rAGr7 rETGTIT THlE MICIE2ANfDAILY TH'31iSljAY, .*AN. 4, 1940 . iw. y an. a v a..a a. v cw x L 1'1 -Y. L 1 THURSDAY, J..,A.N. . .... 4, 1940. .. Y' , '' ,,,- 1 '!; rOL* IhL ML F 'N r . AT HOME ON LANVD AND SEA-Here is the navy's new 12-ton" amphibian, the XP]BY-5-A, on a scheduled easy-stage flight from San Diego, Cal:, to Washington, D.C., by way of (Pensacola, Fla. Among features of plane are: retractable landing gear, twin wasp engines in wings, a gun turret in the hull forward of the pilot's Cockpit. THE DUKE CALLS-On short leave from servi"e with Britain's navy, the Duke of went visited the duchess and their children, Ifrince Ed- ward and Princess Alexandra (shown). The royal family is living in the west of England. HELPING HANDS-To make sure that things are "on the level," Mrs. Mary Grove checks up on doorway in a two-story addition being built by her husband, Robert (above), who's almost totally blind. They live in Wilkins Twp., Pa. York on i hs :rrival to divvvd the organization of ;a ir3s1rif campaign, Ite fdiscI,as rd ally frV^- tion between hIia; al111 her r ouilps or'ganizing ll ,' 1 0iCf for 'in112~.';7c IMO Q'TlUR V(W . UNiA#A}l- A I ii w jv 'ut im xta. year, 14-year- old ,john1ny l12pipsvw do Fi h Uoy Se ',c't "f O dturn" hy on12t'r"iting b ~ l~o is 5W" iea 7 ,3 i 's to aNFMCA vreiie und. Jonny s a I Boy scout wl-ffi.can, aUttle :.now'-y inakjin?';' i!;A ir wv~Atchstraps tikc this; BAKER'S DUAVTS--This sketch model of Jefferson Davis shows how Bryant Baker, N.Y. sculptor, envisions the civil war hero. The Baker and Hibbard models are cause of heated discussions among Daughters of the Conifederacy who plan to have a Davis statue played on capitol grounds at Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Baker did the "Pioneer Woman" statue at Ponca City, Okla.1, HIBBARD'S DAMS-The work of Sculptor Frederick C. Hibbard of Chicago, above statue of Jefferson Davis is a mute pa'tieipant in a dis- put4e involving the Unlted Daughters (of the Confederacy and' the Ala- boma. capitol. ;Since a Daughters' convention acv pted the Hibbard imodel for erection. at Montgomery, there has beeni some axitation for another model, by Bryant Baker. WOMEN'S 1VOLD,-T wf callers at world center for women's archives in capital recently wvere Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (left) and, Dr. Bury Beard, historiain and author. Dfr. Ilea rd is founder of the archives center. HONOR ARiEAI-Reason to smile has Capt. Milo F. Draemel (above), former Nebraskan who's now comn- naxndaut of mnidshipmen at the US. ava A~U~hm. le'sschedl- uled to becomne a rear admiral in c mmand of Destroyer Flotilla One. . '... 1 .w.. .. ..... .. .... ...... ..:.. ..... .. ... ... .... ..... .: .: . ....._ " .. ........ .. 56 ........... _ . ... ....... ... ",eti.: ... ..:.max . - ±: 1 4.?.....:N . ..:.......... " .: . .__.. ..... - 1. 4:k....... .. z i ' -'-+ = +5 fi?- -. -" .- . ::.: C;.