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January 07, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-07

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. New YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40

Carl Petersen.
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. Associate Editor
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
ASU Versus
Reaction And War
C America to unite in a great move-
ment to keep America out of war and to build in
this nation a great example of a forward-moving
democracy, youth from all over America met
last-week in the fifth annual American Student
Union convention. From New York and Cali-
fornia, from Harvard and Howard, Common-
Wealth and Vassar, high school and college
youth convened, united in their common con-
viction that America must stay out of the war.
The convention was unanimous in its declara-
tion that the war on the' European continent
is a war of rival imperialisms, that it is not a
fight in the interests of democracy or small na-
tions. Upon this declaration and the clear
recognition that American involvement can only
mean the destruction of our social and economic
achievements, the American Student Union
formulated its program to keep America out of
Recognizing that the main danger to the
peace of the United States arises from a search
for super profits and financial advantage by big
business, the ASU program demands that legis-
lative and all other measures be adopted to
curb war profits and protect consumers against
price rises; to prevent our economy from being
tied to one side in the war; and to combat the
spirit of unneutrality that prevails. Taking
cognizance. of the increasing part that the
present administration is playing as a war force,
the convention lent sharp opposition to any
increase in the arms budget; to the militariza-
tion of youth in the CCC and CAA pilot training
program; to, any attempts to extend or make
ROTC compulsory; to the $10,000,000 loan and
sale of navy planes to Finland and the moral
embargo on the Soviet Union; to extension' of
loans and credits of any kind to any of the
European belligerents; and to the application of
.M-Day plans.
In the belief that attacks upon civil liberties
constitute an important step in the drive to
involve the United States in war, the ASU firmly
pledged itself to fight for the full liberties of
all racial, religious, social and political groups.
Realizing that the Dies Committee is leading the
drive to line America up with the allies in the
new World War by creating war hysteria through
unwarranted attacks on progressive, peace, and
labor organizations, the convention vigorously
condemned the Dies Committee's attacks upon
all progressive groups and petitioned Congress
to put an end to this national menace, and ap-
propriate funds instead to the La Follette Civil
Liberties Committee. The Student Union re-
affirmed its unqualified opposition to discrm-
ination aganst Negros and Jews and other m-
nority groups in all the phases of American life
that it appears. To the end that educational
institutions should become the fortresses of de-
mocracy to lead the drive for peace, the ASU
pledged its vigilant opposition t all attempts to
restrict academic freedom.
But mere opposition to the forces, trends, and
measures that are drawing us toward war is
not enough to keep America at peace; concrete
and positive substitutions must be made to those
complements for our involvement in war; de-
mocracy must be made to serve the needs of
all the people if it is to survive in a world torn
by war and oppression.
The ASU convention gave full recognition to

way out west over the Christmas
holidays. Well, maybe not way out, but it was
west anyhow and he did get as far as Chicago.
Quite civilized too. Surprising. Along the route,
he was detained (forcibly in outh Bend) and
made an inspection tour of the Notre Dame
campus .for the first time. Frankly, he was
quite amazed--not at the impressive buildings,
nor the exquisite chapel, nor the Gold Dome-
but he was amazed to discover there wasn't one
single football player to be seen. But not one!
He expected to see cross-bars all over the cam-
pus, with hundreds of bruisers milling about
and footballs filling the air. Snow? Frost?
Winter? Bosh, this was Notre Dame. But, sad
to relate, there was not a moleskin in sight-
unless it was in the coat his friend was wearing.
The chapel at N.D. is a gorgeous thing to be-
hold, with the stained glass and paintings and
woodwork. Quite incongruous with the piety
was a little item Mr. Q. noted while signing the
guest book. There, in the shadow of a stained
glass picture of the birth, in the manger with
holy figures looking on from statues and paint-
ings, the pencil placed in the book for use or=
visitors cried out in sacreligious print: Tom
Pig's Cafe..
IN THE NEW YORK POST, some of our finest
contemporary feature writers are now mak-
ing the first page of the second section one of
the most widely-read pages in the country.
Contributing are Samuel Grafton, new Daily
columnist, Leonard Lyons, and Ernest L. Meyer,
while a turn of the wrist brings up F.P.A.'s
Conning Tower. Mr. Meyer is, in Mr. Q.'s opin-
ion, one of the most engaging and interesting
writers in American newspapers. The following
is a reprint of one of his recent odderings, "As
the Crow Flies:"
thousands of American citizens received
their annual Federal income tax blanks, which
must be returned by March 15. The blanks are
supposed to be simplified, but one thing still
utterly confuses Mr. John Doe: where in dagna-
tion does all the tax money go?
To clear up this mystery, I suggest that on
page one of the schedule there be printed this
notice in big bold type: '
"Mr. Taxpayer: Fifty-nine cents of every dol-
lar you pay ,in taxes is spent by the United
States for past wars and for preparation for
future wars.
"Maybe you are inclined to growl at your
high taxes. But remember that a first-rate war
comes high. In the World War it cost $33,700
to kill one man. You, Mr. Taxpayer, are still
paying for the killing. You will continue to pay
all your life, and your children and children's
children will continue to pay. Wars end, but
their cost goes on.
"We are spending a quarter of a billion dol-
lars annually for pensions. We are paying pen-
housing projects, a progressive tax program and
federal health projects. By its firm opposition
to the efforts to weaken and destroy the labor
unions, now being prosecuted by the Dies and
Smith Committees, the ASU indicates that it is
aware that the labor movement, by its outspoken
leadership in the struggle for democracy and
social reform, is the greatest existing bulwark
for the peace and security of all American
Believing that unemployed and disillusioned
youth are ever a potential danger to the main-
tenance of peace and democracy, the ASU con-
vention voiced its support for the passage of
the American Youth Act and extension of the
In a time when our country's administration
is abandoning its drive for social gains and is
adding its weight to war trend, the Amercan
Student Union has come out in clear and force-
ful opposition to the forces of reaction and
war. Its program represents the unequivocal
challenge of America's progressive youth to the
problems of its decade. Sharp in its opposition
to those forces that would drag us into war,
the ASU offers a positive program upon which
the youth of America may unite in their de-
termination to build in this nation a virile,
throbbing, democratic society that shall ade-
quately serve the needs-of its people.
- Robert Speckhard

Big business has at last invaded the realm of
collegiate party-throwing. A University of Da;.
troit student has organized "Parties, Inc."--
and the new firm will guarantee the success of
any social function from a hayride to a wedding.
But the company-wisely-will have nothing
to do with your escort for the evening. You'll
have to taxe care of that little matter without
the firm's expert advice!
- Associated Collegiate Press.
"To dispel, little by little, the fog of ignorance
that envelops humanity, and that brings with
it all the resultant evils of stupidity and super-
stition and quackery and needless suffering" is
the mission of the university of tomorrow. That's
the credo of Northwestern University's new
president, Dr. Franklyn Bliss Snyder.
- Associated Collegiate Press.
A University of Virginia scientist has de-
veloped a centrifuge machine which exerts a
force a million times greater than gravity.
The first All-American football team was
announced in "Harper's Weekly."
Ohio State University fraternity pledges have
an annual "Ditch Night" on which they defy the
rulings of the actives.

sions to veterans or the kin of veterans of the
War of 1812, the Indian Wars, the war with
Mexica, the Civil War, the war with Spain and
the World War. On the government pension
rolls there are over half a million people. Your
grandchildren will still be paying enormous bills
for a war which they would not otherwise re-
member and which won them no good. That
will make them feel happy.
"Mr. Taxpayer, don't growl at the income tax.
Look at what your money bought in the World
War; 13 million people killed at a cost of nine
million dollars an hour for each hour the war
lasted. The World War has already cost the
United States over 50 billions, and it was esti-
mated by the late President Coolidge that it will
cost 50 billions more. That will make 100 bil-
lions. At six per cent interest, 100 billions
would give 10 million unemployed people in th/
United States an income, for life, of $50 every
month. But we used the money not to keep the
jobless alive but to help kill more than 10 million
soldiers, most of them young, healthy.
"These statistics, Mr. Taxpayer, will help you
understand where your tax dollar is going. They
ought to reassure you. And we ought to have
another war in a hurry, ought we not-oh, not
necessarily a big one, but say a modest 20
billion dollar war.-
"In the meantime, please pay your income tax
promptly so that we can pay part of the bil-
lions in debts for our last six wars. The rates
are a little high, but remember it cost $33,700
to kill one man. The same sum would keep
him alive, in comfort, for 20 years; but such
speculation, Mr. Taxpayer, is purely sentimental.
Don't be an ostrich!"
I'd Rather
The Daily's new national columnist, to replace the
late Heywood Broun, will be Samuel Grafton, whose
first Daily column appeared in yesterday's edition.
Mr. Grafton has been feature writer for the New
York Post for some years and his "I'd Rather Be
Right" offerings are fast being recognized as the
most penetrating and shrewdest comments avail-
able on the current scene.
The President of the United States tries to
make it appear an act of bad taste to disagree
with him. He does not use force. He uses clev-
erness. Three ranking Republicans, Senators
McNary and Austin and Representative Joe Mar-
tin, are invited to the Jackson Day Dinner of
the Democratic Party as "honored guests." A
"nonpartisan" speech by Mr. Roosevelt is prom-
ised. As an evening, it sounds like a dreadful
bore. As a political strategem, it is the Admin-
istration's worst.
The three Republicans are damned if they go
and damned if they don't. If they go they
adorn with their presence a banquet whose
chief function is to build the Democratic Party's
treasury, at $100 a plate. The three Republicans
will get in free. Their attendance means they
accept the President as their "nonpartisan"
leader. Their nonattendance convicts them of
harboring a partisan spirit. Thus, whether the
unhappy three break bread with the Demo-
crats or not, they wind up with their hats pulled
down over their eyes and their shirt-tails out.
This is so clever I can hardly stand it. It is
Itoo clever for me.
'. * **
Homer Cummings, who is sending out the
invitations, explains the unusual act on the
score that these are "unusual days." The im-
plication is that we are in some sort of emer-
gency, in which normal political considerations
must be dropped. I can see no such emergency.
If an emergency really exists, of so compelling
a nature as to require national unity, the Presi-
dent should take the people of the country into
his confidence, explain the emergency to them
and make a bold and frank bid for unity. This
isn't frank: it's Franklin.
Only a critical common danger, definitely
threatening the national welfare, justifies a bid
to drop normal party opposition. Party oppo-
sition isn't a game. Party opposition is the form

we use for national debates over policy. To
suspend opposition is to suspend debate. To
manufacture a crisis for the purpose of sus-
pending debate is to holler "Wolf!" in order to
rake in the political pot while everybody is
running to the window. It is government by
* * * *
I hope something happens to spoil the party.
It is not only Republicans I am concerned about.
It occurs to me there may be one or two liberals
in the Democratic Party who will find it quite ,t4(
offensive to be told there is no quarrel between
them and Senator Austin as Senator Austin
may find it offensive to be beckoned into the
"nonpartisan" parlor.
If it becomes bad taste for a Republican to
disagree with the President, it will become bad
taste for a liberal to disagree with him, too.
The President, for example, plans to dis-
charge some 600,000 work relief job-holders
on June 30 or shortly thereafter. It might oc-
cur to me to object to this if the 600,000 still
need their jobs. I can almost feel it in my
bones. It would make me sad, but not silent, to
be told when the day comes that I had better
hush; look how well Senator Austin is behaving.
* * * *
Unity is a mushmouth word, anyway. You
get unity when the people are actually united

Drew Pedrso
Robert .Alle
Washington-While a large part
of Washington was tooting horns in
the night clubs, the President and
his family celebrated New Year's
Eve pondering matters of social sig-
nificance. The height of frivolity
was reached when the family par-
took of an egg-nog at midnight, but
for two hours before that they were
engrossed in two social problems.
European refugees and the shortage
of hospitals in the United States.
Sistie, oldest Roosevelt grandchild,.
must have been . disappointed. She
had made her mother, Anna Roose-
velt Boettiger, promise to waken her'
in time to see the
New Year come in.
And Anna, true to
her promise, went
upstairs and
shook the child
into conscious-
ness. But when
she came 'down
from her third
floor bedroom, she
rounc tfle partly something less than
There was none of that New Year
jubilation that Sistie had pictured
in the papers. No men wore funny
paper hats and no women climbed
up on the table.
The party had been seeing a mov-
ing picture of Paul de Kruif's book
on maternity, with heavy emphasis
on the diseases of childbirth in the
slums. There was even one picture
of roaches crawling over the face
of a newborn baby.
The President was deeply moved.
Afterward, he remarked that the
picture was most revealing, but that
it covered only the urban side of the
problem, making no mention of hos-
pital shortage in rural areas.
Before viewing the picture, the
Roosevelts had listened to monologist
Cornelia Stabler Gillam, who gave
a dramatic interpretation of a non-
Aryan refugee woman appearing be-
fore a Friends (Quaker) hostel in
Vienna begging assistance to come
to America. The President pro-
nounced it "bully", but is was cer-
tainly not gay.
When Sistie came in, the mono-
logue and the picture were finished,
and her grandfather was raising his
glass of egg-nog for a toast to 1940,
and another to the USA. Then Ma-
jor Henry Hooker, Roosevelt's old
law partner, toasted the President,
and the President's mother kissed
Thus came the New Year to the
White House.
FDR Spokesman
The Jackson Day dinner speech
to watch this week-end is the one
Solicitor General Bob Jackson will
make in Cleveland.
He's going to do Roosevelt's po-
litical talking for that always im-
portant political day. The President
himself will avoid politics, and de-
votehis speech chiefly to interna-
tional problems. It will be Jackson
who\will sound the New Deal tocsin
and lay down the New Deal's cam-
paign objectives.
Selection of Jackson as the key-
noter and of Cleveland the place
are both significant.
It won't be formally announced,
but Roosevelt's political talking for
some time to come will be done
through two inner circles. One is

Harold Ickes and
the other is Bob
J lckson, recently
elevated to full
cabinet rank as
Attorney General.
Each will do a
particular job.
Ickes, a slash-
bang fighter, will
be the shock troo-
per who will work out on partisan
foes. Jackson, a polished rapier ar-
tist, will devote his talents to foes
within his own party. In other words,
Ickes will do Roosevelt's talking
largely to Republicans and Jackson
principally to Democrats.'
That's why he was sent to Cleve-t
land. First, it's in the Middle West,
a crucial battleground in this year's
momentous elections. Second, the
political cauldron already is sizzling
in Ohio. Garnerites, Mc-Nutt-crack-
ers, and Farley fans are actively try-
ing to capture the state's 52 dele-
gates - one of the biggest blocs in
the convention.
It's a White House secret, but at
number of Ohio Democratic county1
chairmen have been beseeching the
President to allow his name to be
used in the Ohio presidential pri-
mary May 14. The local boys are
cold to all the would-be white hopes,
don't think they can get anywherer
against the GOP, and want Roose-
velt again.
So far they've got no answer, but
Jackson's speech may supply it. a
Miss Perkins' Dilemma

(Continued from Page 2)
evening, January 9, at 7 o'clock sharp
at the School of Music Building.
Members of the Chorus will please
return copies of the "Messiah", if
they have not already done so, on
Tuesday between the hours of 9 and
12 ,and 1 and 4, at which time they
will also be issued copies of the
"Samson and Delilah".!
An Engineer as secretary is needed'
by the superintendent of one of our
large railway systems. To qualify for
the position it is necessary for the
arpiicant to be able to use the type-
writer and have some knowledge of
stenography. Application may be
made to Professor John S. Worley,
Transportation Library, 1026 E. En-
gineering Bldg.
Teachers' Oaths: All students and
ethers, with the exception of faculty,
who took the "Teacher Oath" in the
School of Education Office may call
for their receipts in 1435 University
Elementary School.
German Departmental Library. All
bcoks due by January 12.
The Congress Cooperative House,
909 East University, is accepting ap-
plications for room and board for
next semester. Application blanks
may be obtained either at the house,
or at the Dean of Student's Office.
The Rochdale Cooperative House,
'640 Oxford Road, will accept appli-
cations for board and for room and
board positions for the second semes-
ter until Jan. 8. Arrange interviews
by calling 6957.
Students interested in forming
hobby groups should put a slip con-
taining name, phone number, and
hobby, in the Hobby Box in the
Union Lobby.
Football Ticket Resale money
should be called for in the Union
Student Office between 3 p.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Exhibits of the University's Arch-
eological Research in the Philippines,
Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types
of the Eastern United States and of
Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo-
tany are being shown in the Mezza-
nine floor Exhibit rooms of the
Rackham Building. Also exhibited
are antiquities from the sUniversity
excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and
from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30
to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex-
cept Sunday.
University Lecture: Mr. W. H. Au-
den, English poet, will lecture on "A
Sense of One's Age" under the aus-
pices of the Department of English at
4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The public
is cordially invited.
Today's Events'
Varsity Glee Club: The picture for
the 'Ensian will be taken this
afternoon at 3:15 at Rentschler's
studio. All members must be
present in full dress. Bring your
ribbons. Regular rehearsal imme-
diately following the picture.
New Cooperative House: There will
be a meeting for all men interested
in forming a new cooperative house,
at Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. today.
Anyone interested in living in
the new house this coming semester
should be at this meeting, or should
leave his name with one of the co-
operative houses.

The Art Cinema League presents
"The Thief of Bagdad." Members
are reminded that the performances
start promptly at 3:15 and 8:15 to-
Graduate Outing Club will meet
this afternoon at 2:30. Outdoor
skating, sliding or tobogganing, and
hiking are planned, dependent on the
weather. Supper in the club rooms
afterwards. All graduate students and
faculty invited.
The Westminster Guild will have
a supper tonight at 5:30 and discus-
sion at 7:00. Dr. W. P. Lemon
will discuss, "The Bible at a Single
Lutheran Student Club meeting
today at 5:30. Dinner at 6:00.
Rev. H. Yoachtim will speak on
"The Christian Home."
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, January
9. Subject: "The Harmones of the
Anterior Pituitary." All interested
are invited.
Continued Fractions Seminar will


Loveland, "Fossil spores"; Reports on
the Columbus meetings by various
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, January 9, at 8:00 p.m., in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Dr. Goldstine will
speak on "Minimum Problems in the
Functional Calculus."
German Table for faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Professor Ernst A.
Phillipson on, "Germanisches und
Graduate Education Club will meet
on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 4:00 p.m.
in the Graduate Education Library,
Elementary School. Professor H. H.
Bartlett, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Botany, will speak on "Side
Lights on Human Heredity." Re-
Deutscher Verein will present the
second lecture of the current series at
8 o'clock Tuesday night, Jan. 9, at
the League. Professor Percival Pride
will speak on, "Einiges uber das Gloc-
kenspiel." Everyone is invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica meeting on
Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the
League. Mr. Merhab will give a short
talk, and there will be initiation of
new members.
Interfraternity Council meetings
will be resumed on Monday, Jan. 8.
Juniors will meet in the Council Office
at 4:30 p.m. and sophomores will
report to the same place at 5:00 p.m.
Rifle Club-women: Report for fir-
ing practice beginning Monday, Jan.
8 in previous hour instruction periods.
Regular firing practice schedule be-
gins the following week.
Varsity Men Debaters: There will
be a meeting of men interested in
second semester Varisty Debate on
Thursday, January 11, in room 4203
Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. Those un-
able to attend this meeting should
see Arthur Secord, 107 Haven Hall,
prior to January 11.
Executive Council of Assembly
meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 4:15
p.m. in the League. All members
must be present.
AIME announces an open meeting
Monday, Jan. 8, 7:30 p.m. in third
floor amphitheatre of Rackham
Bldg. Motion picture "The New
Story of Ancient Wrought Iron" will
be shown by A. M. Byers Co. All
metal processing students urged to
La Sociedad Hispanica is present-
ing a Spanish lecture on Wednes-
day, January 10, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 231, Angell Hall. Professor
J. N. Lincoln will talke aboutfamous
Spanish paintings. All ticket holders
are invited and additional tickets
may be obtained from the officers
of the Society or in Room 302, R.L.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Monday Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. Hazel Losh
will speak on "Sun-spots, Their Dis-
tribution and Effects."
Fellowship of Reconciliation meet-
ing on Monday, Jan. 8, at 7:00 p.m.
in Lane Hall. Supper at 6:00. Call
Lane Hall before Monday noon for


The Monday Evening Drama
tion of the Faculty Women's
will meet Monday evening, Jan.
7:30 in the Michigan Union.

8, at

Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet op Tues-
day, Jan. 9, at 2:15 p.m., in the Mary
B. Henderson Room of the Michigan
A.I.Ch.E. Members: The Ensian
picture will be taken at Spedding
Studio at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday,
;January 10. Following the picture,
a meeting will be held in East En-
gineering. Mr. Pothoff, of White
Star Refinery will speak on the Hou-
dry catalytic cracking process.
Frederick L. Shands
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on
"Christianity--It's Practice."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class at Stalker Hall. 6 p.m. Wes-
leyan Guild Meeting at the First
Methodist Church. Francile Martin
and John Field will tell of their semi-
nar in Europe and attendance at the
World Christian Youth Conference at
Amsterdam last summer. Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
St Andre'sEniscousal huc--

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