-FOUR -THEICGA N*D-AILY FOUR U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also. reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. 'NEW YORK, N. Y. CicAGO BOSTONd LOS-ANGELES - rsA F9r4ANCISCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 about three months after the war had started. The figures show that today we are even more friendly toward the English and French than in 1914, although, even then, public sympathy was bent heavily toward them. But the most important conclusions that may possibly be drawn from these comparative are twofold. We have not got the large neutral bloc today who show little or no feeling either way, except possibly in the college group. And it is doubtful whether we have the large group of editors, who have great influence in shaping public opinion, in that same neutral group. THUS, it can be seen that today we are tread- ing on dangerous ground. Justifiedly or not, we incline to one side of the conflict. In 1914, a people less partial than we started to increase its animus toward one side, and later plunged itself into the conflict. Today, we are much farther along in our pro-ally sentiment and there is not as large a neutral group today to stabilize us. We know that overwhelming sentiment for one side exists. But we must realize that it is only sentiment, and that sentiment is often illogical. At any rate, it is our duty today to make sure that it does not involve us in war. -Alvin Sarasohn J/feinro Je Heywood Bro-un 1 NEVER thought I would be forced to throw my hat and cuffs into the air in praise of any picture person. Of course,"from time to time there have been cinema shows which were mildly diverting. Carl Petersen Elliott Maraiss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Pineberg Editorial Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Women's Editor . Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy -Rusiness Stafff Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager v-a NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN SARASOHN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. War Sentiment 1914And ..1939 . P OPULAR SURVEYS and polls at- tempting to catalog the present sen- timent of the American people as to their sym- pathies with the countries now embroiled in the European war all seem to approximate thesame results. The ability of such polls to gauge cor- rectly the sentiments .of this country has been proven over and over, with a few exceptions, and thus today we find ourselves looking toward them when we wish to know just how public opinion shapes up. By means of these polls, we attempt, not unnaturally, to obtain a glimpse of the future and take the evidence of these polls for what it is worth, of course. And so it is with the polls on war sympathies. The interesting point here, however, is the fact that we have something with which to com- pare these war polls and by which we may measure their significance to some extent, al- though with reservation. This basis for com- parison is a poll which the once popular Literary Digest took during the early months of the first World War, thus antedating the present polls by many years. This poll, which should not be confused with the now notorious Literary Digest straw votes culminating in the disastrous forecast of the Presidential results in 1936, was carried out without any partiality or editorializ. ing in the magazine's Nov. 14, 1914 issue. The editors presented, without comment other than simple explanations of the figures, the results of a poll of 367 editors of independent news- papers throughout the country. HE EDITORS of these papers, representing every section of the country, were asked, first, to give their own opinion and, second, to give as nearly as possible the opinions of their readers. While there may seem to be a fault here in the system, it worked out rather well, since the results from individual localities show that often editors and readers were of quite different opinion. The question asked the editors to report sym- pathies with the sides fighting in the War. There were 367 replies. Editors' sympathies were: Sympathy Percentages Hope the Allies win .......... 28.6 Hope Germany wins ..........5.5 Neutral .................... 65.9 Sympathies of their readers were: Hope the Allies win .......... 51.5 Hope Germany wins.........10.4 Neutral or divided...........38.1 NOW, contrast these figures taken by the Gallup poll of Oct. 22, 1939 of sympathies of the American people in the new war that is now raging in Europe. -To the question: "Which side do you want to see win the war?" the Gallup system got the following results: The Allies............ 84 per cent Germany .............2 per cent Neutral and No Opinion 14 per cent The Fortune Survey of November 1939 got the .following results to the question: "Whichi Side Would You Like To See Win?" Per Cent England, France and Allies....... 84.3 Germany and her friends .........1.3 Neither Side and Don't Know .... 12.4 A similar question Student Opinion poll pub- lished periodically in The Daily found the fol- lowing answers: Pert Cent '1t . y Some of the younger women seemed personable as far as could be judged from their one-dimensional aspect. Na- turally, they all squeaked, but that could be blamed upon the sound track, the Academy Award and the fact that anybody in Holly- wood who is less than 50 has an excellent chance of being selected as a Baby Wampus. The direction in many cases is palpably ex- pert. Even an amateur can detect that. The job of the scenario writer is, for the most part, well done, since most of the men are kidnaped directly out of newspaper offices. And as for the character actors of the screen, both male and female, I have no particular objections to them. They wear their wigs well. But until the other night I thought the noblest thing the talking picture had to offer was some shot of a snow-capped peak or a rushing tor- rent. Now I have seen Greta Garbo, and many of my prejudices and blank spots must go up in smoke. The lady is an artist. NINOTOCHKA is no more than a facile farce comedy, but through the magic of the young woman from Sweden it takes on over- tones and background, the tear behind the smile and all that sort of thing. Chaplin could do it, but that was many years ago, and I cer- tainly did not believe that there existed any other player in screenland who could come up to the tip of his shoulder. Always in pictures the spectator gets too much of a good thing. I have heard of an insti- tution known as the cutting room, but I wonder what they slash one-half as terrible as some of the stuff they send out. It may be that pictures only seem too long. Possibly you in the big city know cinema temples where the seats were not designed for midgets. Over the door of every suburban picture house they should hang the sign, "Abandon hope, all ye of broad beam who intend to enter here." And so it would have been very difficult for me to have left in the middle of the Garbo pic- ture. In order to make a proper exit it would have been necessary to uproot an orchestra chair and trample down two tiny tots, a bag of peanuts and a tootsie roll. All of which might not have been a bad idea. However, in accuracy, I must report that I was glued to my seat for duration by more than the restraining chair arms which nipped into my liver. Even though I had been free and on my feet I would have remained out of intent curios- ity as to what would happen to Garbo in the end. It made no difference to me personally whether or not she got her man, although Mr. Douglas is a light comedian of high proficiency. Still, whether the play ended on a hilarious or a tragic note, I knew that Greta Garbo would be capable of sustaining the mood. * * * 4ND what she did best of all was to keep the story alive, even when it delved into repeti- tion. George Pierce Baker used to say in his Harvard drama course that a playwright must say a thing three times if he hoped to have the audience grasp it. On the screen it seems a greater emphasis is necessary. No good idea is ever cast aside until it has been trotted out for at least a dozen renditions. Myself, I prefer greater economy. I like it better when the farewell scene is done a single time and then abandoned. One sad parting is more moving than a couple. And if the lovers go on to a fifth and a tenth farewell the thing seems to me habit rather than heartbreak. But I must admit that in scenes of great similarity Greta Garbo "manages to bring some new twist and novelty to keep the thing alive. Moreover, I have never been much engrossed in such sequences as magnify the face of the heroine. These close-ups cause me to feel the same sense of fright which Gulliver felt when he found himself in the land of the giants. Faces look better when they are far away. This is not so in the case of Miss Garbo. It GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG G1ULLIVER YOU may remember that Gulliver exposed to the world, about a month ago, the nefarious plot to run him out of town. Y.G. proved con- clusively that the Mysterious Powers, knowing how Gulliver dislikes lousy weather, had made it rain for a month straight. Now he has proof that They have changed their minds; They want him to stay in town. Please don't write in any letters asking why. It seems to be a secret. But Gulliver has positive proof that Somebody wants him to spend next year in Ann Arbor. Here's how it happened. A few days ago the mailman brought a card from the University which said that it would please the University to have Y.G. drop in and have a chat about Graduation Requirements-Within A Day Or So, PROMPTLY. THURSDAY found Gulliver strolling through University Hall. He located Room 4 with the aid of his pocket magnifying glass and went quickly through the door, bowing and scraping to the various NYA lads who handle statistics and such. They directed him to an office which seemed especially built to handle hard cases like Gulliver. The gent behind the desk was really quite friendly. He got out the old blueprint and made a series of rapid notations on the blotter-prob- ably totting up the total number pf D's, which is none of his damn business anyway. , Finally he looked up and said, "Intend to graduate next June?" Gulliver smiled feebly and said, "Well, ah, I was rather looking forward to it. Not that I don't like the old place, you understand, but four whole years in one place and all that sort of thing, you know." The gent says, "Look, I'm afraid you're not going to graduate in June." That sort of thing isn't easy to take, and Gulli- ver isn't the man to take it lying down. So hej got up off the floor, brushed himself off, and said sternly, "You seem to overlook the fact that I am an American citizen. I shall stand on my constitutional rights; and I shall most definitely graduate in June." "My good man," said the gent (he was really a very patient guy), "my dear young fellow, you are not going to graduate for the simple reason that you have not passed your hygiene test'" Gulliver: "Eh?" THE GENT then went on to explain, "In 1936 a series of hygiene lectures were given at which you were apparently not present. Unless you fulfill the hygiene requirements you will not be given a degree." "Ha," retorted Gulliver, "ha, that is easily taken care of. No doubt a clerical error. I remember the lectures quite clearly now-Spit- balls, a howling and snickering mob of fresh- men, and one ill-at-ease lecPi'er. You see? was there." "We'll check on that," says the gent gravely, and he begins a series of inter-University com- munications, a series which has not ended yet. It begin with a call to Doc May, who couldn't remember offhand whether or not Gulliver had ever been to the hygiene lectures. But he put a squad of brawny young men to work, and they are apparently still working busily on the Uni- versity archives, because Gulliver's future still hangs in the balance. NOW GULLIVER knows damn well that he was at those lectures ,and nobody is going to tell him different. If the record of his attend- ance is not ultimately found, there can be no doubt that vandals have burnt the records which vindicate Gulliver. Gulliver's wrath is a fearful thing to behold. The Enemy may well tremble. Sweden Answers Proof that economic strangle holds are 'as effective as those applied by military and p0- litical strength was shown further in the recent bit of jockeying between Germany and Sweden. Nowhere near a match for the Nazis on the field of battle, the iron-owning country of Swe- den called Hitler's bluff and won. Briefly here are the moves that took place. Germany asked Sweden to join a continental blockade of Great Britain. The Swedes turned thumbs down. Hitler representatives said their nation would .disregard the four-inile territorial zone which had been respected since 1779, and lay mines within three miles of the Swedish coast. Mines along the Swedish coast in shal- low water would threaten seriously the country's Baltic trade. Sweden answered the German saber rattling with the quiet implication that Swedish iron imports to Germany could be stopped. As a result mine fields have not yet approached the Swedish coast within the four- mile limit. Hitler is not often stopped. Time after time. in the past two years, the Fuehrer has faced coa- litions, iltimatums, threats, entreaties, armies and bullets, but has plunged ahead with his pro- gram, worrying little over the strength of his opposition. Mobilization of France and Eng- land only acted as a spur. "Tut Tut" from Mussolini, allegedly a strong ally, never has phased him. -University Daily Kansan from Connecticut to get away from the second celebration. As a matter of fact, it was less a celebration than a Republican rally-a sort of protest meeting against "that man in the White House." Not even the original settlers could have I chewed their turkey quite as grimly as the em- Drew Pedrson 40d and Robe5.Alen NOBODY is supposed to know it, but there was drama off the harbor of Boston the other day when the Coast Guard was asked by the Justice Department to hold up three New England fishing trawlers being sold to France as mine-sweepers. The vessels were wooden. Ger- many's new magnetic mines explode whenever a steel ship passes nearby, so wooden ships for use in sweeping them up are at a premium in Europe. Attorney General Murphy tele- phoned personally, asking the Coast Guard to chase the trawlers and de- tain them if they were still in U.S. waters. However, either it was too late, or else the Coast Guard looked the other way, because the trawlers now are well on their way to France. However, five other vessels pur- chased by France have been detained, and their transfer has been carefully scrutinized by an inter-departmental committee. One trawler is at New Orleans, two trawlers and a tug are at Boston, and one tug is at Charles- ton, S.C. All are old vessels, and the Maritime Commission found no American citizens interested in buy- ing them. Based On Alabama Case REASON Attorney General Murphy acted with such speed was the existence of a criminal statute against transferring to any belliger- ent a vessel which is to be used as a warship. And these trawlers were to become mine-sweepers, i.e., war- ships. The statute is based upon the Civil War case of the famous man-of-war "Alabama," built in English ship- yards and turned over to the Confed- eracy to raid Union commerce. After- ward, the United States was awarded $15,500,000 for damage done to our shipping. Therefore the Justice Department fears that if the trawlers are sold to France, they might damage Nazi vessels, and under international law, the United States could be held re- sponsible.- However, the Maritime Commission and the State Department take a contrary view. They believe that ol woden vessels could not easily dam- age German shipping, and that they are to be used to sweep up mines, not prey upon commerce. One trouble is that the French Line, which is purchasing the ves- sels, stated the facts with complete honesty. It listed the ships as mine- sweepers. If they had been listed as "fishing vessels," probably there, would have been no hith in the sale. Consider Riddle For Post IT'S a White House secret, but the one hitch in the elevation of At- torney General Murphy to the Supreme Court vacancy has been solved. This was finding the right man to step into Bob Jackson's shoes as Solicitor General when he moved up to Murphy's place as Attorney Gen- eral. The President has found his man. He is Judge Francis Biddle of the U. S. Court of Appeals of Philadel- phia, chairman of the old National Labor Board and counsel of the 1937 TVA investigating committee of Con- gress. In the long history of the federal judiciary, few Appeals judges have stepped down from their $12500 lifetime jobs to reenter public life, particularly at a lower salary. The, Solicitor General gets $10,000 a year. But Biddle,tage 53, and one of the most brilliant court lawyers in the country, is willing. So he has accept- ed Roosevelt's offer to succeed Jack- son. The three appointments will (continued from Page 2) Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Exhibitions, College of Architecture and Design: Photographs of tools, processes, and products representative of the Department of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14. Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, in Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Building. Open to the public. The Ann Arbor Camera Club's Third Annual Exhibit of photog- raphy is being held in the Exhibit Galleries on the Mezzanine floor of the Rackham Building. Open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 10 pim. un- til Dec. 9. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Martin P. Nilsson, Professor of Classical Ar- chaeology and Ancient History, and formerly rector, University of Lund, Sweden, will lecture on "Rural Cus- toms and Festivals in Greek Reli- gion" (illustrated with slides) under the auspices of the Department of Greek at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 12, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Veit "alen- tin, Lecturer at University College, London, will lecture on "Austria and Gerany" under the auspices of the Department of' History at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14, in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Extracurricular Medical School Lee- ture: Dr. Clarence D. Selby, MedicalI Consultant of General Motors Corp., will speak at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 14, in Rackham Lecture Hall on "The 'Relationships of General and Special Practice to Industrial Medi- cine." Medical School classes will be dismissed at 4 p.m. to permit all medi- cal students to attend. The public is cordially invited. Today's Events Freshman Round Table: Mr. Ken- neth Morgan will lead the group, con- tinuing the discussion of the religious views offered by, previous speakers, Lane Hall, tonight at 7:30. Refresh- ments and a social hour will follow. The ROTC Drum and Bugle Corp will meet today at 1 p.m. in the Drill Hall at Headquarters. Alpha Lambda Delta luncheon at noon today in Russian Tea Room at the League. The Graduate Outing Club will have its weekly outing this evening at 7:30 instead of Sunday afternoon. Games at the Intramural Building are in prospect. Christmas Tea is to be held at the University Elementary School Library on Sunday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Scalp and Blade will meet Sunday, Dec. 10, in the Union. All members are requested to attend, and all Buf- falo men are cordially invited. Cercle Francais: Song rehearsals Monday and Tuesday from 7:15 to 8 p.m. in 408 R.L. Badminton courts in Barbour Gym- nasium will be open for mixed -play on Monday and Friday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30. Fellowship of Reconciliation meet- ing Monday, Dec. i, at Lane Hall at 7 p.m. Discussion of Kirby Page's Book "How to Keep America Out of War." Buffet supper at 6 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship party in Lane Hall Monday at 7:30 p.m. Games, refreshments and a speaker. Lutheran Student Club- annual Christmas program and dinner on Sunday at 6 p.m. Students from dif- ferent countries will tell how Christ- mas is celebrated in their lands. Christmas carols will be sung, and small gifts exchanged. Chanukah Party will be held at the Hillel Foundation on Sunday, 'Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. by the Avukah, student Zionist organization. A short pro- gram will be followed by dancing and refreshments. All students are cor- dially invited. Michigan Dames: Child Study group meets at 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. i1, the library of the University Ele- mentary School. Miss Louise An- derson of the Elementary School will speak. Churches Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "Mr. Dies Comes To Michigan," by Rev. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Round Table. Last in a series of discussions on "Exploring Liberal Religion," led by Reverend Marley. Zion Lutheran Church: Services Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Rev. E. Stellhorn. Trinity Lutheran Church: Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Rev. H. O. Yoder. First Baptist Church: 9:30 a.m. Graduate Bible Class. Prof. LeRoy Waterman, teacher. 10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Ser- mon topic, "The Book of the Cen- turies." 12 a.m. Student Round Table. Dis- cussion: "What Can We Believe About the Second Coming?" 4 p.m., Roger Williams Guild will meet in the Guild House to attend the "Messiah" in a group. 6:30 pam., Roger Williams Guild in the Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Miss Ruth Enss of the Dept. of Music will talk on "The Origins of the Christ- mas Carols." First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "The Surprises of God" will be the subject of Dr. Lemon's eron. 5:30 p.m. Westminster Student Guild will meet for a supper and fellowship hour. A Christmas play "Why the Chimes Rang" will be pre- sented. First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday morning service at 10:30, sub- feet, "God The Preserver of Man." Sunday School at 11:45. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "Sons of the Day." 5:45 p.m. Students' Christmas party for boys. i he Michigan Christian Fellowship will hold its regular Sunday 'meet- ing at 2:30 p.m. instead of at the usual hour of 4:30 p.m. First Methodist Church: Morning worship service at 10:40 a.m. 'Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The Child." Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45 a.m. Prof. Roy Swinton will lead the discussion on "Concepts of God." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6:15 p.m. with supper. Program at 7p .m. in the Church Auditorium. Hillel Foundation: Reform services will be held at the Foundation Sun- day morning at 11 a.m., The sermon will be delivered by Dr. Isaac Rabino- witz on "The Meaning of the Macca- bees." The Student Evangelical chapel Services for Sunday, Dec. 10, will be held in the Michigan League Build- ing. At 10:30 a.m. Dr. Goris will speak on the "Prodigal Son" and at 7:30 p.m. upon "The Promised Sa- vioi." All students are invited to attend. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Soph Cabaret floor show will at 4:30 this afternoon and at this evening. go on 10:30 not be announced until meets in January. Congress Annenberg Development Q OME queer things seem to be hap- pening in the famous Annenberg $5,000.000 income tax case-probably the biggest income tax case of all times. Everything points to an arrange- ment whereby the big race track publisher will ease out of the picture with a minimum of headaches. 1 One of the most significant de- velopments is the fact that certain underworld characters, who hitherto have not talked regarding other phases of Chicago gambling, now are talking. Their conversation pertains to the operations of Billy Skidmore, king of the gambling fraternity and close ally of the Kelly-Nash machine. Skidmore already is indicted for in- come tax evasion, and it now ldoks as if word had been passed down the line that he was to be put on the altar to appease public opinion, instead of Moe Annenberg. ilurp AY Is Adamant THESE developments 'have been a source of worry to the Justice Department For if there is an ar- Graduate Students are invited tot listen to a broadcast of the operaI "Boris Godounow" in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building to- day at 1:30 p.m. Coming Eventst German Faculty Table: The regu- lar luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p'm. in the Found- ers' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interested in speak- ing German are cordially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Prof. Benjamin Wheeler on, "Fin-} land." American Chemical Society: - Dean< E. H. Kraus will lecture on "The Va-l riation of- Hardness in the DiamondI in Terms of its Crystal Structure" on1 Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The annual business meeting willfollow the lecture. Acolytes meeting, Monday, Dec. 11, Rackham building. Mr. F. R. Bi- chowsky: "Method in Philosophy." Research Club meeting Wednesday,+ Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers by Prof. T. S. Lovering on "The Origin of the Tung- sten Ores in Colorado" and Prof. P. W. Slosson on "The Definition of Dictatorship." There will be a vote on a candidate for membership. Council meeting in Rackham Assem- bly Hall at 7:30 p.m. Junior Mathematical Society meet- ing in Room 3201 Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening, Dec. 11. Mr. Wadey will discuss and operate sev- eral "Mathematical Instruments." Re- freshments. Eta Kappa Nu meeting in the Mich- igan Union on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. Those wishing to eat in a group will meet at 6:30. Detuscher Ver*ein annual Christmas party at the Michigan League Mon- day night, Dec. 11, at 7:30. Each one