia during the vacation period. A.S.M.E. and S.A.E. will hold a joint meeting in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building this eveninig at 7:30. Dr. J. J. Bloomfield, Chief of the Industrial Health Division of the U.S. Public Health Service, will speak on "Engineering Aspects of Occupa- tional Diseases." All engineers ae invited. Graduate Education Club will meet today at 4:00Lp.m. in the Gradu- ate Education Library, Elementat'y School. Professor H. H. Bartlett, Chairman of the Department of Bo- tany, will speak on "Side Lights oh Human Heredity." Refreshments. A.I.Ch.E. Members: The Ensian picture will be taken at Spedding Studio at 7:00 tonight. Followingthe picture, a meeting will be held in East Engineering. Mr. Pothoff, of White Star Refinery will speak on the Houdry catalytic cracking pro- cess. Phi Sigma Winter Initiation to- night at 8 in Rackham Assembly Room. Speaker: 'Dr. Max M. "Pet, University Hospital. Also Biennial Convention report. University Girls' Glee Club: Regu- alr rehearsal tonight at 7:15 in the Game Room of the League. La Sociedad Hispanica is present- ing a Spanish lecture today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 231, Angell Hall. Prof. J. N. Lincoln will talke about famnois Spanish paintings. All ticket holders are invited and additional tickets may be obtained from the officers of the Society or in Room 302, R&a. Senior Ball Committee meeting to- night at 7:30 in Room 304, Michigan Union. International Center: The Music Hour tonight at 7:30 will be devoted to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. The American-Student Union will hold a post-convention membership meeting today, at 8:00 p.m., in the Michigan Union. Delegates will report on the convention, and plans for the future will be discussed. Stalker Hall: Student Tea and Open House today at Stalker Hal from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Drama Club meeting tonight at Stalker Hall at 8 o'clock. Coming Events Political Science Round Table will meet Thursday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 pim. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Subject: "Th Monroe Doctrine Reconsidered." Aeronautical Engineering Students: All men Who fied ppiatios fSi employment with the Lockheed Ak- craft Corporation are to meet at 7:a p.m., Thursday, January 11, in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. At this time intelligence and tempera- ment tests will be given. Each man should bring a red, as well as a blaek pencil. The Mc.Math-Hulbert motion pic- tures of the moon, a total solar eclipse, and solar prominence phe- nomena, will be shown in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. Jan. 11. This showing is primarily for those electing courses in astronomy, though others will be welcome to the capacity of the auditorium. Theatre Arts Committee mass meet- ing at 5 p.m. Thursday, in the League. A skit and a ballet dance from this week's production, "Dick Whitting- ton and His Cat" wTill be p'resented. Attendance is compulsory for all members of the committee. Phi Sigma Lecture Series on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 8:00 p.i, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Speake: Professor N.R.F. Maier on "Psychol- ogy's Unfinished Business." Hillel Luncheon: Dr. Abram Sach- S.r Noatina ri , tr o te ima - di 4 Civil Service Reports that Congressional leaders have agreed to place the Ramspeck bill for extension of the merit system in the Federal civil service high on the calendar of the present session of Congress constitute good news, indeed. It is true that this measure would blanket into the classified service many thousands of politically appointed employes, with the re- quirement of only a qualifying examination. But this is the only way it has been found impossible to make civil service extensions, and to restaff agencies now which have been functioning for several years would make tremendous confusion., Some of the agencies which the Ramspeck bill would authorize President Roosevelt to trans- fer to civil service status are the HOLC, FA, RFC, TVA, and several branches of the Depart- ment of Agriculture operating on emergency that so many positions should be at the disposal of political spoilsmen. No one recognizes this better than Govern- ment emploves themselves. The Federal Em-