Fair today and. tomorrow.
.AAtr4t g an
American Seamen
In elief Drydock
Adams, Gibson'
Elected Heads
Of Senior Ball,
Committeemen Selected
For Future Social Events;
Business School Votes
Three Candidates
Chosen Unopposed
Three campus elections yesterday
brought into office Richard Adams,
'40E, as chairman of the Senior Ball;
Edward Gibson, '40E, as chairman
of the Frosh Frolic, and Richard
Siewers, '40BAd., as president of the
senior class of the School of Busi-
ness Administration.
Results were announced last night
by Carl Wheeler, '40E, chairman of
men's judiciary council.
Other members of the engineering
college elected to the Senior Ball
committee were James Wills and
Eugene Klein. Literary students
named were Helen Brady, James
Barnard, John Thornhill, Ann Haw-
ley and Harold Goldman.
Sally Connery Wins Place
In the education school election
for the Senior Ball, Sally Connery
was elected over Harriet Thom, the
only other contestant. The School
of Nursing ballot, conducted separ-
ately by that school, placed Muriel
Smitz on the central committee, Lee
Chrisman was the only candidate
from the School of Music and was
automatically elected. Likewise Rich-
ard Abbott from the forestry school,
and Annabelle Dredge from the
architectural sohool, lone candidates,
automatically achieved positions.
On the Frosh Frolic dance com-
mittee from the engineering school
James Pierce and Richard Schoel
will supplement Gibson for that con-
tingent. In the literary school elec-
tion for the freshman dance Jerry
Klein and Murray Markland were in
a tie which remained unbroken last,,
night. Also from the literary school
are Howard Wallach, Robert Morri-
son, Olga Gruhzit and Rosamond
Meyer. In this election, architecture
students voted with the engineering
school, and all other students with
the literary school.
McLeod Is Vice-President
In the business administration
election, in addition to Siewer's
presidency, Jack McLeod was elected
class vice-president. Phyllis Ben-
nett tied with Fritz Liechty for the
position of secretary. Miss Bennett
won the position by a toss of a coin.
Douglas Hayes was elected treasurer.
Adams, in a statement last night,
said that all efforts woud be made
to make the 1940 Senior Ball a suc-
cess. "Speaking for the committee,"
he said, "I'm sure that the Class of
'40 will have something to be proud
of, and with a few breaks on the band
situation, the dance will be the best
ever." Gibson was unable to be
reached for a statement.
Finnish Relief
Drive Continues
Tables Set Up In Library
And Angell Hall
Tables for the collection of money
and clothing for the relief of the
Finnish people have been set up on
campus and will carry on the local
drive today, according to Tiovo Liima-
tainen, '41E, president of Suomi Club,
campus organization composed of stu-
dents of Finnish extraction.
The tables have been placed in the
Angell Hall lobby and in the Main Li-
brary. The drive, which will con-
tinue until Friday, is centered in
Lane Hall, where attendants are on
hand throughout the day to receive
contributions of money or clothing.
Liimatainen reminded those per-
sons who wish to make such contri-
butions to the drive but who have no
means of transporting their dona-
tions to Lane Hall or to the campus
collection spots tha they have only
to telephone the Lane Hale head-
quarters, and a truck will be sent to
their homes.
Mine Union Leader Says
Labor Board Favors CIO
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-()-Joe
Ozanic, aggressive young leader of
'the Progressive Mine Workers (AFL),
charged before a House investigating
Kohler Is 'Spoofuncup' Winner
At Annual Engineer'sBanquet
Porofessor Is Given Award
After Gruelling Session
Of Heckling Questions
Prof. Henry L. Kohler, of the auto-
motive engineering department, sur-
vived a gruelling two-hour stretch of
embarrassing and ingenuity-testing
questions asked by Roastmaster E. L.
Erikson, chairman of the engineering
mechanics department, to win the
distinction of being known as the
"Man Who Can Take It," at the an-
nual ASME roast held last night in
the Union.
Amassing a' total of 54 points
awarded for his "wit and sense of
humor," Professor Kohler led his five
fellow sufferers to the last, and will
aow be known as the most "popular
unpopular" instructor in the en-
gineering school.
Professor Kohler was presented
with the Spoofuncup by Prof. Axel
Marin, of the mechanical engineering
department, who had the cup in his
custody since last year's Roast. In
presenting this year's winner with
the Spoofuncup, Professor Marin con-
gratulated him on his ability to "take
it," and entrusted the trophy to him
for the ensuing year.
Some of the questions which put
the "roastees" "on the spot" were:
"Describe yourself with particular ref-
erence to your lady-killing qualities,"
and "Who wears the pants in your
family?" Many of the professors
Clarence Selby
To Give Third
Medical Talk
Famed Industrial Doctor
Will Give Lecture Today
At Rackham Building
Discussing "The Relationships of
General and SpeciaL Practice in In-
dustrial Medicine," Dr. Clarence D.
Selby, medical consultant of Gen-
eral Motors, will offer the third in a
series of extra-curricular medical
lectures sponsored by the medical
school at 4:15 p.m. today in Lecture
Hall of the Rackham nuilding.
Dr. Selby is well qualified to talk
on industrial medicine, according to
officials of the medical school, be-
cause of his experience in the field.
He has been a member of the Ameri-
can Association of Industrial Physi-
cians and served as its president in
The American Public Health Asso-
ciation appointed him in 1937 to serve
as vice-chairman of the section on
Industrial Hygiene. He has been
president of the Ohio Medical Asso-
ciation and Ohio Commissioner of
the AMA on hospitals.
He won his present position in
1935. In addition to serving as
medical consultant, he belongs to the
Wayne County Medical Association,
the Academy of Medicine of Toledo
and Lucas County and the Toledo
Hospital Council.
University To Train Fliers
The Civil Aeronautics Authority
announced yesterday in Washington
that the University has been definite-
ly selected as one of the 13 schools
to test a proposed advanced course
of training student pilots.
blushed when asked "Do you think
you present an awe-inspiringappear-
ance to your students?" Though the
"roastees" were "quick on the draw,"
the onlookers and Roastmaster, by
virtue of their continual heckling and
interrupting, were even quicker in
many cases.
There were about 100 ASME mem-
bers present at the banquet at which
the engineering students welcomed
the opportunity to get back at their
professors without fear of retribution.
The other professors, besides Pro-
fessor Kohler, who were candidates
for the Spoofuncup, which consists
of nothing more than a tin funnel
rampant on an inverted tin cup, and
bounded on either side by a tin spoon,
were: Prof. Ronsom S. Hawley, act-
ing head of mechanical engineering,
Prof. Charles W. Spooner, of the me-
chanical engineering department,
Prof. Arthur D. Moore, of the elec-
trical engineering department, and
Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd, of the en-
gineering mechanics department.
Dr. V. Valentin
To Speak Today
About Germany
London University Expert,
Born In Reich, Is Noted
AuthorityOn Bismarck
Dr. Veit Valentin, lecturer in the
University College. London, will de-
liver a University lecture o, "Austria
and Germany" at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Rackham amphitheatre.
Dr. Valentin's appearance here has
been described as proof of education's
disregard for war. He will speak on
affairs in his homeland, which he
has made the object of his studies,
despite the fact that it is at war with
the country in which he has taught
for more than a decade.
Although he was born and educated
in Germany, Dr. Valentin has lec-
tured at the University College since
the last war and, in the opinion of
Prof. Arthur Boak of the history de-
partment, "is too much of a learned
and impartial scholar to be consid-
ered a propagandist."
Dr. Valentin's specialty is the his-
tory of Germany in the 19th century,
while his most notable work deals
with policies pursued by Bismark. He
was formerly in charge of the Im-
perial German Archives at Potsdam,
and is the author of many books and
papers on Germany's past.
Davies Says Third
Term Is Necessary
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. -(IP)-
Another of the nation's first-string
diplomats, Joseph E. Davies, added
fresh momentum to the "Draft
Roosevelt" talk today by asserting
that a third term is necessary be-
cause the world is "on fire."
"I think," said the Ambassador to
Belgium, "that America is in jeo-
pardy as it certainly has not been in
our generation and probably 'not
since its institution."
"It got my goat," Davies asserted,
"to hear on all sides that he (the
President) could have a third term
if he wanted it. I know he doesn't
want it.
D r,F. Wilson
Wins Russel
Cardiographer Archieves
Highest Scholastic Honor
Given ByTheUniversity
Heart Expert 15th
To Receive Award
For his scientific study of electri-
cal phenomena associated with the
beating of the human heart, Dr.
Frank N. Wilson, professor of in-
ternal medicine, last night was award-
ed the Henry Russel Lectureship,
highest honor that is given a faculty
member by the University of Michi-
One of a few experts in electrocar-
diographic study in the United States,
Dr. Wilson is the 15th faculty man
to receive the Russel Lectureship.
During the past 25 years he has been
the author of 85 papers on cardiol-
ogy. Methods described by him in
these papers are now extensively
employed in clinical medical treat-
ment of heart disorders.
Dr. Wilson graduated from the
Michigan medical school in 1913. He
has served on the faculty of the
Washington Medical School, St.
Louis, Mo., and also as a member of
the U.S. Medical Corps during the
World War.
He will receive a cash prize from
a bequest of the late Henry Russel,
of Detroit, and will deliver a lecture
next spring. Announcement of the
award was made last night at a meet-
ing of the University Research Club.
The 1939 Lecturer studied for 18
months in England with Sir Thomas
Lewis, famous British heart special-
ist, in the Military Heart Hospital
at Glochester. Following the war he
returned to his work in St. Louis,
and in 1920 he was made associated
professor of Medicine at Michigan.
In 1924 he was appointed full pro-
Dr. Wilson is a member of many
scientific societies, including the
American Society for Clinical In-
vestigation and the Association of
American Physicians. He is a mem-
ber of the editorial board of the
Journal of Clinical Investigation and
of the American Heart Journal.
When the Russel Lecture is given
in the spring a second award will be
made to a junior member of the
University; faculty who has done
"outstanding research work."
Prof. Campbell Bonner, of the
Greek department, was the winner
c the Lectureship in 1938, and the
tile of his address was "Sophocles,
L istotle, and The Tired Business-
.n." Studies of the behavior of
r. irotic rats won the junior award
for Prof. Norman Maier, of the psy-
chology department.
Three British Ships Force
Nazi Battleship Into Port;
LeaguneTo Vote On Russia
Assembly Faces Resolution
Naming Soviet Aggressor
In War Against Finland
Finns Say Russians
Are At Standstill
GENEVA, Dec. 13. -0P)- The
League of Nations leadership tonight
put up to the Assembly a bold resolu-
tion to brand Soviet Russia an aggres-
sor against Finland, put weight be-
hind the drive for Russia's banish-
ment from Geneva, and even turn
the League Secretariat into a coor-
dinating general staff for war mater-
ial and humanitarian aid for the
struggling Finns.
A committee of delegates from 13
nations, including Great Britain and
France, approved and submitted the
resolution to the Assembly for final
The Assembly will meet tomorrow
morning to vote on the resolution and
since unanimity is not required there,
it was expected to be adopted with-
out difficulty.
The overwhelming drive for ex-
pulsion, which can be decided only
by the council, was given a strong
push by the committee's action.
The resolution, noting Russia's re-
fusal to participate in League efforts
to mediate the war with Finland and
her "vain" attempt to justify her
refusal by declaring she had recog-
nized a "pretended" Finnish govern-
ment, concluded:
"That Soviet Russia not only is
guilty of violation of one of the en-'
gagements of the Covenant but has
placed herself outside'the Covenant;
that the Council is competent under
the terms of Article XVI of the Cov-
enant to decide the consequences
arising from this situation."
The resolution then recommended
that the Council sit to consider the
"question"-by implication, expul-
Finns Declare Russian
Invasion Is At Standstill
HELSINKI, Dec. 13.-()-The Fin-
nish army declared tonight the Rus-
sian invasion had been brought to a
standstill on the Karelian Isthmus
after a fortnight of bitter mid-winter
fighting, and that fiercely attacking
Soviet troops on the Eastern Front
had been repulsed in most places.
New attacks by ai and sea were
turned back today, the Finnish com-
mand said, and the 300-mile land
front from the Gulf of Finland to the
Arctic Ocean remained substantially
the same.
"Great losses" to the Russian Army
resulted when' the Finns counter-
attacked successfully on the Eastern
Front, just north of Lake Ladoga, a
communique said. Many prisoners
were taken, and five more Soviet
tanks and four pieces of field artillery
were captured. Other tanks were
reported destroyed on the Isthmus.
Finnish coastal artillery "annihi-
laedt" enemy forces attempting to
force a way along marshy roads skirt-
ing the northeastern shore of Lake
Ladoga, the communique said, and
transport detachments near Sauna-
niemi were forced to turn back.
Finland's Geneva Envoy
League Ousting
Will Not Hurt
Russian Status
(Editor's Note: This article was
written with the cooperatic~n of a
professor in the political scice de-
Russia may be liable to expulsion
from the League of Nations or to dis-l
ciplinary action as a member of the1
League, a professor in the politicaly
science department said yester-I
day, but neither action is likely1
to have an economic or political ef-
fect on Russia unless individual mem-j
bers of the League break off relations
with her.
A study of the text of the note Fin-
land sent to the League would be
necessary to determine whether Rus-
sia can be excluded from the League;
at this time, the professor explained.
Either Article 11 or Article 15 of the
League Covenant may have been vio-
lated, he noted, and the points of law
that could be applied would be differ-
ent in each case.
Article 11 says, "It is . . . declared
to be the . . . right of each Member
of the League to bring to the atten-
tion of the Assembly or the Council
any circumstances whatever affect-
ing international relations which
threaten to disturb peace . . ." and
if a Member does appeal to the
League, the nations involved must
submit the dispute to the proper me-
diaries. However, Russia claims that
the Finnish government which ap-
pealed to the League is not the offi-
cial agency of the people and that
Russia maintains "peaceful rela-
tions" with the true government, the
professor observed. The absence of
Russia from the League Council,' he
noted, will have no influence on the
proceedings except possibly to arouse
Finland's appeal to the League
might have been based on Article 15
(Continued on Page 6)
Ship 'Graf Spee' Retreats
To Montivideo Harbor;
30 Killed,_60 Injured
Battle Is Fought
In Neutrality Zone
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Dec. 13.-
)--A 14-hour running sea fight be-
ween three British cruisers and the
3erman pocket battleship Admiral
Graf Spee ended tonight with a
lit German warship taking refuge in
neutral Montevideo harbor with 36 of
er crew killed and 60 injured.
The British victory was not with-
ut its casualties, however, for the
3ritish Admiralty in London admitted
ne of its three cruisers, the fast 8,-
90-ton cruiser Exeter, had been put
ut of action after four hours of the
But the other two British warships,
he 7,030-ton cruiser Achilles and the
,985-ton Ajax, trailed the Admiral
Graf Spee to her refuge and took up
positions just outside the harbor,
Guns Trained On Battleship
Their roaring guns, hardly
ooled from the furious battle, were
till trained on the little battleship
which earlier in the day had attacked
me of them off the coast.
The battle was fought within the
Americas' neutrality belt, and much
>f it was within sight of the Uruguay-
n shore where the reverberating roar
>f the great guns was heard and the
lashes of gunfire observed.
(Officials at Washington said, how-
ver, that probably no issue would be
aised on this question.
(They said the Graf Spee was
vithin her rights under international
haw in taking refuge for repairs, but
that she would have to leave within
24 hours after repairs are completed).
Port Authorities Nervou
Uruguayan port authorities, ner-
vous because their shore had been
exposed all day to the booming six
and eight-inch guns of the British
men-of-war, and the 11-inch mouth-
pieces of the German, kept curious
crowds at a distance as the battle-
ship dropped anchor, apparently
seriously damaged.
The battered warship, which had
haunted South Atlantic shipping lanes
since September when she sank the
British merchantman Clement, had
chanced upon the British cruiser Ajax
just after dawn.
The latter was convoying the
French merchantman Formosa from
Brazil to Uruguay.
The Graf Spee rushed to the
attack, but was momentarily repulsed
by the six-inch guns of the speedy
Ajax, and then found herself engaged
in an unequal combat with three
British men-of-war instead of one.
British Ships Foam
The Exeter and the Achilles came
up foaming. The Achilles' six-inch
artillery and the Exeter's eight-inch
guns spoke in volley after volley.
The Admiral Graf Spee apparently
found the Exeter's guns particularly
damaging, for she turned her atten-
tion away from the rest of the pack
and devoted her batteries exclusively
to the Exeter.
As a result the Exeter was caused
some stress, and compelled to quit
the battle. Meanwhile, the Formosa
steamed away to safety.
Though the largest of the three
British ships was thus forced out by
damages to her sides, the other two
continued to concentrate their fire
on the Graf Spee, and she took
to her heels.
ASU Approves
15 Resolutions
Delegates To Fifth Annual
Convention Chosen
More than 15 resolutions on peace,
social security, civil rights, academic
freedom, American democracy and
the maintenance of free institutions
were formulated and approved by
more than 100 members at the Ameri-
can Student Union pre-convention
meeting last night, according to Rob-
ert Rosa, Grad., president.
Ten delegates to the fifth an-
nual ASU convention which will be
f,rnm 'tn',,T _i '97 lto,9 a~t maricnn_
Seriousness Of Today's Students
'Noted By Grad Of Roaring '20's
"I haven't fully made up my mind
as to whether it's a good thing or
not," the Old Grad said, "but the big-
gest change I notice on coming back
to the campus is the seriousness of
the students.
"You see, I got out in '29. I know
that even then there were plenty of
serious students in college, but it
seems now they are in the majority
and the playboys on the outer fringe."
Reminiscing of college life in the
twenties, the Old Grad, who wished
to remain anonymous, added that the
chief memory he had of campus social
life was that of the bootleggers who
flourished during the prohibition era.
"The most colorful one I knew,"
he observed, "was an Irishman named
Mickey Phelan. He claimed to be
the son of an Irish lord and he ran
a big-time business from his head-
quarters on Maynard Street. He was
shot soon after his business reached
The Old Grad noted that the big-'
gest fraternities made it their aim
to attend all the debutante parties in
Detroit. "There was plenty of free
liquor," he explained.
"Campus amusements did not have
much allure. There was no League
and the weekly dances at the Union1
were frowned on by stylish fraternity
men. We did not walk our dates, but
rode taxis or took them in our own.
cars, before the auto ban went into
The most popular movie theatres,
he remembered, were the Majestic
and the Arcade, which used to be ori.
North University. Legitimate stage
plays came occasionally to the Whit-
ney. And there were the music fes-
tivals with which the campus is still
Interest in sports was then concen-
trated far more on football than to-
day, he said. Basketball, hockey and
other minor sports drew a much low-
300 Participate
In Traditional
Christmas Sing
More than 300 members of the stu-
dent and faculty body braved the
December cold last night to give vent
to their holiday spirit by singing the
traditional Christmas carols on the
steps of the Rackham Building.
The Christmas Sing, revived on the
Michigan campus this year by the
executive staff of the Union, featured
the combined singing of the Women's
Glee Club and the Men's Glee Club
as well as the students present. The
singing was under the direction of
Prof. David Mattern of the music
Included in the program were "O
Come All Ye Faithful," "O Little
Town of Bethlehem," "It Came Upon
A Midnight Clear," "Hark! The Her-
ald Angels Sing," "The First Noel,"
"Silent Night," "Holy Night" and "Joy
to the World."
Nine members of the band were
present to offer their services as ac-
companiment, and Prof. Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, pre-
ceded the regular program with a
15-minute Carillon Christmas recital.
Song sheets for the music included
in the program were distributed at
the beginning of the concert.
Hoover, Landon Plead
For Tolerance At Rally
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-(P)--Form-
er President Herbert Hoover and
former Gov. Alfred M. Landon of
Koussevitzky Will Wield Baton I
Of Boston Symphony Tonight
The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
110 strong, under the direction of
Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, will give
their ninth annual concert here to-
day before a capacity crowd begin-
ing at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
A few tickets may still be ob-
tained at the School of Music and
the Hill Auditorium offices, Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society, said last
Now in its 59th season, the Boston
Symphony is generally regarded as
one of the three finest symphonic
organizations in this country. Dr.
Koussevitzky, who gained wide recog-
nition as conductor of his own or-
chestra in Russia, has directed the
Boston group for the past 12 years.
A t