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December 12, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-12

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AP Poll Selects Nile Kinnick Nation's Outstanding A


By Mel Fineberg
Rules Ueber Alles? .. .
(Editor's Note: Today's column is
written by Herb Lev, senior assistant
editor of the sports staff.)
Furthest back in our mind at pres-
ent is any desire to change the rules
of the game of hockey. At the same
time we say that we have no grudge.
against Mr. Roy "Smokey" Reynolds
of Chatham, Ontario, who has giv-
en faithful and efficient service as
referee of Michigan's home hockey
battles for the past several years.
But nevertheless the sight of Burt
Stodden's prone form sprawled
against the boards in the southwest
corner of the Coliseum Saturday
night convinced us that there was
something wrongusomewhere.
A desperate melee to the right
of the McMaster goal towards
the close of the final period cul-
minated in a collision between
Stodden's head and the side-
boards. The human mass disen-
tangled in due time with the in-
vaders salvaging the puck but
Stodden, flat on his face and
apparently dead to the world
was somehow forgotten about
in the shuffle.
And while the McMaster line head-
ed goalward, the crowd to a man
clamored for Mr. Reynolds to stop
the play. Spike James in the Michi-
gan nets banged his stick on the ice
frantically but in vain in an effort
to attract the official's attention,
and Stodden was left alone several
valuable moments until an uniden-
tified spectator and Fred Martin, the
McMaster goalie rushed to his res-
cue. Finally after a Michigan de-
fense man had stolen the puck, Mr.
Reynolds blew his whistle calling a
halt and everyone hurried to the aid'
of the injured Wolverine. He was
carried to the dressing room still
out completely.
There was a question at first
as to whether Mr. Reynolds had
spotted Stodden, but the referee
clarified all concerned, by ad-
mitting that he saw the whole
play but that rules forbid him to
do a thing about such circum-
stances. It seems that some-
where in the laws of hockey
there's a statute which says that
play cannot be stopped on ac-
count of an injury until the in-
jured man's team is in possession
of the puck.
Fortunately Burt Stodden wasn't
seriously injured Saturday night. In
fact the lion hearted little wing-
man was back at his position for

'fatt kln tI ill TAke Swim mers
To Lomrpete In Florida Meets,

Ponce de Leon's famous name is
at stake again, for Matt Mann and
his swimmers are off for Florida this
weekend and there is a chance that
the Wolverines will discover the
Fountain of Youth that the explorerI
sought but never quite reached.
However, don't be misled since
the swimmer§ aren't taking the trip
just to find some life-maintaining
fluid. There's the coaches clinic, the
annual East-West relays, the Florida
sunshine and also a 50-meter pool in
Florida that are influencing the twoj
week safari.-
Aside from Matt and the family,
the start of the overtime period ap-
parently none the worse for his un-
fortunatenexperience. It's problem-
atical whether the outcome-of the
g .me would have been different
without this episode. For despite
Stodden's return, the Wolverines'
were considerably weakened when
Jim Lovett, the other regular wing,
was banished from the ice for toss-
ing his stick at Reynolds in an effort
to attract the official's attention
to Stodden.
Tp finish the story, Michigan
tied the larger, more experienced
Canadians to make it a highly
successful evening. But never-
theless when we think back, we
are led to wonder what would
have happened had fate not been
with Burt Stodden Saturday
night. We pictured in our mind
a man bleeding and mangled
while another man in an offi-
cial's uniform watched a group
of men scuffling with sticks
over a piece of hard rubber.
* * *
Strange but True Department:
Nile Kinnick was awarded the Heis-
man trophy as the nation's out-
standing football player a week ago.
Yesterday Kinnick was named the
outstanding male athlete in the
country to top off an all-conquering
campaign. Yet Notre Dame football
players agreed with the Wolverines
that this same Kinnick isn't so hot,
when they left him off their All-
Opponents teams. Minnesota placed
him on their honor eleven but stated
that Tom Harmon and Don Scott
were the best backs they had faced[
all 'year. -Herb Lev.
The Intramural Building will be
open during Christmas Vacation.
Hours 8-6 except Sundays and
holidays. Swimming pool hours
3-5:30 . . . all activities close at

free stylers Charley Barker, Dobson
Burton, Bill Holmes, Ed Hutchens,'
Jim Welsh and Jim Patten, breast
strokers Johnny Haigh, John Share-
mnet. Tommy Williams and Ed Mack,
bask stroker Bill Beebe and diver T-
Bone Martin will go along in the
five-car caravan.
Faro : kStreets
To Welsh, Mack and Haigh the
Fort Lauderdale streets will be al-
most as familiar as those in Ypsi-
lanti for the three Wolverines have
already made two Christmas trips to
the sunny Southland. Barker also
will be right at home since he hailsI
from Limona, Florida, a town not
far from the Wolverine camping
As usual the East-West relays will
climax the forum that is dedicated
to "peace through athletics." Until
last year when Ohio State joined
the parade, it was always up to the
Wolverine swimmers to carry the
load for the West. They didn't do
a bad job since they managed to win
one, tie one and lose one during the
'first three meets and with the Buck-
eye aid, added the second victory last
Yale To Compete
This year the Eastern representa-
tives will be. strengthened by the
addition of the strong Yale forces to
their ranks. For the first time, the
Eli will join up with natators from
Bowdoin, William and Mary, Cor-
nell, Princeton, Dartmouth and all
points East in an effort to even
things up with their "farmer" rivals
from way out west in Michigan and
To say that the Wolverines, the
Buckeyes and the Wayne University
team will all be on one side is
enough to get bets of dollars to
doughnuts for the West since these
three are among the four ranking
outfits in the nation.
This year's forum is not without
its purpose. International amity will
be stressed as coaches and natators
from South American squads will be
on hand to take part in the festivi-
I-M Sports
E. D. Mitchell, Director of the
Michigan Intramural Department,
was elected Chairman at the Intra-
mural Section of the Western Con-
ference Rules Meeting in Chicago.
Members of the I-M staff who at-
tended are Earl Riskey, A. A. James,
R. W. Webster and John Johnstone.
Bill Stegath, Jim Rossman, Joe
Likovsky, Bob Krause, Bill Caruthers
and Art Mapes have been picked as
sophomore I-M managers and
George Johnson as a Junior Man-

I 'a 1O9i, Ii i C&gers Are Ahter iRe'enge
ra11 Ironm n For Defeats By Big Ten Teams
In Selections By CHRIS VIZAS l ence began it all when they turned
Notre Dame's basketball coach, back Notre Dame 45 to 39, after the
Cincinnati Pitcher Walters George Keogan, who will bring the Irish had won their first two con-
Fighting Irish to Ann Arbor this Sat- tests. Not to be outdone Michigan
Receives Fourth Place; urday to tangle with the Wolverines, followed this up with a spectacular
Harmon Is Seventeenth 1 is in a revengeful mood as far as the 40 to 38 triumph the following Sat-
Big Ten is concerned. Conference urday by collecting four points in
NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-(P)-Top- opponents toppled his mighty men the last 70 seconds of play, and then
ping off a long list of awards he has three times last season to aid in Northwestern touched this off with a
won since the season ended Nile Kin- knocking two points off of his pre- 43 to 39 victory.
nick, the All-American "60-minute vious 15-year average of .780. Tonight Wisconsin will clamh with
man" from Iowa, today was selected Wisconsin of the Western Confer- the Irish, a slight favorite, on the
in the Associated Press' ninth annual_ latter's home court, and the Badgers
poll of the nation's sports experts as Il " pi - expect to have Keogan's boys primed
the No. 1 athlete of all sports fgrtfor this contest. Fritz Wegner, as-
1939 Nto sistant Badger coach who scouted
___71 Notre Dame in its 54-17 triumh h ver


He won out over the stiff competi-'
tion of such seasoned performers as
Joe DiMaggio and Joe Louis to give
football its first "outstanding ath-
lete" for a year in the Associated
Press poll. In the eight previous
annual polls, baseball won out three
times with Pepper Martin, Carl Hub-
bell and Dizzy Dean; Tennis took it
twice, with Don Budge in both '37
and '38, and golf, boxing and track
each had one "Mr. Big," with Gene
Sarazen in '32, Joe Louis in '35 and
Jesse Owens in '36, respectively.
Now, along comes a youngster with
a pleasing personality and the ability
to play 60 minutes of high-class foot-
ball in a tough league every Satur-
day during the fall to bring the honor
to the gridiron. Of the 61 experts
who voted, 21, including some from
every section of the country, picked
him at the top of the list; three named
him second and 10 had him third.
Votes were counted on a basis of
three points for a first-place nomina-
tion, two for second and one for third.
On that basis, Kinnick polled 79
points to nose out DiMaggio by the
narrow margin of eight points in as
close a race as the poll has ever
seen. DiMaggio was picked first on
11 ballots. Louis, who defended his
world heavyweight championship
with four knockout triumphs during
the year, drew five first-place selec-
tions and 35 points for third place.
Bucky Walters, pitching workhouse
of the National League champion
Cincinnati Reds, was picked on five
ballots for first place and came in
fourth with 28 points.
The remainder of the first 10 were
Byron Nelson, golf; Billy Conn, box-
ing; Marvin Ward, golf; Eddie An-,
derson, football; Parker Hall, foot-
ball; and Don Budge, tennis.
Headed by Kinnick's appeal to'
popular fancy, football, as a whole,
led all other sports on the voting list.
Michigan's star halfback, Tom Har-
mon, received three points to tie for
17th place.

ee I tCincinnati, declared that the Irish
,played under wraps.
0 f Pucksters The probablestarting quintet of
.0 f Paul Sobek, sensational sophomore
who is leading the Irish in scoring,
By ART hILL and Eddie Riska, forwards, Mark
If the remaining hockey games on Ertel, center, and Larry Ryan and
the Michigan schedule are one halI Gene Elier, guards, are the players
,r 4- whom Wegner listed as the men to
as colorful as last Saturday s 4-4 tie watch.
with McMaster University, the 1939- Both squads will go into the game
40 season should set an all-time at- with clean slates, Notre Dame hav-
tendance record for hockey at Mich- ing defeated Kalamazoo 62-34, and
igan because win, lose or draw, the Valparaiso, 63-26, in addition to Cin-
customers pay for thrills at a hockey cinnati, and the Badgers have stopped
game. gCarleton 37-19, and Marquette, 46-39.1
The game was rough throughout So Notre Dame will be out to get
and early in the firstperiod, Doug those two points back for Coach Keo-
Henderson, McMaster wingman, pro- gan's average partly at the expense
vided a bit of tragic comedy by hitting of Wisconsin and Michigan, which is
the ice four times within the space also picked by the experts to be a
of approximately 30 seconds. Each stepping stone for the Irish.
time he picked himself up, a Wolver-
ine skated by in pursuit of the puck I -_

Campus Matmen
To Seek Titles
In Tournament
All Except Letter-Winners
Eligible To Take Part
Ii All-Campus Meet
Coach Cliff Keen will be on the
lookout for possible material for his
varlity wrestling squad when cam-
pus wrestlers shoot for the titles in
the annual All-Campus tournament,
to be held Wednesday and Thursday
in conjunction with the I-M Depart-
All students except varsity letter-
winners are eligible. Contestants will
weigh in this afternoon at 5 o"clock,
and the preliminaries will be held
Wednesday, at 4 p.m., with the final-
ists meeting on Thursday Afternoon.
Among those of known caliber en-
rolled thus far are Harvey Littleyton,
at 121 pounds; Jim Butler, 128; Kirk
Martin, Jack Sargent, Ed Wite, and
John Raschbacher, 136; Johnny Paup,
last year's champion, John and Bob
Bird, and Chicky Holmes, 145; Art
Paddy, varsity gridder, Doug Jeffrey,
Marvin Becker, Barney Wahl, and
"Hap" Langstaff, 155; Jim Galles,
!who placed fourthindthe midwestern
I AAU's Saturday, and Dick Hanslip,
165; "Knobby" Knobloch, Moe Drew,
and Emil Lockwood, 175; and Jack
Butler, another varsity footballer,
Freshmen wrestlers are especially
encouraged to enter the meet, be-
cause, besides giving Coach Keen a
chance to look them over, the compe-
tition will serve to give them ex-
perience and an opportunity to stack
up against the best of the campus
Champions Keep Titles
CLEVELAND, (P). Champions Hen-
ry Armstrong and Al Hostak defended
their crowns tonight with knockouts.
Sfor Christmas
SWhitman, Gilbert, Goblein
in Attractive Holiday Boxes,
Miller Drug Store
727 N. University

and down went Doug again.
In the first period, Bert Stodden,
the Wolverine ace picked up the puck
behind his own goal and skated the
length of the ice, fooling the Cana-
dians' two star defense men, Nairn
Boyd and Buck Leal completely, to!
drill the disk past Fred Martin, Ma-
roon goalie.
Spike James provided plenty of
thrills for the fans by making saves
so fast that the gentlemen of the
press almost lost count. His final
total was 49 saves, more than twice
as many as the McMaster goalie had.
Bert Stodden was knocked out three
times during the game and in the
third period he lay on the ice for half
a minute before the gun ended the
frame. This so infuriated Jim Lovett
that he raised his stick and threat-
ened Referee Roy Reynolds with in-
stant death or worse. This in turn
prompted the aforesaid Mr. Reynolds
to sentence Lovett to the penalty box
for 10 minutes. Jim changed into
his street clothes at intermission time
and sat with the team during the
overtime period.

Michigan Is Seventh
In Dickinson Ratings
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Dec. 11.-(A)-
Southern California's Trojans were
rated the number one football team
of the nation today by Frank Dick-
inson, University of Illinois professor
and originator of the ranking sys-
tem which bears his name.
On a 30-point 'basis, the Trojans
had a point rating of 25.73. Texas
A&M was second with 25.43 points;
Cornell third, 25.26; Tulane fourth,
23.61; and Tennessee, the Trojans'
Rose Bowl opponent, ffith at 22.97.
Texas Aggies and Tulane clash in
the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans.
Notre Dame was rated sixth at
22.59; Michigan seventh 22.50; Duke
eight, 22.34; Missouri ninth, 22.29;
UCLA tenth, 21.91 and Iowa eleventh,
Southern California will receive the
l Knute Rockne Memorial Award in
recognition of the Dickinson rating.

~Classified Dfrectory

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Freshman Grid Star, Sengel, Weighs
Career As Shot-Putter Or Wrestler


We quote from the Student Direc-
tory, begging your pardon. It says,
along about the S's: "Sengel, Ru-
dolph J., '43, 711 Arch, Louisville,
Ky. 3810." All of which should tell
you that this is a story about a guy
named Sengel. And if any females
are casting their eyes on this type
at the present moment, they might
take account of the last item men-
tioned above. That's his telephone
So what? you gals are probably
chirping. So this: he's a dead ringer
for Larry "Buster" Crabbe, that
handsome swimmer-actor, except
that he's blond. And, oh yes, he's
218 pounds of muscle and stands two
inches over six feet.
But this is the sports page, so
"A Pipe Course"
Give Kaywoodie Pipes
$3.50, $4, $5, $10
SMiller Drug Store
727 N . University Phone: 9797q

let's get down to facts. What can he
do? Roughly speaking, he can do
anything. That's why at the present
time he's laying awake nights trying
to decide which to do-continue
where he left off in high school by
trying to improve his shot-putting
under frosh coach Chester Stack-
house, or try his hand at a sport new
to him, wrestling.
Holds Shot-Put Mark
Rudy is already at home around
the Field House, since he spent the,
last two months playing plenty of
tackle for Coach ;Wally Weber, who,
incidentally, thinks the world of his
ability and believes Fritz Crisler could
use his 218 pounds of power to great
advantage. But right now, the ques-
tion is: track or wrestling? At Du-
pont Manual High School in Louis-
ville, Rudy set the school record in
the 12-pound shot with a heave of
51 feet, which raised many an eye-
brow in "Derby Town."
When he reported to Stackhouse
less than two weeks ago, Rudy's first
heave with the 16-pounder sailed 42
feet and since that time he has
raised his mark to 43 ft. 8 in. Says
Stackhouse: "He's the best shot-put-
ter to come along since Bill Watson
entered the University. He may not
reach Watson's record but he's go-
ing to develop into a great shot-
All went well until one day Rudy

consented to workout with "Butch"
Jordan, another muscle man and
captain of Cliff Keen's Varsity
wrestling team. What followed Jor-
dan can hardly tell you, except that
he hasn't had to put on such a dog=
fight in years. Sengel, who had.
never grappled before, tore into
"Butch," uprooted him, and through
sheer strength, sent the Wolverine
captain to the mat with a sickening
thud. Of course, Jordan's superior
skill and his knowledge of not a few
tricks of the trade enabled him to
get Sengel under control, but no:
without a battle. Rudy's a real
scrapper and at present the apple
of Cliff Kenn's eye. Cliff is thinking
ahead to next year when there will
be no "Butch" Jordan around to
handle the rough and tough heavy:
weights who invade the Field House.
Lacks Technique
Sengel already has two great pre-
requisites for a winning wrestler-
strength and competitive spirit.
What he lacks, woefully, is technique.
But Keen can supply that and there
is no doubt that he is eager to. Says
Cliff: "He's a very fine prospect. And
frosh coach Port Robertson backs up
the Wolverine mentor with, "A very,
very fine prospect." Coming from
the usually reserved Robertson, that's
a mighty big statement.
So you can see what it is that's
keeping young Rudy awake these
nights. And the same goes for Keen
and Robertson. Will he stick to
track, as Stackhouse hopes, or will
he turn to wrestling, which he ad-
mits, is "a swell sport. I'm getting
to like it more every day." That's
for Sengel to decide. Who knows?
He may be Michigan's next nine-
letter man, following in Danny
Smick's footsteps by doubling up in

Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
SEVEN ROOM Country House-20
'minutes ride from campus. Attrac-
tively furnished. Electric stove.
Completely modern-$35. Also two
rooms to rent in farm home. Box
159, Ann Arbor. 128
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
LOST-Turquoise Indian dinner
ring. Valuable keepsake. Lost a
week ago. Reward. Phone 2-1968.
LOST-Black wallet Saturday night.
Driver's license name Robert Cole.
Please keep money. Call Milton
Pederman, 2-4409. 130

TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43
M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.)
2-1835. Reports, thesis, disserta-
tions, briefs. 113
LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16
CAMERA WANTED (new or used)
Model III, Zeiss Ikoflex, f/2.8 lens
or Model II, Contax f/3.5; f/2.8 or
1/2.0 lens. c/o Michigan Daily
Box 2. 124
PLAY SCHOOL-Directed play ac-
tivity for children of school age.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
3:30 to 5:30. Play School, 315 E.
William. Phone 8293.
SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per-
manent $2.50; $3 oil cocona $1.50;
end permanent $1. Shampoo and
fingerwave 356. Phone 8100, 117
Main. 36
WANTED-Passengers to Florida.
Leave Dec. 15, return Jan. 1. Share
expenses. Call or write Florence
Niffenegger, 916 Grant St., Ypsi-
lanti, phone 1523-M. 129

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