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December 09, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-09

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SATURDAY, DEC. 9, 1939

- .

1940 Extension
Service Meets
Will Be Varied
Minister's Institute Opens
Program; National Park'
Men Here In January
Nine conferences and institutes
have been tentatively planned by the
Extension Service for the remainder
of the school year, Dr. Charles A.
Fisher, director, announced yester-,
The Institute for Ministers will bel
held Jan. 22, 23 and 24. In February1
the Extension Service will cooperate
with the Michigan Association of In-
surance Agents meeting in Lansing.
A conclave of Trade Executives will
be held here, possibly the week of
Feb. 19.
In cooperation with the School of
Forestry, the Extension Service ex-
pects to le host to the United States
National Park Maintenance Men
from Feb. 26 to March 16.
The Coal Utilization Institute will
be sponsored in conjunction with the
engineering school April 8, 9 and 10.
Modern methods of combatingthe
smoke nuisance, and coal heating
temperatures are among the topics
to be discussed.
Tenatively scheduled for April 12
and 13 is the Foreman's Conference[

Latest In gull Sessions Is Featured

Warming up to a lively conversation over a hearty breakfast, dele-
gates to the annual National Interfraternity Conference are shown
above preparing for a broadcast featuring a discussion of Greek letter
National Inter fraternity Council
Elects Bursley, Adams To Posts,


including representatives from steel 'Bull - Session' Broadcast, aside for fraternities. Another reso-
shops as far south as Youngstown, o., Speech ByC.S.Geddes lution also advocated closer co-opera-
Battle Creek and Detroit.pBy tion between interfraternity councils
The eighth annual Adult Educa- Features Annual Meet and university administrations to
tion Institute is to be held from April hand publicity and denounced "pic-
20 to May 3. The Michigan State Two of Michigan's four 7presenta- torial exploitation of fraternity chap-
Federation of Womens' Clubs will be ters by cheap and sensational journ-
co-sponsor, of the Institute taking tives to the 31st annual National In- alism."
place in the Rackham Building. terfraternity Confernee held last
The 25th annual National Univer- weekend in New York City were hon-
sity Extension Association Conven- ored with positions on the Confer-
tion, attracting extension service ence. o
heas ro al oertheUnte Stte, Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- k a
heads from all over the United States, ly was elected educational adviser,
will be held May 15 to May 18 for thelywseetdeuctoa die,
first time in 15 toM. fr the and Thomas B. Adams, '40, president By JUNE McKEE
firt imeinAnn Arbor. Dr. FisherofteneraeniyCuclws
is vice-president of the organization.. of the Interfraternity Council, a r rnlnDna dctoa
is ic-pesien o th ogaizaio. elected secretary-treasurer ofa the Dr. Franklin Dunham, educational
Plans for a Summer Parent-Teach- Undergraduate Group of the Confer- director of the National Broadcast-
er Institute in the Upper Peninsula Uneoing Company, stopped by the campus
during the week of July 8 are beg Also in attendance at the Confer- studios yesterday for a surprise visit
considered.slsence which attracted 200 representa- with Prof. Waldo Abbot. En.route to
Goodflow---Monday-nctives from 119 colleges and universi- Radio City, Dr. Dunham had just
Robert Hall Wils ties were Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the left the Chicago Schools' Conference
Travel Scholarship English department and Prof. Robert on Educational Radio Broadcasting.
1P. Briggs of the economics depart- After watching the afternoon's two
Robert K. Hall, Grad., yesterday ment, financial adviser to fraterni- campus broadcasts, Dr. Dunham was
was awarded a traveling scholarship ties. enthusiastic over radio work here. He
to South America by Pan-American The Conference was featured by declared after "Game of the Week,"
Airways. speeches by such men as C, S. Geddes, "I don't know whether you expect
Hall, a graduate of Lake Forest fraternity adviser from Minnesota, to enter professional radio or not, but
College and Harvard University, is a and by the impromptu "bull session" you certainly couldn't be having more
candidate here for a Ph.D. He will broadcast over a national hook-up, fun." He praised specially Prof. Wal-
leave Dec. 22 for Bueflos Aires to I Several resolutions passed by the do Abbot's work and the all-around
begin a year of educational research conference condemned "Hell Week," experience in broadcasting that we're
in Argentina. He is an instructor according to Adams, and suggested to obta here.
at the Cranbrook School, Bloomfield the substitution of a "Greek Week" A Christmas program will begin
Hills. I or some similar period of time set today's broadcasting, at 9 a.m over
- ; ;- -- ;;;WJR. Written and directed by Mar-
gery Soenksen, Grad., it presents the
Nativity and story of Mary of Bethle-
hem, with "Songs You Should Sing"
ie --of Christmas nature-interpolated
throughout. The music is managed
by a quartet under the direction of
Warren Foster.
Those in the cast include Duane
Nelson, Grad., John Gelder, '40, John
GIFT SUG ESTI~NSSchwarzwalder, Grad., Guy Warner,
'41, Charles Bowens, '41, Ted Leibo-
witz, '40, Peter Antonelli, '41, Fred
SWEATERS ARE ACCEPTABLE! MAKE IT A MARCHANDE Fur Coat Tyler, '40, Knobby Knobloch, '40,
And our sweater stock is one of the and she'll really be pleased. See Lucy Jones Grad., Marguerite Mink,
largest in the city. All wool pull s'41, and your columnist. Donn
overs and coat sweaters priced from Chown, Grad., announces.
$2.95 to $4.95. "Compare our 607 E. Liberty. Then "Our Home Hearths and
prices." Men's Toggery, 514 E. Home Town" will highlight the
A W GTTEC. TIO.. f nh "'.. " 4' ..- . ..

Problems Cited
By Dr.Waugh
Suggests Good Personnel;
Selection For Better'
Wild Lands Management
The importance of good personnel;
selection in administration problems
was stressed by Dr. FranK A. Waugh'
yesterday in the final in the series of
five lectures on - "Administrative
Problems in the Management of Wild
Lands for Human Use."
Dr. Waugh outlined the problem of
administration under the four head-
ings of acquisition, protection, restor-
ation, and exploration, but included
the prolems of proper jurisdiction, the
location, design, and equipment of
camp grounds, and the question of
charging fees, in his speech.
"We ought to charge fees for the
use of our wild lands, even if we didn't
need the money," he said; "the trouble
is that if fees are charged they are
liable to turn the whole thing over
to Harold Ickes and the devil."
Throughout his talk, Dr. Waugh
emphasized recreation as the use to
which our wild lands may best be put
because in that capacity, more than
any other, we can derive the most
benefit and pleasure out of the land-
Dr. Waugh is Professor Emeritus of
Landscape Architecture at the Massa-
chusetts State College, a consultant"
of the U.S. Forest Service in which
capacity he has traveled widely both
here and abroad, and has the degrees
of B.Sc., D.Sc., and L.H.D. His series
of five speeches dealing with the gen-
eral problem of wild lands were pre-
sented this week to students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
and to all others interested in the
Lecture Series
History Dates
Back Toi l16854
The Oratorical Association, in pre-
senting H. V. Kaltenborn at 8:15 p.m.
on Tuesday, will write one more page
in its outstanding history which dates'
back to 1854.
At that time, student initiative
brought into being the Student Lec-
ture Association to meet a great
popular demand to hear famous
Before the Civil War, lecturing was
less a business than a means of reach-
hng the public ear, and notable
speakers were easily attracted to the
campus, records of the Association
reveal. Ralph Waldo Emerson ex-
pressed his willingness to speak for
$25 in 1856, if the Association was
"easily able to manage this."
The receipts from the series were
used for such purposes as: a grand
piano for the old stage in University
Hall, for the gymnasium fund, for
the support of the football team and
also to supply the General Library
with current periodicals and maga-
In 1912, the Student Lecture Asso-
ciation's 58-year history ended when
financial complications became acute,
and the University administration as-
sumed more direct control of the lec-
ture series. The Oratorical Associa-
tion was created with Prof. Thomas
C. Trueblood, now professor-emeritus
of public speaking, and Prof. Rich-
ard Hollister of the speech depart-
ment as directors. These two faculty
members had been sponsoring the
minor lecture series on campus, and
now expanded their organization into

the Oratorical Association.
Since 1920, profits from the lecture
series have been devoted to building
up the Trueblood Memorial Fund.
1k .

Hill Auditorium's Music Exhibit
Contains Variety Of Instruments,

What to the casual visitor to Hill
Auditorium looks like a collector's
Freudian outburst-that exhibit of
musical instruments off the first bal-
cony-has been called "one of the
most significant collections in the
world," and is pointed out as one of
the University's most valuable pos-
Representing 17 years (1881-1897)
of energetic labor on the part of do-
nor Frederick Stearns, the collection
contains more than 1,000 instru-
ments from every age and from al-
most every county in the world's his-
tory. It wa s tendered to the Board
of Regents late in 1898, accepted at
the first meting thereafter, installed
in the University Museum, and up-
on discovery that those quarters were
inadequate, was removed to Hill
Auditorium upon that building's com-
pletion in April, 1914.
Perhaps the best indication that
the collection was not the haphazard
result of amateur hobbying may be
got from the statement of Mr.
Stearns' own aim: ". . . to place side
by side, for purposes of comparison,
the widest possible range of examples
illustrating the different forms of
percussion, wind and stringed instru-
ments, with a view to showing the
evolution of types from simple to
complex forms."
With. that in mind, Mr. Stearns,
founder of the manufacturing phar-
maceutical laboratory bearing his
name in Detroit, added instruments
Diplomats In Good
Position To Conduct
Espionage Activity
(Continued from Page 1)
naval attaches in foreign embassies

to the collection until his death in
Preeminently a collection of types,
the Stearns Collection has been in-
stalled with a view to achieving as
complete a reconciliation as possible
of such factors as scientific sequence,
geographical distribution and artistic
grouping. Occasionally, however,
some exhibit which evaded classi-
ficatlon was set off by itself.
Such an one is the automatic clari-
onet player which belonged to P. T.
Barnum at the time his New York
Museum burned, and was secured
afterwards, with great difficulty, by
Mr. Stearns. The player has been
in successful operation, but it, at
present, out of repair.
Of particular local interest is a
cornet in E-flat. a "bell-over-the-
shoulder" model with three rotary
valves, which belonged to C. Jacob
Gwinner (1839-1875) of Ann Arbor.
Mr. Gwinner's band and orchestra
was the first organization of its kind
in this town, and was in great de-
mand for University and civic func-
tions. It formed the nucleus of the
Porter Zouave Band which Mr.
Gwinner led during the first two
years of the Civil War.
Be A Goodfellow
Rabinowitz To Talk
On 'Maccabbees'
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of
the Hillel Foundation will talk on
"The Meaning of the Maccabbees" at
11 a.m. tomorrow at the Foundation
during the regular Sunday morning
Reform Services.
This is the fourth in a series of bi-
weekly talks given by Dr. Rabinowitz
on the "Jewish Religion and Its Fun-
damental Principles."
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-

Suomi Club Hears
Prof. Stanton Cite
War's Basic Cause
Finland's value as a military base,
her rich nickel mines and copper
deposits, and extensive merchant
marine were citel as basic causes for
Russian aggression by Prof. John W.
Stanton, of the political science de-
partnqent, in an address to Finnish
students last night.
Meeting at the League in celebra-
tion of Finland's Independence Day,
the Suomi Club heard Professor
Stanton trace the history of Finland
in her relationships to Russia up to
the present time, and then analyze
the present war situation.
Russia may intend to get the con-
cessions she has demanded through
the new pe'ople's government which
she is trying to make her puppet, he
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, took part in the
open forum that followed. A poem
"The Conquest of Finland" was re-
cited by William Bilto, Grad., and
the country's national and folk songs
were rendered by the entire club.

Snooke r



are almost admittedly spies, and are tion, will conduct a social at 8 p.m.
frankly recognized as such. He re- at which Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43,
called taht Franz von Papen (now will speak on the history of Chan-
German ambassador to Turkey) and nukah. All Hillel members are in-
Karl Boy-Ed, respectively the Ger- Kited.
man military and naval attaches in
Washington during the early part of

525 East Liberty

the World War, were allegedly the
heads of Germany's spy ring here..
Our government subsequently forced
the recall of both men, he added.

An interesting commentary on this
new alleged spy case, Professor Davis
observed, is the victim's possible
homosexuality. If a spy has a legiti-
mate reason for being "queer," he
explained, his chances of success are
greatly increasod. Certain World
War spies, he recalled, carried small
quantities of dope. When appre-
hended on suspicion, he explained,
they had the perfect excuse ready:
dope peddling!
When asked about possible reasons
for the recent slaying, Professot,
Davis was wary in his replies. Of
course, the man's private affairs may
have supplied the motive, he said.
Another possible explanation, he
ventured, might be that the man was
no longer useful to his home govern-

DECEMBE R 15, 1939
To Chicago - Grand Rapids
And Intermediate Points
Leaves Ann Arbor 1:00 P.M.
Student Section Train No. 44 (all points East) leaves 3:45 P.M.
Student Section Train No. 8 (all points East) leaves 6:30 P.M.
Low Fares to All Poioms


Liberty St.
THE IDEAL GIFT for everyone is a
book from Slater's Book Store.
Free gift wrapping. 336 S. State.
and Lingerie from Jacobson's.
on State Street. Beautiful stock of
Christmas merchandise. We'll be
glad to help you. 308 S. State.
stocks kodaks, cosmetics, smoking.
accessories, perfumes, shaving ac-
cessories, pen and pencil sets. See
our gift suggestions. Calkins-Flet-
cher Drug Stores. 324 S. State.
FOR A SELECTION of unusual gifts,
visit De Fries Art Shop, 233 S.
Main St.

a NS w or ner frow .
Laura Belle Shop, 1108 S. Univer-
sity. Robes, hosiery, gloves, lin-
gerie, jewelry, sweaters and scarfs.
HANDKERCHIEFS - 25c boxes,
Christmas Greeting Cards, 5 for 5I
cents and 2 for 5c. All prices.
Wrapping materials, attractive de-
signs. Tree ornaments, tree light-
ing sets. Kresge--corner State
and N. University.
WE CAN MOLD ice cmam into love-j
ly Christmas designs and give that
added touch to your dinner.
Superior Dairy.'
siery. Packed in Christmas box, in
desirable shades and sizes. Smart-,
est Hosiery. Michigan Theatre

"Awakening Community" broadcast'
over WJR at 5:45 p.m. John Gelder,
'40, will announce.
- Goodfellows-Monday -
British Blockade Termed
Stronger By Dr. Siney
The Allied blockade of Germany
will probably be more effective than
in the last war, since France and
Britain have achieved economic unity
imuclJh sooner than in 1914-18, Dr.
Marion Siney, of the history de-
partment, told the Graduate History
Club at its meeting last night in the
Rackham building.
New officers were selected by the
club after the lecture. They include:
William Spoelhof, president; Robert
Gill, vice-president and Walter J.
Hansen, secretary-treasurer.

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Potato Dumplin- or Spatzen
Germart Bratwurst
Po/laoes V t vs1ab'l




III - - - <U' I-- - I






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