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September 26, 1939 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-26

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aincinnati Faces Crucial Test In Four

Joe Louis, Bob Riggs, Byron Nelson
Highlight Another Summer Of Sports

Prom the looks of things in the
practice sessions, Coach Joe Gembis
will probably use four sophomores in
his starting lineup when his Wayne
team opens its season against Michi-
gan State this Saturday.
Ed Larimore, former Detroit Cooley
High star who spent a year on the
Purdue freshman squad, and Tomil
Callard have shown the most promise
so far for the two guard positions.
Also slated for a starting berth at
one of the tackle posts is Big Bill
Cassidy, a 200-pound River Rouge
sophomore, while another second
year man, Jerry Schnelker will prob-
ably open the game at fullback for
the Tartars.

' / Casey and Whitlow Wyatt, if he re-
r-cuperates from a knee injury.
Already Brooklyn has drawn more
fans to the park than in any season
since 1930, and there is a possibility
Elmer Gedeon joined two other that the figures might reach a million
former Michigan ball players in the before the curtain falls.
Majors, Pete Appleton and John While the first division berths
Gee, when Washington brought seem to be settled in the National
him up early this month. League with the Reds, Cards, Cubs,
and Dodgers sure bets to finish in
ball for it's 1940 pennant talk around the money, the fourth place spot 'in
these parts. They point to Pete Cos- the American League may not be
settled until the final day of. the sea-
carat's fine play at second, and the se d untit, nal da fthe sea-
son when Detroit, now in fifth, winds
blossoming out of Harry Lavagetto up the campaign against the fourth
into a first class third sacker. Also, place money spot Cleveland Indians.
they believe they have two of the Both squads have been up and down
league's best hurlers in rookie Hugh all season.

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