_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FEWn OAT, DEC. 15, 1939 N .44 R 71v J Ew 0 10 39 ASKS PEACE--Little peace did Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, 63, (above), fEnd after M~arch 2 elec- tion as P~ope, succeeding Pius 311. Ile chose -name "Pius," which means peace. His first encyclical asked the end of wars. SUDDEN DEATH-Sq~uat buildings tumbled into this Chillan street gave little idea of destrucetion wtr up lht Jan. 24 in Chile by earthquake that killed 20,000 and brought a U.S. bomrber 4,200 miles, carrying medi- cal supplies for victims. Closer to home were the West Virginia and Ohio floods, the June tornado near Anoka, Minn. SEQ. CLINGS TO SQUAE US--Successive loss of three submarines--Squalus by U.S. May 23, Thetis by England June 1, Phenix by France June 115-scenied an omen forecasting importance of subs. to war later in the year. Squalus sank off Portsmiouth, N.H., 33 of 59 men aboard being savred with a diving bell. Above, Squalus rises July .13 before sinking again to ocean floor. Sub was finally drydocked Sept. 15.' Thetis cost 99 lives; Phenix 7 1.. HOME-Ending his exile, Charles Lindbergh drew critic ismi in, U.S., Canada by hi:; Oct. 13 broadcast with plea for "freedom of this con- tinent... from dictates of Euro- pean power." Sen. Key Pittsmn scid speech encouraged. totalitar- !an ideology. NO WAR CLOUDS, THESE-From Europe's war camne inretus for a stronger bon d among the American rcpublics, and for a huge U.S. defense program, that's now adding ship-,- to the navy, machines and main to the armry, air bases and bombers like this to air force. The Byrd expedition left for Antartica to bolster U.S. territorial claims there, and Clipper planes gave U.S. an edge in rcgular transatlantic air service. TAXES---:i.zU;;Ie tax evasion charges pat Toni Pendergast (abo-re),I(na City's Democratic bows, bc! Ind bhags at Leavenworth. Repleascid frwn _Al-atraz, was Al' Caroii, formner gangster who had served prisonl sentence for neg- le:cting income tax paymnents. QUEEN'S DAY-June visit of 1Britain's rulers, George VI and Eliza- 1 -f - greeting the President ait Washing (on. Was a perci-s u r ,i- rm I'I for win: wine-S (i cli - born q ueen. Monarchus visite d U. S. of ter tour of Canda. Lcft o right: thlt Roosevelts. queen, king, Secretary of State Cc~i'cclli hull. PRO1BE--'-bhe "sn"kept the ft~tp. Martin Diles' (6bove) communit- ~ig1fIwith the Jaw: Commnu-nist IEzrl B3rowd r was indictedi for R uin got a2 .t- year sentenc for' larceny. STREAMLINER WRECKED-Malice was blamed for Aug. 1 2 wl-- I(es $2,000,000 luxury train., "City of San Franciscom," which piled up near-Carlin, Nev., killing mnrf ttEan '19, iii jering about 100. A rail had been moved. Other disasters; snowsiide burying six climi Lcrs on Mount, Bakjer, Wash.; Chicago's' $3,000,000 elevator fire. ,; . s::.}.. :5._ r? '_:; . 'W "i: '" :'v}.:\' ti: " \i,. .,,. r.Ft : . .:4"4 {.+i' : ;.:2i'yb :.'-AC'S Jat : 7"':; : v. , ,,"". °ti R. :: .;: . : :::::s :: : :;>::; ::: ......~' "a,