ffl~ MIC7flfGAN I~A41Y FEIAY- JAN.'5; 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by stud nts of the University of Michigan under the authority the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during 'regular school year by carrier, $4:00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERHSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College4Publishers Represenwive 4,20 MADISON AVE.. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -OSiON ."LOS ANGELES - SAN FgAfACISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor WOmees Editor Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy Business Manager. . . Ass eBusiness Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM NEWTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Chicago's Future In The Big Ten BIG TEN athletic officials today are considering the case of Chicago University, a proud and wcalthy midwestern university which has chosen to no longer play intercollegiate football. Allegedly the reason for the action was that Chicago's officials found football and educa- tion "incompatible" in their institution. But behind the withdrawal was the philosophy of Presdent Robert Hutchins, a man who deplored the extravaganza of modern intercollegiate foot- ball, and who more than once previously threat- ened to take the step which has now, temporarily left the Big Ten a nine-team league. No one has yet forgotten the' terrific beatings which Chicago suffered on the football field last fall from Big Ten opponents. Even in Septem- ber it was obvious that something would have to be done about the situation before another gridiron season was at hand. It is with regret and relief that the other members of the Big Ten are taking cognizancej of Chicago's move. There is relief that some-* thing has been done about a situation that was becoming increasingly bad each year, and there is regret that the only solution which Chicago could find was one of quitting. In the youngster- years of football the Maroons had been one of the most powerful gridiron forces in the United States. She has prduced talented football play- ers and talented coaches. Yet, Chicago was not willing to participate in the enlarged and more- emphasized game which has become a vital part of the life of almost every college in the United States. College football, as played at nine other schools in the. Big Ten Conference, is one of the most colorful features of an already-varied student life. tI is a powerful bond of union between alumni and the student body. It permits of -vicarious participation by tens of thousands of interested spectators. Football teams have come to represent the University in- its athletic life, just as the faculty, and equipment represent it academically. By its very design, college football is a big business. But it is a business that nine out of ten schools in the Big Ten approved. They want it because it makes certain concrete and im- portant contributions to college life that can- riot be duplicated. Consequently, it is just as well that Chicago saw fit to retire when her administration decided that the contributions of intercollegiate football were not great enough to warrant the sacrifices that must be made. There are still two questions which must be answered by Big Ten authorities before the Chicago situation can be settled: (1) What is to be done with the open date on the pre-arranged schedules? (2) What is to be done with Chicago in re- gard to her participation in Big Ten athletics other than football? The first question is easily answered. Another game should be scheduled immediately with some other ranking team who has otherwise not been able to find a place on the crowded football program. The second question is more complicated, but there is only one answer that can be fair N Chicago and to the Big Ten Conference itself --and that is that Chicago at no costs should be removed from other Big Ten sports. Even other college sports-is no reason why Chicago should not be eligible for other athletic compe- tition. Michigan, and every other college in the Big Ten Conference, should makeevery effort to see that this policy is the one adopted by conference officials during the coming year. - Paul Chandler. Labor Strife And Free Speech O NE MORE urgent reason to settle labor's long-standing internal strife has recently appeared in the headlines. It in- volves a case of actual speech censorship, in- flicted as a mere incidental to the labor war. Last week Chicago saw the opening of two theatre plays: "The Man Who Came To Din- ner and George White's "Scandals." Both plays contain lines referring to John L. Lewis, CIOleader. A bitter Lewis opponent, James C. Petrillo, chief of the, Chicago Federation of Musicians, >bjected to the lines, claiming that they gave undue publicity to the CIO head. In one state- ment Petrillo threatened to close the shows if the disputed lines were not removed. The show managers took the musician union's leader at his word, and struck Lewis' name from the dialogues. Then Petrillo, realizing the full meaning of his threat, (involving actual sup- pression of free speech), changed his tune, apologizing for his action and retracting his >riginal threat. A few days later, while vacationing in Florida, he again intimated that he would prefer that the Lewis lines be left out. "Lewis fights be- low the belt nine-tenths of the time," he apolo- gized, "so I'm merely retaliating. I'm going to use every method possible to fight him." So the show managers again deleted the lines, which had already been given more publicity than the shows could possibly give them. Next day, a Petrillo chance remark that he wasn't "worried about the Lewis lines" gave the show moguls new confidence; they decided that they wouldn't worry about Mr. Petrillo, so at the present time "John L. Lewis" remains in both shows. Has James Petrillo been wrong in his atti- tude? True, he realized the real danger of his threat, and he publicly apologized for it. Yet he propnises to use "every possible method" in fighting Lewis. That's a broad statement, and if it means the use of basically un-American principles (as it has, in this instance) some- thing has to be done. Internal strife on the American labor front has already done untold damage. It is ruining the chances of organized labor to find its right- ful and long-overdue place. It is impeding re- covery in American business. But when it threatens basic American principles, the rank and file of organized labor must take prompt and forceful action to bring about a labor peace. - Howard A. Goldman. Winter Parley And World Peace ~ TUDENTS WILL ABANDON their attitude of indifference to world af- fairs this weekend to participate in group dis- cussions on the causes and effects of the present world war at the inaugural meeting of the first annual Winter Parley which opens today in the Korth Lounge of the Union. The sessions will continue throughout the weekend with group discussions at 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, closing with a general ses- sion at 3:15 p.m. Sunday at which concrete resolutions will be formulated. The Parley, which is the younger brother of the nine-year old traditional Spring Parley, was conceived as a brain-child of the Student Senate. It is hoped that it will be the forerunner of future seasonal parlies. Students attending the Parley will be divided into four main groups to facilitate more through discussion on American politics, economics, Unit- ed States' preparedness and militarization the character and origins of the European war, re- ligion, civil rights, press and propaganda, and relations with South America. Keynoting speeches will be given by faculty and student members at the general session to provide stimulus for group discussions. Satur- day's panel sessions will offer an excellent op- portunity for thorough student debate with the aid of 26 faculty members capable of providing invaluable source material. Student chairmen will preside. Students will be asked to sign up for groups in which they will remain for the duration of the Parley. .This differs from the policy adopt- ed at the Spring Parleys of allowing spectators to wander aimlessly from group to group, often disrupting the trend of thought, and efficiency of the 'group. At no time in the recent past has it been more imperative for all students to take a strong interest in national and international affairs. At no time in history has it been more the immediate concern of youth to take an ac- tive part in a discussion such as this. It is to be hoped that student attendance and partici- pation will reflect the temper of the times. -- Helen Gorman. The Editor Gets Tol[d. Of ALL Things... .... $yMorty-Q.. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN has a man named Heil in the gubernatorial chair. Some people are sorry the chair isn't wired. And not for sound either. Mr. Q. has nothing in particu- lar against Julius P. except that his name sounds like an outstretched arm with a mustache at- tached. And also that he is too much a charac- ter like Texas' O'Daniels ( . . . you remember: the loudmouth with a big grin and a few flour mills who landed in the governor's seat with his pass-the-biscuits-to-me-pappy slogan and his 'hill-billy band). If you will remember, Wiscon- sin is the state that nurtured much social legis- lation and progressive reforms under the strong hand of the LaFolettes. That was before the hand of the LaFollettes came down with public palsy. And it seems too much of a comedown that a state with Wisconsin's reform record should now claim a fugitive from a goosestep for its head. Anyhow, if nothing else, Heil provides some pretty good stories for the press boys. The lat- est has to do with a statement this brainstorm made a few weeks ago to the effect that he would like to be governor of Michigan: he would know what to do with all the labor trouble and he would soon straighten out all the Wolverine blues. So the next day, the Capitol Times, the Progressive Party's paper in Madison, came out with this: "To the State of Michigan: We will gladly trade you Governor Heil for Governor Dickinson. And we will gladly throw in five pounds of Wisconsin cheese." T HAPPENED here in The Daily office yester- day. The outside editorial' office was fairly busy getting the editorial material ready and the page laid out. Typewriters were clicking and voices were buzzing especially Young Gil- liver's voice which has all the soothing qualities of fingernails on a blackboard. In barges some red-faced guy with a tripod and a camera which he proceeds to set up. He looks around the room and wants to know where is Petersen or Maraniss? I'm Maraniss, says the Ace coming out from behind his hair in the corner. The photo-flub looks at him with that watcha- tryin'-to-hand-me look and says: gowan, you ain't Maraniss. Wereupon he is assured by those in the room that if it isn't Maraniss, it's a damn goo imitation. But the guy is sure. So he gathers his stuff and barges out, sneer- ing that he knows Maraniss when he sees him. HOW MANY of you noticed that the Carillo, clock stopped- clocking at three o'clock yes- terday afternoon? Probably a rebellion at that vile stuff that pours from the tower under the guise of music. SLIPPERY SIDNEY, the sage of Lower Main Street, comes up with the following dope: if you add up the total number of Russian troops that the Finns have accounted for in their of- ficial communiques, you wind up with six mil- lion more men than the Russians claimed to have in their army in the first pe. Further- more, continues Sidney with no encouragement from anyone, the Finns are guilty of breaches of all codes of' Arctic snow warfare. In the first place, they are putting rocks in their snow- balls, to say nothing of using "icies," and they are also using spikes on their skis. * * * 'N CHICAGO for a day during the holidays to see Pete Lisagor, now establishing himself on the Chicago Daily News as one of the most promising young metropolitan sports writers to come along in years. It's really amazing how Pete, who wrote the "Aside Lines" sports col- umn two years ago as the only junior sports editor in Daily history-and one of the best-can hold conversation interest. When Pete starts to tell a story, everything and everybody stops to listen. He's an amazing guy and, therefore, Mr. Q. was not surprised to hear this story: It seems that Pete had been working quite hard on the Daily News and found himself in need of a rest. But he knew the only possible way he could ever rest was to be confined some- where in a bed. So he had himself examined and discovered he had two extra pieces of anatomy: his tonsils and his appendix. By a process of financial elimination, he found it would be cheaper to have his tonsils out. So he went to the hospital, had his tonsils removed, rested for two weeks and is now busily engaged running himself down again. Mr. Q. wonders what will happen when his appendix has been used up too. Have you heard it was so quiet in the Kremlin one day last week that you could hear a Finn drop? have been curbed to the point of non-existance. At no time in our generation has a more op- portune time presented itself for a thorough discussion of the problems which grow out of 9 that stupid thing we call war. The Winter Peace Varfey will engineer just such a discus- sion, and will attempt to answer some of the obvious questions which have arisen. What is happening, and what is about to happen to our rights of justice, belief, free speech? What changes will we find in our economic system when the last chapter of today's war has been written? And when peace comes, will it be a lasting one, or merely a parenthetical injection between this war and the next? What can we do to make it a lasting peace? How far must we go to successfully protect our de- mocracy-the last of its kind in the world? The Winter Parley offers an opportunity for every Michigan student to express his opinion and to get the opinion of faculty members sais to what th eanswers to these questions should be. It is a challenge to you to find out what It Seems ToUs... Mr. Broun, a great-hearted man and a master newspaper stylist was one celebrity who never led down the eager celebrity hunter. Broun the person was fully a match for the Broun legend. He was born Dec. 7, 1888, in Brook- lyn. But in his infancy the family moved to Manhattan and he reverted again and again to memories of the brownstone-front section west of Central Park in which he spent his boyhood. His father, Heywood Cox Broun, was a businessman in comfortable circumstances, the founder of a printing business and one-time Na- tional Guardsman and crack shot with the rifle. When he died in 1930 the son wrote in a column: "I can explain my father to you by saying that he was to the life Thackeray's Col. Newcome with just a dash of Major Pendennis." The boy attended Horace Mann School and there achieved his -out- standing athletic success, a berth on the football team. At 17, tall, over- grown, shy and precocious, he en- tered Harvard. For four years he remained, a member of the class of 1910; the class which included Wal- ter Lippmann, John Reed, and Ham- ilton Fish, Jr., as members. He ac- quired a devotion for writing under the distinguished Charles Townsend Copeland, and he never lost his faith in or ceased to talk abot the mioral superiority of Harvard in athletics. But an ofteil-refeired-to deficiency in French prevented his graduation. While still a college student he began writing sports stories for the New York Moi'ning Telegraphy and continued on the staff of that paper until 1912. Then he went to the New York Tribuine for nine years, then to the World from 1921 to 1928, when he went to the New York Tele- gran. Broun was married twice-first in 1917 to Ruth Hale. a theatrical pub- licity woman, militan't feminist and brilliant fighter for humane causes; second in 1935 to Connie Madison, an actress and widow of Johnnie Dooley, the comedian, whom Broun met when she appeared in Shoot The Works. It was perhaps due to Connie Madison; the second Mrs. Broun, that the columnist last May became a convert to the Roman Catholic faith. Mrs. Broun, at any rate, is an active member of that church. Broun was brought up as an Epis- copalian and later referred to him- self as Unitarian. Although unco- ventional and unorthodox in his faith, he had a brooding spiritual turn of mind, was fascinated by Biblical mysteries and frequently quoted Scriptures in his writing with apt effectiveness. For thirty years, in round num- bers, Broun was a New York news- paperman, and at any time during that period that would have been his best. Always A Star DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) II (open to men only) salary range: $200-40. Jan. 4. Detroit Civil Service: Senior Sani- tary Chemist, salary $2520. Jan. 12. Assistant Sanitary Engineer (Detroit residence waived), salary $3600. Jan. 19'. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Health Service Visiting Hours: For several reasons connected with the welfare of all concerned, the Health SerVice visiting hours in the Infir- mary will be restricted to 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon. Exhibitions Exhibits of the University's Arch- eological Research in the Philippines, Great Lakes Region, Ceramic Types of the Eastern United States and of Ceramic Technology and Ethnobo- tany are being shown in the Mezza- nine floor Exhibit rooms of the RAkham Building. Also exhibited are antiquities from the University excavations at Seleucia-on-Tigris and from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 9:30, ex- cept Sunday. Leatres University Lecture: Dr. Michael A.. Heilperin, formerly of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, will lecture on "Liberal and UNVERSILTY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS Jan. 27 to Feb. 7, 1940 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of. Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exami- nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami- nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor. D. W. McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 24. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each 'tudent should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period of January 27 to February 7. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be changed, without the consent of the Classification Committee. Time Of Exercise Time of Examination (at 8 Monday, Feb. 5 8-12 (at 9 Friday, Feb. 2 8-12 (at 10 Wednesday, Jan. 31 8.12 MONDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 29 8-12 (at 1 Tuesday, Feb. 6 2-6 (at 2 Monday, Jan. 29 2-6 (at 3 Tuesday, Feb. 6 8-12 Totalitarian Methods in- Internation- al Economic Relations" under the auspices of the Department of Ec- onomics at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Lecture on "Cooperative Economy and Productive Homesteads; Their Sociological Significance" by George Weller of the School of Living, in Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. Discus- sion will follow. Todayo's Events, International Center: Usual recre- ation program tonight. Congregational Fellowship party to- night at the church at 9 p.m. anrc- ing, games, and refreshments. All students are invited. Stalker Hall: Bible Class with Dr. Brashares, teacher, at the First Meth- odist Church tonight at 7:30. Open House at Stalker Hall at 9 p.m. Westminster Guild will hold Open House at the church tonight from 8 to 12. All are welcome. Painting Section of the Faculty Women's Club meeting today at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Har- old M. Dorr, 3 Orchard Drive. Cormig Events German Table for Faculty Mem- hers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. (Continued on Page 6) Mr. Broun wrote books, such as The Boy Grew Older, The Sun Field, Gandle Follows His Nose, and col- laborated on a biography of An- thony Comstock and on a study of prejudice, Christians Only. He also published collections of his essays. But he remained, first to last, a newspaperman. He wrote baseball and football stories which are turned back to, from this distance, as models of force, originality and color in sports reporting. In his day as dramatic critic there was none in the city to be quoted as his rival. Within only a few years of his start he was known as a ff'ont-rank star and one of the best. The theatre intrigued him and he craved to be an actor, taking out an Equity card . but finally compromis- ing by developing himself by stern insistence, into an effective public speaker. Politics also drew him and he ran for Congress as a Socialist nine years ago and talked of "walk- ing for Congress" as a New Dealer next fall. Columnists Came Into Being As newspapers desereted the nar- row partisanship and sought to fur- nish a variety of viewpoint to sup- plement their own editorial page at- titudes, their efforts took the form of colunns in which an outstanding writer received carte blanche' to ex- press his own views, irrespective of their relationship to the editorial policy of the paper. It was to play such a role that' Heywood Broun came to Scrpps- Howard in 1928 to write a column for the old New York Telegram. His column was continued for the merged World-Telegram. During the 1928 Hoover-Smith Presidential campaign, in which the Telegram supported Herbert Hoover, Mr. Broun, through his column, It Seems To Me, supported the candi- dacy of Gov. Al Smith with all the power of his pen. In the pre-con- vention campaign of 1932, Mr. Broun, still a champion of Governor Smith, bitterly opposed the nomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt, referring to TUESDAY (at 8 (at 9 (at,10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 Monday, Feb. 5 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Jan. 31 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Feb. 7 Friday, Feb. 2 Thursday, Feb. 1 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 2-6. 8-12 con- E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; German; Spanish *Saturday, Feb. 3; Surv. 1, 2, 4; French *Saturday, Jan. 27 M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2 *Thursday, Feb. 1 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 *Saturday, Feb. 3 Economics *Thursday, Feb. 1 Drawing 3 *Friday, Feb. 2 E.E. 2a; Physics 46 *Tuesday, Feb. 6 *This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no flict with the regular printed schedule above. FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE First Semester, 1939-1940-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts REGULAR EXAMINATIONS Time of Exercise Time of Examination Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 9-12 Mon. atW 9 Fri., Feb. 2, 9-12 Mon. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 29, 9-12 Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb. 6, 2-5 Mon, at 2 Mon., Jan. 29, 2-5 Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 6, 9-12 Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 2-5 Tues. at 9 Tues., Jan. 30, 2-5 Tues. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 2-5 Tues. at 11 Tues., Jan. 30, 9-12 Taes. at 1 Wed., Feb. 7, 9-12 Tues. at' 2 Fri., Feb. 2, 2-5 Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 1, 9-12 SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS Special Period No. Time of Examination Courses 1 Sat., Feb. 3, 9-12 II Sat., Feb. 3, 2-5 III Sat., Jan. 27, 2-5 IV Thurs., Feb. 1, 2-5 German 1, 2, 31, 32. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32. Music 31. Zoology 1. Botany 1. Psychology 31. Music 1. French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 71, 111, 112, 153. Speech 31, 32. Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52. ALTHOUGH MANY OF US feel safe here in . America from bombs and blackouts, there are, among contemporary thinkers, those whci feel that our safety is less assured than we seem to think. The possibility of explosions per- IRREGULAR EXAMINATIONS English I shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2-5. English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 2, 9-12. Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall be examined on Thursday, Feb. 1, 9-12.