P'AGE BraTHE MICHIGAN DAILY LI! ~ ~ ~ 4 i fA2 t4 2T5 Clancy Traces History Of Aid For Iudigents Member Of Commissinl For Crippled Children Shows Need For Funds Tracing the change in attitude to- ward the crippled child through the ages from ancient Greek times to the present, Denis Clancy, of Hillsdale, a member of the Crippled Children's Commission, painted a picture of public sympathy for the crippled in- digent children, without the benefit of funds, yesterday at the meeting of the Ann Arbor chapter of the League of Women Voters. Mr. Clancy resigned from the Corn- mission recently at the request of the Governor. His resignation has not been accepted as yet. Children's Commission Formed Public cognizance of the problem was first evidenced in 1861, when an act was passed to provide care for indigent adults and children, Mr. Clancy stated. "Afflicted children were segregated from afflicted adults by an act of 1913. As the scope of the problem grew beyond the means of the Michigan Society for Crippled Children, a Crippled Children's Com- mission was formed in 1927 to provide better administration facilities," he added. At first, Mr. Clancy said, the diffi- culty was in finding enough cases, but as house-to-hoise canvasses were made and the public became more health minded, the problem was that of getting adequate funds. The act of 1939 gave the Commission more power and authority, but reduced the appropriation, he declared. $800,000 Appropriated The $800,000 appropriated by the legislature for 1939-40 is given to counties in proportion to population, Mr. Clancy said. "Each county is al- loted $131 per month for the care of crippled children. Each case costs approximately $155 to treat; there- fore only one child can be cared for in a month," he declared. "Cases are put into one of four groups accord- ing to the degree of necessity of im-t mediate treatment. "If when the times for number three to be treated, and in the mean- time ,an emergency has come up,I number three must wait," he asserted. "To a little girl with a congenital hip,1 months of waiting means months of pain and suffering," Clancy ex- plained. "The Commission has been accused,1 of being in cahoots with the doctors,"' Mr. Clancy said, "but if I want tot have my appendix removed, I'm not going to a politician." What happens1 to the problem of the crippled child in Michigan depends on us as citi- zens, he concluded. League Ousting Will Not Hurt Russian Status (Continued from Page 1) I and 16 of the Covenant, the profes- sor suggested. If violation of Article 15 is proved to the Council, Russia4 may be disciplined by Article 16 which declares, "Should any Member of the League resort to war in dis-I regard of its covenant under Articlest 12, 13 or 15, it shall be ipso factot deemed to have committed an act of war . . ." and is thereby subject t9 severance of trade and financial r\ lations with League members. How- ever, the professor pointed out sev- eral nations in 1936, after the Italian affair with Ethiopia, denounced the use of sanctions and reserved the right to omit this provision. Another part of Article 16 which may be applied to the Russian action is, the professor quoted, "Any Member of the League which has violated any covenant of the League may be declared to be no longer a Member of the League by a vote of the Council concurred in by the Representatives of all the other Members of the League repre- sented thereon." . This clause con tains the only legal method of ex- cluding a member, he said; and if all the League members agree that Russia has violated the covenant she may be excluded without being pres- ent at the conference. "The only effect of expulsion from the League would be that Russia would be tagged as a violator of the Covenant," the professor declared, "and this would result in the same treatment toward Russia as was accorded Italy in 1936." UNIVERSITY College of SCHEDULE OF OF MICHIGAN LX IIN AT14iN Prof. Arthur Boak Considered. Nat i--- Ancient History Expert NIOTF:: Far eoriises having boWt jectures nUld jizk: LI im Iar Exercise is the time of the first lecture peri(d of the week; for cOuises having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exami- nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami- nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W. McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 24. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period of January 27 to February 7. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. Time Of Exercise Time of Examination (at 8 . Monday, Feb. 5 8-12 (at 9 Friday, Feb. 2 8-12 (at 10 Wednesday, Jan. 31 8-12 MONDAY (at 11 Monday, Jan. 29 8-12 (at 1 Tuesday, Feb. 6 2-6 (at 2 Monday, Jan. 29 2-6 (at 3 Tuesday, Feb. 6 8-12 ,f U , il V5i le Tr3T rbd 11y A. P. BLAUSTEIN Although considered one of the country~s leading authorities on an- cient history, Prof Arthur Edward Romilly Boak, chairman of the his- tory department, is an extremely modest and bashful man who would much rather spend his time hunting or fishing than talking of his ex- ploits. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1888, Professor Boak spent the nor- mal life of any youth, entering Queen's University in Kingston, On- tario, at the early age of 15. He re-t ceived his A.M. degree there and thenI another A.M. at Harvard in 1911. During the next two years he studied at the University of Berlin and re- turned to Harvard in 1914 to receive his Ph.D. That same year he became an in- structor in history at the University and in 1918 became a naturalized American citizen. At Michigan his rise was rapid, Professor Boak becoming assistant professor, associate professor and professor in the short time of 12 years. In 1930 he was named chair- man of the history department. During the war Professor Boak served as a lieutenant in the naval reserves, stationed in the Great Lakes area. He didn't go overseas, how- ever. He spent two years serving with cliaeoiogia1 xp-diions. m~ Egypr spoinsored by Uhe Un iversity, first ]i 1924=25 and then later in 1931-32. Te also was joint editor of three re- ports on the University's activity at the Karanis and Dime excavation projects. Last year, Professor Boak was president of the Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has also served the University as President of the Research Club, and as a mem- ber of the Board in Control of Phy- sical Education and the executive board of the Graduate School. Among the books he has written is "The Master of the Offices in the Later Roman Empire", "A History I of Rome to 565 A.D.," "Papyri from Tebtunis" and the ancient history section of the textbook "The Growth of European Civilization." Local Cam~era Clib To Sposor Speech The Ann Arbor Camera Club will sponsor a lecture on "Color Photog- raphy" by H. B. Tuttle of the East- man Kodak Co., at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19, in the League. Mr. Tuttle will discuss color pho- tography, both from the standpoint of making colored pictures on paper by the wash-off relief process, and; U.S. Must Find WorkForYouth or Action (Special to The Daily) WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-(ACP)- Because idle youth will strengthen any movement to embroil this nation in the present European war, the Federal Government must provide employment for the young who can- not find work in private industry. That is the assertion of the Ameri- can Youth Commission, a division of the American Council on Education, in its new "program of action for American youth." The commission recommends a widely expanded federal work pro- gram of "producing th goods and services which are needed by th young people themselves and by others who are unemployed and in need." "In the present critical situation," the report continued, "it is impera- tive that none of the human re- sources of the nation be wasted through haphazard and inefficient methods of vocational selection, pre- paration and empl6yment. "Society in each generation has an obligation to provide for youth full opportunities for vocational ex- ploration, training and public serv- ice. The existence of a world crisis, by making clear to the nation the B jl liiNE IVtcKEE Mom l HfTillma viai ofiid o Iaite Wi u hA of i fiport to inj art. Letters are still showing the ;x- panse of last week's short-wave Michigan World - Wide broadcast from Boston. From ~lorida's Fort Barrancas, on the Gulf of Mexico, Capt. William F. Niethamer, alum- nus of '25 now heading the U.S. coast artillery corps, reported our signal "loud and clear, with unlimited vol- ume." He continrued, "The program was enjoyed by the entire family, and I want to thank you for a very valuable half-hour. My very best wishes for continued success in your able department." Reception Reported Then an alumnus in Washington reported but little fading, and clear reception . . . And Mr. A. Roberts, the 98-year-old grad of '67, also de- clared, "The people of Michigan should certainly be proud that their state was first, and still is, leader in giving her people and others a chance to gain a foremost place in education] matters." In response to the Galens' Drive interview on a recent "Game of the Week," comes a card from Temper- ance, Michigan whose author-mother heard about the toys being given to underprivileged children, and writes of "five children we won't be able to buy a thing for," and a husband who is "a barber and only working Satur- days." She continues, concerning the children, "They got toys from the relief last year but we aren't on relief this year. So I don't know how we'll get any toys for them. If you could help us this year we would be forever grateful. Thanking you any- ways" . Contributions Lacking It seems the broadcast's listeners needed contributions more than they could give them. Or the needy were the only responsive ones . . . So far a quarter has been contributed in the Morris Hall box Then fan mailers have been con- struing such addresses as "Morose Hall" and variations of Professor Slosson's name fom "Prof. Straus- son to "Slawson" to "Slaughton" TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Monday, Feb. 5 Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Jan. Tuesday, Jan. 30 Wednesday, Feb. Friday, Feb. 2 Thursday, Feb. 1 3. 7 2-6 2-6 .1 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 2-6 8-12 is no con- E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; German; Spanish *Saturday, Feb. 3 Surv. 1, 2, 4; French *Saturday, Jan. 27 M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2 *Thursday, Feb. 1 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 .Saturday, Feb. 3 Economics 'Thursday, Feb. 1 Drawing 3 *Friday, Feb. 2 E.E. 2a; Physics 46 *Tuesday, Feb. 6 *This may be used as an irregular period provided there flict with the regular printed schedule above. that of making Kodachrome slides. need for internal as well as external The lecture is open to the public with- strength, serves only to emphasize the out admission charge. present obligation. CLASSIFIEDADVERT l '( Religious Truth Is Determined Experience,_Marley Claims Religious truth today is the valu- explained by representatives of these able residue which remains after the parties, he added. test in the crucible of experience, Rev. The element of free discussion on H. P. Marley, of the Unitarian all questions has always been our Church, declared recently in his talk'aim, Tate stated. This series of talks on ','Exploring Liberal Religion," the on ,"Exploring Liberal Religion," was last in a series of three lectures on instigated at the request of members religion at the last pre-vacation who did not understand the reason meeting of the Liberal Students' why the Unitarian Church stands out Union. as the only church in Ann Arbor that Liberal religion is that which has is willing to jeopardize its standing met the test of science and experi- by allowing any and all liberal groups ence, he said. Ethics may be dis- on campus to meet in its building, tinguished from religion in that ethics he said. is a formulation of truth by phi- It was hoped that these talks would losophy, whereas religion is the ap- trace the growth of the liberal spirit plication of this truth, Reverend in religion which explains such ac- Marley explained. tion, Tate added. Reorganized in 1929 under the Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. name of the Liberal Students' Union, every Sunday at Unity Hall and are the organization has changed from open to the public. the customary Sunday night supper club to a dynamic group that dis- Tapping Receives Greeting cusses social, political, economic and ge religious problems, according to Joe From Graduate In China Tate, '41E, chairman of the executive YaKun Chang, '39, sent abook- committee.Y-KnCag3, ntabk~ cmitee nt g tlet on Chinese Paintings, edited by Interest in the organization was himself, as a Christmas greeting to stimulated by a contest in which cash T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary prizes were awarded to the writers of of the Alumni Association. the best papers on the topic of The book contains photostatic student attitudes on religion. The copies of American newspaper articles winning papers were discussed by the criticizing certain of Chang's own authors at later meetings. works. Newspapers mentioned in the Enlightenment and a liberal edu- booklet are: The Michigan Daily, Art cation on topics of human interest, News, Detroit News, New York Sun has been the object of the organiza- and New York Herald Tribune. tion, Tate said. For example, before the last election, the platforms of the, different parties were discussed andI i :f ,, L THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three 'or more insertions. Miniium of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent o pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c. For further information call 23-24-1. or stop at 420 Maynard Street. ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 FOR SALE-Kerry Blue Terrier Pups. Ideal Christmas present. Intelligent companions and play- mates. Never shed. Ph. 8293. 134 FOR RENT--5 SEVEN ROOM Country House-20 minutes ride from campus. Attrac- tively furnished. Electric stove. Completely modern-$35. Also two rooms to rent in farm home. Box 159, Ann Arbor. 128 AVAILABLE JAN. 1. Attractively furnished 3 room front apartment. Bath with shower. Adults. 602 Monroe. 137 TRANSPORTATION -21 ! WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND - 1 LOST-Black wallet Saturday night. Driver's license name Robert Cole. Please keep money. Call Milton Pederman, 2-4409. 130 LOST-Bluish green topcoat in Business Ad. School. No questions asked. Call 4442. George R. Bow- den. $5 reward. 132 LOST-Gold locket, album style. Locket worthless-contents (three. males) valuable. Reward. Phone 9531. 133 LOST--Black and green Shaeffer' pen. Name on pen-E. Haymans. Reward. Call 477 Jordan Hall. 136 TYPING-- 18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING SERVICE-Dorothy Testa, M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.) 2-1835. Reports, thesis, disserta- tions, briefs. 113 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist and notary public, excellent work. 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 LAUNDERING -9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low prices. 16 MISCELLANEOUS--20 CAMERA WANTED (new or used) Model III, Zeiss Ikoflex, f/2.8 lens or Model II, Contax f/3.5; f/2.8 or /2.0 lens. c/o Michigan Daily Box 2. 124 DRIVING HOME Christmas? 2 gal. oil $1, anti?freeze, etc. Campus Gulf Service, William and Thomp- son Streets. 138 WANTED-Passengers to Florida. Leave Dec. 15, return Jan. 1. Share expenses. Call or write Florence Niffenegger, 916 Grant St., Ypsi- lanti, phone 1523-M. 129 SPECIAL--$5.50 Machineless Per- manent $2.50; $3 oil cocona $1.50; end permanent $1. Shampoo and fingerwave 35c. Phone 8100, 117 Main. 36 PLAYSCHOOL Directed play activity for children of school age. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3:30 to 5:30. Play- school, 315 E. William. Phone 8293. 131 THE ALICE PALMER Cooperative House, 1511 Washtenaw, will be open Christmas Vacation for wo- men students. Call 2-2218. 139 Ataflell th1femseken" Th"y do not go dry. f_ A+Nzing view priu~il aa MAKES WRITING A PLEASURE pg MANY8 UAUTIFUL MOOSN IPAICIS TO WI Thme MAYER-SCHAIRER Company 112 outhMainStret O Will Lift Auto Ban A t Noon Tomorrow For XmasHoliday With the lifting of the auto ban at 12 noon tomorrow University students will be given the opportunity to startI home for the Chrstmas holiday by automobile. The ban will not take effect again until 8 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 3. Students desiring to use their cars next year should apply in Room 2 University Hall, according to Walter B. Rea, assistant dean of students. Permits must be renewed as soon as 1940 license tags are purchased, he said. New sets of tags indicating per- mit renewals will be issued without cost. Use of a car before the ban is offi- cially lifted will result in disciplin- -ary action. Two hours of class credit will be added to the number usually required for a degree. University officials will check student autos to see that the regulation is carried out. k4. GIV E CHOC LATES Get Your Christmas Candy Here Save wandering and wondering-select the gift from our line of Whitman's famous confections, here fresh from the makers, in boxes richly decorated for Christmas at no extra cost. THE SAMPLER, $1.50 to $7.50-The most famous box of candy in the world. THE FAIRHILL, 25c to $5.00-Outstanding box of fine candy at $1.00 a lb. MINIATURES, $1.00-Whitman's newest assortment of luscious small pieces. STOCKING FILLERS, Sc to SOc-A captivating line of Children's Candies and Toys. Place your candy orders NOW! Our Christmas Box Candy- 1 to 5 lbs. -- wrapped and mailed anywhere in the- U.S.- . for only 10c. Local deliveries made at any time you specify - Christmas /% ,,. /, >: ;, ;;, ;; 7/ . /. -f -" / .. 'v. ::t ' , Yu " TH-ERE IS NOTHING FINER than good old fashioned Christmas spirit. We look back to the days of sleigh bells, frosty breath'd steeds, footwarmers and muf flers ..,. and Wish the genuine joy of those hearty times to you and yours. THE MICHIGAN DAILY offers you a modern way to wish all your i You can find that personal gift for the girl back home at EIBLERIS Come in and let us help you select a last-minute gift . . . ...By the way, don't forget I