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January 06, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-06

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The A6sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College- Publishers Representative
Member, Associated .Collegiate 'Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Carl Petersen Managing Editor
Elliott "Maraniss Editorial Director
Stan M.-Swinton . City Editor
Morton L., Linder . . . . . Associate Editor
Norman A. Schorr Associate Editor
Dennis Flanagan . . . . . Associate Editor
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Ann Vicary . . . . . . Women's Editor
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-:fusiness 'Manager . . .
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Paul R. Park
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Franklin Roosevelt
The Politician

0 0

tive is rapidly becoming Franklin
D.Roosevelt the politician-if his State of the
-Nation speech delivered to Congress Wednesday
can be taken as a true indication.
Seldom has the President prepared a state
paper so conciliatory in tone to his former crit-
ics. Although the address is intended as a re-
view of the national scene, there was more
than one occassion when Mr. Roosevelt depart-
ed from his scheduled topic to justify his own
All of which may be his privilege, but which
shows us more clearly than ever before that Mr.
Roosevelt does not intend to spare any means to
fight for a continuation of his regime in office
next term. As a result of the speech he must
be considered more seriously than ever before
as. a candidate for the Presidency this fall.
Almost with apologies, the President informed
business "I am asking Congress to levy sufficient
additional taxes to meet the emergency spending
for national defense." He was careful to offend
no one, but instead confined his message to
pleas for "national unity," and similar sweeping
and unobjectionable statements. It was a dif-
ferent Roosevelt than the one who struck out
for liberal treatment of labor, taxes on capital
surpluses, new building programs, wages and
hours acts, and lending-spending programs only
a few months ago.
His pledges to keep us from participation in
war were so high-sounding that they almost
reminded'of the clever rhetoric of President Wil-
son in 1914. He took opportunity to condemn
dictatorship and the "philosophy of force," and
in almost the same breath indicated that our
weapons of force would have to be "substantially
increased" to insure national defense.
Mr. Roosevelt said, none too convincingly,
that the majority of Americans hope and ex-
pect that the "United States will not become
involved in military participation in the war."
This statement is typical of the address. It is
general, weak, and not sincere in its sound.
Roosevelt's foreign policy has always been
one of assistance to victims of what he consid-
ered to be wrong acts by aggressor nations. This
assistance was to be accomplished by means
short of war. It is an intelligent foreign policy,
and one which he should not be afraid to de-
fend before the people of this nation, even in
a year of election.
Almost all discussion of domestic policies
were sacrificed to foreign affairs. Actually this
may have been because of the peril from over-
seas, but to most persons it appears as a clever
bit of political strategy. It seems hardly likely
that President Roosevelt could so naively close
his eyes to the domestic problems of wages and
housing which have occupied so much of his
attention in the past.
President Roosevelt until now has stood upon
a record of sincere effort to eliminate distress in
our national economy. He has always upheld
staunchly the policies of the New Deal. He was
reelected to office by a tremendous majority,
and his record of achievement in years of crisis
has been great.
It is to be hoped that Franklin Roosevelt has
not changed into an orthodox politician, betray-
ing his good faith to the nation for the possible
harvest he hopes to gather in the next election.
-- Paul Chandler.

Mr." Smith
And The Senators
THE SENATE did not like the film,
"Mr. Smith goes to Washington."
The conditions found by the celluloid Senator
'Smith suggested that the most prominent of our
statesmen may have feet of clay and the corrup-
tion and graft are as much of the legislative
procedure as a roll-call. Politics, as presented
in "Mr. Smith," is strictly a hurly-burly art,
having no more lofty ideals than a pickpockets'
Indignant Senators, of course, denied the
charges that Mr. Smith made. They attacked
the implication that the typical Senator is,
like the film's Joe Payne, the puppet of a po-
litical boss and his machine.
And undoubtedly the situation which young
Mr. Smith uncovers is more pernicious than
typical. That is a theatrical prerogative. Also
the climax of the play is a smoke-dream: We
will wait a long time for reform to come- to- the
Senate if we must depend on fainting young
filibusterers to effect it.
But whether or not the film leans over back-
wards in its zealous blackening of the Senate,
there can be no serious denial that its implica-
tions have a basis in fact. Senator Barkley of
Kentucky called the film "stupid"; not so long
ago this same Senator was squirming under
well-substantiated claims that he had used WPA
funds to finance one of his campaigns. What
difference does it make, Senator, whether it is
your state's families on relief or Senator Smith's
Boy Rangers that must take the sacrifice of
your politics?
It is a healthy argument for democracy that
such a film as "Mr. Smith" can be produced,
but it is, conversely, a danger signal when the
picture's findings can be believed. And the
public does believe it, whatever Senator Barkley
and his cohorts may say. The reputation of
Congress is, and was before "Mr. Smith" was
ever conceived, something to laugh at, to make
jokes about. "Mr. Smith" tells us nothing that
is new.
A hypothetical movie is not needed to develop
a derisive attitude toward the reputation of our
lawmakers. Any Washington expert's forecast
for this current season will deal familiarly with
such legislative phases as log-rolling, pork-
barreling, promises of more adequate taxes that
will never materialize. Another attempt will be
made by the "dime-an-hour" faction, listening
to their masters' voices no less intently than Joe
Payne, to wreck the Wage-And-Hour act. As
the session develops you will hear of bills writ-
ten to appease some back-home faction and
never intended to reach the floor of the legis-
lature. There will be speeches printed in the
Congressional Record that were never delivered
before either House.
It takes no resolute Senator Smith to uncover
these items. They receive mention in the news-
papers; they are stocks-in-trade of the col-
unnist. And while they persist as parts of our
legislative process, the good that is in Congress
will remain in eclipse.
Hervie Haufler.
Disjointed and episodic as it was, "On His
Own," the second moving picture in the series of
three on Maxim Gorky's life that is being shown
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is good and
worth seeing.
The movie is so nakedly realistic that for some
time it is impossible to believe its characteriza-
tions. The life of young Gorky is picked up at
the point where he gets his first job as a dish-
washer on a little steamer travelling on the Vol-
ga River, is followed through his hard and bitter
experience with mean, vicious people, relieved oc-
casionally by some beautiful views of the Volga
and the tragic-comic goodness of his friend the
cook, and closes with Gorky's return home and
later departure. The virtue of the movie is pri-
marily in the success with which it finally con-
vinces the audience that this was actually the

life of Gorky, and in so doing, accomplishes a
great deal more than descriing the life of one
man, however great, for it brings to it the life of
Czarist Russia with all its filth, brutality, obses-
sions, and oddness, and shows as even Dostoievski
can not, the peculiar quality of the Russian
temperament, the Russian "soul," (there seems
to be no other word for it) which must be under-
stood, if the Russian people are to be understood.
Despite the fact, then, that the movie is epi-
sodic and has jerky transitions, it carries its
theme and describes the miserable, yet powerful
life of Gorky's youth; powerful, because through
all the misery and poverty, his spirit and fire is
untouched, and if anything, made harder and
fiercer. The technique of this Russian film,
when it is not too anti-climatic in organization,
is naturalistic with touches of symbolism that
sometimes are too obvious, but are more often
that, which keeps the story pointed and direct-
ed, and the purpose clear. No character is al-
lowed to break the unity and strength of the
film; everything is subordinated to the main
theme: there is beauty, there is humor, there is
a side glimpse into the life of Natalia, the wash-
woman, but never does the direction become
vague and wondering.
The greatness of the Russian film lies in this
concentration of purpose: to tell a story, as truly
as possible and not to let clever tricks, or an in-
dividual's acting, disturb that story. The faults
of the Hollywood film, on the other hand, are
made clear in pictures like "The Old Maid,"
"Elizabeth and Essex," and others where it is
the acting of Bette Davis that is important and
little else. If Hollywood would learn from its own
success in pictures like "The Informer" and
"Stagecoach," that human stories with meaning,

Crew Petson
Robert S Allen
hOMER CUMMINGS' statement that the sur-
prise invitations to Republican leaders to
attend the Jackson Day dinner had the Presi-
dent's approval was only part -of the story. The
untold part of the story was that the whole idea
originated with Roosevelt.
At the time the invitations were sent he was
in the process of writing his message to Con-.
gress, in which he pleaded so earnestly for "na-
tional unity." It ocurred to him that it would
be a fine gesture to inspire such unity to ask
Republican leaders to the Jackson Day dinner.
When he sprang the idea on some intimates
they thought he meant to pull a cute joke on
the GOP.
But the President assured them he was very
serious and was convinced the Republicans would
accept. The advisers didn't think so, but he
went ahead and personally dictated the invita-
tion which Cummings sent.
Congressional Snapshots
The President's mother seemed more interest-
ed in what he said in his message to Congress
than in how he said it. Seated in the White
House section of the House gallery, she followed
the address from a mimeographed copy, never
once lifting her eyes from the manuscript . . .
On the other hand, Mrs. Roosevelt, seated next
to her, kept her eyes fixed on her husband ...
Neither applauded but "Sistie" and "Buzzie."
who sat on the lap of Frederic Delano, the Presi-
dent's uncle, enthusiastically joined in the ova-
tions . . . The one Congressman on the Re-
publican side of the House who applauded with
any show of cordiality when Roosevelt entered
was his fellow New Yorker, Bruce Barton.
In ladies' gowns, the sensation of Congress was
Mrs. Millard Tydings of Maryland, attired in a
blue military blouse with brass buttons and large
yellow epaulets . . . Biggest attraction to Sena-
tors was a large gift box of tangerines in the
Democratic cloakroom. They clustered around
the box with hands and mouths full of fruit.
Goering To USA?
Foreign diplomats stationed in Berlin, Mos-
cow and Rome take it for granted that their
embassies and legations are wired with dicta-
phones and their telephones tapped. And the
American Embassy in Berlin regularly uses this
fact to get messages across to the German Gov-
ernment which it does not want to deliver direct.
One such message was delivered to Field Mar-
shal Goering some time ago to dissuade him
from visiting the United States.
The beefy No. 2 Nazi was red hot to cross the
Atlantic. He had convinced himself he would
make a big hit in New York, so with character-
istic bluntness he angled for an official invita-
tion. Naturally this was the last thing Wash-
ington wanted. The State Department foresaw
all sorts of embarrassment, and instructed the
Berlin Embassy to stop Goering somehow, some
way. The problem was a poser until the Em-
bassy staff hit on a brilliant idea.
It was arranged that an American friend
visiting in Berlin, should telephone an official
at the Embassy and inquire what there was to
the report that Goering was going to the United
"You just ask me the question," the Embassy
aide explained, "and don't be surprised at what
I say. Just act as if it were a private chat be-
tween us."
The next day the friend telephoned, asked
the arranged question and got this reply:
"Yes, it is true. The Marshal seems bent on
going over. He doesn't seem to realize what
he'll be up against. Of course, the Government
can mobilize enough police and troops to pro-
tect him, though I don't have to tell you that it
will be one tough job. The Marshal apparently
is wholly unaware of the fact that in the U.S.

he is one of the most hated men in the world.'
Two days later, the official German press
service carried a statement declaring that Goer-
Ing had abandoned his plans to visit the United
Just at the moment it isn't taxes, budget cuts,
farm relief or any of the other big controversial
issues that worry Democratic congressional lead-
ers. What's bothering them is a hold-over mea-
sure about which very little has been said-anti-
This bill is due to come up in the House this
week, and quick passage is certain. House rules
bar a filibuster, and with the Republicans lining
up for anti-lynching, it will go through in short
order. But the Senate is a different story-and
that's why the Democratic generalissimos are
Debate is wide open in the Senate. Further-
more, the Democrats are split wide open. Such
staunch New Dealers as Alabama's Lister Hill
and Florida's Claude Pepper are at opposite
poles on the anti-lynching question to such
equally ardent northern New Dealers as Bob
Wagner of New York and Joe Guffey of Penn-
sylvania. Even among the anti-New Dealers
there is wide divergence of view. Glass of Vir-
ginia, George of Georgia, and Smith of South
Carolina are against; with Van Nuys of In-
diana, Burke of Nebraska, and Gerry of Rhode
Island for the bill.
All of which is distressing to Democratic lead-
ers. Their most vital objective is party harmony.
That was the burden of Roosevelt's message to
Congress and also the refrain being sung both

-By Samwuel Grafton
It is always a mistake to forget the
people. The Tory Government of
England is finding this out. It plan-
ned for this war over a period of
three years. But it planned in terms
of enough shells for enough cannon;
enough Brenn machine guns to de-
molish enough of the enemy. It
completely forgot the 40,000,000 peo-
ple of the United Kingdom. There
was no room for them on a Tory bal-
ance sheet. There never is.
*k***: *
Now Downing Street is a blur of
striped trousers as the wearers of the
old school ties attempt in agitation to
make up for their error. Amazing
shortcomings have shown themselves
in the British war plan; gaping errors
are being disclosed. They constitute
a lesson to those who forget the
It was decided, for example, to
limit each motorist to just enough
gasoline to enable him to run his car
150 miles per month. On paper this
worked splendidly. Enough petrol
would be saved to enable the Royal
Air Force to drop pamphlets all over
Germany. Well and good. But the
striped trousers forgot one small de-
tail: Under these circumstances no
one in his right mind would buy a
new car. The motor car manufac-
tories have shut down, adding to that
nemployment which is, incredibly,
going up during war. No provision
was made for these new unem-
ployed in the war plan. The Tory
planners run out of paper when they
get down to an item like that.
Filling stations have become a drug
on the market. Gasoline advertising
has all but disappeared from the
British press. Why advertise gaso-
line when .every customer needs a
ration book to buy at all, and then
is limited to two or three gallons?
The Tories overlooked these vulgar
considerations of trade.
Evacuation emptied the towns of
children and of wealthy families.
This was humanitarian preparation
for war. But modern urban civiliza-
tion is incredibly complex. Remove
two of the basic elements (children
and the, rich) and the structure goes
bow-legged. Stores whose propriet-
ors made their livings by selling
candy, shoes and those appallingly
ugly British clothes to little children
have had to shut their doors. Bar-
bers found half their trade gone. The
little Cockney manicurists suddenly
see no high-born paws upon their
tables; Burke's Peerage has taken its
cuticle to the country.
The luxury trades are gasping.
This seems no time to mention em-
eralds. Town houses have been
closed, servants fired. Almost all
actors have become jobless actors.
Taxicabs have no clients. The British
greengrocer finds his sales cut in half.
Parents seem to eat less than chil-
dren do and the children are away.
Diversion of factories to war orders
was handled in typical Tory fashion,
i.e., all attention was concentrated
on things, not on people. Factories
which used to make trumpets, say,
were converted to the manufacture of
shell-casings. They are making shell'
casings, right enough. But those
other factories which used to supply
the trumpet works with mouthpieces
awoke to a vanished market. Their
people have gone on the dole, with
nothing to do except listen to the
radio and take down careful instruc-
tions about conserving garbage. No
instructions about conserving people.
* * * *
There is a moral, probably. A
Tory is no better at planning war
than lie is at planning peace. The
people are never safe, in peace or
war, with a government whose first
concern is with things. There are
toothy grins in Whitehall. "Well
tried, old chap," the Tories tell each
other. But it wasn't well tried. The
old boys forgot something. They for-

got the British people. It is the
oversight of the decade.
Student Labor Board
Seven new projects are being
planned by the Student Labor Board
this year. The Board hopes, through
these projects, to have an integrat-
ing effect on the labor efforts of
other organizations. The plans in-
clude: (1) A Labor Law Digest for
general distribution to working stu-
dents through the offices of the
director of student employment; (2)
Improvement in the structure of the
Labor Board by making it more repre-
sentative of all campus elements, first,
by organizing working students into
groups of twelve, and having them
elect a representative to the Labor
Board; second, by starting a cam-
paign to increase organization mem-
bership on the Board; (3) Education
of the Student Labor Board on labor
hours and recent labor developments
by conducting an educational period
at each meeting; (4) The education
of the campus about the Labor Board
through weekly articles in the LAN-
TERN as well as representatives' re-
ports to their organizations; (5) A
more intensive survey of fraternities


I'd Rather Be


(Continued from Page 2)
All applications to be considered for
the meeting must, be filed in Room
2 before Monday noon, Jan. 8, and
appointments made with the Com-
Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given today at 9
o'clock (and also 2 o'clock) in the
auditorium of the University High
Teachers' Oaths: All students and
others, with the exception of faculty,
who took the "Teacher Oath" in the
School of Education Office may call
for their receipts in 1435 University
Elementary School.
Health Service Visiting Hours: For
several reasons connected with the
welfare of all concerned, the Health
Service visiting hours in the Infir-
mary will be restricted to 2:30 to 3:30
in the afternoon.
The Congress Cooperative House,
909 East University, is accepting ap-
plications for room and board for
next semester. Application blanks
may be obtained either at the house,
or at the Dean of Student's Office.
The Rochdale Cooperative House,
640 Oxford Road, will accept appli-
cations for board and for room and
board positions for the second semes-
ter until Jan. 8. Arrange interviews
by calling 6957. .
AIME announces an open meeting
Monday, Jan. 8,. 7:30 p.m. in third
floor amphitheatre of Rackham
Bldg. Motion picture "The New
Story of Ancient Wrought Iron" will
be shown by A. M. Byers Co. AIJ
metal processing students urged to
Academic Notices
English 293: Bibliography. The
class will meet today from 9 to 11
a.m. in 2013 Angell Hall.
W. G. Rice
Exhibits of the University's Arch-
eological Research in the Philippines,
Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types
of the Eastern United States and of
Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo-
tany are being shown in the Mezza-
nine floor Exhibit rooms of the'
Rackham Building. Also exhibited
are antiquities from the University]
excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and
from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30
to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex-
cept Sunday. -
University Lecture: Mr. W. H. Au-
den, English poet, will lecture on "A
Sense of One's Age" under the aus-
pices of the Department of English at
4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The public
is cordially invited.
Today's Events
Freshman Round Table meeting
tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
Mr. Kenneth Morgan will talk infor-
mally about life in a Hindu Monas-
Drum and Bugle Corp meeting in
Waterman Gym today at 1:00 p.m.
Disciples Guild skating party at
Burns Park this afternoon. Members
and their friends will meet at the
Guild House at 2 p.m. If more con-
venient, join the group at the park.
Michigan Outdoor Club will meet
this afternoon at 2:00, at Lane Hall
for a skating party. Meeting open
to all, undergraduates particularly

Ski 'Group meeting today at 2:00
p.m. in the lounge of the Women's
Athletic Building. Anyone interested
in skiing instruction is invited to
attend. A notice will be posted in
the Women's Athletic Building by
noon indicating whether snow con-
ditions will permit actual skiing, or
indoor instruction will be given.
Graduate Students and other Uni-
versity students are invited to listen
to a radio broadcast of "Faust," giv-
en by the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, today at 2:00 p.m. in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Professor Ernst A:
Phillipson on, "Germanisches und
Deutscher Verein will present the
second lecture of the current series at

the 'Ensan will be taken Sunday
afternoon, Jan. 7, at 3:15 at Rent-
schler's studio. All members must
be present in full dress. Bring your
ribbons. e Regular rehearsal imme-
diately following the picture.
Fellowship of Reconciliation meet-
ing onMonday, Jan. 8 at 7:00 p.m.
in Lane Hall. Supper at 6:00. Call
Lane Hall before Monday noon for
The Art Cinema League presents
"The Thief of Bagdad." Members
are reminded that the performances
start promptly at 3:15 and 8:15 on
Sunday, Jan. 7.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Monday Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. Hazel Losh
will speak on "Sun-spots, Their Dis-
tribution and Effects."
New Cooperative House: There will
be a meeting for all men interested
in forming a new cooperative house,
at Lane Hall, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan.
7. Anyone interested in living in
the new house this coming semester
should be at this meeting, or should
leave his name with one of the co-
operative houses.
The Westminster Guild will have
a supper Sunday at 5:30 and discus-
sion at 7:00. Dr. W. P. Lemon
will discuss, "The Bible at a Single
The Lutheran Student Club meet-
ing Sunday at 5:30. Dinner at 6:00.
Rev. H. Yoachum will speak on
"The Christian Home."
The Monday Evening Drama See-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet Monday evening, Jan. 8, at
7:30 in the Michigan Union.
I First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on
"Christianity-It's Practice."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class at Stalker Hall. 6 p.m. Wes-
leyan Guild Meeting at the First
Methodist Church. Francile Martin
and John Field will tell of their semi-
nar in Europe and attendance at the
World Christian Youth Conference at
Amsterdam last summer. Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Herman
Page, D.D.; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten in Harris
Hall; 7:00 p.m. Student meeting.
Homecoming. Games and refresh-
Disciples Guild, (Chirch of Christ):
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
leader. 6:30 p.m., Harold Rudolph,
'41L, will lead the Guild in a discus-
sion on "Should We Be Enthusiastic
About Our Religion?" Social hour
and refreshments following the dis-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. subject
"God." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m. "God-Our Contemporary" will
be the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon
at the Morning Worship Service.
5:30 p.m. Westminster Student
Guild will meet for supper and fel-
lowship hour. Subject of discussion:
"The Bible at a Single View" led by
Dr. Lemon.
Unitarian Church: 11 a m. "Why

Do the Nations So Furiously Rage?"
by the Rev. H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Round Table Dliscus-.
sion: Mr. Elliottt Maraniss, '40, will
ASU Convention held during the
lead a discussion on the National
holidays in Madison, Wis. Refresh-
First Baptist Church: 9:30, Gradu-
ate Bible Class taught by Prof. Loeroy
10:45. Morning Worship. Sermon,
Topic, "The Man of Faith."
12:00. Youth Round Table.:Dis-
cussion topic, "What Can We Behie
About the Church?"
6:15. Roger Williams Guild in. the
Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr.
Richard Steding will report on his
attendance at the "Consultation on
the World Mission of the Christian
Church," recently held in Toronto,
Reform Services will be held in. the
chapel of the Hillel Foundation Sun-
day morning at 11:00 a.m. The ser-
mon entitled "The 1930's-The De-
pressing Decade," will be delivered by
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz.




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