UitZIrkIxtt&ft snow flvirrie~s and
ASU Plans
For Nationai Meet
Candidates Listed
For Senior, Frosh
Dance Committees
Kaltenborn Asks U.S. Aloofness
From War, Tells Of Peace Hopes
v i
Business School Also Casts
Votes Today In Senior
Class Officer Election
Five Schools Share
Afternoon's Voting
Candidates for the three elections
today for Senior Ball and Frosh
Frolic committees and for senior
officers in the School of Business
Administration were announced yes-
terday by Betty Slee '40, president
of Women's Judiciary Council and
Carl Wheeler, '41E, president of
Men's Judiciary Council.
Five women and ten men from the
literary school are running for the
senior dance committee, balloting
for which is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in
Room 225 Angell Hall. The women
are: Maxine Baribeau, Helen Brady.
Anne McCarthy, Jean Thompson and
Ann Hawley. The men are: Walter
Hinkle, Theodore Liebovitz, Murray
Massin, James Barnard, John Thorn-
hill, Daniel Shaw, James McCrack-
en, Cas Soika, Edward Hutchens and
Harold Goldman.
Eight Engineers In Race
Eight engineers in the senior dance
committee election which will be
from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., are: John
Callouette, John Haigh, Nat Siegel,
James Wills, Ken Meyer, Eugene
Klein, Richard Adams and Redfield
Zittel. The music school's only can-
didate, Lee Chrisman, was declared
automatically elected. Richard Ab-
bott of the forestry school and Anna-
belle Dredge of the architectural
school were also declared on the com-
mittee. Harriet Thom and Sally
Connery of the education school will
contest the position for that school.
The School of Nursing election will
be conducted separately in that
school to determine the representa-
Frosh Frolic Candidates
In the Frosh Frolic election, mem-
bers of the architectural school will
vote with the engineering school, and
all other students with the literary
school. From the engineering school
candiates are: Edward Brunenkant,
James Pierce, Gordon Dunfee, Ed-
gar Gibson, Bruce Allen, William
Schoedinger, Richard Schoel and
John Fauver.
Literary school men to be voted on,
are: Howard Wallach, Robert Morri-
son, Loren Robinson, William Daw-
son, Murray Markland, Robert De-
Long and Richard Briggs. Women
(Continued on Page 2)
Fi nish Relief
Drive Continues
Lane Hall Collecting Posts
Will Be Supplemented
The campus drive for relief for the
Finns in their war with Russia will
be intensified tomorrow when tables
are slated to be placed at different
spots on the campus for collection of
clothing and money.
Toivo Liimatainen, '41E, president
of the local Finnish student group an-
nounced last night that these new
collecting posts will supplement the
Lane Hall headquarers. Definite
places for collection outside of the
table in Angell Hal lobby are not
yet known, he said.
The drive was progressing smoothly
last night, according to Liimatainen.
Union Employes
To Be Entertained
Tonight will see the 1939 version of
the annual Michigan Union employe's
dinner which will be given in the
main ballroom of the Union. E. D.
Ashford, chief accountant of the
Union is chairman for the dinner
which will entertain 325 members of
the building's staff.
Included on the evening's enter-
tainment, is a musical program by
Morton's Swing Band, and three
dance numbers by the Sylvia Stu-
dio. Prof. W. D. Henderson, of the
University Extension Service will
speak. Charles Forbes, '40E, student
$700 Received
In Good fellow
Drive To Date
As fraternity, sorority and other
housing units pre-drive pledges con-
tinue to roll in, and final street-sale
returns ,totalling more than $700, be-
come complete, the annual Goodfel-
low drive, 1939 edition, is expected
definitely to surpass the $1,100 mark.
The $1,100 total will also include
contributions from private individ-
uals and receipts from the advertis-
ing included in the special issue.
Street sales by Congress were the
most successful in collecting funds,
final returns revealed. Tau Beta Pi
Women's Athletic Association, and
the Union, however, also achieved
honorable mention as determined by
total street-sales.
Monday's drive was the fifth an-
nual campaign in what has become
an established Michigan tradition.
The funds, collected in the drive, will
be devoted to the assistance of stu-
dent and Ann Arbor needy.
The drive, led this year by an
executive committee of 25 campus
leaders, enlisted more than 400 Good-
fellow volunteers who scoured the
streets for 10 hours Monday in an
intense attempt to secure funds for,
The Goodfellow campaign is the
only annual all-campus organized
and sponsored charity drive admin-
istered solely by students.
Fairbanks Dies
Of Heart Attack
55-Year Old Actor Stricken
In Santa Monica Home
HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 12.--)-The
last reel unwound for Douglas Fair-
banks, Sr., today, finis to a magni-
ficent career.
The great Doug-he of the thil-
ing screen acrobatics and the. once-
great real-life romance-died unex-
pectedly at his Santa Monica beach
home, at 12:45 a.m., of a heart at-
tack. He was only 55.
Tonight his family was still too
stunned to think of funeral plans.
Friends said the body probably would
be placed in Forest Lawn Cemetery,
where lie the remains of Jean Har-
low, Will Rogers and many other
Hollywood celebrities.
In Chicago, Mary Pickford, Fair-
banks' second wife, said his death
brought "a deep sorrow to his family
and friends, but I am sure it will
prove a consolation to us all to re-
call the joy and the glorious spirit i
of adventure that he gave to the
world . . . It is impossible to believe
that that vibrant and gay spirit could
ever perish."
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., the actor's
son, remained with the grief-stricken
widow, the former Lady Sylvia Ash-
ley, throughout the day. She was
Radio Commentator Gives
Background Of Conflict;
Scores Britain, France
H. V. Kaltenborn, radio's distin-
guished news analyst, last night
warned a capacity Oratorical Series
audience that the United States must
remain aloof from Europe's war, and
that, although "we can sympathize
with Great Britain and- France, we
must not be led into the mistake of
active participation."
Speaking in Hill Auditorium, the
famed "man behind the microphone"
said that "this may be only one of a
series of wars through which Europe
will have to pass until arrogant na-
tionalism is subdued." He recom-
mended hat the United States retreat
from power politics which "doenot
concern us," attempt to keep peace
in the New World and, when the
time comes, cooperate to the estab-
lishment of an enduring peace.
There will be no possibility of a
permanent armistice, Mr. Kaltenborn
observed, unless "the 'have' nations-
the United States, France and Britain
-are willing to share their advan-
tages with the 'have-nots'-Germany,
Italy and Japan." It will not be
possible, he added, if "imperialistic
governments, brutal dictatorships,
armament races and trade discrim-
nations" still exist.
"And, pessimistic though it may
Selby To Give
Third Medical
Lecture Here
Extra - Curricular Speech
Is . Offered Tomorrow
In Rackham Building
In an effort to acquaint the modern
student with the field of industrial
medicine, the medical school is pre-
senting Dr. Clarence D. Selby, medi-
cal consultant of General Motors, in
the third of a series of extra-curricu-
lar lectures at-4:15 p.m. toiorrow in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Dr. Selby will discuss "The Rela-
tionships of General and Special
Practice in Industrial Medicine."
Dr. Selby is a member of the Amer-
ican Association of Industrial Physi-
cians and Surgeons. He served as its
director from 1930 to 1934 and as
president in 1938. In 1937, he wa>°
vice-chairman of the Section on In-1
dustrial Hygiene for the Am^~cal.
Public Health Association.
Among other positions he has held.
are president of the Ohio Medical
Association and Ohio Commissione:
of the AMA on Hospitals. He is l
seem," he continued, "you can't elim-
inate the centuries of Europe's cheek-
owl hatred overnight. The best
I hope for is step-by-step progress
towards the ideal peace."
Mr. Kaltenborn enumerated the er-
rors made in the last war's peace
treaties by Britain and France: the
victorious nations broke the pledges
they had given, did not disarm as
Germany did, disregarded the rights
of minorities in the realignment of
boundaries, and, "most important of
all," refused to come to the aid of
weaker nations to halt aggression.
He pointed out that during the past
10 years the United States was al-
ways ready "to take action against
aggressors, lighten the burden of rep-
arations and support the League of
Nations." He repeated Article 10 of
the League Covenant-"political and
(Continued on Page 3)
ASU Will Hold
Delegates Will Be Chosen
For National Convention
To Be Held In Madison
Resolutions on peace, civil liber-
ties, American democracy, academic
freedom, Negro-white relations, wo-
men's rights and the National Youth
Administration will be discused and
formulated at the pre-convention
meeting of the . American Student
Union at 8 p.m. today in the North
Lounge of the Union, according to
Hugo Reichard, Grad., chairman of
the peace commission.
Delegates to the fifth annual ASU
convention which will be held in
Madison, Wis., during Christmas
week, will be elected. Last year
more than 1,000 college and high
school students debated and discussed
problems of campus, national and
world-wide importance, Reichard
A skit, "The Unknown Soldier Re-
fuses His Wreath," will be presented
by Arthur Klein, Grad.,;Ed Burrows,
Grad., and Bill Bestimt, '42.
The convention this year will aim
at four things Reichard said. It
will review ASU policies during the
past year, formulate policies for the
coming year and discuss ways and
means of making them effective,
serve as an informal get-together
for ASUers from all parts of the
country and explain the meaning of
the program and how to reach the
goals set by the ASU.
Today's meeting, Reichard said, is
open to the public.
German Club
Russia Refuses Mediation
By League; Finland States
Soviet Losses Are Heavy
Dittos Radio
Mien In Talk
Tall and , distinguished Hans Van;
Kaltenborn last night 'flashed' for an
overflow audience in Hill Auditori-
um the same brilliant mind and tre-
mendous energy which has cast him
today as the leading character in
the world's radio commentator the-
Addressing his remarks to more
than 2,000 men and women, all of
them familiar with the clipped speech
which three months are brought the
sorrowful story of Europe's war to
American microphones, Kaltenborn
last night stood on the stage and
fired rhetoric-perfect answers to a
dozen impromptu questions which
were given him by the audience.
And in all of his answers Kalten-
born displayed no evidences of fatigue
-even though he had arrived only a
few minutes before from Detroit-a
trip that had been made without sup-
per or rest after a radio broadcast
there. Before he entered the stage
he drank two glasses of milk, talked
to a newspaper reporter, then went
in for a 2-hour address.
Before he departed from his dress-
in room, the 60-year-old radio veter-
an cautioned American college stu-
dents to never allow themselves to be
caught in a fish net of patriotisms
like European youths of today.
Answering questions, Mr. Kalten-
born also declared that the recent at-
tack on Hitler's life was a genuine
effort by disgruntled Nazis, and that
the Fuehrer will never surrender in
the field. He will attempt a bold
drive to the west first.
Dr. Valentin
To Talk Here
To Speak Here Tomorrow
On Austria,_Germany
Education's disregard for war will
be demonstrated here tomorrow
when a British professor, Dr. Veit
Valentin of the University College
in London, discusses the history of
his homeland, Germany, in a Uni-
versity Lecture.
Dr. Valentin's lecture will be given
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre under the spon-
sorship of the history department.
Although he was born and educat-
ed in Germany, Dr. Valentin has
taught at the University of London
for many years and, in the opinion
of Prof. Arthur Boak of the history
department, "is too much of a learn-
ed and impartial scholar to be con-
sidered a propagandist." Wartime
conditions, Professor Boak believes,
will not alter the independence of
Dr. Valentin's teachings.
His topic will be "Austria and Ger-
many." Dr. Valentin's specialty is
the history of Germany in the 19th
century, while his most notable work
deals with policies pursued by Bis-
marck. He was formerly in charge
of the Imperial German Archives at
Potsdam, and is the author of many
books and papers on Germany's past.
Molotoff Answer Provokes Condemnation
As Aggressor; 1,500,000 Soviet Troops
May Be Put In Field Of Battle
(By The Associated Press)
Soviet Russia refused last night to accept mediation by the League of
Nations of her undeclared war with Finland. The Soviet note turning down
the League's arbitration offer was received in Geneva nearly three hours
after the League's 24-hour "deadline" expired. It was published shortly
after Finland announced in a communique that her army had crushed a large
Russian offensive with "tremendous losses" to the invader.
After a day filled with what apparently was the most severe fighting of
the 13-day-old war, the Finnish communique said "hundreds" of the enemy
had fallen in a vain attack on the Karelian Isthmus. Further north, it said,
-------- 0-"three enemy battalions were de-
Henry Russel
Lecture Prize
Given Tonight
Outstanding Faculty Man
To Present His Paper
At MeetingIn Spring
Announcement of the 1939 winner
of the Henry Russel lectureship
award will be made tonight at a
meeting of the University Research
Club in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
The award is given annually to a
senior faculty member who has dis-
played unusual achievement in re-
search. It includes a financial gift
and the honor of delivering the Hen-
ry Russel lecture next spring.
At the time of the lecture another+
similar award is given to a junior
member of the faculty.
Faculty members who have re-
ceived the Henry Russel lectureship
in past years are:
Prof. Moses Gomberg, of the chem-
istry department; Prof. Frederick G.
Novy, of the medical school; Prof.
Henry A. Sanders, of the Latin de-
partment; Prof. Alfred S. Warthin,
of the medical school; Prof. Claude
H. Van Tyne; Prof. William H.
Hobbs, of the geology department;
Prof. Jesse Reeves, of the political
science department; Prof. Walter
Pillsbury, of the psychology depart-
ment; Prof. E. C. Case, of the geology
department; Prof. G. Carl Huber;
Prof. John G. Winter, of the latin
department; Prof. Charles W. Ed-
munds, of the medical school; Prof.
H. D. Curtis, of the astronomy de-
partment, and Prof. Campbell Bon-
ner, of the Greek department. 1
Britain And France
Reveal Trade Pact
PARIS, Dec. 12.-(AP)-Great Brit-
ain and France disclosed today a fmin-
ancial alliance to last until six
months after they make a peace with
This money partnership, hailed by
a French finance ministry spokes-
man as "the strongest accord in his-
tory between two governments," was
announced in Paris and London at
the moment people of the allied na-
tions were hearing that British troops
had won their first direct engagement
on the Western Front.
Military dispatches said the British
threw back three waves of German
troops Sunday in an attack south of
Buschdorf, in the Moselle Valley re-
The Russian answer to the League
opened the way to condemnation by
the League of the Soviet as the ag-
gressor against Finland and perhaps
her exclusion from the League.
The Soviet Premier-Foreign Com-
missar, Vyacheflaff Molotoff, in-
formed the League in a telegram that
Russia could not accept the League
"invitation" for "reasons outlined in
its telegram of Dec. 4."
On that date, Molotoff told the
League secretariat that Russia re-
garded Finland's appeal to the League
as "unfounded"; that Russia was
maintaining "peaceful relations"
with a Soviet-sponsored Finnish
"people's" government and that it did
not recognize the regular Finnish
government which appealed.
Soviet' Forces Mass
A report that 500,000 troops of the
ninth Soviet Russian Army were con-
centrating an attack on a Finnish
railway just north of the Arctic
Circle came from the correspondent
of the Stockholm newspaper Dagens
Nyneter. He said hard fighting had
occurred along a 15-mile front in the
last 40 hours.
.While the Finnish communique
asserted that the little republic's army
was holding back the invaders, ad-
vices from Moscow said Soviet army
casualties were streaming into Len-
Russia Is Angry
A warning that worse might be In
store for Finland was seen in the
Finnish telegraphic agency's report
that Russia, irritated by the Finns'
stout defense, was preparing to send
1,500,000 first class troops and 1,000
planes in to an offensive against Hel-
On the Western Front, more than
usual activity was reported.
The French High Command said
its forces had beaten off a German
attack between the Saar Rvier and
the Warndt Forest.
Continuing the diplomatic jockey-
ing in Europe's older war, the Ger-
man Foreign Minister, Joachim von
Ribbentrop, in a white book on war
causes accused Britain of being "ex-
clusively responsible for the war by
which she desires to destroy Ger-
member of the Wayne County Medi- ill
cal Association, the Academy of Medi-
cine of Toledo and Lucas County and I
the Toledo Hospital Council. Puppet Show
Hiawatha Club Will Hold Tickets for the Deutscher Verein's
Christmas Mixer Todaypuppet play, 'Dornroeschen,' which
y will be presented at 8:30 p.m. todayl
The annual Christmas Mixer of in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
the Hiawa Cubhrgmanitn for will be available from 1 to 6 p.m.
the Hiawatha Club, organization for and from 7 p.m. until curtain time
Upper Peninsula men, will be held at the Theatre box office, Dr. Otto
8 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. G. Graf of the German department
All University women are invited to announced yesterday.
attend. "Dornroeschen," the Grimm fairy
Dancing, refreshments and special tale better known as "Sleeping
entertainment have been planned by 1 Beauty," has been dramatized by Dr.
the program committee consisting Graf and J.Stanhope Edwards, Grad.,
of Donald Counihan, '41, Albin Schin- a of the German department The
derle, '42 and William Jackson, '41. puppets will be manipulated by David
Gibson, '41, a puppeteer of wide ex-
,,ok ' . 1* .t _N _ -,% g perience, Dr. Graf said, and the own-
European News Briefs
By Associated Press
_ rui i~i
V ~ nfl - ~ n flfli. fl - w
ngMn ho Can akeBpoouneupt
To Ma Who CanTakeIt' BROR e est
Out of the six engineering profes-
sors who are going to face a veritable
barrage of embarassing, soul-search-
ing questions at 6:30 p.m. today at
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers annual roast, one of them
will be designated by those in atten-
dance as the "Man Who Can Take
It," and will be awarded the famous
Spoofuncup, symbol of being the
most "popular-unpopular" professor
in the engineering school.
The roast, which will be held in
the Union tonight, is a traditional
affair, where engineering students
can get back at their professor with-
out fear of their grades suffering.
Aside from being asked a rapid-fire
series of questions designed to deter-
mi4ne the ~nir inniiiy rit4 .. a nr , ean-c
Spooner, of the mechanical engineer-
ing department, Prof. H. L. Kohler,!
of the automotive engineering de-J
partment, Prof. A. D. Moore, of thel
electrical engineering department,
Prof. J. Ormondroyd, of the engineer-
ing mechanics department.
The Spoofuncup, which was won
last year by Prof. Axel Marin, of the
mechanical engineering department,
and will be in the possession of this
year's winner for the ensuing year,
is the center of a hoary legend among
engineers. Originally nothing more
than two tin spoons, a tin funnel,{
and a tin cup, it was put together
by a scientifically minded member of
the ASME into the form of a loving
cup. Stumped for a name for the
award, they finally evolved the pres-
er of the marionettes being used in
this production.
Members of the Verein reading
parts backstage are : Elizabeth Wat-
kins, '41; Edward Wetter, Grad.; Carl
Petersen, '40; Kenneth Marble, '41;
Ethel Winnai, '41; Judith Frank, '40;
Lynda Nickl, '40; Dorothy Farnan,
'42 and Gibson.
Rep. Carl Mapes
Of Michigan Dies
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 12.-(PP)-
Rep. Carl E. Mapes, assistant minority
leader and ranking Republican mem-
ber of the House of Representatives,
died unexpectedly here today of heart
Mapes, 64 years old, had represent-
ed the Fifth Michigan Congressional
District continuously since 1912 and
was an influential member of the
powerful House Rules and Interstate
Rival Glee Clubs To Vie Tonight
In All-CampusChristmas Sing
(By The Associated Press)
Helsinki-Three Russian battalions
reported wiped out, large scale So-
viet offensive smashed, Finnish com-
munique reports; Finns say subma-
rine sank German freighter in Gulf
of Bothnia.
Moscow-Unofficial advices say
Red Army casualties streaming into
Leningrad from Finnish war front;
Red Army claims gains "in all di-
Copenhagen-Finnish telegram
agency reports .irritated Russia pre-
paring to send 1,500,000 troops and
1,000 planes against Helsinki.
Stockholm-Correspondent reports
500,000 Russian troops concentrating
attack on Finnish railway north of
Arctic circle.
Paris-German attacks between
Saar River and Warndt Forest re-
pulsed, French High Command says;
France and Britain form financial
Bremen Arrives
In Home Waters
BERLIN, Dec. 12.-(A)-Germany's
$20,000,000 adventurer, the Bremen,
raced swiftly through the long fingers
of the British fleet again today and
The lusty tonsils of the Men's Glee
Club will vie with those of the Wom-
en's Glee Club in leading the all-
campus Christmas Sing to be held on1
the steps of the Rackham Building
at 8:30 p.m. today.1
Elaborate preparations for the oc-
casion have already been made, the
Building and Grounds Committee
having indicated their cooperation in
the complete lighting and spot-light-
ing of the Mall and front of the
Rackham Building and Prof. Percival+
Price, University Carillonneur, hav-
ing planned a 15-minute Carillon
who have volunteered their musical
services for the Sing.
The song-fest, in which all mem-
bers of the student and faculty body
are urged to participate, will be led;
by Prof. David Mattern of the Music
School and will include approximate-
ly 16 well-known Christmas carols,
Gould explained.
This will be the first Christmas
Sing held here since 1937, he said. It
is, therefore, imperative, if the tra-
dition is to be continued, he claimed,
that the campus body support to-
night's revival.