Weather Cloudiness, snow, somewhat colder today. Jr igau jIaiti Editorial Franklin Roosevelt ... The Politician.. VOL. L. No. 73 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 6, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hore-Belisha, England's War Head,Dropped From Cabinet Chamberlain Reorganizes Ministry In Appointing Stanley ToMilitary Post New Censorship Head Also Named By EDWIN STOUT LONDON, Jan. 5.-(A)-Prime Minister Chamberlain, suddenly re- organizing his cabinet in the biggest political sensation here since the war began four months ago, tonight dropped his dynamic War Secretary, Leslie Hore-Belisha. The Minister of Information, Lord MacMillan, who handled the much- criticized censorship, went out with Hore-Belisha. The firm - handed Chamberlain gave Oliver Stanley, President of the. Board of Trade and a Conservative party wheelhorse, the War Minister's job and turned the Ministry of Info- mation over to Sir John Reith, form- er broadcasting executive. Politically-Obscure Lawyer A politically-obscure steel and iron lawyer, Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, be- came the new President of the Board of Trade. Hore-Belisha, who revitalized the army's command, planned Britain's army under the conscription act and sent the expeditionary force to France, was reported in political circles to have differed with Lord Gort, head of the British expedition- ary force, over matters of policy. His department also was said to have argued with the Air Ministry over whether the B.E.F. air arm should retain its independent status or be placed under army control. Lord MacMillan's ministry - of necessity organized hastily at the outbreak of the war-has been under fire from the House of Commons and the press. Complaints largey were over the effectiveness of Britain's propaganda and the handling of offi- cial announcements. Chamberlain's Letter In a letter accepting the resigna- tion of Hore-Belisha, Chamberlain reaffirmed his determination to be stern in carrying on the war, saying:. "There is not now and never has been any difference between us on policy and in particular on the neces- sity for prosecuting the war with the utmost determination to a successful issue." Chamberlain's letter began "My dear Leslie," and expressed "very great regret" that Hore-Belisha re- fused the job offered him, a place in the war cabinet as president of the Board of Trade. Britain To Send Finns Royal Air Force Planes WASHINGTON, Jan 5.- (P) Great Britain was reported today to have arranged to turn over to Fin- land scores of Royal Air force war planes, rather than transfer to the Finns planes mnade in this country for Britain. The RAF planes were said to be fighters of a type superior to any used by the invading Russians, but not a match for the latest German models. LONDON, Jan 5.-(P)-Sweden, warned. along with other .Northern countries by the Nazi press to observe strict neutrality in the Russian- Finnish war, is receiving British arms and ammunitions for her own use, authoritative quarters said today. The aid is in addition to that go- ing to Finland, British military ciircles said.' In line with the League of Nations action, Britain has made no secret of her aid to the Finns, Today offi- cial circles said some of the equip- ment and clothing sent to the Finnish front originally was intended for use of the British army. New Men's Co-op Will BeOrganized Final plans for the organization of a new men's cooperative house in February will be the topic of dis- cussion of a meeting at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall. The choice of the several available houses nqw being considered will be Capacity Crowd Attends Opening Of First Annual Winter Parley -Daily Photo by Merriman Robert S. Reed, '41, general chairman of the Winter Parley and Prof. Arthur Smithies of the economics department who gave a keynoting speech at the inaugural meeting of the Parley, are shown looking at the program. Sessions will be held at 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. today at the Union. By HELEN CORMAN A capacity crowd of more than 3501 attended the christening of the first, annual Winter . Parley yesterday at, the Union and heard four faculty and student 'speakers representing the conservative, liberal and radical groups on campus give keynotingi speeches on the causes and effects of the second World War. Group sessions will be held today at 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. at the Union. A general meeting at 3:15 p.m. to- morrow, at which concrete resolutions will be formulated, will 'conclude the three-day gabfest. The complete student panel with the place each group*meets is as fol- lows: Group A led by student chairman William Muehl, '41, and sub-chair- man, Ann Vicary, '40, wil meet in the North Lounge' of the Union. Its faculty advisers are: Prof.. George' Benson, of the political science de- partment, James Duesenberry and Prof. I. L. Sharfmann of .the econom- ics department, Lt.-Col. Basil Ed- wards of the military science depart- ment, Prof. Richard Fuller of the sociology department, Kenneth Mor- gan, director of the SRA, Arthur stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News, and Prof. Norman Nelson of the Eng- lish department. Gerald Netzberg, Grad., will pre- side at Group B which will meet in Room 302. Paul Robertson, '40E, will act as sub-chairman. The board of advisers is comprised of Prof. John Shepard of the psychology de- partment, Prof. Arthur Smithies, of the economics department, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of the Hillel Foundation, Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the history department, Lt.-Col. Leon Fox of the military sci- ence department and Prof. Robert Hall of the geography department. Group C will meet in Rooom 304. Student chairmen are Clarence Bier-. ma, BAd., and Martin Dworkis, Grad. Father James Berry, Prof. Charles Davis of the geography department, Prof. Harold Dorr of the political science department, Prof. Harlan Mc- Farlan of engineering department, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department and Prof. L. L. Watkins of the economics department will serve on the faculty board. Ronald Freedman, Grad., and Dan- iel Robertson, '40, will preside at Group D which will meet in Room (Continued on Page 2) Britain Forces, :American Ship Into War Zone State Department Issues -Warning As Freighter - Mormaesun Is Taken WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. -(A)- A sharp warning to Britain, holding her responsible for any damages suf- fered by American ships forced to proceed into the forbidden combat area for examination, was announced by the State Department today after the American vessel Mormacsun had been taken by the British into Kirk- wall, Scotland. Secretary of State Hull addressed the note to the British Ambassador on Dec. 14 but it was held secret in the hope the British would abide by its warning. The Department had resolved, however, to publish it the moment the first case occurred. Hull's note to Britain said, "if . . . the British authorities should feel it necessary to compel any American vessel to enter the combat area or any of those belligerent ports which by the provisions of the neutrality law they are prohibited from enter- ing, the Government of the United States will feel it necessary to ex- amine carefully into all of the facts of the case and to take such further action as the results of such exami- nation appear to make necessary or expedient." Tom Dorsey To Play Here For'40 J-Hop Famed Orchestra Leader To Bring New Vocalist To JuniorProm Feb. 9 Harwood To Name Second Band Later Campus "jivrs" and "hepats" murmured thanks today when it was revealed that Tommy Dorsey and his famous band have been signed to play for the 1940 J-Hop, to be held Friday, Feb. 9. The announcement was made byt Gordon A. Hardy, '41SM, music chairman. According to John Harwood, '41E, general chairman, the second band for the affair will be announced at a later date. Outstanding Band One of the outstanding bands in the country, Tommy Dorsey has been in demand both on national radio hook-ups and in leading ballrooms of the nation. Dorsey personally is acclaimed by critics and musicians alike as one of the greatest, if not the top, trombonist of all time. Fea- tured with Dorsey are Anita Boyer, vocalist, and Allen DeWitt, baritone, in place of Jack Leonard who is still recovering from a recent illness. Dorsey's recording of "Marie" anc "Song of India" made record his- tory and definitely installed him as one of the finest orchestras in the country. Within the last few years he has played up and down both coasts extensively, leaving the Palm- er House in Chicago last week where he has been playing, to go on tour. College Appearances His college appearances have in- included engagements at Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Duke University, St. John's College, University of Florida and Columbia University. In Feb- ruary of 1937 Tommy Dorsey ap- peared in Ann Arbor in a swing con- cert in the Intramural Building sponsored by the Ann Arbor Alumnae Club for the purpose of raising mon- ey for the proposed women's swim- ming pool., Dorsey's brother, Jimmy has also appeared in Ann Arbor, playing for the 1938 J-Hop along with Kay Ky ser. Last year Count Basse and Hen- ry Busse's orchestra played for J- Hop, with Donald Treadwell, '40, as general chairman. Anita Boyer, Dorsey's vocalist, has been heard on radio hook-ups and with Dick Barrie's orchestra previous to her joining up with Dorsey and (Continued on Page 5) 1 udget Study WinsSupport Doughton Endorses Idea After Talk With President WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-(P)-The idea of an independent Congression- al study of the nation's budgetary needs won widespread support today, and there were indications that the Administration itself was thinking favorably of the proposal. The Republicans of the Senate formally endorsed it, with the added suggestion that national defense needs be studied by a similar com- mittee, and Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N9.C.) of the House Ways' and Means Committee, after visiting President Roosevelt, gave it his ten- tative blessing. The Harrison plan called for a 60-day delay in action on taxes and appropriations. Meanwhile, a joint committee of 24, drawn equally from the two Senate and two House com- mittees which handle revenue and appropriations, would make its own investigation of budgetary require- ments. Because Harrison has been a lead- ing opponent of Administration spending policies for the last two years and longer, and because he made his proposal a short time after the President's budget message, cov- ering the same ground, had been re- ceived, the move was widely inter- preted as sharply anti-Administra- tion. Berlin Press Warns Norway And Sweden BERLIN, Jan. 5.-(F?)--In pointed words apparently reflecting grow- ing official concern over develop- ments in Scandinavia, the Nazi press Hockey Squad Will Meet Michigan Tech Again TonightAt Coliseum Mythical Crown Of State At Stake By LARRY ALLEN Coach Eddie Lowrey's win-hungry Wolverines who Thursday night tast- ed their first victory in six starts by blanking Michigan Tech 1-0, will try to satisfy their growing appetites at the Huskies' expense when they meet the upstate squad at the Coliseum tonight after the basketball game. Out to retain the mythical state championship which they won two years ago when the teams last met, the Wolverines are confronted with the difficult task of upsetting a de- termined squad of Miners. Thursday night's encounter was a curtain raiser on Tech's schedule, but despite this the visitors put up a stub- born battle which kept Michigan pressing every minute of the game. However tonight's contest will find the teams facing off on more even terms, and the Lowreymen will be forced to turn on more offensive pow- er if they entertain any hopes of another victory Michigan will line up the same as Thursday, with Jim Lovett, Paul Goldsmith, and Bert Stodden start- ing on the forward wall. Larry Cal- vert and Charlie Ross will handle the defensive duties the full 60 min- utes, and Capt. Spike James will take his usual place in the nets. In the first game, Calvert, Ross and James shouldered most of the burden, with the two defensemen stealing the show with their brilliant offensive work, and James coming through with some great goal-tend- The lone score in the second periodc_ (Continued on Page 3) U.S., Argentina Pact Plans Fail Mid-West Cattle Interests OpposedNegotiations WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. -(A)- Negotiations for a trade agreement between the United States and Argen- tina "have broken down," the State Department announced tonight. It added that "an official state- ment will be issued by the two govern- ments early next week." No reason was given for the col- lapse of the negotiations which have been carried on intensively since the end of October. The announcement is expected to facilitate the Administration's de- fense of the trade agreements pro- gram, now under attack in Congress. Some of the opposition to the pro- gram is based on the fears of cattle and other interests in the Mid-West that they would be adversely affected by the Argentina pact. The abandonment of the talks is attributed by officials here to Argen- tina's desire for increased concessions.i Leads Team In Opener CAPT. JIM RAE< Russia Signs Trade Treaty With Bulgaria MOSCOW, Jan. 5.-(A)-Soviet ltussia and Bulgaria today concluded a three-year trade and navigation treaty - -. Tass said the trade agreement pro- vides "considerable extension of trade" between the two countries. Under its terms, Russia will im- port hogs, rice, hides, tobacco and rose oil from Bulgaria and in return export agricultural machinery, fer- rous metals, oil products, fertilizers, chemicals, cellulose and cotton. The announcement failed to dis- close the terms of the navigation clause but there were reports that it provided for inauguration of a new shipping line between the Black Sea ports of Odessa and Varna. Earlier in the day Tass news agen- cy announced ratification of a Soviet- Chinese trade treaty concluded June 16, 1939, and a Japanese commercial mission conferred at length with Premier-Foreign Commissar Vyach-, eslaff Molotoff. The Bulgarian treaty was said to have involved no political questions. Sharing the spotlight with these developments on the diplomatic front were reports that the French ambas- sador to Moscow, Paul Emile Nag- giar, was paying farewell calls upon Russian officials preparatory to de- parting for Paris Jan. 10. Sir William Seeds, British Ambas- sador, already has left on a "vaca- tion." The Italian ambassador left for Rome a few days ago for an un- explained reason. Cagers Open Conference Campaign Against Ohio; Sextet Seeks Second Win 0 Wolverines Made Favorite On Past Performances, But Close Battle Is Seen Lynch Is Key Man In Buckeye Attack By CHRIS VIZAS Determined to win in the Confer- ence as it did on its annual swing through the East, Michigan's basketball team clashes with Ohio State's defending champions in the Field House tonight in the first league game for both squads. Because it has scored six victories in seven starts while the Buckeyes have broken even in six pre-season tilts, the Wolverines will go into the game a slight favorite. How- ever, these records might just as well be disregarded since Ohio has al- ways started weakly, and Michigan turned in an equally impressive record on its barnstorming tour last year only to fade out of the Con- ference title race. Michigan Rates Favorite Although the Michigan players saw Cornell and Pittsburgh defeat Ohio State by the close scores of 29-28 and 34-30, they have a great deal of respect for the veteran Buckeye squad, which still has three regulars from its championship quintet. Michigan's rating as the favorite is due to its 29-24 victory over Cornell and a 44-35 triumph against the Panthers. In addition to being in the proper frame of mind, Michigan will have a team which is in perfect physical condition with the exception of Herb Brogan, junior guard, who has been slowed up in practice the last few days with a slight charlie horse. However, it is not expected to keep him out of the starting line-up, Tom Harmon, last season's leading scorer, is the only regular who has not yet reached top playing form, due to the fact that he did not begin to work out regularly until the day after Christmas. Tom has been com- ing along fairly fast and may see a little action tonight. Must Shake Rae Loose The Wolverines' biggest task to- night is to shake Capt. Jim Rae loose, since he has been the key man in their attack. When Rochester trounced Michigan, it held Rae to two points, and Mike Sofiak was the only man able to do any real scor- ing. While Oosterbaan is fairly well pleased with his team, Coach Harold G. Olsen of the Buckeyes is not wear- ing his happiest smile these days, be- cause Ohio has failed to function smoothly. It tripped up two weak quintets, Wabash College and College of Woo- ster, and then lost three straight to (Continued on Page 3) Csaky To Meet Italian Envoy liberal, Totalitarian Trading Relations Seen Incompatible By ALVIN SARASOHN Liberal and totalitarian methods of international economic relations can- not be mixed without causing the complete destruction of liberalism, Dr. Michael A. Heilperin, former member of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, said yesterday in a University Lec- ture in the Rackham Auditorium, under the auspices of the economics department. Noted for his experience in inter- national economics, Dr. Heilperin told his audience that there can be no compromise between the two vast- ly different methods of trade,. and that even the necessary adoption in wartime of liberal powers of totali- tarian habits in the mobilization of resources may impede the chances of a desirable peace. This observation was based by Dr. Heilperin on the fact that the totalitarian economy revolves on eternal preparation for war. Tracing the differences between liberal and totalitarian methods of international business, Dr. Heilperin sity for their use by those countries. Soviet Russia, he said, first made use of state monopoly of trade, but this was only natural because of that countrys socialist nature. Later, Germany and Italy adopted the methods of totalitarian business, although, he admitted, Weimar Ger- many had made use of quota sys- tems and exchange control as tem- porary expedients. Germany, today, as a totalitarian state needs one thing-monopoly of international trade--to solidify her position, Dr. Heilperin pointed out. Autarchy in Germany, he said, is aimed at making her independent for war. "Corollary of the Blitz- krieg," he said, "is the necessity of keeping the country self-sufficient, even when annexing land by only the threat of war." The totalitarian state must pre- vent its citizens from buying certain things so that war necessities can be bought. It must avoid all waste; all proceeds from exports must be cen- tralized in a bank; penalties for vio- lations of currency laws must be in- voked; exports must be maximized; Jones And Angell To Appear On ITnforination Please' Quiz Two professors were named yes- terday to join Franklin P. Adams and John Kieran on the firing line opposite Clifton Fadiman when that literary critic for the New Yorker starts shooting questions Jan. 20 in Hill Auditorium in the first off-the- air performance of "Information Please," weekly radio quiz. The two new additions are Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, formerly of this University and now teaching in the English department at Harvard, and Prof. Robert Angell of the so- ciology department. With the completion of the panel of "experts," a state-wide drive for "questions that stump" got under way. On campus, collection is being handled by the Ann Arbor Alumnae of the University; elsewhere by al- umnae groups throughout the state, and through the central Alumnae of- John L. Brumnmn of the journalism department, it will include Prof. Mentor Williams of the English de- partment; Prof. John Dawson of the law school; Miss Mildred Hinsdale, former history professor at Grand Rapids Junior College, and Mrs. Ar- thur Bromage, wife of Prof. Arthur Bromage of the political science de- partment. Professor Brumm asked that ques- tion submitted to the board be ac- companied by the correct answer, to be verified by the board. He em- phasized that the editors would fol- low the standards of the regular radio show in rejecting questions that were "too easy, too trite, too specialized, or controversial." Adams, the FPA of the New York Post's "The Conning Tower," and former alumnus of the University, .cv'. in c.J-..1 n, 1t'. in ain snr +tn ..rl4n Will 'Discuss Problems Of Balkan Defense ROME, Jan. .--(;')--Italian For- eign Minister Galeazzo Ciano went to Venice tonight to meet Hungarian Foreign Minister Count Istvan Csaky as Italian circles predicted they would discuss defending the Balkans against possible Russian invasion. Hungary's future action toward settling territorial claims on Ru- mania also was due for consideration, Italian circles said. Budapest dispatches declared Csaky also might confer with Premier Mus- solini. Authoritative Italians said that with relations improving, between Hungary and Yugoslavia, more ex- tensive cooperation among the Rome, Budapest and Belgrade governments might be forthcoming. They warned, however, that it seemed premature to speak of a treaty among the three or one be- tween Hungary and Yugoslavia. Union To Sponsor Hobby Drive Starting Monday In order to encourage the develop-