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January 07, 1940 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-07

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MIIS AiRVIEW shows the heght of a fire which swept the 50-year-old Point Street Grammar School :A
Providente, R.. forein g500O children to flee. Firemen .are direeting streamts of water on the three-story strut-_
tre. Thie fire strted in the boiler room.

EIGHTEE~N PERSONS were known to be dead, more than a score were injured and a hundred were made home-
less whien an early morning fire destroyed a three-stor,-, 45-year-old apartment hotel in Minneapolis. Scantily
clad survivors were forced into sub-zero cold to escape. The low temperatures turned the ruins into a, death
r3'alace of ice, froze hose lines and iced rescue ladders.

Secretary of the Interior Harold
Ickes said he had discharged John
W. Finich (above) as director of the
Bureau of Mines because Finch
lacked "iron in his 'veins." Ickes
charged that "cliques" born of the
civil service system sabotaged the
work of administrative officers.

S OWN ABOVEf ARE FIEAEN removing victims fr.- ii fineap lis' apartni-2nt hotel fire, where raging
flamecs aTd icy '6 %LIs tonkicheir toll.

E l lL'CAN. LI'ADERS in the Senate began a careful study of President Roosevelt's budget message short-
ly 'O-v t a;m.-Jeased to members of Congress. The President forecast a net deficit for the fiscal year be-
ginning 5 Juy 1 of $1,716,C00,000. Shown looking over the .budget, left to right: Sen. Charles L. McNary, mii-
norijy lea der; Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg; Sen. Warren R. Austin; and Sen. Robert A. Taft.

Carlton Chilton (above), a re-
spected citizen of Cieveland who as
a ;youth escaped from a reformatory
in 1914, said 'in not a- criminal."


ROSEMARY LANE of the films paid off a bet in the chilly dawn of Hollywood by taking a Plunge in the surf
for having bet on TenneE'see in the Rose Bowl game. Her sister, Priscilla Lane, who Picked Southern Cali-
fornia, was on handl, dressed in fur coat and Arctic Parka, to see that Rosemary ful ied all conditions of
the ict.

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