PAGE TWO TTIDE MICHIG(AN DAILY TUESDAY YAN. 9,1940 .. as ..., . , .-_ Eight Faculty Speeches End WinterParley Professors, Students Join In Discussion Of Means Of Reeducating Public (Continued from Page 1) or the curtailment of civil liberties in order to conduct a war with the ut- most speed and least loss of life, Professor Fox said that it is the de- gree to which civil liberties must be sacrificed that is important. We must realize, he said, that war is terrible. Not only is there a high rate on the battle field, but there are long drawn out deaths resulting from diseaes encountered in field service, she added. The sooner the war is ended, the better it is for all, he asserted. Must Discriminate Professor Slosson observed that al- though war inevitably and necessar- ily involves great sacrifices of civil liberties, we must beware of unnec- essary sacrifices which don't facili- tate the winning of the war. It is vital, he declared, that we must dis- criminate carefully between the things which are not detrimental and those that are. In answer to the question on press and propaganda: "Are we getting the truth and to what degree?", Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English de- partment, said the pitiful fact was that most of the news is suppressed before we get it. All information received from the war-zone, he stated, is obviously censored and is intended to provoke sympathy from a non- belligerent nation for the country at war. Not only is the news written to evoke sympathy, Professor Wil- liams claimed, but to promote activi- ties in the furtherance of the be- ligerent's cause, even if it is neces- sary to draw us into it. Scorns First Impressions Prof. Howard 'M. Ehrmann of the history department emphasized the necessity of placing less reliance on the first headlines we see and on the words of popular newscasters. It is expecting too much to get accurate, full information right at the mo- ment, he declared. He suggested that citizens make use of the library of information of the b2elligerents to get a better understanding of the war. In speaking of press and propa- ganda, Prof. Harlan MFarlan of thetengineering department explained that the issue was that of maldistri- bution of the goods produced. "Our distributive processes are ill ordered," he stated, "therefore there are vested interests who would have the news colored, so that we have certain biases to ..look for in reading: the news." Prof. ArthurrSmithies of the eco- nomics department, stressed the value of retaining one's objectivity in dis- cussing the war on two points: On the question of sympathy with the belligerents and on the origin of the war. He suggested that the word aggression be eliminated because it is put to non scientific use and it arouses hatred and heat. He urged that in order to make peace more effective when the war closes the United States should make no defin- ite guarantees to establish peace un- less it has guarantees that such a peace would be lasting." Cut Rate 366 Days a Year! N N Natr N N N MARSHALLj 231 SOUTH STATE. -NOTES FROM- Norvo To Set Pace At Soph Promn Hopwood 0 0 . .Room "Homeward to America," the poetry volume which brought John Ciardi a major award in the Hopwood. con- test last spring, rolled off the press of fHenry Holt and Company e- cently. A copy of the volume is now in the Hopwood Room on the third floor of Angell Hall. * * * A second novel just off the press is "The Loon Feather," last year's winning major fiction manuscript. The book which is from Harcourt Brace and Company was written by Iola Goodspeed, Grad., pen name- Iola Fuller. * * * When Norman Rosten's play, "First Stop to Heaven" opens in New York under Guild auspices, it will mark the second production by a Michigan alumnus to appear on Broadway this year. Paul Osborn's comedy, "Morn- ings at Seven" has been running at the Longacre since Nov. 30. Recent additions to books' in the Hopwood Room include John 0'- Hara's "Files on Parade;" H. M. Tomlinson's "The Day Before;" Hen- ry S. Canby's "Thoreau"; Paul Engle's latest volume of poetry, "Corn;' "Land Below the Wind" by Agnes N. Keith, winner of Little; Brown's 5,000 dollar non-fiction prize; and Renel 'Denny's "Connecticut River and Other Poems" which is the 1939. number in the Young Poets' Series published by the Yale University Press. AICE To Hear Talk By Pothoff Gasoline refinery methods will be discussed tomorrow at a meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers by Mr. E. H. Pothoff of the White Star Refinery. Scheduled to follow a 7:30 p.m. meeting called for the purpose of taking the annual 'Ensian picture, the regular meeting will feature the annual award to the junior chemical engineer in the society with the high- est scholastic average for the past year. Also inaugurated at the meeting will 'be a monthly quqestion sheet to be filled in by club members. An award will be-received at the end of the year by the person receiving the highest scores on these quizzes. Ann Arbor Here Is Today's News In Summary President Ruthven last night assist- ed in the dedication of Ann Arbor's new North Side school. The new building was erected through the joint financing of city, PWA and WPA groups. Several prominent city educators participated in the formal ceremonies. His father was tougher than the police . . . so Matthew Jones, 18-year-old Negro, is back in jail today. Jones was arrested for disorderly conduct . . . and was sent into the court house yard to help clean up the grounds. He walked away, but was returned to police by his father when he reappeared at his home on Greene Street. More than $20 worth of cigarettes were taken from a safe in Frey's Cafe, W. Washington St., by burg- lars Sunday night. * * * An upset teakettle of boiling water gave severe burns to Vern Alan Staunch, 2 years old, in an accident at his home Sunday. Mrs. Florence Watson, of Greene St., was involved in two accidents within 5 minutes Sun- day . . . and as a result her car was damaged and she was injured. Program Types Tonight Shows Of Questions Prof. Brumm Seks Queries (Continued from Page 1) cast over a coast-to-coast hook-up. Professor Brumm chairm n of .the question committee, promised yester- day that "there will be nothing phoney a ..:;ut the performance," drawing a p Lure of a show "doubtless exhibit- ing a wide range of expert knowledge, completely nullified by abyssmal depths of ignorance," and speeded up by the "rooting propensities of an un- inhibited student audience.". He emphasized that students and] members of the faculty are expected to contribute to the general gaiety by submitting questions of every type and form, the only provisions being that they bear answers and. steer, clear of over-specialized material, politically-controversial topics and biblical quotations. All : questions must reach Professor Brumm's of- fice, 213 Haven Hall, before 6 p.m.. Friday, as the committee. will meet Saturday morning to select, verify and edit. The author of each question used will receive a copy of the University centennial sports album, "One Hun- dred Years of Athletic History at the University of Michigan." Persons submitting questions that stump the experts will receive an addtiional award. Tickets at 50, 75 cents and $1 will go on sale Thursday at Hill Auditor- iuin, Mrs. Lucille B. C.oiger, .execu- tive secretary of the Alumnae Coun- cil which is sponsoring the show, said last night. Balkans Spurred By Finns' Stand, Stanton Observes (Continued from Page 1). nations, he added, won an important point for Bucharest when the value of the German mark was set at the old figure (instead of the new de-, valued figure) for purposes of trade between them. Another reason for Russia's inter- est in Bessarabia, Dr. Stanton point-! ed out, is that this territory controls the mouth of the important Danube, River, giving to its owner a strangle- hold on much of the commerce in the large Danubian basin. Russia's interest in Bessarabia, he explained, dates back at least to the close of the Napoleonic Wars, when it first got control of the region. It remained a part of Russia until the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk at the close of the World War, he added, when it was given to Rumania. To this day, however, Russia does not recognize Rumanian sovereign- ty in Bessarabia, Dr. Stanton de- clared. Soviet maps, he added, still. show the region as Russian territory. Dr. Stanton also pointed to another source of friction between Moscow and Bucharest: the tiny northern Rumanian province of Bukovina, for- merly Austrian, but now including a large Russian population. German G rop To HearT.Ialkt Sophisticated sliders and hep cats will unite in the Union ballroom Friday, Jan. 19 when "Red" Norvo and his orchestra will "give out" for 350 studen s. With late permission granted to: all dancers, the few, 'tickets remaining at the Union desk are going fast. congTess Plans New Activities it DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Congress, independent men's organ- ization, recently began a new per- sonal contact organizational cam- paign which has already shown re- markable results, Jack Hoover, '40E, organizational chairman said yester- day. Lists of independent men on cam- pus have been compiled and classi- fied according to rooming houses, Hoover said, representing approxi- mately one-third of all independent men on campus. Dormitories have already been organized and they represent another one-third of the independents. Plans for activities such as tea dances, already under way, exchange dinners, mixers and other social func- tions have been outlined, Hoover pointed out. Questionaires have been sent out to determine just what the independents are interested in, Hoov-1 er said, and as soon as complete re- sults have been obtained, new com- mittees will be formed to carry out the suggestions received. Vernon Hillery Present At Rainey Inauguration President Ruthven was represented at the inauguration of Dr. Homer Proce Rainey as president of the University of Texas last month by Vernon F. Hillery, '25L, Fort Worth attorney. Hillery and Dr. E. O. Lovett, president of Rice Institute, were the 13th couple in the inaugura. tion procession. Prof. C. A. Arnold of the bontany department will take charge of the meeting of the Botanical Journal Club to be held at 8 p.m. today in the Natural Science Building. TUESDAY, JAN. 9, 1940 VOL. L. No. 75 Notices Student Tea: Ruthven will be on Wednesday, 6 p.m. President and Mrs. at home to students Jan. 10, from 4 to can be obtained a Room 1508 Rackhl phone 331. Notice to Men information of m in approved roo first semester sh day, February 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Faculty, College of Engineering semester shall bi will meet today at 4:15 p.m., day. in Room 348, West Engineering Students living Building. Agenda: Student Peti- ing houses, who tion from decision of Discipline different quarter Committee, and consideration of semester, must giN Evaluation of Faculty Services. to the Dean of S on Thursday, Jan A. H. Lovell, Sec'y. should also notify To Members of the University before this date._ Senate: The Senate Advisory Com- wHl be given onl mittee will meet on Monday, Jan. 15. plying with this r It is desirable that subjects be. sug-- gested for the consideration of the An Engineer as Committee a few days in advance by the superinten of the meeting. Any member of the large railway syst Committee or-Ralph H. Sawyer, Sec- the. position it is retary, will receive suggestions, which applicant to be ab should be in by Friday, January 12. (Continued Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give the Research TWO FLO Committees and the Executive Board adequate time for study of all pro- posals, it is requested that faculty R members having projects needing sup-6 port during 1940-1941 file their pro- posals in the Office of the Graduate School by Jan. 12, 1940. Later re- quests will, of course, be considered toward the close of the second sem- ester. Those wishing to renew pre- vious requests whether now receiv- ing support or not should so indicate. Application forms will be mailed or1 Gt Secretary's Office,: iam Building. Tele- C. S. Yoakum. Stadents: For the, ien students living iming houses,, the all end on Thurs.- , and the , second egin on the same in approved room- intend to move to s for the second ve notice in writing tudents before 4:30 uary 18, 1940. They their householders Permission to move y to students com- requirement. secretary is needed dent of' one -of our ems. To qualify for s-necessary for the ble to use the type- d on Page 4) , Percival Price To Speak On Carillons Today Professor Percival Price of tle School of Music will deliver the sec- ond address in the lecture series spon- sored by the Deutscher Verein, Ger- man student organiation, at 8:15 p.m. today in the League. Professor Price will speak in German on "Something About Carillons." Professor Price, who has travelled extensively in Germany, came to -the University from Toronto and is the University carillonneur in addition to his professorial capacity! The third lecture in the Verein's series will be delivered March 5 by Dean Edward H. Kraus. Col. Miller Will Speak Col. Henry W. Miller of the .engi- neering department will; :a meeting of the Washtenaw county chapter of the National Aeronautic Association at 8:15 p.m. today at the Union. His topic will be "Recent Concepts Regarding the War." . The public is invited to the meeting. n ORS SPECIAL PARTIES Prices Effective Jan. 9th Drug & Sundry N Savings - THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLA SS IF IE D; ADVERTISING R:RAT ES Effective as ofFebruary 14, 1939 12c per reading line (in basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c.: For further -information sall 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. VACANCIES for second semester at league house, 816 Tappan. Phone 3216. BELMORE INN-A few choice rooms left at $2.50 and $3.00. Ekcellent study conditions. Belmore Inn, 1142 Catherine. 161 ROOMS FOR GRADUATE GIRLS- Instructors or business girl. Avail- able Feb. 2. Call 6152 afternoons. 157 ARTICLES FOR SALE-3 FOR SALE-Imported microscope, 600X: with "ase, reasonable. M.' Johnson, 1928 Geddes, 2-2565. 154 GIRL'S ICE SKATES-For sale, size 6, only been' worn twice. Phone 2-1975 evenings . 162. SSs FOR SALE--Black female cocker spaniel, 8 weeks old, championship stock, eligible for registration. Ph. 2-3788. 160 TYPING-18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 EXPERIENCED TYPIST will do typing of all kinds. Low rates and immediate service. 411 Thomp- son, phone 4601. 159' MISCELLANEOUS-20 WANTED-Young woman with car for companion work, part time. Telephone 9551 before 10 a.m. or early afternoon or evenings. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for your discarded wearing apparel. Claue Brown, 512 S. Main Street; 146 SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per- manent $2.50; $3 oil cocona $1.50; end -permanent $1. Shampoo and fingerwave 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main. 36 SECOND SEMESTER Public Evening Classes begin Monday, Jan. 15 at the Ann Arbor High School. Rec- reation, commercial, hobby cul- ture, and vocational courses are being organized. Small registra- tion fee. For further information call 5797. WANTED--Student help several af- ternoons each week. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 331 S. Ashley. TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company.' Phone 7112 13 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND - 1 WILL PERSON who took blue-green overcoat by mistake from Natural Science Aud. Wednesday, Jan. 3, between 10 and 11, please return it to Apt. 3, 1327 Wilmot, or tele- phone 4936. 156 LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts..................... .14 Undershirts ................ .04 Shorts ..................... .04 Pajama Suits ..............:..10 Socks, pair ............ . .... .03 Handkerchiefs .............. .02 Bath Towels., .. ...........03 All Work Guaranteed Also special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. 14 - -- MICHIGAN- NOW Pound Cotton .. 6 Tooth Brushes ti Home Cooking PROMPT TABLE SERVICE 41VERSITY GR ILL 615 East William Street Quart Milk of Magnesia-.. lOc Woodbury Soap ........ 500 Cleansing Tissues...... s21c .54c .39d 5c 14c 601a THfE BR o~ PRISCILLA LANE AWSEMARIY LANE LOLA LANE GLE PAGE "FOUR W4 a Four Bele Picture) W~itCLAIJIE RAINS JefryLynn'Eddi Alber JfyMAY ROBSON FRANK Md-IUGI DICK FORAN "_HENRYO'NEILL Also ~"'~~--~''"CURIOUS PUPPY" t- Cartoon I li Ii . Shows Daily 2:00- 4:00 7:00 - 9:00 A'a/necs-25c E've inlns 35c $1.25 Electric Heaters r 75c Wooden Clogs .. . ,. 7.9c .49c NOW! TITANS OF TREACHERY! aft ofL q STATIONERY SPECIAL 60 SHEETS 50 ENVELOPES Blue Books Ink ILoose Leaf Notear Sheets i III~~~~~~ I~~? '~mu - ' 'I I