THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DEC. 12, 19 Engineers Hold Smoker Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemical engineering society, held its annual fall smoker for faculty and men and students at 8 p.m. yesterday! in the East Lounge of the Rackham Building, with refreshments, games and prizes supplementing the smok- ing. We will remain open dur- ing the Christmas Holidays. Meet Me at MITCHELUS KOSHER STYLE or Regular Sandwiches Free Delivery Ph. 9288-6339 601 E. Liberty Next to Michigan Theatre MICHIGAN = Last 2 Days Gay Hilarity!. and Asta has a new chum in three-cornered pants! New Medical- Course Offered 'Diseases Of Metabolism' Opened To Graduates It 1&/ di ' By JUNE McKEE 4iy Germ anClub S onsors Party Annual Christmas Fete Follows Traditions A special Michigan short-wave pro- gram was broadcast to a world-wide EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE FOR STUDENT TRAVEL DECEMBER 15, 1939 To Chicago- Grand Rapids And s nter:ediate Points Leaves Ann Arbor 1:00 P.M. ea th2 ar ci S H . audience Thursday and now letters A new postgraduate course in "Dis-are coming in from Michigan alumni The student German organization, ses of Metabolism," sponsored by everywhere. 'Deutscher Verein held its annual e Department of Internal Medicine, President Ruthven spoke on the nd the Michigan State Medical So- program, the Band played, and Donn Christmas party last night in the ety, will be offered today through Chown, Grad., announced. Originat- League. Feature of the party was the aturday in the University Hospital. ing on campus, the broadcast was singing of Deutsche Wihnachtstage transcribed by Jerry Wiesner, Chief Lieder. German Christmas legend; Under the leadershsr of D.Lis oTechnician, for stationdWRUL were read in the traditional mannea, [Newburgh, professor of Clinical; in Boston, where antennae directed I . ..a .{ Student Student Section Train No. 44 (all points East) leaves 3:45 P.M. Section Train No. 8 (all points East) leaves 6:30 P.M. .l Investigation in the Department of Internal Medicine, the course will at-f tempt to acquaint the practitioner with the fundamental principles of metabolism and their application to the understanding and management of metabolic diseases. The material, presented by lectures, demonstrations, and selected read-'. ings, will be presented by Dr. New- burgh with the assistance of Dr. Jerome W. Conn and Dr. Frank H.. Bethell of the internal medicine de- partment, and others. ASU Will Preview Madison Convention A pre-convention meeting to dis- cuss resolutions on peace, American democracy, civil liberties and aca- demic freedom, to be brought to the National American Student Union Convention in Madison, Wis., during Christmas week, will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the North Lounge of the Union. A skit, "The Unknown Soldier Re- fuses His Wreath," will be presented by Art Klein, Grad., William Bestimt, '42, and Ed Burrows, Grad. Dele- gates to the national convention will be elected. its airing to every part of the world. This Boston station is operated by! the World-Wide Broadcasting Fonn- dation to promote international good-i will. So far, the most interesting letter regarding the program's receptionE comes from Mr. A. Roberts, of Dade City, Fla. Graduate from Michigan, in 1867, he is now 98 years old and7 still drives his own car. He writes, ''War correspondents aret hard to-crowd away from the radio,a so heard only a few words of Presi- dent Ruthven.j "For myself, I would say I ami more than pleased at the progress the University has made since my; graduation in 1867. I went through with very little preparation. Really,1 I had never been to what might be called a high school but three months, and had to go away for that. Fordham University next year will celebrate the centenary of its found- ing. and refreshments rounded out the program. Besides the regular Deutscher Vere- in members, there were many visitors present at the party and the ex- change of 10-cent gifts proved a very enjoyable addition to .the festivities. Although this is the last meeting of the Verein until after the Christ- mas vacation period, the German or- ganization is presenting its initial dramatic offering of the year at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow night, Dec. 12, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in the form of a dramatized version of the Grimm fairy tale "Dornroeschen," or "The Sleeping Beauty," and presented as a puppet play. The Scaletta Marionettes of club member David Gibson, '41. will be used in presentation of the play. Gib- son, an experienced puppeteer, will be assisted by Alexander Miller, '42, and six other members of the Verein who will read the parts backstage while Gibson and Miller manipulte the puppets. Low Fares to All Points MIC IGAN CENTRAL Be Satisfied With A MICHIGAN DAILY Classified GOING HOME? SEND THAT LUGGAGE by FAST RAILWAY EXPRESS. just phone the Rail- way Express agent when our trunk or bags are packed and off they will speed, direct to your home, in all cities and prin- cipal towns. You can send "collect" too, same as your laundry goes. Use this complete, low-cost service both coming and going, and enjoy your train trip full of the- proper Holiday spirit. When you phone, by the way, be sure to tell I_ Tapping Reaches Peoria On Alumni Circuit Trip T. Tawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association, en route to Tucson, Ariz., for his annual vacation, attended a meeting of the University of Michigan Club of Pe- oria yesterday. During his trip, Tapping will at- tend alumni meetings in Los An- geles, Phoenix, El Paso and Memphis. ENJOY HOLJDAY T RIPS BY BUS Warm, comfortable Blue Goose buses provide ideal transportation for Holiday travellers. LOW FARES and frequent schedules enable you to plan and enjoy your trips, while avoiding driving fatigue and worry. 116 West Huron Street Michigan Union our agent when to call. Ann Arbor R.R. Depot 420 S. Ashley St. Ph. 2-4496 Depot Office: Mich., Central R.R. Phone 5714 Ann Arbor,' Mich. RZA Ln'WAY EXPRESS NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Thursday Melvyn Douglas - Joan Blondell in "AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS" Phone 4200 Phone 4151 p ! L 1 IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS.... the days of the horse and buggy .... the days of the hoop skirt and bustle .... the days of the barber shop quartet... .AND the days of the Wash Tub and Scrub Board. TODAY WE ARE WISE ... MODERN ... ECONOMI- CAL... They are things of the past, especially the Wash Tub.... Now, you can have your laundry done efficiently, expertly, and economically. l SAMPLE BUNDLE Suits of Underwear 3 Shirts 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels our t KYER LAUNDRY VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 4185 Phone 23-1-23 11- - - - -- - -- -._ - - - " _ _ I