' 'iJC: lir Y, li : ': 1i : i ti
Selby To Talk
On Industrial
Medicne Here,
Good fellows Spread Holiday Cheer
General Motors Consuli
Will Speak Tonor
In Rackham Build1i
Industrial medicine presents
plexing problems to the medical
fession which will be discusse
Dr. Clarence D. Selby, medical
sultant for General Motors,
lecture entitled "The Relation,
of General and Special Practi(
Industrial Medicine" at 4:15 pu
morrow in the Rackham Lecture
Dr. Selby acquired his present
sition in 1935, after serving as
missioner of Recreation in Tc
Because of his experience, the r
cal school believes Dr. Selby's le,
will be authoritative and suite
serve as the third in a series of e
curricular medical lectures.
Before interning in 1903, Dr.
served as a demonstrator of h:
ogy in Western Reserve Univ
and as an assistant to Clevel
bacteriologist. He has been pres
of the American Association o:
dustrial Physicians and Surg
president of the Ohio Medical 1
ciation, and Ohio CommissionE
the AMA on Hospitals.
Holiday Sing'
Planned He
Songfest Set To nori
At Rackham Buildin
Plans have neared completioi
tomorrow night's all-campus Cl
mas sing to be held at 8 p.m. oz
steps of the Rackham Building
cording to Doug Gould, '41, o
Union executive staff. The
will be directed by Prof. Davis
tern of the School of Music.
Singing will be led by the e
complements of the varsity P
Glee Club and the women's glee
Percival Price will add to the
ning with a series of numbers c
Baird Carillon.
Baud Will Presen
Concert For Aluu
The University Concert Ban(
der the direction of Prof. Wi
Revelli, of the music school, will
sent a concert before the memb(
the Michigan Alumni Club of C
Pointe tomorrow evening at C
Pointe High School. This wi
the Band's last concert this yeE
Main Library
Offers Dfispla DAILY OFFICI
a"simileso f the medieval paint- -
ings and ornate printing found in p.m. The student body is cordialiy
the Grimani Breviary are now on invited.!
display in the front corridor of the
main library. Capricorn Capers ticket committee
The Breviary is an abridgement of will meet today at 4:30 in the League.
the services of the early Catholic hobby House: Working hours this
Church, which were found to be too week, Tue Woakind hd r10to
exhausting to be read at a single week, Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 to
. . . . 5:30 p.m. Anyone interested, please
MaVi . he Grimrani Breviary was aten.
ompilcd somewhere in the Flern~ ttnd
crlics. It rRrCSenls'the work of Union 20wra Rehearsal today in
many artists and printers. rrhei or- Room 222:
ginal is in the library of St. Mark 8:30, Opening Line; 9:00, Diagonal,
in Venice. Kate, Leo, Mrs. Roosevelt, Mr. Roose-
Many of the plates which are dis- velt, Jimmy Roosevelt.
played picture scenes from the life 10:00, Hedy LaTour; 10:30, Music;
of Jesus or incidents from the Old Committee; 11:00, Petunia.
and New Testaments. Other plates,
however, though they contain the The Michigan Christian Fellowship
heavy, oinate printing of the period, Bible study group meets at 5 p.m.
are interesting for the backgrounds today in Lane Hall..
and borders in which they are set.
In the original Breviary there were The Christian Science Organization
831 pages including a calendar and will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
many miniatures. Of the more than Chapel of the Michigan League.
100 full page paintings found in the -
original the facsimiles of some two or Hillel Class in Conversational He-
three dozen are displayed in the ex- brew will meet at the Foundation to-
hibit. might at 7 p.m.
tall initiation banquet Wednesday Wednesday. Jan. :" Room :0, '/ 00
night at the League, at 6:30 p.m. Diagonal.
All members are urged to be present. 8:00, Hedy and Jimmy.
The speaker will be Dean C. S. 9:00, First Goon Line.
Yoakum. 10:00, Second Goon Line.
Thursday, Jan. 4, Room 304, 7:30,
Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha meet- Sorority.
ing on Wednesday night, Dec. 13, at 8:30, Petunia, two boys in colored
7:30 p.m. in the East Conference role.
Room of the Rackham Building. He*V.
Sunday, Jan. 7, Room 316, 4:00,
American Student Union member- Mass meeting.
ship meeting in the North Lounge, -adnS -oF~ul oe'
!Mciga Untiion, Wednesd ay,L u gp.. Garden Section, Faculty Women's
icugn UionWedesda, 8p~m Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednes-'
A Carol Sing will be held at Lane day, Dec. 13, at the home of Mrs.
Hall, Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.. under F. Bruce Fralick, 2101 Belmont Rd.
the auspices of the Student Religious i
' Association. All students are wel-I Michigan Dames: Drama group
come. meeting, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13,
Urfin the home of the chairman, Mrs.
Union Opera Rehearsal as follows:j Charles Bird, 1309 Elder Blvd.
Wednesday. Dec. 13,' Room 305,
7:00, Sorority, Kate, Tiny, Pris,
Poodie-. Carol, Sally Mae, House
:30, Second Goon Line.
1 l00 ,irst Goon Line
I 30, Pony Chorus at. Roy H(tvo
l e's: itiiho).
-Daily Photo by Bogle
Four enthusiastic Goodfellow salesmen, specifically Alberta Wood,
far left, Helen Barnett, Don Treadwell and Lee Hardy, far right, ganged
up on Jeanne Kaufmann to sell her a paper yesterday. The scene was
the center of the diagonal at noon.
1g Ten Roundtable Denounces
_n U E 3
Curbs On Und
Anti-democratic organizations in
the United States should not be force-
fully suppressed, 40 women from the
Big Ten schools decided after a two-
day roundtable discussion on the
subject at Ohio State University.
Other decisions formulated at the
conference laid down an investigat-
ing committee to control the activi-
ties of radical organizations in the
country; this committee is to bemcon-
nected with some organization as
the Federal Bureau of Investigation
or the Brookings Institute. They
agreed that civil liberties should be
guaranteed to everyone, and that no
emocratic Grou iis
semester although the question has
not been definitely worded yet. In-
diana will come here and Michigan
will go to Purdue next March for
these contests.
Clancy Will Discuss
Crippled Children.
YjAta~ ~reetingqp
Si'ngt To Benefit
Toy Libraries
Gifts Will Be Exchanged
For Loans To Children
n the new laws should be passed
, ac-! the present ones should be
but that
f the
Before leaving for the roundtable
discussion, the 40 students of the 10
schools were divided into five grotips
for discussion. Michigan was one of
the schools chosen by lot to head one
of the groups and Jean Maxted, '41,
was selected for that job. At the
first day's roundtable, the leaders
for second day were selected. Miss
Maxted was reelected for the position
and Jane Krause, '41, were appoint-
ed, giving Michigan two of the five
Miss Krause opened the discussion
at the first conference assembly,
Mary Martha Taylor, '42, summarized
the solutions at an afternoon assemb-
ly, and Jane Sapp, '41, presented an
after-dinner speech on the topic. Miss
Maxted also participated in a radio
discussion over WOSU at Columbus
Saturday evening.
Extension of federal housing will
be the topic of the debate for next
The problem of crippled children'
in Michigan will be discussed by Denis A Christmas carol sing at which
Clancy, of Hillsdale College, a mem- gifts for the Ann Arbor toy libraries'
ber of the Crippled Children Com- will be exchanged is to be held at 8:15
mission, at a luncheon sponsored by p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.
the League of Women Voters 12:30 The gifts should be washable and
p.m. tomorrow at the League. suitable for children of elementary
Non-members interested in the school age, Clarence Kresin, Grad.,
subject are invited to attend. An announced. The program will in-
open discussion will follow the ad. lude group singing, selections by a
dress. Reservations for the luncheon 11quartet, an interlude of recorded'
must be made today at the League. music and refreshments.I
The toy lending libraries, under
'Messiah' Records Out the direction of Frances Johnson, '40,
distributes playthings to children
The "Messiah" was recorded Sun- who are unable to have toys of
day for the first time in the campus their own. They are issued, like
Series of Concerts. Sets of three bocks, for limited periods to any ap-
standard 12-inch recordings will be plicant.
available for three dollars. Orders
must be placed at Morris Hall this Beer consumes 36 per cent of all
week, though, so they can be ready fraternity rushing expenses on thel
immediately after vacation. IDartmouth College campus.
The Bibliophile Section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet at the
Michigan League, today at 2:30 p.m.
The Bookshelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. Ora S. Dufendack, 2107 Dev-
onshire Road.
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in the
Michigan Union. -
Coming Events
American Institute of Electrical En-
gineers: Robley C. Williams of the.
University Observatory will give an
illustrated talk on his process for
"The Deposition of Thin Films by.
Electrical Distillation-The 'Silver-
ing' of Mirrors and Other Applica-
tions," on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 8 p.m.,;
Michigan Union.
Deutscher Verein: Puppet play,
"Dornroeschen" Wednesday, Dec. 13,:
at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Call box office or
German office for tickets.
Alpha Kappa Delta will hold its
THE IDEAL GIFT for everyone is a
book from Slater's Book Store.
Free gift wrapping. 336 S. State.
and Lingerie from Jacobson's.
on State Street. Beautiful stock of
Christmas merchandise: We'll be
glad to help you. 308 S. State.
stocks, kodaks, cosmetics, smoking
accessories, pen and pencil sets. See
our gift suggestions. Calkins-Flet-
cher Drug Stores. 324 S. State.
FOR A SELECTION of unusual gifts,
visit De Fries Art Shop, 233 S.
Main St.
and she'll really be pleased. See
our selections. Marchande Furs,
607 E. Liberty.
A FEW SUGGESTIONS for her from
Laura Belle Shop, 1108 S. Univer-
sity. Robes, hosiery, gloves, lin-
gerie, jewelry, sweaters and scarfs.
HANDKERCHIEFS - 25c. boxes,
Christmas Greeting Cards, 5 for 5
cents and 2 for 5 cents. All prices.
Wrapping materials, attractive de-
signs. Tree ornaments, tree light-
ing sets. Kiresge-corner State
and N. University.
WE CAN MOLD ice cream into love-
ly Christmas designs and give that
added touch to your dinner.
Superior Dairy.
siery. Packed in Christmas box, in
desirable shades and sizes. Smart-
est Hosiery. Michigan Theatre
suede, calf and novelties in black
and colors, from $1.95 to $5.95. The
Elizabeth Dillon Shop, 'round the
corner on State.
IF YOU LOVE HIM a million--but
can only spend $1, come in and
choose a tie from our abundant
selection. We have one for "Him"
and one that he'll be proud to wear.
Men's Toggery, 514 E. Liberty.
Hundreds of NEW TIES
Four Famous Makers
Swel 6/yS
C L At
at $1.00 - $1,50 - $2.00
and order your Christmas Chesterfields now.
' Chesterfields, with their real mildness,
better taste and delicious aroma, give real
pleasure to anyone who smokes.
Iuu wwU - W I IIi'1Z14 ,2 I
You can't buy a better cigarette.
I SF-- 1u W W I III