&I*IR UU THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~HRDAYIA. , 9 Toward The Forties: Americans Still Stand For Peace, Democracy GULLIVER'S CAVILS '3y Young 9uili'ver DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN REPRESSENTED FOR NATiONAL AEkiuSiNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representatwe - HIAG EOSO ' Lv ''L. SAr FPA'JC Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen .. Elliott Maraniss . Morton L. Linder . Norman A. Schorr . John &N.F Cnavan Ann Vicary . . M!el Fineberg . . . Business Staff Business Manager . . . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager } Managing Editor Editoria Director . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor ...Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko J.Hane Mowers NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN SARASOHN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily £taff and represent the views of the writers only, Death Of A Newspaperman HEYWOOD BROUN wrote two de- cades ago: "Nothing in the world dies quite as completely as an actor and the Igreater' the actor the more terrifying becomes the sudden transition from radiance to dark- ness. One day he is there with all his moods and complexities and curious glints of this and that, and the next day there is nothing left but a fe wgsan cstme; ehap aolume of emoirs and acrabok of clippings in which1 we learn that the dead player was 'majestic in presence,' that he had 'a great voice which boomed like a bell,' that he was 'regal, subtle, pathetic,' and that 'everyone who was ever as- sociated with him loved and respected him."' And now Heywood Broun is dead. For a mom- ent the "sudden transition from radiance to darkness" is appalling. Certainly the thought of Broun with his facile wit, his strong convic- tions, his abounding sympathy for the "down and under," being gone is one which hurts. :But Broun was no actor; he leaves behind him, far more than "a few wigs and costumes" and a scrapbook of clippings. He leaves to the world the heritage of a life full of understanding and sympathy expressed in a staunch espousal of the cause of others less fortunate than he. That was the abiding principle of his life. He upheld the oppressed at all times. His defense of Eu- gene Debs in 1926 and of Sacco and Vanzetti two years later are classics now. And countless num- bers of times he has come to the aid of those nameless millions who are numbered among the unfortunates of America. .But it is not enough to know only the col- Umnistic Broun. The 21 million words that he wrote in his 30 years in the newspaper game are only a part of Broun. As Bruce Bliven puts It: "No one noted thaL his written output was only 10- per cent of his total. The other 90. and it was grand stuff, was dictated to people who unfortunately didn't have a pencil." Broun's life was a mirror of the convictions he expressed for 18 years in his column It .Seems To Me. In 1933 he became convinced of the need for a Uinion for newspaper men and a few months later the American Newspaper Guild came into being . While the bulk of the routine work of the union was handled by others, always stand- ing staunchly behind it was Broun, its guardian Now that Broun is deed his colleagues almost 1oman have risen to eulogize hm. "Everyone who was ever associated with him loved and re- spected him." There can be no doubt that among these are many who sincerely feel r the loss, but there are those among the mourners whose ap- creciations ring false. We know that what Hey- wvood Broun left to the oworld will not lose its meaning because he is dead, thaat it will live on because humor, sympathy, honesty and justice don't fade and die, and that the Michigan Daily hias been richer for what he gave it. -- Carl Petersen. NEWS FROM OHIO (From The New York Post). The 16,000 who have been cut off relief in Cleveland received, per person, three pounds of flour and four pounds of apples last week. This fool was the gift of the Federal Surplus Com- modities Corporation, rushed in to halt actual starvation of citizens of Ohio. By ELLIOTT lIARANISS War clouds hover over the continental ex- panse of the United States as the new year and the new decade begin. To those of us who are students now the decade of the Thirties will remain embedded in our memories as a decade of struggle for our right to live decent, normal lives, for a chance to take a productive place in the ranks of the American people. It was a decade of constant battle against those forces that would thwart our chances for full mental and physical development. We were made acutely aware, by our own experience, by gov- ernmental statistics and by such books as Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath of the intensity and gravity of our national problems; and we gave concrete expression to our pripciples by aligning ourselves with the progressive interests of the entire American people. We championed all measures and proposals that we felt would increase the wealth, security and well-being of the people: such measures, for example as the WPA, NYA, the Wagner Health Bill, aid to farmers and the Social Security Act. The decade that began with a world-wide ec- onomic crisis that reached down into every fabric of our lives has ended with a new World War: and what is at stake now is our very existence. Since the outbreak of the second imperialist Nar in Europe there have been ~very powerful forces at work in this country negotiationg for our involvement. Lured by the prospect of :)igger and better profits a new feeling of unani- mity and friendship has swept over the various factions of business and capital. The news- papers of the country are pulling out every dirty jourafilistic trick in their style books in order to whip the people up to a frenzy of moral indignation: editorial protestations of peace are given the lie by war-mongering headlines and news stories. For those of us who are determined to resist the headlong rush to war and disaster there are some very important and fundamental les- sons to be learned from the events of the last few months. In the first place, the fight for 12'Robert S. Allen WASHINGTON--Those optimstic statements about .a short session of Congress are a lot of wishful thinking. The boys will still be on hand when June 1 rolls around. One reason is that there is no need for them to hurry to get through. .The presidential con- vention won't take place this year until late July and early August. The other reason is that the shadow of the momentous fall cam- paign will dominate everything said and done on Capitol Hill and the session is a cinch to be one of the most acrimonious and politics- ridden in years. There will be fierce fighting over the Wagner Labor and Wage-Hour Acts, over Secretary Wallace's demand for some form of processing tax to finance the $300,000,000 farm parity payments, over Cordell Hull's reciprocal trade treaties and above all over the slashed budget. It's on this last issue that you will see party lines crumble and the boys, despite all their brave economy talk and other lofty sentiments, rally together to save their pork. For there's political murder in that thar budget.' The boys don't know it yet but Roosevelt has ripped $45,000,000 out of the flood 'control ap- propriation, whittling it down from $115,000,000 to $70,000,000. The cries of anguish that will go uip when this is discovered will rend the heavens from New England to California and from Mich- igan to Texas. At least two-thirds of the mem- bers of both chambers have local stakes in this appropriation, to say nothing of hundreds of contractors and thousands of workers, and with In election in the offing you can bet your boots the boys are going to leave no stone unturned t get their pork. If they don't, it may mean curtains for them in November. The flood control item is just one of a num- ber that got the axe. The highway appropria- tion, another prime local pork favorite, was riddled. When Roosevelt merely recommended that last year, Congress nearly had a fit. The boys will jump out of their skins when they see what he actually did to the appropriation this time. Nope ,the session will niot be short and there will be little harmony. The cards are stacked for a long and strife-filled engagement. Run-Out; There is one big battle, however, that may not take place. It's an inner circle secret but some of the - President's closest advisers are strongly urging him to duck the trade treaty fight. The Act expires this year but the pacts ne- ~otiated under it continue until they terminate. SPractically all the important treaties have been consummated. So the inside boys are counsel- ing the President to let the law lapse quietly and then next year, if the Democrats continue - n power, it will be much easier, with no election in the offing, to re-enact it. If the Democrats don't win then it won't make any difference any- way. peace today is an extension of our fight for the elementary rights of civil liberty, of security and jobs. Exactly those people who fought to the last inch to prevent the passage of the Social Security Act, who oppose adequate appropria- tions for relief, are now leading the campaign to get us into the war. One significant new addition to the ranks of reactifon and war has appeared on the horizon- an addition that will be written down as one one of the great tragedies of 'our age. When the first guns started booming in Europe the New Deal Administration bid a hasty farewell to the progressive position it had been forced into by an overwhelming popular demand,. and moved into the war orbit. An administration that calls for the crippling of the Wagner Act,. that condones the witch-hunting activities of the Dies Committee, that has scuttled the Na- tional Health Program, that sponsors the De- partment of Justice attacks on the right of trade unionists, can no longer serve as the rally- ing-ground for the genuinely liberal forces of the country. The Hoover of 1930 and the Roosevelt of 1940 have joined forces on the issue of war; to discover, then, that they have united in their attitude toward relief should come as no surprise. If there has been a reversal in the attitude of the New Deal, however, there has been no such about-face on the part of the American people. The people still want those things that were embodied, in a large measure, in the New Deal program, a program that they supported overwhelmingly in 1936. They still want to hold' firm to the guarantees of the Bill of Rights; they still want enough food, shelter, clothing, and medical treatment to make American life worth- while ; they still believe, in the rights of laborers to organize and to bargain collectively through unions of their own choosing; they still want iecent housing; they still want public schools for their children; and, more urgently than ever, they still want to remain at peace. Any party that is interested in enlisting the support of the American people will have to meet and serve these human needs. It will have to be an organization that will respond to these com- mon interests of all farmers, laborers, and per- sons of. the middle classes. Our hope for the future, both as students as citizens lies, with the determination of majority of the people to continue along progressive road it chose in the middle of last decade: and with it depend our lives. and the the the as an appointive official, Federal Reserve Board Thairman Marriner Eceles is quietly weighing a different method to get action--namely by becoming a member of Congress. The one- time leading Utah banker has reached no de- cision as yet, but he may run for the Senate next year against tho veteran anti-New Deal Democratic Senator William King. Both men are Mormons . . . Also reported to be harboring secret senatorial ambitions is Arthur Hyde, Secretary of Agriculture in :the Hoover Cabinet. who may seek the Republican nomnination for the seat now held by Missouri's Democratic Senator Harry Truman . . .They don't know it yet, but 140,000 union officials throughout the country will soon get a pamphlet painting in glowing terms the labor record of Democratic presidential aspirant Paul McNutt. The postage bill alone for this barrage will come to $4,200. The addressing is being done by volunteer work- ers; the printing cost is a secret. Believe it or not, but Wendell Willkie, No. 1 utility foe of New Deal power policies, is a patron of the Rural Electrification Administra- tion in Indiana. Willkie, whose Commonwealth and Southern Corporation made legal history by opposing the TVA, is a member of the Rush County Rural Electric Membership Corporation in southeastern Indiana, one of the most thriving farmers' REA units. Willkie owns three fanns in Rush County and when the REA cooperative was organized, became a member in order to obtain for his farms the electricity that the privately owned S.E. Indiana Power Company, from which the co-op buys its current, had not previously made available. Other members of the co-op are Representa- tive Raymond Springer, Republican, ex-Repre- sentative Finly Gray, Democrat, whom Springer defeated, and Robert W. Lyons, owner of the international champion Perch eron horse., Some of the political soothsayers are wonder- ing whether the Honorable John Carmody, dy- namic desk-pounding Federal Works Adminis- trator, hasn't been bitten with the presidential bee. He is exhibiting some of the symptoms, namely a developed, though perhaps not incur- able, publicity virus. He has even taken to delivering PWA checks in person to the tune of clicking cameras and radio broadcasts,. In the days when Harold Ickes was PWA ad- ministrator, the delivery of a five or ten million PWA check was mere .routine. Only the laying of corner-stones or the dedication of completed muildings called for any ceremony. But when a $6,000.000 check was due for de- livery to the Pennsylvania Turnpike project the other day. Carmnody went up to Harrisburg to deliver the check in person. Moreover, he staged a special broadcast during which he presented the check to Waiter Jones. Finally, projiect con- tractors were given the cue to bring their men to Harrisburg to swell the crowd--and the ap- I GULLIVER doesn't think it's neces- sary frhim to preface his re- marks about ,Heywood Broun with an apology. Even if the President's State of the Nation speech were about Broun, Gulliver would still I want to say a few words. If you follow the columnists, you read what they had to say about Heywood Broun; most of it was as bad as the average newspaper edi- torial, which managed to sidestep Broun's radicalism and his connec- then with the American Newspaper Guild. "There was no malice in out how silly this was, and how mis- leading. Broun could be as malicious, we hee deemed it necessary a >ther great American newspaper men. And then there were some who, like Dorothy Thompson. couldn't un- aerstand why Heywood fooled around with such "abstractions" as masses,. workers, CIO. Dorothy .just doesn't w ecaking about abstractios and how Heywood looked like an unmade bed, Broun was working hard to make life better for newspapermen. He was one of the great figures be- hinds the founding of the Guild, and thus one of the great figures of that abstraction, the CIO. 1T WASN'T an n f thes things it was thenyhole man-his radi- calism, his faith in his fellow man, his amazing sense of humor, his sloppiness, his sheer courage--that made Broun pretty much of a na tienal hero to college newpaeme. Gulliver isn't ging to cavil about his political disagreements with the man from whom he learned so very much. As far as he is concerned, the editorial page of the Michigan Daily is going to look quite bleak without Heywood Broun. XTES, it was a very unmerry vaca- tion. Everybody read all about B"oun, but no publicity at all was aiven to the sudden death of Dr. l\orrgian Bethune in China. Norman Bethune was a Canadian medical man, and in 1936 he was leading the quietly productive life of the aver- age physician. In July 1936 General Franco, with the aid of Mussolini, revolted against the Spanish govern- ment, and began his campaign of sys- tematic terrorization of the civilian population. The carnage, you will remember, was fearful, and there was a bad shortage of medical aid. Dr. Bethune, who was already in his fifities, gave up his practice and went to Spain. There he developed that remark- able method of refrigerating human blood and thus storing up supplies of blood which saved countless thou- sands of lives. He returned to this country to plead the cause of the Spanish people. -Those of you who were in Ann Arbor in the summer of 1937 will remember Dr. Bethune as he was then, a slim, handsome figure, with thinning white hair and startlingly long white sideburns; a very impressive speaker. FEW OF US even knew that after Franco had completed his con- quest of Spain. Dr. Bethune went on to China. He was travelling with the fabulous Eighth Route Army some place in the interior of that war- ridden land when blood poisonng caught up with him. He died very quckly. And let us not forget thayt he died a brave man.- The Editor Gets Told .. . To The Editor: . We should like to express our ap- eEEciation for Mr. Arthos' splendid review of Perspectives in The Daily of Dec. 15, 1939. It seems to us that he ip odo vr neatly ethe problems trying to run a literary magazine for the benefit of a student body which is ceither not mnterested in litera- ture or which regards "writing" merely as a tool for the expression of nion-literary ideas. May we invite MVr. Arthos to contribute to future issues of Perspectives? - Harvey Swacios -- James AJlen,. TWO POSSIBLE WINNERS IN WAR (From the New York Daily News) Russia is now gobbling up Fin- land. whether by formal conquest or by backing a Red revolution in Fin- land with men and money from Mos- cow remains to be seen. Anyway, Russia is gobbling up Finland, while the Germans, the British and the French hack away at one another's power and resources in Western Eu- rope and on the sea. . 'We can only say what we've said before that the war in 'Western Eu- (Continued from Page 3) to protect University buildings against fires. This statement is inserted at the request of the Conference of Deans. Shirley W. Smith. Any member of the University staff who may have puchased 1940 license plates, may, if eligible to receive park- ing permits, obtain them at the In- formation Desk in the Business Of- fice. The University Council's Coin- mitteec on Parking urgently requests that the plates be attached as soon as possible and that both plates be used, front and rear. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Faculty, College of Engineering will meet on Tuesday, January 9 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engi- nee ring Building. Agenda: Student petition from decision of Discipline Committee, and consideration of Evaluation of Faculty Srices. Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give the Research Commitees and the Executive Board adequate time for study of 11 pro- posals, it is requested that faculty mmbers having projects needing sup- port during 1940-1941 file their pro- poal inythe Office o0f the Graduat quest will, of course, be considered toward the close of the second sem- ester. Those wishing to renew pre- vious 'requests whether now receiv- ing support or not should so indicate. Applications forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secertary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham Building. Tele- phone 331. C. S. Yoakum. The Detroit Armenian Women's Club is offering a scholarship of $100 for the college year 1940-41 to a young man or woman of undegradu- ate standing in the colleges and uni- versities of Michigan who is of Ar- menian parentage and whose resi- dence is in Detroit. Candidates are to be recommended by the institu- tions in which theyare enrolled. Se- lection, which is made by the donors, is on the basis of high scholastic ability in the field of concentration, together with character. Recommen- dations must be made before May 1, 1940. Students who believe them- seles qualified and seek recommen- dation by this University should ap- ply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall. Doctoral- examination of Milton Frederic Landwer will be held at 2 p.m. today in 3089 Natural Science Bldg. Mr. Landwer's department of specialization is Zoology. The title of his thesis is "An Ecological Recon- naissance of the Mammals of the Texas High Plains Region." Dr. L. R. Dice as chairman of the committee will conduct the examina- tion. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the pivilege of inviting members of the faculty arid advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. . .oku February Candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate: The Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given on Saturday, Jan. 6 from -9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the Univevsity High School. Students having Saturday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Printed information re- garding the examination may be secured in the School of Education office. All Students, Registration for second semester: Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registration by proxy will not be accepted. Robert IL Williams Assistant Reegistrar. SRegistratioMateria, Coleges of dents should call for second semester registration material at Room 4 Uni- versity Hasi as soon as possible. Please see your advisor and secure all nec- essary signatures. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. 11eg istration Material, College of Architecture: Students should call for second semester material at Room 4, University Hall, at once. The College of Architecture will post an announcement in the near future giving the time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. The University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service examinations. f1ay Engineering Draftsman Al, sal- ary range, $140-160. Jan. 4. (Open to men only). Petroleum Geologist II (open to men only) salary range: $200-240. Jan. 4. Detrot Civil Service: Senior Sani- tary Chemist, salary $2520. Jan. 12. Assistant Sanitary Engineer (Detroit i'esidence waived), salary $3600. Jan. 19. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- mnents and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Health Service Visiting Hours: For several reasons connected with the welfare of all concerned, the Health Service visiting hours in the Infir- mary will be restricted to 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon. Exhibitis Exhibits of the University's Arch- eological Research in the Philippines, Grate Laksein, dCermic Types Ceramic Teennology and Ethnobo- tany are being shown in the Mezza- nine floor Exhibit rooms of the Rackhain Building. Also exhibited are antiquities from the University excavations at Selcucia-on-Tigris and from Karanis. Open daily from 2:30 to 5:30 and from '7:30 to 9:30, ex- cept Sunday. University Lecture: Dr. Michael A. Heilperin, formerly of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, will lecture on "Liberal and Totalitarian Methods in Internation- al Economic Relations" under the auspices of the Department of Ec- onomics at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 5, 1940, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Mr. W. H. Au- den, English poet, will lecture on "A Sense of One's Age" under the aus- pices of the Department of English at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Lecture on "Cooperative Economy and Productive Homesteads; Their Sociological Significance" by George Weller of the School of Living, in Lane Hall on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Disession will follow. Today's Evet Zoology Seminar tonight at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Milton Landwer will re- port on "An Ecological Reconnais- sance of the Mammals of the Texas High Plains Region" and Margaret Whitney on "'The Hermaphrodite Glan1d and Germ Cells of a Self-f er- tilizing Snail, VallOnia pulehella." Graduate History Club meeting to- night at 8 in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Informal discussion on "In What Way May the Club Be of Most Service to Graduate Students in History?" Refreshments. All Graduate students in history are invited to attend and offer sugges- tions or criticisms. Varsity Glee Club: Regular Re- hearsal this evening in the Union. The Transportation Club meets to- night at 7:30 in the Union. Speaker: Mr. E. H. Hanson from the Ass't Gen- eral Manager's Office, Michigan Cen- tral Railroad. Final plans for thc trip to Fort Wayne will be made. Alpha Phi Omega meeting in room 323 of the Union tonight at 8. .Ticket Committee for Capricorn Capers meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in the League. Women's Rifle Club will not meet today. Meetings (practice groups) will resume on Monday, Jan. 8. Women's Fencing Club meeting to- night at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasi- um. Modern at 7:30 in Dance Club Ineets tonight Barbour Gymnasium. Interior Decoration Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet to- day at 3:00 p.m. in the Michigan League, Miss Marjorie Chase will tk n"Building Color Schemes in heHome." Members must bring membership cards. CongEvent International Center Speech Clinic. First meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 11. Miss Pierce, in charge of the Clinic, is beginning a new phase of her work and it is imnportant that all the class be present for the three re- maining clinics of the semester. Michigan Outdoor Club will umeet Saturday afternoon at 2:00, at Lane Hall for a skating party. Meeting plause. Note-The other day in New York. PWA divi- sional chief Maurice E. Glilmore called in his