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January 06, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-06

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SATtTA'bA*t JAM- A- 14411

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Glamour Boy Found To Play
Feminine Lead InUnionOpera
The Union Opera has found its "Four Out of Five," will rival any
#edy La Tour, fully as important a of the earlier productions in the
step in the progress of the show as amount of student partiepiation. The
was the casting of Scarlett O'Hara songs which will be used in the Opera
un "Gone with the Wind." have been written by students, and
The name of the actor, however, the script is by Max Hodge, '39.
is being kept secret. It and all other Persons interested in the Opera,
,nportant parts,4ncluding the mascu- including members of the cast and
,line lead, Lee Grant, will be .an- the. various committees, will hold a
nounced in the next issue of Gargoyle. mass meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
All important roles of the 56 speak- Room 316 of the Union.
ing parts in the production have Mix urged those students who have
ibeen selected, according to Director been selected for parts in the produc-
Roy Hoyer. tion to secure their eligibility cards.
Finding a man glamorous enough
to take the part of siren Hedy, Direc-
tor Hoyer observed, has been a task
big enough to keep a Hollywood cast-
ing pffice busy. More than 200 ap-n
plicants were given private auditions
Director Hoyer and his assistants3
looked not only for acting ability A ttracts 350
,land experience, but for a masucline
face that, framed in a permanent-
waved wig and touched up with make- Keynoting Speeches Given;
up, might be transformed into a
glamorous beauty.Sessions WillConvene
"That does not mean," he ex- Today And Tomorrow
plained, "that we searched for a beau-
tiful boy. There are certain types (Continued from Page 1)
of -features, however, that lend
themselves more readily than others 305. The faculty board is made up
to make-up. The loveliest heroine of Prof. Lowell J. Carr and Prof.
the .Opera ever knew was, as a man, Richard Meyers of the sociology de-
Ireckle-faced and certainly not hand- partment, Rev. Chester Loucks, Prof.
some." Wesley Maurer of the journalism de-
Rehearsals are the chief phase of partment, Prof. Lewis Vander Velde of
interest in the Opera now that the the history department and Prof.
casting is nearing completion. The Mentor Williams of the English de-
comedy and "pony" choruses started partment.
rehearsals before Christmas and will Although the speakers, Professor
resume them within a few days. Sev- Smithies, Robert Rosa, Grad., presi-
eral ..short scenes of the production dent of local branch of the American
have been rehearsed. Student Union, J. Anderson Ash-
According to Robert Mix, '40, in burn, '40E, editor of the Technic
charge of the show, this year's Qpera, and Tom Downs, '40L, differed in
______ __their interpretation pf the war, they
were unanimous in their agreement
K nickerbocker that the United States must stay out
of it.
Liberal View Given
The pressure toward war economy
" . . is tending to draw us into the war
Foreign Crisis he pointed out. Only by offering
what a war economy can give full
employment and full utilization of
Mr. Average Man's mind-picture of our resources, can we keep from get-
a.typical foreign correspondent-a ting further into such an economy,
dashing chap with portable type- Downs advised.
writer and one foot in the door of Rosa, interpreting the liberal point
every European chancellery-will of view, pointed out the dangers of
come to life here Wednesday, ,Jan. allowing. conditions which make for
1? in the person of H. R.Knicker- unsettled groups, cesspools of poten-
bocker. tial eruption into .war, to go un-
Mr. Knickerbocker, young, red- checked. The level of living must
haired war correspondent for theIn- be increased and the rights of union
ternational News service, will de- groups ,must be protected if these
liver the fifth lecture of the Ora- facitons are not to go through the
torical Series at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Au- stages of war-conditioning prepara-
ditorium.' tion that the Germans and English
The possibilities of a revolt in Ger- endured before the war, he declared.
many and what he believes are Sta- If the United States is to maintain
lin's ultimate aims will highlight the its role as a peace maker, it must act
reporter's address. His interpretation only as a mediator and not as a
of European events are based upon, participant, he asserted.
16 years of constant travel over the Conservative Stand
world and his timely interviews with Ashburn, representing the conserv-
vital political figures. atives, declared that no internal steps
Through a comparison of the rela- should be taken to keep the United
tive strength of the opposing forces Statesout of war. For more than
in the present war on land, in the Sae u fwr.Frmr hn
in te pesen wa onland inthe20 years, America has enjoyed a state
air and on the sea, Mr. Knickerbock- ys
er intends to show how a deferred of peace and the majority of the citi-
es itens t shw ho a eferedzens are convinced of our ability to
offensive is working to the advantage stay out of this war, he pointed out.
of the Allied Powers. He will also World peace may come eventually,
discuss Hitler's own delay in carry- but there is no possibility of an over-
ing out his threatened Blitzkrieg or .
'lightning war" against France.' on as e have aninrethatre
In recent newspaper articles Mr. peoples, there will be world wars
Knickerbocker has prophecied that and our best course is to stay out,"
the "big push" of the Allies will come he advised.
in the spring. In his lecture here he Professor Smithies stated that big
.ill be prepared to back up this business would not drive us into war
statement by proof garnered from for these reasons: -the collection of
ersonal observation. With the repu- debts from the last war was notori-
ation for being on the spot when ously unsuccessful. When our coun-
rouble brews, he has inside informa- try is at war, a policy of prohibitive
ion on every major world crisis. taxation and control of business is
:.adopted. Bu'siness men could gain

more by cashing in from the outside.
Last BDa ERIt is impossible to dismiss the idea
RITZ BROTHERS that this is a war of imperialism, he
"Pock Up Your Troubles" declared. Britain's per capita in-
come is 50 per cent higher than that
of Germany, Professor Smithies said.
Germany is definitely a "have not"
power, he pointed out, and that is a
vital factor in the rise of Hitler and
STA R TS SUNDAY-the origin of this war.


SATURDAY, Jan. 6, 1940
VOL. L. No. 73
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople Sunday, Jan.
7, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To the members of the University
Council: There will be no meeting of
the University Council in January.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one de-
partment to another, the proceeds
of the sale to be credited to the
budget account of the department
from which the apparatus is trans-
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which.
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the appara-
tus to other departments which are
Tapping Given Key
To City Of Phoenix

likely to be able to use it. In some
instances the apparatus may be sent
to the University Chemistry store on
consignment and if it is not sold
within a reasonable time, it will be
returned to the department from
which it was received. The object
of this arrangement is to promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus. It is hoped thatl
departments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith.
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called, to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, School of Education: The
January faculty meeting has been
Reading Rooms

postponed and will be held on Jan.
15, rather than on Jan. 8.
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects : To give the Research.
Committees and the.;Executive Board.
adequate time for study of all pro-'
posals, it is requested that faculty
membershaving projects needing sup-
port during 1940-1941 file their pro-
posals in the Office of the Graduate
Schooi by Jan. 12, 1940. Later re-
quests will, of course, be considered,
toward the close of the second sem-
ester. Those wishing to renew pre-
vious requests whether now receiv-
ing support or not should so indicate.
Application forms will be mailed c:
can be obtained at Secretary's Office,
Room 1508 Rackham Building. Tele-
phone 331.
C. S. Yoakum.
Doctoral Examination of John Tar
as will be held at 9 atm., to-
day, in 309 Chemistry Building.
Mr. Taras' department of specializa-
tion is Chemistry. The title of his
thesis is "The Preparation of Tetra-
arylmethanes. The Reaction of Tri-
arylchloromethanes -with Organo-
magnesium Reagents.
Professor C. S. Schoepfle as chair-
man of the committeewill conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty end advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examnina-
tion and ta grant permission to others
who might wish %to 'be present.
C. S. Yoakum
All Students, Registration for second

semester: Each student should plan
to register for himself during the
appointed' hours. Registration by
°proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, Colleges of
L.S.&A., Education, and Music: Stu-
dents should call for second semester
registration material at Room 4 Uni-
versity Hasl as soon as possible. Please
see your advisor and secure all nec-,
essary signatures:
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistait: Registrar.
Registration Material, College of
Architecture: Students should call

for second semester material at Room
4, University Hall, at once. The
College of Architecture will post an
announcemenit in the near"'future
giving the time of conferences with
your classifier. Please wait for this
notice before seeipg your classifier.
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Qualifying Examinations for Direc-
ted Teaching will be given this after-
noon at 1 o'clock in the auditorium
of the University High School.
Student Loan Committee meeting
will be held in Room 2, University
Hall, at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9.
1 (Continued on Page 4)



Second Phase in the Life of MAXIM 3GORKY
A continuation of the very favorably accepted picture
on the childhood of Maxim Gorky presented last year.
Same Actors, Director, Producer.
Lydia MEN ELSSOHN Theatre
JANUARY 6 8:15 P.M.

All Seats Reserved.

Box Office Open Now.

At a luncheon meeting of the Uni- nngs. The number or seats in
versity of Michigan Club of Phoenix the reading rooms is no greater
last Saturday, T. Hawley 'Tapping, now than it was when the student
genal s taryoft.heAluymTningoody was far smaller. It is neces-
general secretary of the Alumn Asso- sary, therefore, to request the co-
ciation, was presented with the key operation of students in keeping
to the City of Phoenix. the reading rooms free from noise.
Walter Thalheimer, '17L, mayor of Students can aid each other great-
Phoenix and vice-president of the ly at this time of crowding by
alumni club, made the presentation- checking coats and wraps in the
and introduced Tapping, guest of cloak room near the north en-
honor at the meeting. Tapping, who trance, (thus keeping chairs'free
is in that region on his vacation, made for readers), by using the libraries
a short talk in acceptance. so far as possible during the morn-
ing hours, and above all, by re-
A new method of storing heat from fraining from conversation while
the sun has been devised by a Massa- at the tables in the reading rooms.
chusetts Institute of Technology WM. W. Bishop, Librarian.
scientist. ___________________
F1 ClsiidDirectory
approved rooms for girls. Two home cooked meals at 914 Hill St
singles and one suite. 917 E. Hu- Ph. 4546. 14
ron. 8671, Phone. MEALS FOR BOYS-Lunches an(

front three r o o m s furnished
apartment. Electrically equipped
kitchen, shower. 602 Monroe.
VACANCIES for second semester at
league house, 816 Tappan. Phone
LOS'IT-on campus, gold ring con-
taining three aqua marine stones.
Band cut. Valuable only to own-
er. Reward. Phone 8428.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
FOR SALE-Typewriter, Underwood
No. 5 standard. $20.00. 718 Mon-
roe. Ph. 2-2666. 144
WANTED-Young woman with car
for companion work, part time.
Telephone 9551 before 10 a.m. or
early afternoon or evenings.
your discarded wearing apparel.
Claue Brown, 512 S. Main Street.





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