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January 04, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-04

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Cloudy and colder.


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A Newspaperman ..

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Inaugural Session
Will Open Winter

Parley I
Groups Plan To Discuss
Social And Economic
ProblemsOf World
Ruthven Message
A younger brother to the Spring
Parley will be christened tomorrow
when the inaugural meeting of the
Winter Parley is held at 3:15 p.m.
in the Union's North Lounge.
The sessions will continue through-
out the weekend with group discus-
sions at 2:15 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday
and will end with a general meeting
at 3:15 pm. Sunday.
Student chairmen will lead discus-
sion groups on the character and or-
igns of the' European war, religion
and civil rights, economics, United
States' preparedness and militariza-
tion, neutrality, press and propagan-
da, relations with South America and
American politics, according to Rob-
ert Reed, '41, general chairman.
President Ruthrve yesterday voiced
his _approval of the Winter Parley
and sent the following message to
the committee: "To discuss ways of
promoting peace at this time might
be considered as inopportune as for
an individual to consider the pur-
chase of insurance for his house
when it is afire. More appropriately,
however, it may be taken as evidence
of 'the undying hope, and even faith,
that the human race will some day
move out of the state of barbarism.
Need Not Be Discouraged
"It does nothrequire a profound
knowledge of history to understand
that there is no short cut to civiiza-
tion, but if our progress toward a so-
cial order worthy of the dignity of
man has been lamentably slow, we
need not and indeed dare not be dis-
'There is hope, then, in our.3e
fusal to abandon hope that some-
time tolerance, honesty, and justice
Ill previlover the enemies of
peace, whi, as Petrarch tells us,
are 'avarice, ambition, envy, anger
and pride' For this reason, I con-
sider this parley to be of importance.
Although it may accomplish little in
the way of direct results, it will aid
in' stimulating the determinaton to
achieve a better world order, which
is our priceless heritage."
Keynoting speeces will be given
in Friday's general session by Prof.
Arthur Smithies, of the economics
department, J. Anderson Ashburn.
'40E, editor of the Technic, Robert
Rosa, Grad., president of the Ameri-
can Student Union and Tom Downs
Saturday, each student will select
the group he wishes to join and will
continue in that group for the en-
tire duration of the Parley, Clarence
Kresin, Grad., general secretary, said.
This plan has been adopted to in-
crease the number of participants
and to reduce the number of listen-
ers or floaters, he explained. Ques-
tions may be either written or ver-
Faculty Members Named
Members of tne faculty-student
committee will meet at a luncheon
today at the Union to complete all
details for the Parley. Faculty mem-
bers on the committee are Prof. Low-
ell J. Carr, Prof. Richard Fuller and
Prof. Richard Meyers, of the so-
ciology department, Prof. Charles M.
Davis, and Prof. Robert B. Hall of
the geography department, Prof.
Harold Dorr, political science de-
partment, Prof. Howard Ehrmann,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson and Prof.
Lewis Vander Velde, of the history
department, Lt.-Col Basil D. Ed-
wards, military science department.
Other faculty members participat-

ing are Prof. Harlan McFarlan, en-
gineering department, Prof. Wesley
H. Maurer, journalism department,
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Prof. E. B. Wat-
kins, Prof. Arthur Smithies and James
Dusenberry, economics department,
Prof. John Shepard, psychology de-
partment, Prof. Mentor L. Williams
and Prof. Norman Nelson, English
department. Kenneth W. Morgan, di-
rector of the Student Religious As-
sociation, Father James C. Berry, St.
Mary's Chapel and Arthur W. Stace,
editor of the Ann Arbor News, will
also take part.
Finnish Relief Drive


New Fountain
To Be Erected
As Memorial
Engineers today were planning the
construction of a brilliantly lighted
memorial fountain which will be
erected this year on the University
campus as a tribute to the late Prof.
Thomas M. Cooley, a member of the
law school faculty until his death
in 1898.
Alumnus Charles A. Baird will fi-
nance the building of the memorial
as a gift to Professor Cooley, his for-
mer teacher. Announcement of the
gift was made by the University
Board of Regents at their regular
meeting Dec. 16.
Carl Milles, distinguished archi-
tect, will design the fountain, which
will be placed on the mall between
the League and the Burton Memorial
A seven-foot-high figure will stand
in a pool 10 by 25 feet in size. Work-
men have already begun construc-
Professor Cooley was a member of
the University faculty from 1859 to
1898 and was recognized as an out-
standing authority on American con-
stiutional law. He served as State
Supreme Court Justice from 1864-
1885, and was the first chairman o
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
serving from 1887 to 1891.
He was dean of the law school from
1871 to 1883, and is said to be largely
responsible for the creation of a law
;chool separate from the rest of the
University. He was chairman of the
political science department rfom
1885 to 1898.
Charles Baird, the donor, in 1935
?resented the University with the 53-
bel carillon in the Burtoi -Tower.
3e was the University's first athletic
director. Baird graduated with a
;achelor of Laws degree in 1895.
Burglars Ransack
Five Fraternities
Ann Arbor police today were in-
estigating robberies which took place
Wednesday when burglars ransacked
:ive fraternity houses, escaping with
mnore than $300 in fuids.
Sigma Phi Epsilon reported the
largest loss, claiming that between
'221 and $224 had been stolen. Phi
Jamma Delta lost $59.25, Alpha Chi
Sigma lost $30, Delta Sigma Pi found
it least $4.50 missing, and Pi Lambda
'hi lost $65 in cash, a ring valued
at $55 and a set of shirt studs valued
it $5.
DeValera Hits U.*S.
DUBLIN, Jan. 4.-(P)-Prime Min-
ister DeValera's special powers bill
to combat the outlawed Irish Re-
publican Army neared passage early
today after government spokesmen
had pictured the IRA as a highly or-
ganized outlaw band "with a war
chest full of United States dollars."

Quiz Experts
To Aid Co-Op
For Women
Alumnae Sponsor Special
Show Of 'Information
Please' Here Jan. 20
Questions To Stump
Experts Are Needed
Those three cerebral gentlemen-
Clifton Fadiman, John Kieran and
Franklin P. Adams-who form the
nucleus of "Information Please,"
weekly radio quiz program, will make
their first "off-the-air" appearance
in the program's history Jan. 20 in
Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored by the University of
Michigan Alumnae as part of its cam-
paign to establish a women's cooper-
ative residence here, the program, in
which two or three faculty members
will also appear, will run in its famil-
iar question-answer vein for more
than an hour.
Questions to "stump the experts"
will be sought throughout the State,
Mrs. Lucile B. Conger, executive sec-
retary of the Alumnae Council, said
yesterday. Those that succeed will
be awarded prizes. All who submit
questions that are selected will be
presented with a copy of "100 Years
of Athletics," a review in words and
pictures of University athletics from
1837 to 1937.
Mrs. Conger explained yesterday
that questions for use on the pro-
gram, together with the correct an-
swers, and requests for tickets should
be addressed to "Informtaion Please"
League Building. Prices will be 50,
75 cents and $1.
The Cooperative dormitory, Hen-
derson Hall, is a memorial to the late
Mary Barton Henderson, founder of
the League and long a leader in
Michigan Alumnae affairs. She also
established, and for a decade direct-
ed, the Ann Arbor Dramatic" Season.
18 Believed Killed
In Famin Hoel
cigarette tossed down a garbage chute
was blamed today for fire that claim-
ed at least 18 lives at the Marlborough
Apartment Hotel in the worst dis-
aster in this city's history.
Only 12 victims had been identi-
fied as firemen prodded about in the
wreckage of the three-story, 45-year-
old building, seeking the bodies of
possible additional victims.
Red Cross workers said there were
114 persons in the buldigi when
the fire broke out. Of these, 18 were
known dead, 24 were registered at
hospitals,53 had registered with the
Red Cross as either uninjured or
slightly injured, and 19 were un-
accounted for.
Langford, One Of Local
Rotary Founders, Dies

Murphy Court
Seen Definite

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(P)-De-
spite his recent statement that he
thought others were better qualified
red-haired Frank Murphy is defin-
itely slated to be appointed to the
Supreme Court, it was learned author-
itatively today.
Solicitor General Robert H. Jack-
son is to be elevated to Attorney Gen-
eral, succeeding Murphy. Both men
conferred yesterday with President
Roosevelt, who is expected to send
Murphy's nomination to the Senate
tomorrow for confirmation. Jack-
son's nomination probably would
await Murphy's cnfirmation.
Murphy would fill the vacancy on
the Supreme Court bench caused by
Butler and would become the fifth
the death Nov. 16 of Justice Pierce
of the court's nine justices to be
named by President Roosevelt. The
others are Justices Hugo Black, Felix
Frankfurter, William O. Douglas and
Stanley Reed, who preceded Jackson
as Solicitor General.
Murphy, alumnus of the University,
who has been High Commissioner to
the Philippines and Governor of
Michigan, succeeded Homer Cum-
mings as Attorney General last Jan-
uary. -It was at 'a reeent press con-
ference that he expressed the view
that others were better qualified for
the Supreme Court than he. He said
he thought he ought not be appointed
and, in response to a question, that
he thought attorneys general should
keep out of politics and that he had
given no thought to a possible vice
presidential nomination.
Hockey Team
To Open Fight
For State Title
varsity Seeks Initial Win
Of Season In Renewal
Of Old Rivalry Tonight

Finns Picking
Off Defeated
Soviet Troops
Russia Reported Massing
Veterans For Knockout
Blow Against Finland
Nazi Press Avers
Pro-Moscow Stand
near Lake Kianta, Jan. 3.-()-Swift
and silent Finnish ski troops struck
in the border snows today to pick off,
one by one, the handful of survivors
of Russia's defeated army in this.
frozen north country while their
comrades in the south stood their
ground against massed Soviet thrusts.
Victors in the greatest single battle;
of the war, the hardy Finnish lum-
berjacks had easy pickings finishing
off the 2,000 wandering, half-starved
remnants of the 17,000-man Red
Russian division which tried to sever,
Finland's wasp-like waistline and
Matching these efficient opera-
tions, the Finnish high command an-
nounced that a heavy Soviet infantry
attack on the Karelian Isthmus had
been repulsed "with heavy losses."
This Soviet thrust in the south
appeared to bear out reports in Fin-
land that the Red Army, chafing un-1
der repeated setbacks, was massing
seven divisions-about 105,000 men-,
for an attempted knockout blow
against the Finnish Mannerheim
(Reliable information in Moscow
said that the Russians were speeding,
seasoned Siberian fighters to posi-
tions opposite the Finnish defenses).
Coupled with the land attack were
Russian air raids on Turku and Han-
ko in southwestern Finland. It was
announced officially there were no
casualties in Turku and only a few
in Hanko.
In addition to the Isthmus de-
fense, which occurred in the Tapale
river zone, the Finns reported wide-
spread successes in fighting on the
eastern front.
Germany May Give
Russia Positive Support
BERLIN, Jan. 3.-(P)-Nazi Ger-
many's public was told for the first
time tonight of the possibility of a
general conflict over Finland.
An editorial commentary from the
Soviet Russian military organ, Kras-
naja Swesta, was generally reprinted
by the controlled press, with approv-
ing German comment added to it.
This accused Britain and France of
trying to widen the scope of their
war with Germany and said the wes-
tern allies, with this idea in mind,
had encouraged Finland to resist
The press did not say Germany
might find herself on Russia's side in
the north but, judging by past prac-
tices of German propaganda, today's
comment was intended as spade-work
for a subsequent and more positive
attitude of support for the Reds.
It is known that British and French
aid to Finland is being scrutinized
carefully and informed sources have
left no doubt in the minds of foreign
inquirers that Germany will not
stand idly by in the event Britain
and France should send troops to
fight the Russians.

Prof. Handman
Dies At Home
Christmas Day
Prof. Max Handman, member of
the economics department since 1931,
died of coronary thrombosis Dec. 25
at his home here following two years
of illness. He was 54 years old. Burial
was Dec. 27.
A recognized authority on econom-
ic phases of Latin-American prob-
lems, Professor Handman had been
honored often for his work on special
research committees. He was a spe-
cial investigator for the Library of
Congress, a member of the Committee
on Public Information and of the staff
of the U.S. Inquiry on Terms of Peace
in 1918.
Since coming here from the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, where he was a
visiting professor in sociology, Pro-
fessor Handman has also been active
in instruction and research here. He
served on various council commit-
tees of the Social Science Research
Council, 1931-1934; as a special inves-
tigator of the Wickersham National
Commitee on Law Observance and
Enforcement, and as a member of the
Committee of Latin-American Studies.
In ceremonies in Rumania at which
King Carol presided, the rare honor
of Knight of the Decorated Order
of Cultural Merit was bestowed up-
on him by the Rumanian government.
Despite these activities, however,
Professor Handman found' time to
pursue book-collecting as a hobby,
and amassed a library of 13,000 vol-
umes, many of them rare editions
of books on general philosophy, lit-
erature and economic history.
Dr. G oldman
To Direct Band
Noted Conductor To Attend
Annual Band Clinic,
Highlighting a two-day Band Clin-
ic to be held here Jan. 13-14, Dr.
Edwin Franko Goldman, conductor
of the Goldman Band of New York
City, will appear as guest conductor
of the University Concert Band in
the annual midwinter concert to be
given at 4:15 p.m., Jan. 14, in Hill
Auditorium, Prof. William Revelli,
conductor of the University Band,
announced yesterday.
The concert will be free to the gen-
eral public.
Dr. Goldman will also deliver a lec-
ture Saturday evening on "The
Band's Music."
The Band Clinic, sponsored by the
Michigan School and Band and Or-
chestra Association in cooperation
with the University School of Music,
is expected to draw more than 300
band and orchestra leaders from
Michigan and surrounding states,
Professor Revelli estimated.

Predicts Reduction In All
Items Except Armament;
Urges Tax Increase

New Deal Policies
Will Be Continued
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(A')--A
stronger national defense financed by
new taxes, a continuation of New
Deal policies, and a national unity
reinforced by "calmness, tolerance
and cooperative wisdom," were urged
upon Congress today by President
Roosevelt, in a message personally
delivered to the newly convened ses-
These things, backed by an exten-
sion of the administration's author-
ity to reduce tariffs by agreement
with other countries, should be suf-
ficient, he said, to protect the na-
tion against any tendency toward
dictatorship at home and "world-
wide forces of disintegration" as well.
For the rest, Mr. Roosevelt pledged
anew his determination to keep the
United States out of the war abroad,
and let it be known, to the ironical
cheers of the Republican member-
ship, that the budget to be submitted
tomorrow would include a reduction
in all important items except that of
national defense.
President Is Cheered
House and Senate and crowded
galleries heard the President's earn-
estly delivered message with evident
interest and intentness. There was
a great cheer as he entered the
packed House of Representatives
chamber, and another as he finished.
There were cheers, too, for Vice-
President Garner, but the mightiest
ovation of all came when, the speech
ended. Mr. Roosevelt turned and
clasped hands with Garner. The
President was smiling broadly and
Garner's blue eyes twinkled.
It was an audience sensitive to
the slightest political implications
which the speech might contain, such
as a passagehin ,which the President
defended the New Deal program
against charges of "defeatism"-
charges which had been uttered for
one by Thomas E. Dewey, prominent
candidate for the Republican presi-
dential nomination.
To Bulwark Defense
And there were cheers and laugh-
ter from the Democrats when Mr.
Roosevelt calledmfor a "realistic" bul-
warking of the national defense and
said that the increase should not be
as small as some "claiming superior
private information would demand."
The thrust was generally believed to
be directed at Senator Borah (Rep.,
Ida.), who was reported to have told
a White House conference last sum-
mer that his private advices indicat-
ed there would be no war in Europe.
He has since said he was opposed to
any unreasonable increases in the
national defense.
But the thing for which the au-
dience listened most eagerly, some
indication of the President's third
term plans, was not there. Try as
they might, eager political observers
could find nothing which would
throw any light on America's fore-
most riddle.
The address itself was generally
considered a personal application on
the part of the President of his own
plea for national unity. By com-
parison with his previous annual mes-
sages to Congress, it was mild. It
sounded no battle-calls against his
foes in either the Democratic or Re-
publican parties.
Barkley Praises
With ironic emphasis, some of the
latter expressed gratification that he
had asked for an abandonment of
"doctrines which set group against
group." They charged that such had
been the attitude and practice of the
administration in previous years.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.),
a presidential candidate, said the

President had adopted "a sufficiently
temperate and conciliatory 'tone to
prove an awareness that a national
election is approaching."
On the other hand, Senator Bark-
ley (Dem., Ky.), the Democratic lead-
er, was emphatic in his praise of the
speech, calling it "sound" and "ex-

F.D.R.'s Message
To Congress Asks
Stronger Defense



Ann Arbor Contin
News While St
Ann Arbor lost a lot of pep when sl
11,000 University students took to the A
roads last Dec. 16 for Christmas holi- m
days, but there was still enough life
in the old village to keep the local ji
newspapers busy during the vacation. in
University Board of Regents held f
a regular meeting and announced in
that a brilliant new lighted fountain b
would be erected on the mall between ti
the League and the Burton Memorial eE
Tower as the result of a gift from
alumnus Charles Baird. t
Two esteemed citizens, Dr. Theron S
S. Langford and Prof. Max Hand- A
man died while students were away. w
New Year's Eve was welcomed with m
a night of hilarity, while city police F
allowed the sale of beer past the regu- cc
lar closing hour of midnight. C
New Year's Day claimed the first e'
Washtenaw traffic victim of 1940. ti
Here is the summary of news up to
until the opening of classes in the

University students today learned By LARRY ALLEN
f the death on Dec. 20 of Dr. Thoren Michigan will make its initial bid
. Langford, Ann Arbor medical spe- for the mythical hockey champion-
alist, who succumbed in the Univer- ship of the state at 8 p.m. today at
ty hospital after a sudden heart the Coliseum when it meets Michigan
ttack. Tech's Huskies in the first of a four-
Dr. Langford, one of the founders game home-and-home series between
f the Ann Arbor Rotary Club and the two schools. The second game
resident of the local Boy Scout will be played here Saturday night.
ouncil, was 67 years old. The series will be the renewal of'
an old rivalry between the two teams
m that ranks next to the Gopher-Wol-
ues To M ake verine ice feud in importance on
Michigan's schedule.
1ua T T . Coach Lowrey's team will be mak-
udents Vacation eho tah r
(l ing its fifth start of the season still
in quest of a first victory, while the
Pell of Santa Claus arrives in Ann Huskies from the Upper Peninsula
rb of antaomClaus arrivesin CA- will be launching their schedule.
rbor as homeowners begin Christ- Despite their poor record thus far
nas decorations.dthis season, the Wolverines have
Dec. 18.-Automobile accidents in- made good showings in their last few
ure four persons . . . and hitch-hik- gane and Ch Lowreis fi-
ig proves to be a serious business games, and Coach Lowrey is confi-
or two University men who were dent that his team has begun to hit
ijured in Galt, Ont., in an automo- .First Line Clicks 4
ile collision. City merchants report irst Line of Gil S
hat Christmas shopping is the heavi- His firt ine of i amuelsn,
sat Cinstmas yshoppn iPaul Goldsmith, and Bert Stodden
st in several ,years. hsbgnt lc n olne
Dec. 19.---Prof. Shirley Allen of has begun to click and no longer
he forestry school is honored by the lacks the scorn puh which
oiety of American Foresters .. so notably absent when the season
lderman Max Krutch lists reasons Loe's A good reserve ine is s ill
hy he thinks the University owes Lwrey' greatest worry, and he will
hy h t hinksfor cth Uni ersity owescontinue to juggle Jim Lovett, Bill
xoney to pay for a city sewer . . . CiedPalGsnndBlCl~
'orest H. Akers, new member of the Canfield, Paul Gorson, and Bill Col-
~oret H.ardnof MhiganfState lins around until he finds an effec-
ontrollig board of Michigan State tive combination among them.
ollege, announces that he is inter- The defense duties will fall to the
sted in seeing that the schocol con (Continued on Page 7)
nue to be entirely free from in-(Cniudopae)
luences other than those which teach York
rue Americanism." Piece, ,
Dec. 20-Students in city schools ('=-

No New Proposals Offered
By President, Brown Observes

President Roosevelt's annual mes-
sage to Congress yesterday bears a
remarkable similarity to his mes-
sage of last year, especially in re-
gard to broad policies. No really
new proposals were made, even in
specific recommendations.
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the po-
litical science department made these
comments yesterday shortly after;
hearing the yearly address broad-
cast direct from the floor of the
House of Representatives. He de-
clared that the President was mere-
ly being consistent in supporting
policies previously enunciated.
Keynote of the message, Profes-
sor Brown observed, appears to be a
plea for tolerance, harmony and na-
tional unity in dealing with both for-
eign and domestic affairs. This same
,plea, he pointed out, can be observed
in last year's address.

tisan groups operating to undermine
American practices. He added that
for two years the President had been,
warning that a breakdown in reli-
gion, morale and general satisfac-
tion among the American people
would lead to a breakdown in Ameri-
can democracy.
Strongest single point in the mes-
sage, Professor Brown observed, is
the President's strong reaffirmation
of his support for the Trade Agree-'
ments Act. This act (giving the
President discretionary power in ne-
gotiating tariff agreements) term-
inates in June, he explained, and
President Roosevelt was trying to
convince Congressional opposition of
the necessity of extending these
A great many subjects destined to
receive much attention this session
were entirely left out of the message,
Professor Brown commented. No

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