i Weather Occasional snow today and tomorrow; slightly warmer. Jr Sir4k 4)at ti; Editorial In Defense Of The NLRB,... VOL. L. No. 76 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1940 PICE FIVE CENTS Sea, Air Warfare Rages; Sends Six Ships To Bottom Finns Report Lulls On All Fronts; Claim Russians Exhausted;_Aid Rushed Italo-Magyar Pact May Alarm Hitler LONDON, Jan. 10.-(Wednesday) -(P)--A bitter outburst of sea-air warfare was disclosed early today to have sent at least six British and neutral ships to the bottom of the sea, including the 10,002-ton British liner Dunbar Castle, destroyed by a mine while she was carrying 198 per- sons, some of them women and chil- dren, toward the Cape of Good Hope. Dead and missing totalled at least 33. Nazi bombers invaded British coastal waters and sank one British steamer and two Danish vessels, the Admiralty announced. Numerous others, including a fleet of five fish- ing smacks and a lightship tender, were raked with machine-gun fire. Of 40 men aboard the tender, one was killed and 32 wounded. The Dunbar Castle, owned by the Union Castle Mail Steamship Com- pany Line, struck a mine off Eng- land's dangerous southeast coast. An undetermined number of her pas- sengers and crew were injured, and two persons, at least, were missing. The ships which the Admiralty said were sunk by German aircraft were: S.S. Gowrie, British, 689 tons, cref saved. S.S Ivan Kondrup, Danish, 3,369 tons, 10 missing, 11 saved. S.S. Feddy, Danish, 955 tons, fate of crew unknown. The Nazi aerial attacks, which in- volved nearly a dozen ships during Tuesday along the east English coast, Were aimed at unescorted vessels, the Admiralty charged. One of the Danish ships sank three hours after a bomb smashed her stern. Finnish Fronts Quiet; Russians Admit Retreat HELSINKI, Jan. 9.-WG-Finland today reported a lull on all fronts and official spokesmen interpreted this as indicating that Russia's in- vading armies, smashed by the de- fenders, now are exhausted, at least for the moment. A high Finnish official said that the Russians apparently were gath- ering strength for a new assault but expressed belief that no important Red army offensive could be expect- ed for some time. The Finnish spokesman indicated that the military standstill was the result of the sweeping; defeat which the Finns reported yesterday they had inflicted upon the Russian 44th division. MOSCOW, Jan. 10.-(Wednesday) -(P)-An official communique early today admitted the Red army had withdrawn "several kilometers" east of Suomussalmi as a result of severe fighting in that sector on the Finnish eastern front. (Finnish army leaders have de- clared two Russian divisions, the 163rd and the 44th, were wiped out in the last 12 days in fighting north and southeast of Suomussalmi, 15 miles west of the frontier). Finnish Delegate Thanks League For 'Practical' Aid GENEVA, Jan. 9.--(P1)--White- haired Rudolf Hosti, Finland's League of Nations representative, to- night said Finland's plea to the League "for practical help-not words" in her war with Russia was being realized. "Finland now knows its faith in the League was not misplaced," Holsti declared. "Aid comes now not only in words and resolutions but also in planes, guns and ammunition to fight the aggressor and medical sup- plies to heal the wounded." "The world only will know how much help ,we are receiving when our war is ended," he said. Rome.Budapest Accord May Force Hitters Hand BUDAPEST, Jan. 9.--(P)-Foreign observers tonight asserted that the defensive alliance reported to have been arranged by Hungary and Italy a A. wakandan f ne rene at Venice War Summary Here Is Today's News From OtherCapitals (By The Associated Press) London-Prime Minister Chamber- lain tells Britain of "grimmer" war days ahead, sees victory and peace- time federation built on Britisa- French collaboration; German planes attack 11 ships, sinking three; Brit- ish liner Dunbar Castle strikes mine and sinks. Moscow-Russian communique ad- mits Red Army withdrawn "several kilometers" in East Central Finland after severe fighting. Helsinki-Finland reports Russian lull on all fronts; official says Rus- sians exhausted, apparently gather- ing strength for new assault.' Paris-French Chamber throws out four Communist deputies who re- main seated during tribute to Army; fist fights break out during hour's uproar. Geneva - Finland's delegate to League of Nations reveals his nation getting "practical help." Washington-President Roosevelt says he is talking over with State Department question of further aid to Finland. Factory Health To Be Theme Of Conference Industrial Hygiene Experts Meet Here Tomorrow For Three-Day Parley Thorough and keen analysis of im- portant industrial hygiene problems by some of the highest ranking men in the field will concern the first Conference on Industrial Medicine and Hygiene beginning at 9 a.m. to- morrow in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Perplexing problems such as pneu- monia in industry, lead and chromi- tun poisonings, the medical legal phases of occupational diseases, the control of industrial hazards, indus- trial hygiene legislation and state ac- tion in the field will be discussed by authorities drawn from all over the United States. Experts from the U.S. Public Health Service, the Michigan, Indiana, Illi- nois and Ohio health departments, motor car corporations, life insurance corporations and other fields are flocking to Ann Arbor for the three- day conference beginning tomorrow and ending at noon Saturday. Sponsor of this conference - the outgrowth of a seriesof concentrated lectures by one individual in the past -is the Division of Hygiene and Pub- lic Health under the direction of Dr. John Sundwall who will serve as gen- eral chairman of the Conference. Morning sessions will last from 9 a.m. to noon while afternoon sessions will continue from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Addresses are notscheduled for spe- cific times, but are expected, except in a' few isolated instances, to last from 40 to 50 minutes. Tomorrow morning's session wil be under the chairmanship of Dr. Henry Cook, chairman of the Com- mittee on Occupational Diseases and Industrial Hygiene of the Mhigan State Medical Society. The Conference will be opened with (Continued from Page 2) ASU Will Discuss Convention Report The summing up of the resolutions on peace, civil liberties, and human needs passed at the national Amer- can Student Union convention over the holidays will be the main order of business at a general open AST meeting at 8 p.m. today at the Union, Robert Rosa, Grad., local chaptei president announces. The resolutions will be presented by Mary Cummins, '42, Bob Kahn, Grad., and Bob Speckhard, '42, whc were among the Michigan delegates present at th econvention. Admiral Stark Raises Guam Question Again Fortifications Are Urged; Hot Congress Debate Expected On Battle WASHINGTON, Jan. 9r-(')-A hot issue of the 1939 congressional session bobbed up today at a hearing on the Navy's $1,300,000,000 expan- sion program when the Chief Admiral unexpectedly revived once-rejected plans to make the faraway Pacific island of Guam an "outlying look- out post" for the fleet. Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, told the House Naval Committee that the Navy had included in this year's budget a $4,- 000,000 item for the Guam project, killed by the House after a bitter fight in which critics warned that it might cause trouble with Japan. This testimony momentarily over- shadowed Stark's assertion that pres- ent studies by the Navy "indicated" that 50,000 or 52,000-ton battleships might be an early development, but that bigger, super-battleships such as the 80,000-tonners mentioned re- cently in Congressional circles were not greatly favored by the experts. Four Seniors To Be Elected Class Leaders Wheeler Announces That Candidates Must Submit Petitions By Thursday Senior class elections for the liter- ary college, the School of Education, the School of Music and the College of Architecture and Design will be held Tuesday, Jan. 23, Carl Wheeler, '40E, president of the Men's Judicial Council, announced yesterday. Four positions are to be filled in each of the schools and colleges: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.. The secretaries are to be elected for five-year periods, re- maining in office until the first re- unions of their classes. All those desiring to be candidates for election should submit petitions tomorrow through Thursday, Jan. 18. Women's petitions are to be presented to the Women's Judicial Council in the League. Men are to submit their petitions at the Student Offices of the Union. Both party and individual petitions will be accepted, Wheeler added. Peti- tions of students in the School of Music, the College of Architecture and Design and the School of Edu- cation must bear 15 signatures. Stu- dents in the literary college must have 25 signatures on their petitions. Only signatures of members of the class of 1940 will be accepted, Wheel- er cautioned. Muskegon New Entry Port WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-(P)-Th Treasury published today a Presi- dential executive order revoking Grand Haven, Mich., as a custom port of entry and substituting Mus- kegon, Mich.; effective Jan. 22. J-Hop Ticket Sale Begins HereToday Committee Will Sell Only 1,350 Bids; Sale Now Restricted To Juniors Buyers Must Show Identification Cards Only 800 tickets for the 1941 J- Hop to be held Friday, Feb. 9, will go on sale at 2 p.m. today at the Union ticket desk, William Kramer, '41, tic- ket chairman announced. The re- maining 500 will go on sale at 2 p.m. tomorrow. A junior identification must be presented by all persons desiring to purchase a ticket, and purchasers of bloc lots must also present a list of the names of the persons who will actually use the tickets, Kramer point- ed out in the list of rules he issued. Persons reselling the tickets for more than the original purchase price will be liable to University disciplin- ary action. The numbers of lost tic- kets will be published in The Daily if reported promptly, and such tic- kets will not be honored at the door. Two members of the Congress will be stationed at a table where ,-Ingle tickets will be sold. They will check the reservations for the Congress booth and for the breakfast which is being sponsored by Congress after the dance. Tommy Dorsey and his noted band have been named as one of the bands to play at the dance. Featured along with Dorsey and his trombone will be JAnita Boyer, vocalist, and Allan De- Witt, baritone. Tommy Dorsey has been on tour for about a week now 'after leaving the Palmer House in Chicago where he has been playing for several months. The second orchestra will be an- nounced shortly, Don Wirtchafter, '41, publicity chairman, stated, as soon as a contract has been signed. Several bands are under consideration, but nothing definite has been done. Deputies Oust Cormunists From Session PARIS, Jan. 9. - (A') -France's Chamber of Deputies today inaugu- re ted its first ordinary wartime ses- 3i.on by throwing out four Communists amidst an uproar over the presence o former members of the outlawed party. Tumult which greeted the arrival of seven Communists, whose party was banned shortly after the war's start, developed when four of their number failed to rise with the rest of the Chamber during a tribute to the Army by Georges Levy-Alphan- dery, Dean of the Chamber. Levy-Alphandery interrupted his opening address to propose expul- sion of the four for their "scandalous attitude." By a show of hands the Chamber adopted the proposal. T h e Government subsequently moved to strip the seven deputies, all that remain of the 72 who once sat for the party, of all their powers. Plan Release For Columbus' Sailors-Report Vlilitary Age To Determine Departure For Majority From San Francisco NEW YORK, Jan. 9.-()-The [erald Tribune says all officers and nembers of the scuttled North Ger- nan Liner Columbus who are of nilitary age will be released next unday from Ellis Island and be per- nitted to sail for Germany from an Francisco on Japanese and other .oreign ships. The men-more than 400 of the i75 now at Ellis Island-will be taken inder guard to San Francisco, the iewspaper adds, while those not of nilitary age will be detained on the sland until accommodations can be ound for them to leave for their Lomeland from New York aboard >ther neutral vessels. Court Revokes N.1L RB Order To Inland Steel Company Not Compelled To Sign Union Contract With CIO Committee, CHICAGO, Jan. 9.-()-The Unit- d States Circuit Court of Appeals uled today that the Wagner Act foes not compel an employer to sign i contract with a labor organization. The three judges so agreed inre- rersing a precedent-setting National abor Relations Board order direct- ng the Inland Steel Co. to bargain with the Steel Workers Organizing committee and to put any agree- nent they may reach into writing. The court remanded the case to he NLRB for a new hearing and )pined that under the Wagner Act ollective bargaining procedure is 'mandatory" but the "result is not." It explained that if Congress "had intended to place upon the employer he duty of entering into a written agreement, it would have so provid- ed."' The court made this criticism of Labor Board practices: "This record as a whole discloses the danger of im- posing upon a single agency the mul- tiple duties of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner." GOP Accused Of Vote Baiting Use Anti-Lynch Bill To Get Negro Vote Says Mitchell WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.--(P)--The House heard its only Negro member, Representative Mitchell (Dem., Ill.), hotly charge the Republican party today with "trying to buy back the Negro vote" with the pending anti- lynching bill. His accusation, in the midst of a quiet, almost perfunctory renewal of a controversydthat recurs in every Congress, started something. Several Republicans sought recognition to express their resentment and Repre- sentative Fish (Rep., N.Y.) caustic- ally inquired whether the Negro vote was for sale. "Every vote in the United States is for sale," Mitchell answered. "Not for money, but for rights and justice." Representative McDowell (Rep., Pa.) accused Mitchell, ardent pro- ponent of the bill, of trying to alien- ate the Republicans from its support but asserted that 98 per cent of his party colleagues would vote for it. St. Lawrence Seaway Progress Seen Possible OTTAWA, Jan. 9.-AP)-Progress toward a basis for an agreement be- tween Canada and the United States on the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes Seaway and Power project was re- ported today at the end of a two-day conference between Canadian and United States experts. The United States delegation left tonight for Washington. It is plan- ned to have another conference Jan 22 when the Canadian experts will g to the United States capital. A statement after the conferenc said the discussions resulted in "clari- fication" of the various engineering and financial problems involved. Looking To Michigan? Noble Kizer Hints Michigan-Purdue Football Relations PURDUE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR German Clu. Hears Recital, Talk By Price Development Of TracedeuAfter For Deutskher Carillon Concert Verein An impromptu carillon concert in and a lecture in German on the his- P tory of carillons by Prof. Percival nf Price of the School of Music featured s the second in the lecture series of C the Deutscher Verein last night. a Carillons were first prominent in b the Lowlands in the 16th century, Professor Price said, and later spread 0 throughout Europe especially into E Spain. The British Isles had no caril- t lons until Queen Elizabeth ordered a s 35-bell structure built. Development of the carillon was C halted by the French Revolution, mainly because so many were torn b down to use in the manufacture of s ammunition, Professor Price ex- d plained. Much later improvements l in the technique of casting were tried p but the main difficulty, still a major t one today, was experienced in get- t ting proper overtone. E The first carillons in the U.S. were c in Buffalo and at Notre Dame but there were never played. The first d good one on this continent was in l Toronto. Professor Price said thatp the one here is fully as good as anyA of the famous ones in Holland oro Belgium.n Five Electric Firms Arraigned By Courtc DETROIT, Jan; 9.-P)-Arraign-i ment of six individuals and five elec- tric firms for alleged violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act occurred in Federal Court today. Judge Edward J. Moinet entered not guilty pleas for each of the defendants. The individuals and representa- tives of firms who _were-indicted re- cently by a special Federal Grand Jury stood mute. Bonds of $2,5001 each were arranged. Those arraigned included the Gen-j eral Electric Supply Corp., and its dis- trict manager, B. B. LaMee, Westing- house Electric Supply Co., and its dis- trict manager, A. R. Maynard; Splane Electric Co. and its vice-president and treasurer, Lambert H. Splane, and Turner Electric Co. and its presi-7 dent and treasurer, Waldo Forster. A total of 13 firms and 19 indi- viduals was indicted on Dec. 22 for I alleged conspiracy to control prices in the electric supply trade. More ar- t raignments are expected Thursday. . Union Bridge Tourney Scheduled Tomorrow e The weekly Union bridge tourna- 9 ment will be held from 7:30 to 10:30 n.m. tomorrow in the small ballroom Loth Teams Seek Chicago Substitute By MEL FINEBERG A possible clearing of the clouds at have surrounded Michigan's un- nown 1940 football opponent was vealed last night when a telegram 'om Noble E. Kizer, athltic director F Purdue University, to this writer, pressed a desire that the two teams eet next fall. The telegram was n response to a ;ery wired yesterday suggesting iat since both Purdue and Michigan were to play Chicago (which with- rew from intercollegiate football st month) it might be possible to rrange the schedule." Kizer responded immediately by nding this wire to the Michigan )ily: Chicago discontinued football leaving Michigan and Purdue with only four Conference games. A game between Michigan and Purdue would give us both the required number of games for our Conference schedule. I am planning to get in touch with Mr. Yost or Mr. Crisler regard- ing the possibility of a. gamne with Michigan. (signed) Noble E. Kizer. Neither athletic director Fielding [. Yost nor football coach Fritz Cris- er has returned to Ann Arbor from he Pacific Coast where they attend- d the annual football coaches' meet- ig. And since full schedule-making owers lie in their hands, all further egotiations must remain at a stand- till until either of them returns. risler is expected to return within few days while Yost will not be ack for another fortnight. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman f the Board in Control of Physical ducation, declined to comment on he desirability of any particular chool but said that he prefered some Big Ten team of any non- Conference university." There is little doubt that this would e more desirable from everybody's standpoint. Both Michigan and Pur- Lue have titular aspirations for the 1940 campaign and if each were to play only four games in the Big Ten, hen the possibilities for winning the itle would be small since the final standings are compiled on a per- centage basis. The two teams have not met in a decade. Their last meeting came in 1930 when Purdue, Conference cham- pions in 1929, opened the season in Ann Arbor before 50,000 spectators only to lose 14-13 when Harry New- man converted on two points after touchdowns in the second period. The Wolverines went on to tie with Northwestern for the Conference championship that year The two (Continued on Page 3) Board Scored On Procedure Young Attorneys Accused Of FaultyAnalyses WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.--(P)-The Labor Board's reliance upon young attorneys to read and analyze evi- dence-for it underwent critical exam- ination before a House investigating committee today. Criticism of the system was based largely upon two grounds. 1. That the digests of evidence were presented orally'to the Board and that parties to Labor Board cases had no way of knowing whether they were fair; 2. That attorneys analyzing evi- dence and drafting decisions ordered by the board sometimes had before them information that was not in the formal record of the cases. (One of the "young attorneys" in the review section of the Board is Herbert Galton, last year a graduate student in the Law School.) U.S. Identification Officer To Discuss Fingerprinting -*,, - m a Telegram To 'The Daily' Indicates Negotiations Will BeOpened Soon Chamberlain Looks To World Federation; AidSpeeds To Finns (By The Associated Press) A stern warning to the British Em- pire to gird itself for days '"much grimmer than anything we have seen yet" came yesterday (Tuesday) from Prime Minister Chamberlain even as he looked beyond the war to a peace- time federation founded upon joint British-French efforts. The Prime Minister, in the first of a series of Cabinet talks intended to tell the public of the need for war sacrifices, said nothing would do more to facilitate the task of peace- ful reconstruction than collaboration between the Allies now at war with Germany. There is nothing, Chamberlain added, which would contribute more to the permanence of the structure of peace "than the extension of An- glo-French collaboration in finance and economics to other nations in Europe and indeed perhaps of the whole world." Mum On Shakeup The Prime Minister made no ref- avnce tn the Cahinet shake-unp mand of a single air force officer, Air Marshal Arthur S. Barratt. Hore-Belisha was reported to have, wanted army control of the air force. In the military sphere yesterday, Finland reported a virtual cessation of Russian activity on her snow- bound fronts and the western front remained quiet. Finnish spokesmen interpreted the' lull as indicating Russia's armies, routed in central Finland and held in check on other fronts, were ex- hausted, at least temporarily. Aid To Finland Fresh reports of aid to Finland were heard in several of the world's capitals. Chamberlain said Britain's re- sponse to the League of Nations' call to help Finland "will be no mere formality." Informed sources at League head- quarters in Geneva said representa- tives of various states helping the Finns had agreed on a "chain sys- tem" of expediting aid. Wherever nn'sible_ sunnlies will be sent from University Of. Chmicag~oI