Weather Fair and somewhat warmer toam. Jr 5k 43rn~at ~Iat Editorial War Sentiment 1914 And. . 1939. VOL. . No. 65 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 9, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russian Drive AlongKarelian Front Halted, FinnsReport German Submarine Sunk, British Claim; Merchant Two Little Maids At The Soph Cabaret Vessels Leave Finland Hungarians Rush Border Defenses WITH THE FINNISH ARMY on the Karelian Front, Dec. 8.-()- Stubbornly resisting Finns have halted 200,000 Russians and disabled 100 Red tanks hurled at their Kare- lian Isthmus defenses but gave ground on two other fronts during the day,' Finnish commanders re- ported tonight. Red Army troops trying to reach the Mannerheim Line, a water de- fense system across the Karelian Isthmus, were turned back with es- pecially heavy fighting on the eastern sector along the Tapale River, an army communique said. In the Gulf of Finland the Finns said the Russians occupied Suursaari (Hoglund) Island after seven days of shelling and bombing. (A Moscow communique said the Russians occu- pied the island four days ago.) Villages on the island were said to have been leveled by the Soviet big guns and air bombs. The island's defenders, however, made their es- cape, the communique said. On the central front, the Finns an- nounced that Finnish forces were forced to. withdraw from Suomus- salmi, village about 15 miles from the frontier.. Russian calculations of Finnish weakness have miscarried because the Finns will "fight to the end-even after the end," Prime Minister Risto Ryti declared tonight in a nation- wide broadcast. BI&ckade Of Finland Inauguratl By Russia COPINHAGEN, Dec. 8. -')- Scandinavian merchant fleets beat a hasty retreat from Finnish ports to- night on the heels of Soviet Russia's declaration of a blockade of the Fin- nish coast, supplementing her at- tack by land, sea and air. The naval blockade, however, only hastens by a few weeks the suspen- sion of shipments every year due to the great ice blockade which cripples navigation in the Bothnia and Fin- nish gulfs. The Russian blockade was an- nounced as effective at noon today, but neutral ships were given until noon tomorrow to leave the blockaded zone. After that, Russia warned, the waters would be "dangerous for shipping."' Hungary Strengthened By Carpathian Defenses BUDAPEST, Dec. 8.-(P)-Forti- fications are being constructed at top speed in the Carpathian mountains by Hungary as the countries of south- eastern Europe watch Soviet Rus- sia's campaign in Finland for an in- dication of what their own fate may be. The mountains form the new fron- tier between Hungarian Ruthenia- the easternimost province of Czecho- Slovakia before that republic's dis- memberment-and the Russian-oc-; supied part of Poland. Cement is almost unobtainable in Budapest because of the defense work. A strong feeling runs through southeastern Europe that if Russia should attain her ends in Finland she may turn in this direction in the spring. Steps therefore are being taken to meet any such possibility. Agnes Crow, general chairman of Sophomore Cabaret, and Margot Thom, hostess chairman, admire the Michigan Daily's cabaret exhibit of old files and mechanical equipment. * * * * Twelfth Soph Cabaret Attracts More Than 1,500 To Opening "Winter Wonderland," twelfth an- nual showing of Soph Cabaret, re- plete with booths, entertainment, ex- hibitions and 230 beautiful hostesses, opened with a smash last night in the League, playing to a crowd esti- mated at more than 1,500. Soph Cabaret will be presented again from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m. to midnight today. Proceeds from "Winter Wonder- land" will be turned over to the Crippled Children's Benefit Commit- tee, which will in turn make these funds available to University Hospital officials to provide necessary cor- rective Itreatment for crippled indi- gent children whose opportunities for medical care have been sharply cur- tailed, Agnes Crow, .,'42,. general chairman, said yesterday. A winter sports clothes exhibit by a Detroit concern, a display of copper and brass articles which were brought to the United States by refugees, a Daily exhibit of papers-including pre- war and war-time issues and an American Student Union peep-hole show with cartoons of various phases of college life were featured among the booths and exhibits sponsored by more than 28 campus and local or- ganizations. Singing by Patricia O'Ferrell, '42, Japan Passes Record Budget New Taxes Are Levied To Carry On War TOKYO, Dec. 8.-(P-The Cabinet Council today approved the largest budget in Japan's history in prepara- tion for the fourth year of the unde- clared war in China, a war which many Japanese had expected to win in six months. The council approved a 1940-41 general budget of 10,360,000,000 yen (approximately $2,427,657,500), of which 6,767,000,000 yen ($1,583,478,- 000, or approximately 65 per cent, is for Japan's army anci navy. The new budget, the fifth successive record budget for Japan, is approxi- mately 1,100,000,000 yen (about $257,000,000) over that of last year and calls for new, taxation. New levies include three sen (about one-fourth of a cent) on a cup of coffee costing 20 sen (about four and1 a half cents) and a 10 per cent tax on meals costing three yen (about; 75 cents and taxes on cats and gold- fish). Maxine Bertocci, '41SM, and Bill Gram, '41, a solo toe dance by Mil- dred Radford, '42, a chorus and ballet number, in which the theme song of the Cabaret, "Winterland Wonder- land" was sung, highlighted the floor show, given at both afternoon and evening presentations. The floor show will be given at 4:30 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. today. Mountains, a white ceiling .and two huge snowballs suspended from chandeliers helped transform the League ballroom into a skating rink. Two hundred thirty girls acted as hostesses to provide partners for stags. Woody Mack and his orches- tra furnished music for dancing. Ruth Barber, '40, fortune-teller,j attracted many with her four-minute palm readings. "Prize packages" were sold at the grab bag booth. Free movies of the State-Michigan foot- ball game were shown yesterday. Today's free movies will be of the Ohio State-Michigan game.- Refreshments were sold in the main dining room which was con-! verted into an igloo for Soph Cabaret. Today's attendance has more than equalled any record set for first day crowds at Soph Cabaret in 12 years, Rosebud Scott, '42, ticket chairman said. More than 28 campus and com- munity groups have pledged their support in a campaign to sell 6,000 tickets for the benefit performances of Soph Cabaret, and it is the Com- mittee's aim to reach that goal, she asserted. All booths and displays will he dis- mantled after midnight today, Louise Keatley, '42, chairman of booths and displays said. All presidents of houses and organizations sponsoring booths are requested to call for their ma- terial, - Be A Goodfellow Handels 'Messiah' To Be Performed Handel's "Messiah," featuring four well-known soloists from New York, will be given in a-complimentary per- formance at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium as the traditional Christ- mas presentation of the University Musical Society. The four singers - Joan Peebles, contralto, William Hain, tenor, Beal Hober, soprano, and Theodore Webb, baritone-will be joined by Prof. Pal- mer Christian at the organ, the Chor- al Union chorus and the University Symphony Orchestra ui.der the direc- tion of Thor Johnson. U.S.- Disputes British Rights InExport Ban Russia To Be Held Liable For American Losses In Blockade Of Finns English Blockade Is Termed Illegal WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-(P)-The United States disputed today Great Britain's right to seize German ex- ports indiscriminately and also served notice that Russia would be held li- able for any losses suffered by Ameri- cans as a result of a blockade of Fin- land. The reservation of American rights under Britain's expanded blockade of Germany was lodged when the Amer- ican Embassy delivered to the British Foreign Office a note contending that it was a violation of international law for Britain to stop German exports to the United States through neutral ports. The note told Britain that the mea- sures of a belligerent "may not right- fully be carried to the point of en- larging the rights of a belligerent over neutral vessels and their cargoes, or of otherwise penalizing neutral states or their nationals in connection with their legitimate activities." As to Russia's blockade of Finland, Secretary Hull said at his press con- ference that this government would make reservations of all rights to damages or compensation for any injuries to or interference with Amer- ican rights or interests. Each such case, he said, would be dealt with as it arose. The note to Britain was based both on points of international law and on practical qposiderations. The latter were two: 1. "In many instances orders for goods of German origin have been placed by American nationals for which they have made payment in whole or in part or have otherwise obligated themselves." 2. "In other instances the goods purchased or which might be pur- chased cannot readily, if at all, be duplicated. -- Goodfellows-Monday - Frtosh, Senior Dance Petitions Are Due Today " Jections Set For Dec. 13; Business School Posts Also To Be Filled Then Petitions for election of Frosh Frolic and Senior Ball committee rembers and officers of the Business Administration School must be in the hands of the Men's Judiciary Coun- cil today, Carl Wheeler, '40E, remind- ed interested students yesterday. Petitions should consist of a 200- word statement of the candidate's ( abilities and 25 signatures of mem- bers of the candidates school and class. Petitions must be turned in at the student offices of the League and Union. the judiciary group will sit in con- sideration of the petitions tomorrow, he said, and announcement of inter- views will be made later in the week. There is a possibility that no inter- views will be required. Balloting for the three groups will be held next Wednesday. Later an- nouncements of specific voting places will be made. Peter Brown, '41, of the Union staff will be in charge of the balloting. Wheeler pointed out to freshmen that, under a new coun- cil ruling, students of classes starting with '43 would be allowed only one position as a dance committee man in their four years of school. Potential candidates were reminded of the rules of these elections. In the business school election, one vote per position will be allowed and in the dance balloting, only one vote per person. - Goodieikows--Monday -- Law (olm-ufuees For Ball Named Committees for Crease Ball, an- nual lawyers' dance, and general affairs were announced yesterday by Harris J. Gram, president of the senior class of the Law School. Those elected to Crease Ball Ex- ecutive Committee are: Charles Humphrey and John Owens, co- chairmen and Daniel Cremin, Irving Edelberg, Robert Elliott. Mrs. Mar- tha ,Mrifil m Vnioo, e-+ -n 1 By LARRY ALLENI Michigan's once-beaten hockey forces will meet McMaster Universi- ty's perennially strong sextet tonight at the Coliseum after the basketball game in an effort to balance the books with their initial entry on the win side of the ledger. Now a proven quantity despite their loss at the hands of London A.C., the Wolverines have rid them-' selves of their early traces of stage fright, and tonight will face the Canadian invaders a highly improved and relaxed squad. No Easy Task Ahead But despite their raised hopes, the Lowreymen will find it no easy task to reap their first victory at the ex- pense of Ossie Stewart's Maroons squad from Hamilton, Ontario. The Baptists from across the border re- turn this season missing only two men, Ken McAdam and Bob Burt, from the starting lineup that last year held Michigan to a 2-2 overtime tie. The absence of Ken McAdam, husky first-line center will be keenly felt by McMaster. McAdam was the Maroons' chief scoring threat all last year, and was responsible for both of his team's goals against' Michigan. Henderson Is Moved Henderson has been moved up from his -enter position on Coach Stew- art's second line to fill McAdam's shoes, and sets up the plays for his two fast wings, Verdun Wendorf and Al Burt. Wendorf played on the first line last year, but Burt was moved up to fill the vacancy left by the graduation of his brother Bob. The visitors' main strength lies in defensemen Neil Boyd and Herb Leal who last year spiked Michigan's offense with their fine work, and left their six-foot goal tender Fred (Continued on Page 3)" -Goodfellows-Monday - Women Attend Ohio Discussion Talks On Suppression Feature Meeting Four Michigan women are taking part today in the second day's round- table discusion by Big Ten schools of the suppression of anti-democratic institutions in the United States. The discussion is being held at Ohio State University. Jane Krause, '41, Jean Maxted, '41, Mary Martha Taylor, '42, and Jane Sapp, '41, will represent Michigan in today's activities. Mrs. Frederic 0. Crandall of the speech depart- ment, coach of women debaters, ac- companied the team to Columbus. This is the only debate activity for women scheduled for this semester, Canadians Have Powerful Defense; Only Two Men Are Lost By Graduation Ice Tilt To Follow Basketball Game Varsity Ca gers To Open Against Spartans Today; Puckmen Play MeMaster Back In Harness If Capt. Jim Rae has recovered from early season injuries, the Wol- verne pivot man will probably pace the Michigan basketball squad in its battle with State. Santa Claus To Visit 5,000 Kids At Party By WILLIAM ElMER Santa Claus is coming to Ann Arbor. Yes, sir. Five thousand Ann Arbor school kids are expecting him, and so he has consented to make a special pre-Christmas appearance at the Interfraternity Council's second annual Party at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. But, just to make sure that there will be plenty of candy and ice cream to go around, the Council has pre- pared for many more than 5,000. Last year, frantic appeals for more refreshments had to be made at the last minute, for they had only planned on 2,000 . . . and 4,7001 showed up. Last year, Santa was here, too. Hill Auditorium was gaily bedecked with Christmas trees, vari-colored lights, streamers and fraternity pledges with pots. To the delight of the kids, after a good half hour of songs and music by the University Band and Glee Club, and a display of professional, magic, suddenly the house lights dimmed and Mickey Mouse flashed on a special screen. Several cherubic tots interviewed at the time said, "Gee, it's swell, and I never had such a good time." Elated by the success of the party, the Council decided it should be an annual event,. and preparations for this year's party are well toward completion. The Interfraternity Council room in the Union is packed full of cellophane bags stuffed with candy, apples, candy kisses and a host of other delicacies, Rivalry Edge To Michigan; Spartan Ace F o r c e d Out WithLeg Injury State Is Favored To Take Opener By CHRIS VIZAS Michigan will send a small, fast, clever ball handling squad against a favored Michigan State basketball team, which possess height as well as speed, when it opens the 1939-40 season tonight in the Field House at 7:30. The teams will renew a 30-year old court rivalry in which the Wol- verines hold a decided edge with 26 victories as against 13 defeats, and for the past eight years they have been playing on a home-and-home basis in which the East Lansing boys have not enjoyed much success hav- ing lost six ou~t of ten tilts. In the last four years State has won only one contest, a 41-35 victory in 1938, and last year dropped both games to othe Wolverines. After be- ing given a slight edge to take the initial game of the season, State lost, 41-34, and the second tilt, 30-25. Another Jake Townsend? For this reason Coach Ben Van Alstyne is inclined to doubt that Michigan should be picked as the underdog 'by the experts. He fears that Coach Bennie Oosterbaan will pull another Jake Townsend out of the bag. Plans of Van Alstyne to put an-all veteran squad on the floor were up- set when a leg injury suffered by forward Bob Phillips caused altera- tion of the line-up. However, four of the Spartan start- ers, forwards Marty Hutt and Bob Phillips, center Max Hindman, and guards Chester Aubuchon and Max Dalrymple, saw ;action againstther Wolverines last year in the opener. Hutt led the State attack with eight points. Cartmill To Start Heading the Michigan quintet will be Captain and center Jim Rae, with Bill Cartmill and Mike Sofiak at the forward posts, and Charlie Pink and Herb Brogan at guards. It is more than likely that the squad will go as Rae does. If he falters, the Wolver- ine attack will probably bog down. But, Coach Oosterbaan is confi- dent that Rae and the rest of the starting line-up will be able to go the entire game without relief if necessary, which indicates that the captain is in good condition. Rae has been slow rounding into shape due to an arm injury sustained in the early weeks of practice, and he also took it easy in order to prevent the recurrence of a back injury which kept him out for the greater part of last year's campaign. It may be that the regulars will have to go the limit, since two of the Wolverines most capable re- serves, Joe Glasser and Dave Wood, may not see action, although they will be in uniform. Glasser will be (Continued on Page 3) Good fellows' Drive T o Begin Here Monday With the belief, that case histories best illustrate the needs met by the Goodfellow Fund, Mrs. Gordon W. Brevoort secretary of the Family Welfare Bureau here, yesterday cited, several instances in which she claimed outside assistance aided the individual to attain a well-balanced happier life. The fifth annual Goodfellow drive, headed by an all-campus executive committee of 25 student leaders, be- gins its one-day campaign Monday with the sale of a special edition of The Daily. 'Mrs. Brevoort outlined the follow- ing cases as examples of the work that can be accomplished by outside aid: Last week on the outside of town, social workers discovered a house built of refrigerator packing boxes in which lived a young man and wife and their child, six years old. The husband, formerly employed SaFsklled merhanic has gradually Diplomats Are In Good Position To Act As Spies, Davis Declares a Four Out Of Five' To Be Title Of 1940 Michigan Union Opera German Submarine Five British Vessels Sunk; Lost LONDON, Dec. 8.- (R) - Great Britain announced tonight her air bombers sank one German submarine and attacked another with apparent success during a day in which a speedy new British destroyer was damaged by a German torpedo and five British merchant vessels were lost. Eighty-four men died in the sink- ings. The British air ministry said that Royal Air Force bombers credited with sinking one German submarine then attacked another U-boat and that subsequently "Patches of oil ap- na ro ~ By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN Diplomatic representatives often find themselves in good positions to carry on espionage activities, Prof.' Charles M. Davis of the geography department declared yesterday in an interview. Commenting upon suspicions of spying aroused by the slaying Thurs- day of the first secretary of the Ger- man embassy in Washington, Profes- sor Davis, for many years interested in espionage as a hobby, described devious opportunities for such activi- ties open to diplomats. In this country, as in others, he explained, a spy ring must have a kind of "clearing house" for its stolen information. It just isn't feasible, he added, for each individual spy to !4 r his, v am .li fr-lt c rlirr f added. A spy's value is greatly in- creased if that spy has been granted diplomatic immunity, he explained. Any papers sent in the usual "diplo- matic sealed pouch" are ordinarily free from search and seizure, he said. Mata Hari, of course, was caught through inspection of an ordinarily immune "diplomatic sealed pouch," Professor Davis recalled. Even diplo4 matic codes can be broken down, he added. For the very reason that diploma- tic immunity cannot always be relied upon to transmit stolen secrets, al- ternative methods are always used, he observed. As an example, Profes- sor Davis pointed out the recent ap- pnhending of a German t iring By HERVIE HAUFLER Ostensibly, the Union Opera was going to contribute to the Soph Cab- aret an exhibit consisting of a magic lantern and pictures of the stars of old Operas. When the Opera set up its display,, however, there in the center of it was a flagrantly large and brilliant copy of the picture that had been rubbing the women's egos the wrong way for the past week. The picture showed four shapely and beautiful girls. They were not, however, the centerpiece. They mere- ly formed the background for the dramatic entrance of a fifth girl, a saddle-shoed coed whose smile al- alowed a number of buck teeth to planation, were "Mimes Presents the Michigan Union Opera, 'Four out of Five,' Feb. 28 to March 2, Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre." Authoritative circles last night in- terpreted the Opera's just announced title as a direct diplomatic affront to the women, who have been clamoring for parts in the Opera, traditionally an all-male production. For "Four Out of Five" suggests ex-footballer Jack Brennan's quip that made Michigan women nation- ally notorious-"Four out of five girls are beautiful, and the fifth one comes to Michigan." Irate women, realizing the impli- cations of the picture, almost de- feated the Opera's publicity cam- nnrr f hi. , , ,. lr W n f,' . rl-p r