Weather ist y ciovidy, lOcal Snws AQV _d6v HAT 41L AbP il Editorial Od'eago's Fiuture Ii The ig 'Ten i VOL. L. No. 72 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt Makes Sweeping Changes In Foreign Service Proceeds Of 'Capricorn Capers' To Be Given. o Health Service Out Of Five Appointments Long Receives Portfolio; Cromwell To Canada England Assures Nazi Exports Here WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. -(P)-- President Roosevelt made sweeping changes in the diplomatic service to- day, appointing a new Assistant Sec- retary of State, three ambassadors and two ministers. In addition to the appointment of ex-Ambassador Breckinridge Long as Assistant Secretary of State, of outstanding interest was the nomina- tion of millionaire James H. R. Crom- well as Minister to Canada. Cromwell is the husband of Doris Duke, tobacco heiress, and is an author, world traveler, philanthropist, sportsman and economist. Cromwell's appointment coincided with a State Department announce- ment disclosing that negotiations with Canada for the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes deep waterway are reaching a head. A delegation headed by Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State, will leave for Ottawa on Satur- day to discuss a treaty with Canadian officials. Other diplomatic appointments were: RobertM. Scotten, of Michigan, to be Minister to the Dominican Re- public. Scotten has been a career diplomat for 23 years. His present post is Counselor of Embassy at Madrid. John Cudahy of Wisconsin, at pres- ent Minister to Ireland, to be Am- bassador to Belgium and Luxemburg. He succeeds Joseph E. Davies, re- cently appointed Special Assistant to Secretary Hull. Accepts New Post PROF. CARL G. BRANDT Regents Name Carl0. Brandt BureauChief Prof. Carl G. Brandt, of the speech department, has been selected to suc- ceed the late Dean Henry C. Ander- son as Director of University Student- Alumni Relations, it was learned here this week. Professor Brandt received his ap- pointment at the December meeting of the Board of Regents. He had served as Director of the Bureau since the death of Dean Anderson in Octo- ber. Assembly Board rTo EIquip Two Rooms In Addition From Dance Tomorrow "Capricorn Capers," the dance to be sponsored by Assembly from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow in the League Ballroom, will have two firsts to its name. Not only will it be the first leap year dance on campus where the girls act as hostesses, but it will be the first attempt by any organization to raise money for the new addition to the Health Service. Bill Gail and his orchestra will play for the dance to which all inde- pendent women have the privilege of inviting men. Tickets are on sale in all dormitories. Special represen- tatives have been appointed in each of the houses to be in charge of the sales. The money from the dance will be donated by the Dormitory Board of Assembly to the furnishing of two single rooms at $250 apiece. Furnish- ings for each of the rooms will in- clude a bed, an over-bed and side- bed table, a straight chair and com- fortable chair, floor lamp, hangings, and built-in closet, Furnishings for the rooms will be ordered about March 1 so as to be in readiness dur- ing spring vacation. "Several large women's organiza- tions are getting rooms furnished for the new addition," Dr. Margaret Bell of the hygiene and physical edu- cation department, said. "In order to get th'e building, it has been necessary to curtail ex- penses for construction and equip- Dr. Heilperin To Give Talk On Economics 1940 University Lecture Series To Start Today In Rackham Auidtorium Dr. Michael A. Heilperin, formerly a member of the faculty of the Grad- uate Institute of International Stu- dies in Geneva, Switzerland, will in- augurate the 1940 University Lecture series at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack- ham lecture hall where he will speak on "Liberal and Totalitarian Meth- ods in International Economic Re- lations," under the auspices of the economics department. During the past summer, Dr. Heil- sen actedhas expert to the 12th Session of the International Studio-~ Conference held in Bergen, Norway. He was also a professor at the Aca-- demie du Droit International at The Hague, where he gave a course on "Collective Security, and Interna- tional Economic Cooperation." Dr. Heilperin's experience in this country includes a fellowship in the Rockefeller Foundation from 1933- 1935, and a visiting lectureship dur- ing the spring semester of last year at the University of California in Berkeley. He was a lecturer in Cur- rency and Finance at the University of Geneva in 1932. acancy Given ment," Dr. Wa n E. Forsythe, di- ,ector of the health Service, com- mented. "We're planning to take all old equipment into the building with the hope of getting help in the future to replace them gradually. We shall give any donators proper recognition by way of suitable name plates and markings." The addition to the health service is being constructed as a WPA proj- ect, the government contributing 40 per cent of the funds. For its con- tribution from the proceeds of "Cap- ricorn Capers," the Assembly will be given a plaque in the new building. Dr. Bell expressed "delight with the spirit which girls have shown with regard to the new health serv- ice, especially in the direct dona- tions which they have made for fur- nishing infirmary rooms. I think this is a delightful demonstration of mutual confidence shown between the students and the health service. Nothing would give me more person- al satisfaction than to see these rooms furnished:" Calvert's Goal Leads Sextet To 1-0 Victory Wolverines Beat Michigan Tech For Year's First Triumph;_James Stars By LARRY ALLEN Michigan's hockey team took its first step towards the retention of its mythical ice championship of the state last night at the Coliseum when it played inspired hockey behind a second-period goal to squeeze through with a 1-0 decision over Michigan Tech. The lone tally of the game came as the result of a brilliant solo dash by defenseman Larry Calvert at the 3:34 mark in the second period. Cal- vert picked the puck up in his own defense zone and after outskating Tech's charging forward wall and ,splitting the defense beat Kurt Gus- tafson with a well-aimed corner shot. The Wolverine made little effort; to protect their slim lead, and played wide-open hockey against the up- .taters in an effort to increase their one-goal advantage. The Huskie turned on the pressure in the final stanza, and it was only :hrough the fine work of Capt. Spike James in the nets that Michigan was able to ring up its first victory in y -e starts., Although the Michigan captain was ver left short-handed by penalties, had to face a penalty shot in the cond period when he tripped the "ners' flying Frenchman Maurice Silleneuve. But the big Canadian (Continued on Page 3) 1. . Confirmation For Murphy SeeniDefinite Senator Burke, Chairman Of Committee, Expects No SenateOpposition Michigan Delegates Favor Appointment WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-() - Senate confirmation within two weeks or less of Frank Murphy's ap- pointment to the Supreme:Court was predictedtoday by Senator Burke (Dem., Neb.). Senator Burke, postponing the subcommittee meeting until next Thursday to enable him to attend the funeral in Nebraska of Repre- sentative Heinke (Rep., Neb.), said he believed confirmation should come without opposition. Frank Murphy, if confirmed by the Senate, will become the third mem- ber of the present Supreme Court appointed while serving as Attorney General. He will take his seat alongside 77- year-old James C. McReynolds, At- torney General in the Wilson admin- istration, and 67-year old Harlan F. Stone, Attorney General in the Coolidge administration. Murphy's appointment was re- ceived faborably by most members of the Michigan delegation who cm-. mented. Senator Brown (Dem.) remarked that it would be the first time in ap- proximately 40 years, since Justice Henry Brown held a Supreme Court post, that Michigan will have had a representative on the high court. "I was highly pleased at the great honor to our state," Brown said. "Murphy, I think, is very well con- stituted to be judge. He is a very temperate man, and had long ex- perience on the bench in Detroit be- fore he became mayor." Rep. John D. Dingall (Dem.) cred- ited the appointment with adaing to the Court's "scholarship, strength, progressiveness, and liberal inter- pretation of law for the benefit of humanity." "The middlewest," Rep. Frank E. Hook (Dem.) said, "certainly was entitled to a position on the bench, and Murphy's record of public service indicates he no doubt will make a very valuable justice." Band Leaders To Attend Clinic Dr. Goldman To Conduct Orchestra Jan. 14 From all parts of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois more than 300 high school band and orchestra lead- ers are expected to attend the an- nual Band and Orchestra Clinic to be held here Jan. 13-14. The Clinic, sponsored by the Michigan High School Band and Orchestra Association in cooperation with the University School of Mu- sic, is held each year primarily to acquaint conductors of high school bands and orchestras with recent Imusical compositions and arrange- ments, according to Prof. William Revelli, conductor of University Band. To this year's clinic will be added the appearance of Dr. Edwin F. Goldman, Conductor of the Goldman Band of New York City. On Jan. 13 Dr. Goldman will deliver a lecture and on Jan. 14 will appear as guest conductor of the University Concert Band in its annual midwinter con- cert. Mr. King Stacy, President of the Michigan School Band and Orches- tra Association, is to be genera: chairman of the clinic, Prof. Wil- liam Revelli, conductor of the Uni- versity Band, local chairman. Opening Sessions Of Winter Parley To Be Held Today Appointed To Court -< ? Discussion Second Causes1 A A i Will Consider World War's 4nd Effects George S. Messersmith, of Dela- A graduate of the University with ware, now Assistant Secretary of a bachelor of laws degree in 1921 and State, to be Ambassador-,to Cuba. a master of '1aws degree in 1922,. Messersmith, who has been engaged Professor Brandt is chairman of the in streamlining the State Depart- English department of the engineer- ment in preparation for its increased ing college and a member of the taskst in crises and war, is a career speech department in the literary col- diplomat of 25 years standing. lege. R. Henry Norweb, of Ohio, now As Director of Student-Alumni Re- Minister to the Dominican Republic, As De of SentAlumi to be Ambassador to Peru. Norweb lations, he will serve as, coordinator is anepert mnadtin APerinorafbof the various departments, offices, is an expert on Latn American af- bureaus and organizations dealing ques s well as international radio with extra-curricular affairs of stu- quesions _______dents and the relations of the Uni- versity with its alumni. Department Announces . Professor Brandt has been a mem- U.S. Questions To London ber of the faculty for 18 years. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. -(P)- The British Government has given B U L L E T I N the United States assurances that, "in very exceptional circumstances"' TOKYO, Jan. 5.--()-Domei exports from Germany to the United (Japanese news agency) reported States will be permitted to come today from Peiping that an Amer- through without interference. ican sentry had shot and seriously The State Department made public wolde N today a series of questions submitted wounded a Japanese soder. by the American Embassy in Lon- details were given. don and answers by the British Min-_ istry of Economic Warfare, dated Dec. 25 and embodying these assur- Suprem e CourtV ances. The British Government promised that "applications for exemption from To M uch Spo the provisions of the order in council (establishing a blockade of German exports) in certain circumstances will By LEONARD SCHLEIDER be entertained and if granted an America's spotlight which for the assurance will be given that the con- past year has been focussed intermit- signment concerned will not be in- tently on a red-haired 46-year-old terfered with." Michigan alumnus narrowed its beam The Ministry said, however, that yesterday with the announcement "such exemptions will only be given that Attorney General Frank Mur- in very exceptional circumstances." phy, '14L, has been appointed to the It was not possible, the statement Supreme Court by President Roose- continued, to define the facts on velt. which an exception would be made. Called "Frank the Just" for his FRANK MURPHY, '14L Dates Are Set For Beginning Of Final Exams Schedules Are Rearranged To Avoid Conflictions Made In Last Year's Plan Final examinations in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts for the first semester, 1939-40, will officially. begin at 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 29, which is exactly 24 days from today. Last year several unforseen major conflicts in courses forced the ad- ministration to revise the schedule at a late date thus witholding the final program from the students un- til practically the last minute. This year, however, the schedule has been planned so that there are very few probable conflicts, and outside of first-year courses, only four groups of special examinations., With the exception of the more advanced courses, all French finals are scheduled for special meeting, while elementary courses in German and Spanish are also on special dates. English 1 and beginning courses in eco,dmics, all of large enrollment, will also iie nr=ei spciai cates. Beginning courses in such depart- ments as speech, zoology, botany, political science and psychology will also be held on irregular days be- cause of the size of the classes. Other than these special and ir- regular exams, all others will be held at the time indicated by their regular first weekday meeting. Any mithies Will Give 'KeynoteSpeech' More than 400 people are expected ) attend the grand opening of the .rst annual Winter Parley, replete ith a panel of 26 faculty members nd eight student chairmen, which ill be held at 3:15 p.m. today in the forth Lounge of the Union to dis- uss the causes and effects of the econd World War. Keynote speeches will be given at )day's general session by Prof. Ar- bur Smithies, of the economics de- artment, who will present the fac- Ity point of view and by Robert osa, Grad., president of the Ann 'rbor branch of the American Stu- ent Union; Tom Downs, '40L, and Anderson Ashburn, '40E, editor of he Technic, who will give the stu- ents' viewpoint. The inaugural meeting today will erve as a stimulus for discussion roups which will1meet at 2:15 and :30 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday). A -eneral meeting at 3:15 p.m. Sun- ay at which concrete resolutions rising from group debates, will be ormulated, will wind up the week- :nd sessions. The audience will be divided into our smaller groups to facilitate more horough discussion, according toi obert Reed, '41, general chairman. ach of the sections will discuss the ame topics which are: the charac- er and origin of this war, press and >ropaganda, relations with South America, economics, religion, civil ights, United States' ppreparedniess nd militarization, neutrality and kmerican politics. Students attending tomorrow's essions will be asked to sign up for he group they desire to bein and'ill >e expected to continue in that group or the duration of the Parley, ac- ording to Clarence Kresin, Grad., ;eneral secretary. This plan which liffers from that of former Spring Parlies, was adopted with the idea >f reducing the number of "listeners nd floaters" and to increase the umber of participants, Kresin ex- lained. A time limit will be set for in- lividual speeches from the floor to enable more students and faculty nembers to participate actively. Questions may be verbal or written, Kresin added. Rourke Takes Hospital Post Board Of Regents Accept Resignation With Regret University officials announced yes- terday that they had accepted the resignation of Dr. Anthony J. J. Rourke, assistant director of theUni- versity Hospital, so that he may ac- cept a position as director of Stan- ford University hospitals. Dr. Rourke's resignation was ac- cepted in December by the executive committee of the Board of Regents with "sincere regret." He will leave his University duties Jan. 22. A graduate of Michigan in 1936, Dr. Rourke has served as an interne in the medical school, as assistant superintendent of the Vanderbilt clinics at the Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center. He returned to An Arbor in 1938 to become assistant director of the Uni- versity hospital. Dr. Rourke will serve as physician- superintendent of two hospitals, one in San Francisco and the other on the campus at Palo Alto. He willhave the rank of assistant professor at Stanford University's school of medi- cine. Dr. Rourke has been especially ac- Live in Ann Arbor in the Red Cross program and served as chairman of the Washtenaw county chapter's annual roll call last fall. Ickes Charges Sabotage By Bureau's Employees WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-(A')-Sec- retary Ickes charged today that a th ghted Alumnus. began a drive against "un-American anti-minority" organizations in the U.S. Since the death of Justice Pierce Butler Nov. 16 Mr. Murphy's eleva- tion to the Court was considered a certainty by Washington correspon- dents. Only one obstacle was report- ed to be in the way: Murphy was said to prefer active service either in the Cabinet or as a running-mate on a. Life Of Gorky Enacted In Art Cinema Film The second movie in the three- film cycle on Maxim Gorky's life, "On His Own," based on material from the Russian author's autobiog- raphy, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A presentation of the Art Cinema League, the Soyuzdetfilm production is a continuation of "The Childhood of Maxim Gorky," which was shown here last year. It picks up the story of Gorky's life on the Volga River where the young man got his first job as a dishwasher on a little steam- er, and was later advanced to the position of apprentice in an icon shop. Director Mark Donskoi and his as- sociates have assembled the same cast which drew such favorable com- ment last year. Alyosha Lyarsky, a Moscow school-boy, discovered b3 Donskoi, plays the orphaned Gork3 in his experiences in Nishni-Nov- gorod in the '80s and V. 0. Massali- tinova, who studied the part for 1( years and was selected by Gork3 himself for the role, plays the grand- mother. German Tanker Seized By Marshal In Bostor BOSTON, Jan, 4.-(AP)-The Ger- man tanker, Pauline Friederich, which took refuge here at the out- hrpe, hof th Ernean war wa deviation from the schedule because of conflicts or enforced absence may only be made by agreement betweek, students and their instructors with the permission of the Examination Schedule Committee. Heil Will Address Megorial Dinner LANSING, Jan. 4.-(P)-Gov. Ju- lius P. Heil of Wisconsin received an invitation today to deliver the "prin- cipal address" at a memorial dinner in Detroit Jan. 26 in honor of the late Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald. State - Treasurer Miller Dunckel said Michigan's Governor Luren D. Dickinson, whose labor policies in- curred Heil's censure recently, had approved the invitation.. Finnish Skiers Cut Into Russia Patrols Encircle Defeated Soldiers Of Soviet WITH FINNISH FORCS ON THE LAKE KIANTA FRONT, Jan. 4.-(YP) -Speedy Finnish ski patrols have cut deeply into Russia at several points to encircle forces of the Red Army fleeing from the defeat ad- ministered to them six days ago on the shores of this Finnish lake. Hand-to-Hand guerrilla fighting between opposing ski soldiers is oc- eurring frequently. Small numbers impart tion's whomf as its reache dicial this wi depths become As h office, sole cl; Depart crusad crimex rupt p prostit like Le City's Long lines c otherc umnus iality in streamlining the na- third-term ticket. But Capitol ex- law enforcement, the man perts declared Murphy was too well the state'of Michigan rejected qualified to be passed over. He is a chief executive has now Catholic and a Midwesterner, as was d the highest rung on the ju- Butler, and he is a recognized New ladder. Only one year ago Dealer. week he was called from the Son of an Irish lawyer, Frank of gubernatorial defeat to Murphy was born April 13, 1893 in e Attorney General. Harbor Beach, Mich. His mother, lead of the world's largest law a devout Catholic, wanted him to with the United States as his become a priest. In Ann Arbor he ient and 9,000 members of the was a member of Sigma Chi frater- tment of Justice as his staff, he nity, a participant in the Union Op- ed against the men who make era and a night editor on The Daily. possible-crooked lawyers, cor- Mr. Murphy received his LL.B. in olitical bosses, and judges who 1914 and did graduate work at Lin- uted the Federal bench. Names coln's Inn, London, and Trinity Col- epke, Justice Manton, Kansas lege, Dublin. He served in France Pendergast and Louisiana's and with the Army of Occupation in machine began to make head- Germany. Upon returning to Mich- oupled with Murphy, and an- igan, Mr. Murphy in 1920 became an crime-buster and Michigan al- Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of . vice-presidential probability prosecution of war profiteers. He C a Y Y d Y ASU Group Defeats Resolution Condemning Soviet Union Action Resolutions pertaining to civil lib- erties, social security and other problems affecting the welfare of the student body and the nation as a whole were passed at the fifth an- nual American Student Union con- vention, held at Madison, Wis., dur- ing the holidays which was attended by more than 400 delegates from collegesrand universities in the Unit- ed States. An amendment which criticized :r _, , ,f 1a Qnvria+ Tnin i vote," said Barbara Woollcott, '43,, one of the 10 local delegates, "on the understanding that the central significance of that question to Americans is no more nor less than the use to which the Russo-Finnish affair is being put, that of serving as a "moral cause" stumbling block over which our neutrality may be shattered. "For this reason," she asserted, "the convention decided to oppose tpmp. fM this affair a wellas any