-- TH~E WM-C1 GAr-N-D A I[ T AT' PECa IS, U29 - - - - h1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the. University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. ub'scriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERISING BY ' National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICAG0 .0-OSTON- LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan' M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Capavan Ann Vicary Mel -Vineberg Editorial Staff .B . Sa Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director E City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko SJane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy Business Manager . Ast. Business Mgr., Credit Manager WOmen's Business Manager Women's AdvertisingrManager Publications Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: KARL KESSLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Law Must Protect The Inventor . "NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER of in- 1 et1n"they say, but the in- ventor there usually is more motive than mere necessity behind tireless efforts spent in the laboratory. For him it holds out an opportun- ity for profit, it is a way of making a living. But what conditions actually exist behind scenes in patent protection. The inventor usual- ly works for some corporation. He invents some new device. It is claimed by the corporation. And the corporation makes all the profit. One company which holds patents on machinery for making glass containers received more than 40 million dollars in royalties alone on its patents in the five-year period from 1923 to 1928. This corporation, the Hartford-Empire, con- trolled through its patents the machinery on which 67.4 per cent of all glass containers were made in 1937. Its machinery made virtually all milk bottles, about 80 per cent of the fruit jars and a similar percentage of packers' jars. The Owens-Illinois Company with which the Hartford-Empire exchanges patent rights manu- factured 29 per cent of the year's container out- put on "suction process." This left less than three per cent of the glass container industry under control of independents. lNor is this condition unique with the con- tainer producers. In practically every modern endeavor. Big Business has taken advantage of our present rules on patents, stuck in its thumb, and pulled out the profits before the eyes of the one for whom the laws were formulated to pro- tect, the inventor. Examples may also be pointed out where pa- tent-law procedures may prolong the control exercised by a patent owner which normally ex- tends through 17 years. One citation reveals that a patent application which was filed in 1910 was not granted until 1937 because of appeals before the patent office in the courts. This patent, which had been in use for sohe years prior to passage, is now effective until 1954, thus violating the basic 17 year clause of the patent law. Midst such inroads in the spirit of the now existing law, there is much clamor for a change. Some advocate a shortened period of patent protection, others believe that placing a tax on an invention five years after the patent is applied for will solve the present problems, and still others would do away with the patent system entirely. One thing is certain. The inventor must be rewaded for his efforts. But the question arises as to whether these changes will actually do what the present laws were designed to accomplish. Will such laws limit the monopoly period by the inventor to the number of years established by the law and will they guarantee that just profit will be given to the inventor whose time and labor it was which actually made the advance- ment to civilization? The world is full of eager enthusiasts who are ready at the least provocation to proclaim the need for complete revision of laws. However, to insure protection to the inventor, what we need is not so much new laws, as the strict appli- cation of those now exitsing. The law must "crack down" on the powers exerted by Big Busi- ness to deprive the inventor of the fruits of his enterprise and strengthen the clause which limits the protection period to 17 years. -Elizabeth M. Shaw IMUSI C By RICHARD BENNETT There is something so stimulating in a pro- gram of music of our own day that it is surpris- ing how Americans can continue to tolerate the musty material submitted to them daily over the radio and on the concert stage. The kind of music we ought to want is the kind which shocks us, arouses our anger, affords us something to discuss-not as we discuss historical events and their significance (though that is good too), but as we would discuss the ideology of Signor Mus- solini or the innovations of M. Picasso. We ought to want, in other words, the kind of music which makes us take a stand, a very definite stand, on the problems of present world-culture. And music can do that just as surely as any of the other art-forms. All we need to do is demand that it be given to us, fast as it comes from the composer's hand. The Boston Symphony Orchestra's recitals, at least as long as they have been under the guidance of Mr. Koussevitzky, are indeed a healthful influence in pointing the way toward what the modern symphony orchestra's pro- gram should be like. And, as a by-the-way, how such programs should be rendered. The Mozart C Major Symphony was played as though a philosopher had inscribed the score between the lines of the "Critique of the Pure Reason." Who is to say that this is not all to the good? For is there anyone who will deny that the amazing Austrian wrote a deeper music than most of his interpreters give him credit for having done. Mr. Koussevitzky's rendition was unquestionably scholarly and imbued with a conscious endeavor to maintain that severe concentration upon the pure musical thought which is accomplished by the select few. Actual listening to the Harris Symphony made our review of Wednesday sound like a dormant understatement. One wonders what we have missed of the land we are living in, if Mr. Harris' work is an expression of its wide tragic beauty. Mr. Koussevitzky held the long lines out solidly and saved the center from any impressionistic muddling. It was the high point on the pro- gram and was rendered as such. "Peter and the Wolf" of Prokofieff was truly unique. It was not the idea of it so much as the way the music worked into the "plot." The orchestra kept the music intact-a none too easy task when music is written in fragments and yet implies a running continuity through- out-but chief credit must go to Mr. Richard Hale as the narrator. Both in inflection and bodily movement he fitted the narration in with the music so sympathetically that the illusion was perfect. The Ravel "Daphnis and Chloe" was done with extreme sensitiveness, while the vigor em- ployed in the Danse formed a fitting climax to a thoroughly enjoyable and significant evening. ftfeemj' ,lo )Me Heywood Broun THERE ARE many things wrong with snow. It gets down the back of your neck and, besides, it's escape stuff. Probably no other substance in the world carries on such a double- barreled function of com- forting and irritating with the self-same flakes. Every now and then some author goes away on the ice to ru- minate and avoid the tele- phone and hit upon a great philosophy. But what hap- pens is merely hibernation. The first person singular hangs suspended like a giant icicle all through the proceedings. You cannot freeze an ego out of any narrative, which is probably 'the reason why cold weather is so bad for columnists. Iceland, in all its long his- tory, has never known a good newspaper colum- nist. Georgia has produced a whole parcel. And so when the swans of the sky begin to festoon my inclined head and typewriter with feathers, I practically give up and say to myself, "This will just be one to hold the franchise." AFTER ALL, even if you work your fingers to the bone during a blizzard, the whole thing is likely to turn out just another "Snow-Bound." It always discourages me when I cannot follow my copy clear through to its practical final ren- dezvous in the composing room. Once I sent a newspaper essay by carrier pigeon and I remember, it was a piece written in favor of the five-day 40-hour week and the bird gave me a dirty look as if to say that its own working standards were less equitable. At any rate, it finally made a forced landing in the Hudson just off Tarrytown, and so the whole experiment had to be set down as a failure. A man is a fool, of course, if he remains un- satisfied when some kind neighbor offers to mush his copy out and take it to the telegraph office. But in such cases it is a pretty good idea to add at least two carbon copies of everything in the original message because the dogs some- times become ravenous and will even eat up stuff on industrial unionism. Moreover, hot or cold, I have one complaint against telegraph operators. Not for the world would I emphasize it too much, since these boys of the bulldog breed have frequently saved both my life and my reputation. REMEMBER now. They're against puns. Ahe Drew Pearson 44d Robert SAle WASHINGTON-As far as the Republican Executive Committee is concerned, you can put down these dates and place for the party's 1940 convention: Chicago, July 15 OOr 22 FINAL DECISION is up to the National Com- mittee, which will meet in Washington in late January or early February. But in the secret deliberations of the Executive Committee last week, sentiment was practically unanimous for the above set-up. The leaders favored Chicago because of its central location, plus the fact that it is neutral territory, since Illinois has no favorite son. Also, it is in the heart of the farm belt, which the Republicans are convinced will be the major battlefield of the cam- i' ,paign. The July dates were a com- promise. The GOP chiefs ...:abandoned hope of holding their convention after the Democrats. They saw in Roosevelt's suggestion that both parties delay selecting their tickets until late August or September, an ultimatum that the Democrats intended to stall until fall. The Republicans can't wait that long, since the offensive is up to them. At the same time they didn't want to pick a date that would give Roosevelt a chance to crow. July 15 or 22 meets this requirement, and unless something unforeseen develops at the National Committee session to upset the plan, such a date will be adopted. Note: Republican chiefs believe that if they meet late in July, the Democrats will hold their convention early in August. Finnish Aid DESPITE his disclaimers of any special plan regarding the $254,000 Finnish debt pay- ment, the President will make a specific recom- mendation to Congress on what to do with it. He will propose that the money be returned to the "people of Finland" to help them repair the rav- ages committed by Russianq aggression.< The President wants the fund used in such a way as to make it clear to the rulers of Moscow that the American people condemn their brutal attack on a small and peace- ful neighbor.' His recon- mendation will be made in a. ' sqrecia message following the budgetnessage Note: Several Congressmen are reported to be planning to jump the gun on Roosevelt on the first day of the session by introducing bills for the return of the Finnish money. Fin is I- Mnister TO THE FACT that Finland pays her debt, add the fact that she has a Minister in Washington who is extremely popular with th press. Hjalmar Procope did something the other day which newsmen have not seen since the days of Irish Minister Michael MacWhite. After a conference with State Departmental officials, instead of scurrying off to his car as most diplo- mats do, he came to the press room for a chat. He shooks hands genially all around, sat down' on the couch amid a litter of newspapers, and offered himself for questions. He kept his good humor even when someone asked him if the new Communist government at Terijoki was representative'of all Finland. "Good Lord, no!" he said, and took out a pocket atlas to illustrate its signficance. He thanked everybody when he went away' then bobbed back to say he would like to have any late news that might come in that evening. Go West, Girls F YOU are looking for a husband, don't come to Washington. That is the advice drawn from a study of census figures, which show that there are 100 women to 89.8 men in the District of Columbia. Probably this advice doesn't apply to those who whirl in the upper brackets of social Wash- ington. The debutante with a good family background and a fairly fat bankroll can always make off with a young diplomat, an eligible man about town, or if worst comes to worst, a young New Dealer. In fact, many doting mammas bring their daughters to Washington expressly for the pur- pose of exposing them to its social and diplo- mnatic glamour. And many foreign offices, in turn, send their young diplomats to Washington to let them look over the field of American heir- esses. But for the everyday run of Washington womanhood, the Census Bureau is right. The Capital of the United States is no happy hunte ing ground for husbands. Note: The Census Bureau also says that the highest percentage of marriageable men is con- centrated west of the Mississippi, especially in the Rocky Mountain area. Nevada, with 40 per cent more single men than women, is not only the easiest place to lose a husband, but to catch one. Wyoming, Montana, and Arizona have the next highest surplus of men. Secret Landing Fields IT IS SUPPOSED to be a military secret, but the Russians have built a series of strategic- ally important air bases reaching through Tur- By EDWARD W. BLAKEMAN IV. A MERRY CHRISTMAS-So wish- ing we unite with humanity at+ its heart. The Jewish idea of a Mesiah was man's announcement1 that the Golden Age lies ahead, not behind us. Jesus is welcomed by the Christians as the assurance that God is giving himself to perfect humanity. This is the Christmas which the in- tellectual will celebrate. Also, if he be'a man of culture, a person with in-; sight, a student eagerly searching,, or a leader just developing, he will; both enter into thanksgiving to God for life and join in prayer with his | fellowmen to find the Messianic age. "Ho, everyone that. thisteth, come ye to. the waters; come, buy wine ; and milk without money and with- out price," says an ancient Hebrew. The Christian born out of the belief of the Jews repeats from Luke's Gos- pel: "And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find a babe--and sud- denly there was the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men."+ HERE,then is the appeal which holds our western world together. Beneath the broken tongues, be- neath the quarrels of brothers or races, beneath the struggle of old in-I stitutions with new ideas and inven- tions, beneath all the misunderstand- hags, parties, ideaologies, plots, and open wars of violence is that common sentiment, our religion, namely--Our1 Golden Age Ahead. New Perspective On 'Perspectives' rTHE Christmas Perspectives is in- teresting chiefly for its preten- sions. It is put together as a kind of cosmopolitan magazine, stories, es- says, generous printings of poetry, and a book section reviewing books' of special interest and some not dis- cussed in the ordinary literary maga- zines. The illustrations help give a somewhat sophisticated character. But the content of the magazine represents no such unified aim as all this suggests. What is written here comes from three or four different worlds. The first story, For Each a Dawr, is an interesting effort through a rhythmic prose style to find some clean perception that will justify the stress of a muddy emotionalism, im- provisations on a mood to find the illuminating tune. It is the right at- tempt, but I do not know that it makes a story. What the author was searching for, I take it, was the kind of precision that comes only when words are arranged in verse. The purpose being insecure, what results inevitably is diffuseness. And this even more seriously is the problem of the story of the death of a man and a dog, A Tail of Pluto. Here the subject fits the narrative way of writing better. But to be effective the presentation of a grotesque sav- agery has to be informed by some respect for sanity, and grotesqueness in itself comes out of no central pat- tern of thought or feeling. THE second world is that of I've Found a Very Nice Girl. Stories like this at Michigan are apparently written away from the literary circles, perhaps between cokes at the Parrot. It is the more usual undergraduate world, not very critical but essentially decent, and it is written about in that most refreshing of young emo- tions, detachment. It is here that people occasionally laugh. Then there are the three essays on the present world crisis. Promise and Performance seems to me to present rather admirably the way in which institutions corrupt liberalism. America Enters the War is highly informative and acute and occasion- ally urbane, and this last quality is rare in the social criticismhwritten on the campus. The essay here, for instance, which criticizes the twenty- fifth anniversary number of the New Republic is in a high prophetic strain, anA what is meant to be incisive an- alysis rests on no clearly indicated assumptions. The poetry is perhaps the most successful part. There are several places in The Hour of Change where a clean indignation so informs the lines that the meaning is sharp and clear and moving. If the poem as a whole is not successful, it with the others reveals a discipline of crafts- manship that is much surer than is to be found in any other of the writ- ing here. THIS ISSUE of Perspectives pre- sents variety, and not a clique. As a group these writers belong to no school except as their individual tastes draw them to write after the inspiration of Steinbeck, Farrell, Soule, etc., and these models are such their followers can hardly pro- fit by the discipline of language and thought that is ordinarily available for the members of a school of writ- ing. And since these writers do not constitute a school there is not the opportunity for conflict and agree- 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School. Students having Saturday morning classes may take the examination in the after- noon. Printed information regard- ing the examination may be secured in the School of. Education office. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, Jan. 6, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. Dictaphone Station will be open fter 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 22, only to receive work, and will be closed on Saturday morning, Dec. 23, for office' repairs. The Station will remain open on all other days during the University Christmas Vacation. It will be ap- preciated if those desiring work to be completed during the first week of the new year will leave their copy with instructionc before Dec. 22. Exhibitions Paintings by William Gropper and prints by the Associated Anmerican Artists shown in West Gallery, Al- umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until Dwn~ti 'SI Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art given on Saturday, Jan. 6, from 9 to ® 0 0 Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Michael A. Heilperin, formerly of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, will lecture on "Liberal and Totalitarian Methods in Internation- al Economic Relations" under the auspices of the Department of Ec- onomics at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 5, 1940, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Phi Eta Sigma: Keys for new in- itiates are in Dean Bursley's Office. Please call for them today. ComingEvents Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Bldg. at 7 pxrm., Wednesday, Jan. 3. Sub- ject: "Histidine and Histidine Deriva- tives, Occurrence, Metabolism, Sig- nificance." All interested are invited to attend. Graduate Outing Club: Meetings will be arranged during the vacation period if there is sufficient interest. All graduate students and faculty are invited to participate. For further information, phone Abe Rosenzweig at 9233. Women's Rifle Club: No meeting on Wednesday or Thursday, Jan. 3 and 4. Next meeting on Monday, Jan. 8. Michigan Dames: General meeting Wednesday, Jan. 3, 8 o'clock, at the League. FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE I First Semester, 1939-1940-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts REGULAR EXAMINATIONS Time of Exercise Time of Examination Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 9-12 Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 2, 9-12 Mon. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 29, 9-12 Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb. 6, 2-5 Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 29, 2-5 Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 6, 9-12 Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 5, 2-5 Tues. at 9 Tues., Jan. 30 2-5 Tues. at 10 Wed., Jan. 31, 2-5 Tues. at 11 3 Tues., Jan. 30, 9-12 Tues. at 1 Wed., Feb. 7, 9-12 Tues. at 2 Fri., Feb. 2, 2-5 Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 1, 9-12 SPECIAL Special Period No. Time of Examination courses' 1 Sat., Feb. 3, 9-12 II Sat., Feb. 3, 2-5 III Sat., Jan. 27, 2-5 IV Thurs., Feb. 1, 2-5 EXAMINATIONS German 1, 2, 31, 32. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32. Music 31. Zoology 1. Botany 1. Psychology 31. Music 1. French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, 71, 111,112, 153. Speech 31, 32. Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52. IRREGULAR EXAMINATIONS English I shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2-5. English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 2, 9-12. Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101 shall be examined on Thursday, Feb. 1, 9-12. It shall be understood that classes entitled to the regular examina- tion periods shall have the right-of-way over the above-mentioned irregular examinations and that special examinations will be provided for students affected by such-conflicts by the courses utilizing the irregular examination periods. Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agreement between students and instructor and with the approval of the Examination Schedule Committee. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHE DULE OF EXAMINATIONS Jan. 27 to Feb. 7, 1940 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exami- nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week: Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami- nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W. McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 24. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period of January 27 to February 7. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. Time Of Exercise Time of Examination (at 8 Monday, Feb. 5 8-12 (at 9 Friday, Feb. 2 8-12 (at 10 Wednesday, Jan. 31 8-12 MONDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 29 8-12 (at 1 Tuesday, Feb. 6 2-6 (at 2 Monday, Jan. 29 2-6 (at 3 Tuesday, Feb. 6 8-12 TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Monday, Feb. 5 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Jan. 31 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Feb. 7 Friday, Feb. 2 Thursday, Feb. 1 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 8-12 E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; German; Spanish 'Saturday, Feb. 3 8-12