SU2ND&ZY JAN._ 7, 1939_ MyIPAGE SEVEN I Conferences On Industrial Medicine Set Session Leaders Include Well-Known Physicians; Dr. Lanza Will Speak With Dr. Anthony J. Lanza, assis- tant director of the Welfare Division of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., promising to speak, the pro- gram for the first annual Confer- ence. on Industrial Medicine and Hygiene Thursday,bFriday and, Sat- arday has finally been determined. Session leaders include Dr. Henry Cook, former president of the Michi- gan State Medical Society and pres- ent chairman of the Committee on Occupational Diseases and Indus- trial. Hygiene of the Society; Dr. Clarence D. Selby, medical consult- ant for General Motors Corp. Other session leaders are Dr. John J. Prendergast, medical director of Chrysler Corp.; Dr. Robert H. Den- ham, president of the Michigan So- ciety of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons; and Dr. Kenneth E. Markuson, director of the Bureau of Industrial Hygiene of the Michigan Department of Health. Dr. J. J. Blomfield, sanitary en- gineer of the Division of Industrial Hygiene of the United States Public Health Service, will speak after din- ner Friday on "Industrial Hygiene Administration and Industrial Leg- islation." Purdue University conducts a spe- cial school for the chaperons and housemothers of college fraternities. Here Is A Scene At One Entrance To France's Maginot Line -- Briggs To Discuss German Sjiip Departs E Sales R!IO GRANDE DO SUL, Brazil, ' n 1m eerr1g es Jan. 6.-(P)--The 6,062 ton German freighter Rio Grande, which the Earl C. Briggs, '32E of ,the DeZil- sunken pocketbattleship Admiral bliss Corp. will address members of Graf Spee was reported to have Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineer- planned to escort home, ing speech society, on "Engineering Sales" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. featuring The Michigan chapter debate squad FAST-COLOR took a decision from the Detroit In- stiute of Technology team Friday in TTA n r ru i a two point lead on the question, jflD A RINTS "Resolved, That the 17 Year Period of Patent Protection Should Be Shor- tened." One of the judges split his Hand-blocked vote, making the final tabulation two Beautiful colors and one-half to one-half. Members of the Michigan team were John Hammelef, '42E, Dean Woodbury, '42E, Norman Taylor, '42E, and Maxwell Anning, '41E. Judges Orie al Gift Sho were Prof. E. Erickson, Ronald Cor- son and Harold Hayden, all of the Detroit Institute of Technology. I I HERE IS AN INTERESTING behind-the-scenes view of what the French caption describes as an entrance to the Maginot Line, without hinting at its location. Poilus huddle at the entrance; a dispatch rider's motorcycle is parked at the left; staff cars indicate the presence of officers. Notice the tree drawing camouflage at top. TheGgeLnnSo presents An After-Invetor y Clearane MARTEX Bath Towels and Mats . . . 15% and 25% Handblocked Tea Towels . 10% Bridge and Luncheon Sets . . 10% to 25% Embroidered and Printed Guest Towels.. . 10% ManyOtherExeeYntValues ALWAYS REASONABLY PRICED' 10 Nickels Arcade Fifth Dean Of Engineering.Col ege Will Be Heir To Venerable Tradition 1m II Police aInvesigate Fire DETROIT, Jan. 6.--UP1)-Origin of an early morning rooming house fire that cost two lives here was traced tonight by investigators to a ;second- floor room, and belief was expressed that a carelessly discarded cigaret started the blaze. Silence in official quarters and ab- stract speculations from "usually re- liable sources" leaves as an unknown quantity the identity of the fifth dean of the engineering college and successor to the late Dean Henry C. Anderson.' A history of rapid expansion and of personalities marks the rise of the engineering college from an obscure department 45 years ago to its present standing as one of the outstanding schools of its kind in the country. Organized in 1895 as the Depart- ment of Engineering under the dean- ship of Charles Ezra Greene, it has grown to its present size .and scope chiefly under the leadership of its past four deans, namely, Deans Greene, Mortimer Cooley, Herbert C. Sadler and Anderson. The University was the fourth in- stitution in the country to offer courses in engineering, and with the graduation of its first two students in 1860, it became the sixth institution to grant degrees in that field. First vigorous proponent of the en- gineer's cause here, University records reveal, was Prof. DeVolson Wood, appointed to an assistant professor- ship in civil engineering in 1857. It was under his direction that numer- I ous recommendations and innovations. were attempted. Prominent in the early history of the department vgere Professor Greene and his two associates, Prof. Charles S .Denison and Prof. J. B. Davis. Professor Greene, in recogni- tion of his work, was elevated to the position of the first dean of the col- lege when it was set up as an inde- pendent body in 1895 by the Board of Regents. Professor Cooley was appointed to that position upon the death of Dean Greene in 1903. A graduate of Annapolis, Dean Cooley had previ- ously been appointed as first pro- fessor of the newly-organized depart- ment of mechanical engineering. Retiring in 1927 because of ill health, Dean Cooley was succeeded the following year by Professor Sad- ler. Unable to carry the work and responsibility of the deanship, Dean Cooley continued to serve the Uni- versity as professor .of naval archi- tecture and marine engineering. Up- on his retirement from that post last October, the Board of Regents con- ferred upon him the titles of dean emeritus of the college of engineering and professor emeritus of naval archi- tecture and marine engineering. Successor to Dean Sadler upon his retirement in 1937 was Professor An- derson, who at that time held a posi- tion as chairman of the department of mechanical engineering. Widely known in both academic and industrial phases of engineering, Dean Anderson continued as head o the college until his death Oct. 14. He succumbed to heart attack while listening to a broadcast of the Michi- gan-Iowa football game. .1 Ii III iEF - -_ ;, f J alpback on harsh z February weather Have a new permanent and face the blizzards with confidence! DIMattia aeauty Over the Parrot - 338 So. State Staebler Beauty Shops 1133 East Hluron near Mosher-Jordan I I" I I Try A Want-Ad My Lad s ee o , . ..® d I - / #~ "4.,.. z , r ' i V A .u.,,, ..: ,, ,x, ..w', I SWEATER AND SKIRT COMBINE in dyed-to- match colors that hint of Spring. Cardigans and pullovers in a fine shetland knit . . . belted tweed skirts with a flare for flattery. Bluelight . . . Venetian red . . . antique rose . . . desert green . . . citrus yellow . . heathermist . . . white Sweater6 2.95 and 3.95 Sizes 32 to 40 II RrI' ElI I on-bon a3le13 i in wool and crepe for wear un- der your coat right now. Just the prescription for that back-to-school lethargy- Oodles of styles to choose from in the newest shades. 7.95 R, R.95 11 i I I aIII (I I I