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December 15, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-15

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Fair somewhat warmer today.




Law Must Protect
The Inventor . . .

VOL. L, No. 70 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1939


League Ousts
Soviet Russia
From Council
For Invasion

As One Student To Another-We're FreeI


British Battleships

Assembly Brands
Affggressor .Urges


To HelpFinnish Cause
Action Marks First
Exulsion By Group
GENEVA, Dec. 14.-(P)--Soviet
Russia, which in years past used the
League of Nations as a forum for
sieeches . against "aggression" in
Spain :and Czecho-Slovakia, was
thrown out of that council today for
having waged unprovoked war on
Seven out of the 14 members of
the League Council voted to expel
the USSR government after the as-
sembly had condemned the Soviet as
an aggressor and had urged all league
members to give Finland all possible
material help. Four-Finland, China,
Yugoslavia and Greece, abstained.
Three were absent.
The job was done in a day, after
less than a week of political prepara-
tion here in Geneva. It was the
League's first expulsion of a member.
Telegram To The Kremlin
tonight a telegram informing Rus-
sia of - the action was sent to the
Nine' of the 39 states present ab-
stained from voting in the assembly
on the preliminary resolution mark-'
-ring.the.Soviet as an aggressor. They
were the three scandinavian coun-
tries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark;
three Baltic countries, Lithuania, Lat-
via anid-tonia; Switzerland, China
arid. Bulgaria.
But. in spte of abstentions, every-
one but Soviet Russia seemed to be
Latin American delegates enjoyed
prestige because they took the initia-
tive in the matter.
Great 'Britain, which throughout.
the debate never appeared enthusi-
agtic ,about expelling Russia, never-,
.tlieless was for helping the Finns and
believed the action would please neu-
trals, particularly the United States.
The Finns were delighted "so far,"
but pointed out that material help
was more important to them than
League resQlutions.
Neutrals Are PleasedI
European neutrals were pleased,
although most of them were too'
frightened to back the League ouster
themselves and warily made it clear
they were entering no "blocs" against
German observers and German
newsmen even were satisfied, they
said, "for Russia will work with us
now; perhaps."
Italians, too, liked it, although they
still have not forgiven the Leaguea
for imposing economic penalties
against them at the time of the 1935
invasion of Ethiopia.
'Disagreeable features of the ac-
tion, however, were noted unofficially
in League quarters where it was re-
membered that the Soviet has been
contributing about $500,000, or about
11, per cent, of the annual league
Cast Of Opera

-Daily Photo by Bogle.
Christmas is in the air-and so are lecture notes. Bruce Beyer, '41,
prisoner of text books, exults as he circles his last day behind academic
bars. Good behavior or not, he'll be back again the first Wednesday in
January, 1940, but will still write 1939 on all his papers.
Austria'sPosition In History
Alwy Dfeet'-- Vale ntin

Are Chosen
For Parley
Personnel Of Committees
Announced By Dworkis;
Peace To Be Discussed
First Winter Meet
To Be Jan. 5, 6, 7
More than 37 faculty members and
students have consented to act as
speakers and group discussion chair-
men at the first annual Winter Par-'
ley, which will be held the weekendj
of Jan. 5, 6 and 7 at the Union, Mar-
tin B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of the
contact committee announced yes-
The Winter Parley, younger broth-
er to the traditional nine-year old
Spring Parley and brain child of the
Student Senate, will conduct discus-
sion groups on the topic of Peace, ac-
cording to Robert Reed, '41, general
chairman. Civil rights, religious
blackout, United States mliitary pre-
paredness, character and origin of
this war, relations to South America,
neutrality and press and propaganda
will be debated in these groups led by
student chairmen, Reed stated.
Smithies To Speak
Prof. Arthur Smithies, of the ec-
onomics department will be the fac-
ulty speaker at the opening general
meeting Friday afternoon. The stu-
dent's view point will be keynoted by
J. Anderson Ashburn, '41BAd, Robert
Rosa, Grad. and Tom Downs, '40L.
Nineteen men have been chosen as
faculty speakers. They are: Prof.
Howard M. Ehrman, history depart-
ment, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director
of the Hillel Foundation, Kenneth
W. Morgan, director of the Student
Religious Association, Prof. Richard
Meyers, Prof. Richard Fuller and
Prof. Lowell I. Carr, of the sociology
department, Prof. Charles ,M. Davis
and Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geog-
raphy department, Prof. Harold
Dorr and Prof. George B. Benson of
the political science department.
Blakeman Is Listed
C~~~ ~ d fa o~fyP"n acoaTrV1

In on~tev1deo 's
Washington Plans Investigation
On Legality Of Naval Encounter
Administration Views Possibility That Battle At Sea
Was In Violation Of Hemisphere Neutrality Zone



Bottle Admiral



German -

Born Professor
London College
Nation's HistoryI

Austria has always stood for "some-
thing different" in Europe, stated
German-born and educated Dr. Veit
Valentin, a lecturer in University
College, London, yesterday afternoon
in the Rackham amphitheatre.
Delivering a University lecture on
"Austria and Germany," Dr. Valentin
traced the history of the proud Aus-
trian monarchy and of the republic
which later resulted "The monarchy
of Austria is dead, the small republic
of Austria is dead, but the Austrian
spirit definitely is not dead," he
One of the chief points in Germanic
history which are usually not taken
into consideration, said Valentin, is
the fact that the entire eastern part
of Germany was once Slavonic ter-
ritory, and, although that territory
was colonized-or conquered-by Ger-
manic civilization, and Slavonic roy-
alty killed off "in the interests of the
creation of a new government," the
Slavonic peasants, surfs and com-
moners still remain -in east Germany.
Because of the intermarriage be-
tween these Slavonic peasants and
Germans Austria and East Prussia
are now inhabited by a people partly
German and partly Slav, Valentin
During the time that the land
which is now Austria was a part of
the Roman Empire, he. said, it, was
named the "eastern empire," which
demonstrated early that Austria was
more than a mere "border state."
Austrian culture earny became the
"civilization of German knights of
Shirley XW. Smith1
Elected To Office
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
of the University, has been selected
as one of four new trustees of the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity'
Association, of New York, it was
learned here this week.

Escape From Neutral Port
By Battle-Scarred Cruiser
Seen Dash To Suicide

the upper classes," and the Haps-I
burg family became an important
power. The governnient of Austria
in the Roman Empire was "something
more important" than that set aside
for the Empire's states by Charles IV.
The religious factor, "perhaps the
most important factor in the history
of Austria and Germany," according
to Valentin, entered with the rule of
Charles V. The Roman Empire's new
ruler was Protestant, while the Habs-
burg dynasty identified itself with
international Roman - Catholicism.
The emperor, during the 30-Years
War, desired to make all of Germany
Roman Catholic. but met with little
(Continued on Page 2)
Faculty Men d
Will Attend,

ucher facuity speaxers are Dur.rE -
S pMward W. Blakeman, counsellor in re-
ligious education, Prof. Harlan Mc-
Farlan, engineering department, Prof.
Densmore Secord, Eich, Wesley H. Maurer, journalism de-
partment, Prof. John Shepard, psy-
Windt WillParticipate chology department, .Prof. Mentor L.
In Chicago Convention Williams and Prof. Norman Nelson,
English department, Arthur Stace,
Nine members of the University editor of the Ann Arbor News, Lt. Col.
speech department will attend the Basil D. Edwards and Lt. Col. Leon
24th Annual Convention of Teachers Fox of military science department,
of Speech Dec. 27, 28 and 29 at the rof. Preston Slosson, and Prof. Lewis
Stevens' Hotel in Chicago, Prof. G. E. Vander Velde, history department,
Densmore, chairman of the upe2h iTof. E. B. Watkins and Prof. I. L.
department, announced yesterday. I .harfmann, of the economics depart-
Professor Densmore will take n1t-
charge of a section "Teaching Meth- I otudent discussion groups will be
ods and Techniques in Beginning j Kder the leadership of Carl Peter-
Speech Courses" Thursday, Dec. 28. , n, '40, chairman of the steering
Arthur E. Secord will participate in committee, William Meuhl, '40, Clar-
a panel discussion on debating Fri- ence Kresin, Grad., Gerald Netzberg,
day, Dec. 29. Grad., Jim Vicary, '40, Ronald Freed-
"Contributions of Literary Criticism man, Grad., Martin Dworkis, '40 and
to Interpretative Speech" is the title Clarence Bierma, BAd. Reed will act
of a paper to be read by Prof. Louis chairman of the mitial and final
M. Eich Friday, Dec. 29. Prof, Val- general discussion group Friday and
entine B. Windt will head the section Sunday afternoons.
"Demonstrations of Directing and
Acting" Thursday, Dec. 28.
Other members of the staff who Ie eti ts Open
will make the trip are: Prof. R. D. T.
Holister, Prof. Waldo Abbot, Prof. *
William P. Halstead, Prof. HarlanH easiofH oo iay
HT Bloomrni and Prof Henr~y Mnoser

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.--( )--q
The Administration sought today all1
the information it could get on the"
British-German naval engagementt
off the shores of Uruguay to deter-
mine whether the battle was a viola-t
tion of the Western Hemisphere neu-i
trality zone.t
If the sea fight is regarded as such1
a violation, consultations will be held1
with the other American republics
to decide upon common action. t
Secretary Hull emphasized thatt
common action among the republicst
to enforce the zone did not involve
the use of force.1
He revealed that the Uruguayan1
government was permitting the Ad-
miral Graf Spee to remain in Monte-
video harbor 48 hours, and even long-
er if she requested repairs.
Efwin C. Wilson, American minis-1
ter to Uuruguay, telephoned the State
Department from Montevideo that
the first engagement between the
German pocket battleship and the
three British cruisers was reported to
have taken place 200 miles off shore.
"Whether it was within the zone
or not cannot be determined until
the exact position of the ship is
known," Wilson telephoned. "We
have no definite information."
A position 200 miles off Uruguay
would be within the neutrality area.
The second and third engagements,
Wilson reported, "took place not very
far off the Uruguyan coast outside
territorial waters, but some reports
University Lifts
.Auto Ban Toda
Students Allowed To Use
Cars After 12 Noon
The University auto ban will be lift-
ed at noon today to give students the
opportunity to start home for Christ-
mas vacation by automobile. The
ban will not take effect again until
8 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 3.
Disciplinary action or violators of
the ban is determined after exam-
ination of the facts. The degree of
discipline is made to accord with
the seriousness of the violation.
Students desiring to use. their cars
next year are urged to apply in Room
2, University Hall, as permits must
be renewed as soon as 1940 license
plates are purchased. New sets of
student tags indicating permit re-
newals will be issued without cost.
After the expiration date set by the
state for 1939 licenses old tags will
be considered void. Students are not
permitted to drive without student
With this issue The Daily ceases
publication until Jan. 4. The staff
extends to friends and readers of
The Daily best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year.

say about 12 sea miles. I do not
know whether that is exact or nlot.
The firing could clearly be heard from
the shore."
The minister said he had asked1
the American naval attache at
Buenos Aires, Capt. William D. Bere-
ton, to fly to Montevideo, to assist
him in assembling information on the
The minister said: "The Ajax and
the Achilles pursued the Spee up to
the Uruguayan territorial waters and
they are now believed to be lying off
shore. It is not known whether the
Exeter is also there or whether she
has made off to the Falkland Island
for repairs. She was badly damaged."
He added that the Exeter was en-
gaged in convoying French merchant
vessel when she and the two other
British cruisers came into contact
with the German warship.
Finnish Army
Holds Taipale
River Positi1on
Resists Russian Advancej
As Campaign In East
Enters Its Second Week
With The Finnish Army On Thel
Eastern Karelian Front, Dec. 14.-
(P)--Several battalions of fierce
fighting Finns clung stubbornly to-
day to their positions on the Taipale
River near Lake Ladoga in the face
of heavy artillery fire.
For more than a week they have
been holding out against the Rus-
sians, writing a new chapter of Fin-
land's struggle for independence.
When the day was over the Rus-
sians had blackened the snow for
acres and blasted the woods around
-but the Finns still were holding the
river positions.
(In another southeastern section
of their country, the Finns announced
officially today they had turned the
tide of the Russian invasion, forcing
the Red Army into retreat and re-
capturing an extensive area around
Tolvajarvi, whic his 40 miles west of
the eastern frontier and the same
distance north of Lake Ladoga. In
the north the Russians, penetrating
the Finnish nickel mining district,
neared the blazing town of Salmi-
jarvi while the Finns retreated in
orderly fashion, burning towns and
rural buildings behind them.)
Klein Takes Dance Post
In the tie for Frosh Frolic commit-
tee posts in the literary college be-
tween Murray Markland and Jerry
Klein, Klein won the post by the
toss of a coin it was announced late
last night by G. Robert Harrington,
'40, of the Men's Judiciary Council.

MONTEVIDO, Dec. 14.-(P)--
Foreign Minister Alberto Guani
tonight announced that the Urn-
guayan government "in keeping
with the Uruguayan neutrality
law and international law," had
granted the German govern-
ment's request that the Admiral
Graf Spee be permitted to re-
main in Montevideo harbor un-
til repairs can be made.
night faced a gathering British fleet
mighty enough to make escape fronr
this neutral haven almost a dash to
Shortly after the crippled Nazi
floating fortress had surrendered 62
British seamen taken from nine
raided merchantmen, British diplo-
matic authorities indicated that the
10,000-ton British cruiser Cumber-
land had joined the "death watch"
flotilla outside the harbor.
The same sources also said that it
was very likely the great battle cruis-
er Renov and the aircraft carrier
Ark Royal would rush here from
South African waters.
Cruisers - On Watch
Already, the light CruI rR &J .
and Achilles, which drove the Graf
Spee into this harbor after a day-
long battle yesterday, were on watch,
along with the crippled British cruis-
er Exeter.
Reports from the Ajax and Achilles
said that they had no dead and only
a few wounded. There were uncon-
firmed reports, however, of some
dead aboard the Exeter.
The Renown, last reported on
guard off Capetown with the Ark
Royal for other German pocket
battleship raiders, has six 15-inch
The seamen surrendered today by
the Graf Spee had huddled together
in the brig of the pocket battleship
while yesterday's battle raged for
hours above their heads.
They were released at 6:45 p.m.
(4:15 p.m.EST).
.Under the direction of British lega-
tion officials, a tugboat pulled along-
sidethe pocket battleship and the
seamen emerged from their prison.
They clambered happily into the
tug for the trip ashore.
Mounted Gangplank
Headed by five merchant captains,
the men mounted the same gang-
plank over which Capt. Hans Langs-
dorff of the Graf Spee a half hour
earlier led half a dozen smartly clad
Nazi officers on his way to make a
formal call in port.
The prisoners ranged in age from
a man 72 years old to youths who
appeared less' than 15 years.
Most of them carried shapeless
bags holding their scanty belong-
ings. Some clung tightly to life-
belts salvaged from their old ships.
Without exception they showed the
effects of a terrible day spent in close
confinement in the bowels of the
Graf Spee while the battleship was
pounded by British shells and shaken
by the recoil of its own 11-inch guns.
The Graf Spee lay high out of the
water, possibly confirming the con-
tention of the German minister that
she was forced to 'run for shelter be-
cause her fuel was giving out.
Crippled Cruiser Exeter
In Argentine Drydoeks
BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 14. -(A)-
The British cruiser Exeter, crippled in
last night's battle with the' German
Admiral Graf Spee, limped tonight
toward drydock in the Argentine
naval base of Puerto Belgrano in
Bahia Blanca, seeking repairs.
At Puerto Belgrano, 100 beds were
prepared at the naval hospital for

'MONTEVIDEO, Dec. 14. -(A)--
With her 36 dead still lying beneath
the smashed armour of her decks and
gun towers, the German pocket
battleship Admiral Graf Spee to-


"1 ] Other newly elected trustees are
S i lncollI ete Prof. J. Douglass Brown, of Prince-
ton University, Oliver C. Carmichael,
of Vanderbilt University, and Presi-
Union To Announce Roles dent John S. Sinclair of the Federal
After Vacation Period Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

X. s uu1c , a - u. . 1 1JuI
Professor Densmore was executive-
secretary of the organization for 10
years before his resignation last year
to accept his present position as head
of the speech department.


Will Complete Terra
32 Years On Board

Despite the beginning of rehearsals,
the cast of the Union Opera has not,
yet been selected, according to Roy
1Hoyer,:director of the Opera, and it'
will not be announced until after
Christm as vacation,
Rehearsals of thek"pony" and com-
edy choruses have continued this
week, Director Hoyer said, and in
additiori' the first steps have been
taken in casting several of thecomedy
impersonation roles.
No definite selection has yet been
made, however, of the leading roles,
including "Lee Grant" and "HedyI
La Tour." The role of Grant is that

War Fails To Increase Student
Sup port Of FDR Poll reveals

(Special to The Daily)
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 14-Although
a good majority of American college
students continue their approval of
Franklin D. Roosevelt as president,
campus opinion has not kept pace
with the increasing support that the
U.S. voter has been giving the chief
executive since the European war
hb k, rmit.

student opinion as mtich as national
public opinion, which since the start
of the war has far outstripped thel

Regent Junius E. Beal, of An
Arbor, veteran of 32 years as a Uni-
ver;:ty Regent, will attend his last
Board meeting today.
Regent Beal announced yesterday
that he was sufficiently recovered
from hip; long illness to attend the-
final Board of Regents' session in.
the University offlcs this afternoon.
He will retire on Dec. 31, and will
be succeeded by Harry G. Kipke, of
Elected in 1907, Regent Beal was
stricken with serious illness last sum-
mer, and has been unable to attend
a Regents' meeting during the past
three .mnnths.

.ichi an Graduates Rank High
In Traffic Engineering Fields

collegians in approval of the
dent. Here is the record:
Approve of FDR Dec,, '38
Poll of U.S. Voters... ..55.5
Pol of U.S. Students . . . .62.8
Thus, while last December


of a madcap practical jokester, while *JAUIUL~. was a greater percentage of studentsI'r
the man who fills the high-heeled A coast-to-coast referendum of in favor of Roosevelt than there was Today's meeting will be the last
shoes of Hedy will have to have at collegians taken by the Student Opin- of voters, events since then have one of the year for the Regents. It
least as much glamor as Hedy's Holly- ion Surveys of America shows that caused the rank and file to change its will be devoted to routine business.,
wood namesake. more than three out of every five attitudes, while student approval is Regent Kipke, newly elected mem-
"generally approve of Roosevelt to- in almost a straight line, and even ber of the Board, will be officially'
,. day as president." This is only nine- slightly less than a year ago. inducted into office in January.
Moyle Wins First Prize tenths of one per cent less than the Students in New England, the
In Engineering Contest vote of approval students gave FDR Middle Atlantic and East Central
a year ago this month, according tolstates, as usual, today are less in Local Judge To Preside
Bennett O. Moyle, '43E, has been the continuous index of his popularity favor of the president than other At Special Court Session
awarded a $5 first prize for his paper that the Surveys has kept. These sections of the country, mustering a

Ranked high in the field of traffic
and highway engineering, one of
the newest branches of the profes-
sion, are Michigan graduates, accord-
ing to Prof. Roger L, Morrison of the
highway engineering department.
The department of traffic en-
gineering was organized here in 1924
under the leadership of Prof. Arthur
H. Blanchard. It was the first school
in the country to offer formal instruc-
tion in the field of safety and traffic
High positions held by Michigan
graduates in this field are shown the
officers of the Institute of Traffic
Engineers. Recently elected presi-
dent, vice-president and secretary-
treasurer of that organization are

stitute's presidents are E. P. Good-
rich, '98E., the first president when
the organization was founded in 1930,
and Professor Morrison who held that
office from 1936 to 1937.
Recent air surveys of highway traf-
fic conditions in Ann Arbor during
the football season rush were con-
ducted by another graduate, Oscar
M. Gunderson, '28E, who is in charge
of traffic engineering work for the
Michigan State Police. Also in a high
state post is Mickle, who was appoint-
ed last fall to head traffic engineering
work for the State Highway Depart-
Also prominent in out-state city
traffic work are numerous gradu-
ates. Perhaps the most prominent


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