Weather Continued cold, cloudy and possibly snow timrow I AOF 4hr !lit t an r4 ~~at Editorial Hore-Belisha And A German Peace.. VOL. L. No. 75 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 9, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sofiak Leads Way In 44-39 Michigan: Win Over Badgers Wolverines Come Back After Scoreless Start To Take Close Victory Gene Englund Tops Wisconsin's Scoring (Special to The Daily) MADISON, Wis., Jan. 8.-Michi- gan overcame a poor start and checked a dangerous last minute rally last night to defeat the Univer- sity of Wisconsin 44 to 39. in a Big Ten Conference basketball game be- fore 8,000. The Wolverines were unable to connect with the hoop for the first 11 minutes, but then found the range to take a 16'to 15 lead at half time. They/ started the second half with a burst of speed and worked up a 33 to 23 lead with 10 minutes of play re- maining. Badgers Comeback With Gene Englund, Rundell and Schwartz locating the hoop regularly as the Wolverines were missing easy ones, Wisconsin pulled up to within three points, 40-37, with two minutes left. Sofiak, however, sank a free throw on-Strain's foul, and Captain Rae tapped in a counter when Fitzgerald's free throw rolled off the hoop. An- derson scored two for Wisconsin, but Sofiak collected a free throw to give Michigan a five-point margin as the game ended. Sofiak with' 15 and Rae with 10 points paced the Michigan offense, while. Englund, who with 15 and Schwartz with 11 points led, the Badgers. Both clubs shot generally from short range. It was Michigan's second confer- ence vitory in as many starts. The Wolverines defeted Ohio State Sat- urday night, 40 to 35, while the &a&~we3 do 3 18. Rae Misses Foul Michigan had a chance to score first, but- Rae failed to sink a free toss on' Englund's "foul. Schwartz started Wisconsin's scoring with a short one from the side, after four minutes of play. \ Sofiak missed a free toss on An- derson's foul, and both teams again turned on the speed. Passing be- came erratic and numerous shots went wild. Schwartz, finally eon- nected for Wisconsin on a short side toss after 10 minutes of play, putting Wisconsin ahead four to nothing. Sofiak dropped a short one the next minute for Michigan's first score. Strain added one for Wis- consin on Sofiak's foul. Brogan dropped a long one, and Sofiak add- ed a pair on Anderson's fouls. Englund put Wisconsin ahead again with a short toss and added another on Pink's foul. Runnel countered one on Harmon's foul. Both Teams Counter Brogan collected one on Englund's foul, but Englund came right back with a long side shot for Wisconsin. Rae dropped a short one; missed a charity throw on Englund's foul, but tapped the rebound to make it 11 all. Pink put Michigan ahead, 13 to 11, but Schwartz dropped a long side toss to tie it up. Anderson and Nelson collected one each on Harmon's successive fouls but Sofiak got'in a short toss to tie it again. Harmon scored one on Nelson's foul to give Michigan a 16 to 15 lead at half-time. Pink and Rae dropped short ones and Brogan collected one on Strain's. foul to give Michigan a 21 to 15 lead as the second half opened. Englund however dropped two and sank a free throw to keep Wisconsin in the game. Schwartz scored two free throws on Pink's foul. Michigan again stepped out as Fitzgerald, Pink, Brogan, and Fitz- gerald connected in rapid succession. Slidwartz sank a free throw on So- (Continued on Page 3) Reading Rooms January is always a crowded season in the libraries of the Uni- versities, particularly in the eve- nings. The number of seats in the reading rooms is no greater now than it was when the student ody was far smaller. It is neces- sary, therefore, to request the co- operation of students in keeping the ring roams free from noise. High Scoring Forward Independents. Seen As Key y President Dinners Held In 44 States; GOP Members Absent From 'Plate-Side Chat' Murphy Is Lauded By VanWagoner WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(P)-De- livering a philosophical "plate-side chat," President Roosevelt warned the Democratic party tonight that it must retain the support of indepen- dent voters to win this year-and then added what some interpreted as his prescription for the party's presidential nominee. "Motive in the long run is what counts-motive accompanied by good manners," he told the party's glitter- ing Jackson Day dinner. "If leaders have good motives and good manners and-at the same time, knowledge of the different parts of the country and plenty pf experience, you can be fair- ly safe in assuming that they won't wreck your government." Dinners In 44 States Meanwhile, in 44 states, similar but less expensive repasts were served to mark the party's observance of the anniversary of Andrew Jackson's vic- tory at the Battle of New Orleans. When the checks are all in, the party leaders hope the campaign chest will be $700,000 the richer, with $219,000 of that amount going to pay off the party deficit.I By comparison with Mr. Roosevelt's previous Jackson Day speeches, the address was non-partisan. Absent were the resounding blows at his Re- publican foes and his critices with- in the Democratic party. And when all was said and done, there was no intimationbof what his third term. plans may be. Discuss International Situation Part of the address was devoted to the international situation. "The people of the United States." the President said, "recognize two facts today: the first is that the world outside our hemisphere is in really bad shape. * "The second is that we have made great gains at home in our. own ec- onomic prosperity and in the security of our individual citizens. These gains must not be chipped away; they must be only a foundation on which to build further gains. Eight Faculty Speeches End WitterParley Professors, Students Join In Discussion Of Means Of Reeducating Public Finns Claim Destruction Of Soviet Force; English Criticize Cabinet Change Slosson Reviews, MIKE SOFIAK MichiganTax Collection Hit By Me Callum State Senator in Speech Here Urges Formation Of Taxpayer's Group State Senator George P. McCallum. last night characterized the sales tax division of the Michigan state gov- ernment as "the worst piece of po- litical chicanery" he had ever seen. The talk was delivered before an audience of more than 125 assembled at the bi-monthly meeting of the local Community Forum held at the Ann Arbor High School Auditorium. "The 'answer to the whole tax problem," the Senator emphasized, "is a real, sincere taxpayer's associa- tion made up of property owners who have a direct stake in the affairs of the state and its taxes." He espe- cially praised the Massachusetts Tax- payers Association and indicated his desire for the formation of a similar organization in Michigan. Senator McCullum outlined the history of taxation in Michigan and particularly called the attention of the group to the "need of moderni- zation of the general tax system," a system established in 1893. "There is no legitimate excuse for the present tax-muddle," the Sena- tor maintained. Claiming that no new taxes are necessary, he conclud- ed that "All it takes is a little intelli- gence and frugality to straighten out our tax situation." Parley's Opinions More than 250 people attended the closing session of the first annual Winter Parley at the Union and heard eight faculty panel members and dozens of student speakers urge that the United States not only stay out of the present war, but that it provide the means for reeducating public opinion to attain that end. Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, acting in the role of a reporter, gave a summary of what had transpired in Saturday afternoon and evening discussion groups. Robert S. Reed, '41, general chairman then called on different members on the faculty panel to answer questions on civil liberties, press and propaganda, United States preparedness a n d militarization, American politics, economics and re- ligion. In answer to the question: "To what extent is a nation at war completely at war?", Lieut.-Col. Leon Fox of the military science department, said that in a democracy such as we have here, there is no such a thing as a military party. If we make war, he pointed out, the United States should enter not as an army marching off to settle the war, but as a nation with 100 per cent cooperation. Prof. Norman Nelson of the English department, speaking on the question: "Is peace nil until all powerful gov- ernments are answerable to their peo- ples?" declared that peace is not nil. Hedpointed to the United States as an example of a government which is not answerable to its people. He added that it was doubtful whether any decision made by the people would be any more just or intelli- gent than that by our government even though it is not answerable. When asked whether it would be better to allow public interference (Continued on Page 2) Plunge In Drift Saves Students From Injury A fall into a snow drift saved John Patterson, '42L and Margaret Cram, Grad., from serious injury early yes- t day. . ,iding in a horse-drawn cutter, the ' University students were thrown .1min the sleigh when the horse ,alied it against a curb and tipped it over. While the couple was piled in the snow-drift, the horse moved on up the street. A few minutes later the cutter was struck by an automobile and badly damaged in a collision with a car on S. Fifth street. Last - Chance Hop To Give Novel Prizes Pigskin, on and off the pig, will be thrown at lucky ticket-holders who dance at the informal All-Campus Hop in the final informal fling be- fore exams Friday in the Union ball- room, Hal Benham, '40, swimming team captain and chairman of the Hop, announced. Prizes at the affair will range from a live pig to a football autographed by the members of the 1939 football team and presented by Capt. Archie Kodros. Others will include chick- ens, ducks, rabbits and a basketball and baseball, bearing the names of team members, presented by Jim Rae and Charlie Pink, captains. The party, which is being spon- sored by the Interfraternity Coun- cil, the "M" Club, Congress and. The Daily, will feature Bill Sawyer's or- chestra. Admission will be one dol- lar, the regular price for a Union dance. Tickets are being sold on campus by senior activity men and can be secured at the Union desk. Table reservations are now being accepted. Alumni Hall Begins Art Exhibit Today An exhibit of work by John Pappas, Hore-Belisha's Ref orms To Remain, Government Leaders Assure Nation Churchill May Head New Defense Post LONDON, Jan. 8.-(P)-Govern- ment spokesmen tonight attempted to stem the tide of criticism against the dropping of War Secretary Leslie Hore-Belisha from the cabinet with assurance hisndemocratic army re- forms would endure. Reports were current that a new Ministry of Imperial Defense would be created with Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, as co- ordinator of the army, navy and air force. At the same time, this nation of hearty eaters tightened belts as ra- tioning of butter, bacon, ham and sugar went into effect amid predic- tions that rationing might be extend- ed to include clothes. Hore-Belisha, who said farewell to- day to the staff at the war office, was said to be working on a "personal statement" to make to the House of Commons Jan. 16 when parliament meets. There was agitation for an earlier recall of parliament but a special session was considered un- likely; neither was Prime Minister Chamberlain expected to consent to a secret meeting to discuss Friday's cabinet shakeup. If Hore-Belisha's statement should include an explanation of why he lost his job or criticize the present government p o1i c y, Chamberlain would be forced to reply. Government supporters were hope- ful that the former War Minister would confine his remarks to why he did not accept the Presidency of the Board of Trade which was offered. him by Chamberlain and thus re- strict discussion to this one point. Even as rationing of certain foods started, reliable quarters predicted that Chamberlain in a speech to- morrow would warn the people of sterner times to come with a general increase in the tempo of war mea- sures. J-Hop Tickets To GoOn Sale May Be Bought At Union Tomorrow,_Thursday Ticket sales for the 1941 J-Hop will open at 2 p.m. tomorrow and con- tinue through Thursday at the Union ticket desk, William Kramer, '41, ticket chairman, said yesterday. All persons desiring -to purchase a ticket must present a junior identi-' fication card; and purchasers of bloc lots must present a list of the names of the people who will actually use the tickets, according to the list of rules announced by Kramer. Two members of Congress will be stationed at a table where single tickets will be sold. They will check the reservations for the Congress booth, and for the breakfast which Congress is sponsoring. Only 800 tickets will be offered for sale Wednesday and the remaining 550 on Thursday. Persons reselling the tickets for more than the original purchase price will be liable to Uni- versity disciplinary action. Van Wagoner GOP's, Lauds Under Fire Censures Murphy NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN Prof. Brirm Seeks Queries For Radio Quiz, Broadcast Of Program Today To Show Type Of Questions Needed "Wake up,. Michigan, and stump the boys who think they know" was the clarion call sounded by Prof. John L. Brumm yesterday as the state-wide search for questions for the first off-the-air "Information Please"'to be held Jan. 20 in Hill Auditorium moved into high gear. 'The "boysw f h' l they ki nbW' are Franklin P. Adams, former alum- nus and the F.P.A. of columnar fame, and John Kieran, sports editor of the New York Times. Aided by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, for- merly of the University English de, partment and now with Harvard, and by Prof. Robert C. Angell of the, sociology department, who, accord- ing to Professor Brumm, "believes that students have required him toj answer every possible question bear- ing on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," the two regular mem- bers of the weekly "intellectual min- strel show" will face Clifton Fadiman, master-of-ceremonial critic for the New Yorker in an hour-long battle of wit and humor, with the questions falling where they may. Example of the type of thing stu- dents may expect may be heard at 8:30 p.m. today over Station WXYZ when the regular "Information, Please" studio performance is broad- (Continued on Page 2) Local Attorney's Case -IsDischarged GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Jan. 8 - (P)-Judge Fred M. Raymond entered an order today in United States Dis- trict Court directing that Charles S. Abbott, Ann Arbor laywer, be cleared of contempt and discharged. He was cited for contempt Sept. 28, 1939 and taken into custody. The contempt was based on viola- tion of an injitpction in connection with the attempted reorganization of the Grand Beach Company and the, Land Owners Association. Defeat Of Second Russian Division May End Drive To Cut Finland In Two Senators Ask Loan For Finns'_Support By LYNN HEINZERLING HELSINKI, Jan. 8.--(P)-Destruc- tion of the 44th Russian Division southeast of Suomussalmi was an- nounced today in a special communi- que which said that Finnish forces, mopping up in the wake of the battle, were gathering large quantities of war materials abandoned by the ene- my along the snow-packed Raate highway. Thousands of Russians were killed and more than 1,000 captured, mili- tary sources indicated, in the rout of the 44th-the second Soviet division reported to have met its end in this wild, icy region in middle Finland. Only 10 days ago at Lake Kianta, north of Suomussalmi, the 163rd Rus- sian Division was-according to the Finnish high command-"cut up and for the most part destroyed." The survivors of the 163rd were .reported after this defeat to be flee- ing toward Juntusranta at the north- eastern tip of Lake Kianta, about five miles from the Soviet border, with the Finns in hot pursuit, Thereported rout of the 44th was believed here to be the end of Rus- sian attempts to drive acrosscFin- land's "waistline" and cut the coun- try in two-at least for the winter. For weeks the Russians have be- sieged Suomussalmi as the first ob- jective in thisdrive. Finnish de- scriptions of the fighting'indicated that the 163rd had attempted to close in .froni.tbnrtheast and the 44th from the southeast. (Neutral military experts have estimated the strength of a Russian Division at 15,000 to 17,000 men). Booty which the Finns reported capturing in the two victories includ- ed 129 guns of various calibres, 54 tanks,,12 armored cars, one airplane, 75 submachine guns, 428 motor trucks, 59 field kitchens, 1,420 horses and large quantities of rifles and mu- nitions. On other fronts the Finns report- ed little activity, except for "cus- tomary skirmishes and artillery ex- changes." Senator Brown Proposes $60,000,000 Finn Loan WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-'P)-Sen- ator Brown (Dem., Mich.), proposed a $60,000,000 loan to Finland today while Senator Glass (Dem., Va.), us- ually an economy advocate, declared that he would support additional government borrowing for the pur- pose. Brown's bill, similar to one intro- duced in the. House by Representative Hook (Dem., Mich.) would author- ize an "RFC loan with no strings at- tached. The Export-Import Bank has extended $10,000,000 in credits to Finland for the purchase of agri- cultural surpluses and other civilian supplies. Brown would enable Fin- land to buy arms here and elsewhere. "I feel that the American people want our government to loan this money to Finland," Brown said, "if for no other reason than in recogni- tion of the good feeling that exists be- tween the two nations," Meanwhile the State Department informed the League of Nations, in reply to a query as to what extent the United States would help Fin- land, tl-at it was dealing directly with that country on its requests for ma- terial and humanitarian assistance. H. Auden, Foremost Living .Poet To day, Will Sped _Friday Acclaimed by many as the greatest living English poet, W. H. Auden will speak on "A Sense of One's Age," at 4:15 p.m. Friday in Rackham Au- ditorium under the auspices of the English department. A graduate of Oxford, Auden is the acknowledged leader of the modern DETROIT, Jan. 8.-(/P)-Murray D. Van Wagoner, state highway com- missioner, heaped praises on the head of Frank Murphy, his erstwhile rival for control of democratic af- fairs in Michigan, in a prepared ad- dress tonight to Michigan Demo- crats' annual Jackson Day dinner. Van Wagoner coupled his praise of Murphy with a blast of criticism against Republicans and a plea for a fighting campaign in 1940 that would lead his party to victory. "The state government of Michi- gan today is being run for the in- terest of a political party and not for the public," he charged. His text carried no mention of his own political ambitions, although Van Wagoner generally is expected to declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Govern- or. Ruthven Denies Chicago Action Implies Corrupt Football Here By PAUL CHANDLER President Ruthven said today that merely because Chicago has dropped out of Big Ten football "is no reason to think that football at this Univer- sity is corrupt." Dr. Ruthven said he was satisfied with athletic conditions at Michi- gan as controlled by the Board in Control of Physical Education, and that he had no intention of interfer- ing with the administration. Chicago's Board of Trustees an- nounced at the time of their resig- nation that they "believe conditions are such now in the Big Ten that students derive no special benefits from intercollegiate football." "I'm not aware of what the situa- tion was at Chicago," Dr. Ruthven explained, "and it doesn't bother me. I'm convinced that our athletic offi- cials are doing their best, and that Education, has always insisted that "there is no subsidization at Michi- gan." He made this assertion last spring when 50 Michigan athletes sent a letter to the Michigan Daily, and demanded that "subsidization be brought into the open." Ruthven added that he cared no more if "we buy the football team its suits" than he does if "there is' some administrative question in the University Greek department." "Too many people expect me to sit down and comment on little de- tails about the management of this particular department of the Uni- versity, and I refuse to do it," he declared. "My whole job is to form- ulate University policy in its broad as- pects. "At the present time I ameconvinced that our athletic department is do- ing its best to put football into a proper perspective in our University Finns' Resistance Against Russia. Encourages Balkans, Says Stanton Russia's adventure in Finland is causing repercussions even in the far- off Balkans. Explaining this com- ment in an interview yesterday, Dr. John W. Stanton of the history de- partment pointed to the recent re- arming of the Rumanian border pro- vince of Bessarabia. King Carol's policy of conciliation toward Russia dictated the removal of troops from this disputed terri- tory a short time ago, Dr. Stanton recalled, but this policy was abrupt- ly terminated when the failure of Soviet military power in Finland was .....,+.A A fs_ rAnie rr- a cmra large Russian population and, more- over, was at one time Russian terri- tory. Control of Besserabia would be a step in Russia's policy of ousting British, French and German inter- ests in the Balkans and extending her own, Dr. Stanton commented. Bes- sarabia could act as a convenient springboard to further Soviet in- roads in the Balkans, he pointed out. Fearing this very action, he ex- plained, England has bound itself by treaty to assist Rumania if the coun- try is attacked. The Turko-British treaty a nrlri - i n~cariaprp.A b