THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN DAILY A Digest Of The Week's War News As Printed In The New York Times :i A and managed by students of the University of an under tile authority of the Board in control of t Publications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and-um=w Session Member of the Associated Press Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication of an other matters herein. lso d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mwhigan, mw class mail matter, criptions during regular school year by carrier, )y mal, $4.30. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERtSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AvE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO *'B$S011 LOS ANGELES * AN FRANCISCO ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Petersen t Maraniss M. Swinton on L. Linder, pan A. Schorr is Flanagan N. Canavan Vicary Fineberg ess Manager Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor SAssociate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor Business Staff s Manager . n's Business Manager n's Advertising Manager ations Manager Paul R. Park Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: CARL PETERSEN The editorials published In The Michian Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views o the writers only. An Orientation To Democracy .. ISTORICALLY, the training of youth for leadership in public affairs and the professions has been the peculiar and indis- pensible function of higher education. In America, particularly, have college students been reminded of the organic inseparability of letters and leadership, of school and society, of democ- racy and education. To the class of 1943, more pertinently, than to any of the classes still in residence here at the University, does the relationship between educa- tioli and the broader currents of life need defin- ing The young men and women who are now in the midst of the official orientation period, are likely to be asking questions soon the answers to which cannot be found in the college catalogues or in the Daily Official Bulletin. To young people who have grown up in the depression years, who have seen all about them shameful waste of human and natural resources, and who have emerged from their adolescence to find a new world war raging in Europe, the University will loom as a place in which the fundamental problems confronting the nation as a whole, and young people in particular, must be rationally and scientifically probed. They will raise problems in economics, psy- chology, biology, philosophy, history, technology: and in their impetuously youthful manner they will demand answers that explain the relation- ships between the individual subjects and the world in which they live. They will insist upon the fullest freedom of expression for themselves and their instructors, so that they may be prepared for an intelligent use of the duties of citizenship: without academ- ic freedom democratic institutions are trans- muted into autocracies. With Prof. Franz Boas theywill declare that the highest patriotism, the greatest democracy, 'demands freedom of speech, of press and association. In this regard The Daily will attempt to fulfill the highest service of which it is capable-that of contributing to .the enlightenment of the young people who look to the University and its associations for a key, to the distracting puzzle of modern life. They will study the facts of modern science and will then demand that the methods, atti- tudes, and philosophy of science become diffused in the general "climate of opinion." The great contribution of modern science is the overthrow of the totalitarian state in the world of thought, and the establishment of a democracy in which all the hypotheses are freely elected. With the hosts of little campus Aristotles and their abso- lutes and universals, then, the young men and women of 1943 will have nothing in common. They will bring with them an acute knowl- edge of the spread of racial and religious intol- erance in their home communities, and will in- sist that the schools must not only teach equal- ity but, must also demonstrate it in the school, and social life. We are moving, reluctantly, perhaps, but nonetheless steadily, into a new phase of our cultural history in which we must somehow manage to re-write our institutions in terms of community of purpose: and the new college gen- eration will demand that the universities foster the symbols of our common sentiment toward this democratic evolution: they will look to the universities for a clarification and expression of our feelings for the deeper purposes and move- ment of American culture as a whole, and with +tei ,mmnan rnsa s mmhs nf it ,(A Digest of an article in the Review of the Week section of The New York Times.) 1. THE EASTERN FRONT. Over vast battlegrounds where the armies of Kaiser and Czar marched in the World War, and where Polish patriots clashed with Bolsheviks in an aftermath that for Poland lasted until 1921, a German juggernaut moved swiftly and devastat- ingly last week. The German invasion, unleashed at Adolf Hitler's word in the early morning of Sept. 1, was carried by mechanized units with phenomenal speed. Apparently no second or third line of de- fense had been prepared by the Poles. Once their first line was cracked, the Polish divisions retreated, only to be continually outflanked and turned by their swift-moving, motorized pm'- suers. The invaders had more to cope with than the regular army, however. Stray soldiers and civil- ians who remained behind after the main exodus found vantage spots and harassed the flanks of the Nazis. In many cases, the Germans re- tired from these sniper-infested towns and then fired them. Civilian Defense Important Civilian defense played its most prominent role at Warsaw, the capital city evacuated by the government early in the struggle. German troops reached its outskirts, last weekend, and there was expectation of its early fall. But the Poles of Warsaw, like the Loyalists of Madrid, rallied with rifle and shovel. Giving up attempts to storm the city, the Nazi troops adopted their earlier tactics and sent motorized units to the east of the city, intending to cut it off from the principal Polish armies. Front lines, in the usual sense, hardly existed in the Polish campaign. Speeding German forces on wheels outdistanced refugees who thought they were fleeing from the battle zone. Around Lwow and Brest-Litovsk the German push to the east had covered more than 200 miles. Rain came to Poland late in the week; the Poles had prayed for it, hoping that the mud would bog down the invaders. -But the raifl came too late; German armies already occupied' more than half the country, the half richest in industry and resources. The Polish army retreated toward the Pripet marshes for a last stand against what Berlin had forecast as "the 'fourth and final partition of Poland." Interest centered on whether Russia would demand a share in the new partition, and with Sunday's invasion by divisions of the Soviet's Red Army, this speculation began to look more likely. The Communist paper Pravda editorialized about alleged Polish oppression of White Rus- sian and Ukranian minorities, who number some 7,000,000 among Poland's population of 35,000,- 000. If Russia takes these under her wing, and Germany retains her present gains, the remains of the Republic of Poland would be a small and helpless state, cut off from the sea. 2. THE WESTERN FRONT Through air made bumpy by a high wind and low-hanging clouds, the 70-yeafr-old British Prime Minister flew last week across the channel to an unspecified spot on French soil. With Premier Daladier of France and military chiefs of both nations, Mr. Chamberlain attended a meeting of the Supreme War Council of the Allies. By plane again, Mr. Chamberlain flew back to London where he told the House of Commons that "our French allies . . . are no less convinced than we that there can be no peace until the menace of Hitlerism is removed." Mr. Chamberlain's action, as leader of a nation at war, contrasted grimly with his plane trips of a year ago. Three times in September of last year, always carrying the rolled-up umbrella that was to become a cartoonists' symbol of his mission, Mr. Chamberlain flew to visit Adolf Hitler-at Berchtesgaden, at Godesberg and fin- ally at Munich--as a man of appeasement. The Munich agreement staved off for a year, at the expense of Czecho-Slovakia, the European war that broke out over the issue of a similar fate for Poland. British Troops Land After days of secret transporting, it was re- vealed last week that,hundreds of thousands of British troops were on French soil. Extreme secrecy was invoked to lessen the danger of German submarine and air attacks on the trans- ports. The transfer was effected without hin- drance. The fighting on the western front contrasted sharply with events in Poland. The French at- tack, to use football technology, was like a center rush for a one-foot gain, compared with the German Army's open-field running for a touch- down in Poland. The difference was inevitable, for Poland had poor defenses, either natural or man-made. The French have had to clear out pillboxes, barbed wire, all at great expense. The French tanks had to beware of hidden tank-traps and concealed anti-tank guns; and the infantry had to hold the ground gained in defiance of shell- fire from the big artillery of the German West- wall. The Battle of the Saar, as historians in future may remember it, was fought on three levels- in the air, on the ground and in the many under- ground tunnels. No air photograph could show the many reserves rushing through the tunnels of the Maginot Line and the Westwall. The vast coal mines of the Saar, with their miles of deep tunnels and entries through which German soldiers deployed in place of coal-diggers, added to the third-dimensional aspect of the battle, French And The Saar Even if the gains made by the French were small, they represent a distinct set-back to the Reich. For the 738 square-mile Saar Basin on which the attack centered is industrially rich. Not only did its mines produce seven per cent of Germany's coal before the war began, but it had important plants, manufacturing steel, ceramics, glass and chemicals. These industries were brought to a standstill by the attack. France has a special interest in the Saar. The first battle of the Franco-Prussian War was fought here in 1870. After the World War, in compensation for the destruction of mines in Northern France, the coal deposits of the Saar were turned over for exploitation for 15 years. Temporarily, the district was ruled by the League of Nations and in January, 1935, a plebiscite wal held. Overwhelmingly, the Saar people, Ger- man by language and tradition, voted to return to the Reich. The peaceful return of the Sa was the first territorial gain of the Hitler regime -to be followed, without blessing of plebiscite, by the absorption of Austria, Czecho-Slovakia and Memel Last week, as the Nazi military machine moved devastatingly across the Polish plains, the Saar suffered the brunt of the first Allied effort to stop German expansion by force. 3. AT SEA The naval tactics of the World War were re- newed last week as U-Boats sank shipping and British destroyers halted neutral vessels suspect- ed of carrying contraband. Two general types of blockade were made familiar in the last war: 1. Germany sought t6 blockade Britain into surrender by sinking with- out warning all ships approaching the British coast; 2. Britain prevented shipping from reach- ing Germany and also halted neutrals at sea looking for contraband. Neither blockade was sanctioned by interna- tional law. Both violated the freedom of the seas -the right, traditionally asserted by the United States, to navigate both in peace and war waters outside the territorial limits of any nation. Blockade And Counter-Blockade Last week both blockades were again in effect. Neutral ships were being searched by the Bri- tish. The American freighter, Warrior, bound to Germany with a cargo of phosphate, was halted, her cargo seized as prize of war. All neutral ships were asked to halt for inspection at various control stations. Off the southeast coast of England an observer last week counted 70 ships awaiting inspection. Germany answered this blockade with a counter-blockade, proclaiming arms, munitions, chemicals and fuel contraband. Last week, al- though the British were rapidly instituting con- voys, subs were taking heavy toll of shipping. Most of the vessels sunk were at sea when war broke out. None of the lost ships were American. To European belligerents came American warnings reminiscent of those in 1914-15. Charles Edison, Acting Secretary of the Navy, warned belligerent submarines that they "would be tak- ing a long chance" if they attacked American vessels. 4. THE NEUTRALS While the guns of the belligerents roared last week on the eastern and western fronts, the posi- tion of Europe's many neutrals became increas- ingly important. The larger nations-Russia and Italy-remained the imponderables, waiting apparently for the opportune moment to take sides and reap advantage in the game of Euro- pean power politics. The smaller nations,Ewith much to lose, struggled to maintain neutrality.. Russia's move over the weekend under the guise of protecting the Ukranians and White Russians living in Poland, remained an enigma. The real purpose can not be known. To stop fugitive Polish soldiers driven toward Russia by the invading Germans? To counter-balance the Germans approaching Russia? Or to grab part of Poland for keeps? No one knew, except the rulers in the Kremlin. More enigmatic was the Russian position made by the announcement that she had concluded an accord with Japan, to settle border disputes. Italy, though less active diplomatically than Russia, is also a question mark. Premier Musso- lini insisted that his country conduct itself as a Roosevelt And The War President Roosevelt's casual man- ner in discussing American problems arising out of Europe's war probably would prove less disturbing to sin- cerely troubled citizens if they would1 remember that Mr. Roosevelt, in handling delicate issues in his press conferences, is compelled to general- ize. That does not mean that he is recklessor careless or casual. It simply indicates that he knows every, phrase he utters will be dissected and analyzed and that he had better be, cautious in making sharp, definite assertions lest he find he has said too much. The President took occasion a few days ago, for example, to reaffirm the ancient doctrine that this country would not permit the establishment of any European power (save Britain, naturally, which already is estab- lished) in the Dominion of Canada. Sound Principle That is a sound principle, in line with all our traditional policies. Im- mediately, however, alarmists began to speculate on whether Mr. Roose- velt would send our navy into action to prevent the shelling of Canada's maritime provinces by German ships. Obviously, he would not. Canada has chosen to follow London in de- caring waroneGermany. If a Ger- man submarine rises off Canada's' shores and starts shooting at a do- minion city, that is the problem of the Canadian navy and coast guard. But "domination" of Canada, which is what Mr. Roosevelt dis- cussed, would be a different matter. It may seem unfair to Britain's ene- mies that Canada can enter war and still run no risk of serving as the spoils of war. But this country could not tolerate the penetration of any European power which would sub- stantially change the status quo along our northern border. We know what to expect from Canada; she knows what to expect from us. It would be folly for us to allow, any change bringing a new European intrusion to this continent. That fact is that if Britain herself attempted to change the Canadian status quo in any serious way, we would defend Canada from England. If Canada's people chose not to go to war and Britain tried to coerce them, we would defend the dominion against the British as vigorously as against the Germans, Italians or Rus- sians. Territorial Waters Mr. Roosevelt in his press confer- ence yesterday made another broad remark to the effect that a nation's "territorial waters" can extend just as far as its interests require them to extend. Then he remarked that no one had ever used such a definition before but that it was a pretty good one. Does that mean that our armed ships, now cruising hundreds of miles off shore, would interfere between British and German ships to prevent fighting or even perhaps to help the British vessel? It does not. Such interference would be an act of war-unjustified and inexcusable. It could not be ex- plained under Mr. Roosevelt's defi- nition" of "territorial waters" any better than under less radical defini- tions. The President's remark undoubt- edly was merely an informal gener- alization, reserving all rights on the seas which we might later claim through proper diplomatic channels. It was a broad statement intended to postpone the issue while State De- partment and other experts tried to solve successfully the problem no American government ever previous- ly has solved-what sea policy we should maintain during European war. A good deal of hysteria has been manufactured by those who imagine that Mr. Roosevelt's purpose is to intervene in Europe. It is not a bene- ficial service to the country. If those responsible will give the President and his aids a chance to work out sound and concrete policies during the first few weeks of conflict, the chances of our entanglement can be greatly reduced. St. Louis Star-Times. The Special Session When Congress adjourned, this newspaper pointed out that attempts; to legislate a foreign policy had left1 the United States in a very unsatis-. factory and dangerous position. Three weeks ago we urged a special sessions to revise so-called "neutrality" legis-1 lation. Now naturally we welcomea President Roosevelt's call, and trust that the debate which opens nexta week will repair national policy with-; out damaging the national unity1 which is so needed at this time. The President has provided a good lead by asking leaders of Congress to come a day ahead for consultation. Anything more that can be done to encourage a non-partisan view will be helpful. Full and frank debate is desirable. There can be no neutral attitude; by public or legislators, but no hateful, bitter political wars are necessary to America's settlement of this question. The people of the United States have two chief desires: To keep out of war, and to aid the resistance to Hitlerism. There are also some Americans who wish the Nation to be completely impartial. But it has now become clear that the effect of the arms embargo is to favor Ger- many, even as repeal would in effect favor France and Britain. Thus there is no 'genuine impartiality, and in this sense no neutrality. If the chief interest in neutrality legislation is to keep war out of America, the present laws are !ss useful than a cash-and-carry plan would be. For they do nothing to stop the bulk of war trade or keep American ships out of war zones. Those who wish to insulate the United States have no real plan to stop trade in supplies which are just as neces- sary to war as arms and which con- stituted three-fourths of American war trade in the World War. If the main purpose is keeping out of war, then cash and carry, send- ing no American-owned goods and no American-owned ships into war zones, would be preferable to the present status, under which all war materials (except arms) and ships are free to go anywhere. And cash and carry would clearly serve the second purpose of Americans-to aid the resistance to Hitlerism. Some may feel that it would promote peace since they are convinced there will be no genuine peace if aggression is allowed to go on. Certainly the times are forcing on every individual a reexamination of his thinking. The usual concepts of peace and war do not apply. 'Britain and France sought peace at Munich; today they have decided they cannot cry peace, peace, when there is no peaceful way of living with Hitlerism. More and more Americans are likely to come to the same conclusion. Millions of them have been urging Britain and France to stand firm. They believe that American interests as well as ideals will be served by throwing every possible weight into the scales against aggression. There is in the United States to- day a strong feeling against sending troops to Europe. If it be true that America could not tolerate a defeat of Britain and France, then aid given now might be the best insurance against later entry into war. The biggest battles at this hour are being fought in the diplomatic field. Ac- tion by the United States which might sway Italy and Russia, and possibly some of the smaller coun- tries can be of greater value than arms. And itp might so shift the bal- ance that fewer arms would be need- ed. -Christian Science Monitor (Reprinted from the New York Times of Sept. 17) LATIN-AMERICAN TRADE As the war moves on, American exporters already are looking toward Latin America. With the major in- dustrial nations of Europe no longer able to compete with us, a greatly increased demand for American goods from the countries to the south ap- pears imminent. Last year, accord- ing tp the Department of Commerce, Germany sold $238,000,000 of goods to Latin-America, or 17 per cent of total Latin-American imports, and Great Britain and France together another $219,000,000, or nearly 16 per cent more. These goods are now either no longer available or else available only in much curtailed quantities. -'Latin America will look largely to us to replace them. The United States, furthermore, is far better prepared than in 1914 to take advantage of the opportunity. Our merchant marine is much larger, our exporters far more experienced and our industrial plant much more de- veloped than twenty-five years ago. Nevertheless, we shall do well not to entertain extravagant hopes in this direction. Thanks to the steady cevelopment of her own industries, - Latin America is less dependent on foreign manufacturers than in 1914. More important, however, is the prob- lem of payment. It may be that higher prices for her exports of raw materials and foodstuffs, together with the increased demand for cer- tain of her raw materials as a result of further business revival here, will somewhat pffset the curtailment of Latin-Ameiican exports to Europe and make possible larger purchases from the United States. But: in gen- eral it remains true that Latin America can only buy more of our goods to the extent that we are pre- pared to accept more of hers-and the prospects for our taking more of hers are definitely limited. AS OTHERSSEE IT Ir.<< * w YOUR "DAILY" DOZEN. 1. WAR NEWS 2. SPORTS 3. FASHIONS 4. GOSS IP 5. D.O.B. 6. THE SOCIAL 7. SHOPPERS' G 8. ASSOCIATED WHIRL aUI DE A Statement Of Policy European statesmen once more have sent their state in the headlines whether the news is "re- nations to war with ideologies and peoples in the ported" or is the first-hand knowledge of the balance. So great are these stakes that to secure writer. Rumors will be credited as such. On friendly neutrality oi, if possible, actual aid from the rest of the world, propaganda machines have the reader's part, close perusal of the lead para- been thrown into high gear. graph for sources is suggested. To those accustomed to handling teletype copy 3. The Daily will avoid the use of propaganda the treacherous words "It was reported in will symbols. It will use "Reich" or "Germany" in informed circles," "A government communique place of "Nazis." It will not use the word "Reds", declared" "the propaganda ministry charged" for the U.S.S.R. It will not use the word "Allies" play an important part in handling foreign dis- for the British, French and Polish armed forces. patches. To the average reader they too often It will strive to remain neutral in news treat- are meaningless. ment. It is for that reason that the policies estab- Because of space limitations and the fact that lished by the senior editors of The Daily and The Daily is served by only one of the great strict and peaceful non-intervention- ist. But behind the scenes diplomacy was busy. Foreign Minister Ciano beld almost daily talks with the French, British and German ambas- sadors. From Berlin came the re- port that the Reich still counted on Italy, "if need be," according to the terms of their military alliance. The flow of Italian foodstuffs into Ger- many increased. It was apparent that Il Duce was listening to both side, biding his time, fully realizing the precarious mili- tary position of Italy, bordered on the Brenner by her mighty axis partner and confronted in the Medi- terranean by the combined military and naval forces of Britain, France and perhaps Turkey. QUOTATION MARKS From the Week's News LAW: "What we who oppose repeal are contending for is now the law of the land. * * * No arms, munitions PRESS 9. EDITORIALS 10. NATIONALLY FAMOUS COLUMN WRITERS NEWS 11. COLLEGIATE DIGEST 12. CLASSIFIED D I RECTORY SUBSCRIBE NOW! RATES: $4.00 One Year (cash) $4.50 One Year (charge) $2.25 One-Half Year (cash) $2.50 One-Half Year (charge) iiii I I